Lucas Piazon [~] Kiss of a Stranger

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For lolla0001: Lucas Piazon

You decided that it would be a good idea to get out and walk around London. You were here on business but that didn't mean that you had to be at the office or doing work the whole time. The London air was cool and the sky grey. There would be most certainly showers at some point that day, so you put on your rain coat just in case.

Stepping out of the hotel, you didn't really have a plan on where to go. Deciding to just wing it, you took a left and started down the road. Your boots narrowly missed a giant puddle as you realized that it had started to rain. Shrugging on the hood of your jacket, you shoved your hands into your pockets before walking around the puddle and down the street more.

The London flow didn't seem affected by the rain, as you continued to walk through the streets. The cold air became colder and you started to shiver slightly. Turning around a corner, your shoe started to slide, causing you to let out a startled screech. Your screech was soon silenced when you collided with someone else on the street, your lips connecting.

Your eyes wide open in shock, you jumped away from the also startled man. Wiping your mouth, you locked eyes with him. "Sorry about that," you stuttered, rubbing the back of your neck awkwardly.

"It's not a problem," he replied. "I guess if I kissed you already, I might as well introduce myself. I'm Lucas," he introduced, extending his hand.

"(Y/N). Sorry, I usually don't kiss random guys on the street. The street was wet and I kind of slipped into you. And well, you get the picture," you laughed nervously, shaking his outstretched hand.

"Yeah, I'm getting used to the constant rain myself. It's a bit different from home," Lucas stated.

"Where are you from? You don't have an English accent or anything," you questioned, shoving your hands into your pocket.

"Brazil, São Paulo to be exact," he said.

"I'm sure this is very different then from where you're from. I'm not a Londoner either, I'm just here on business," you responded.

"I'd love to continue this conversation, but I have to run. Do you want to switch numbers? I mean, we already hit first base, might as well exchange numbers," Lucas shrugged, a smile on his face.

"I'd like that," you smiled. The two of you typed your names and numbers into each other's phones before you went you separate ways. The two of you texted a few times over the next week, though Lucas said he was always busy with his job, though he never mentioned his exact occupation to you. Your business trip was about to end and you were on your way to the airport.

After you got your luggage checked and everything, you waited by your gate for your plane to come in. Looking around for an open outlet for you to charge your phone, you kneeled down to peer around chairs. Looking around a corner, your lips connected with another pair. Pulling back, extremely surprised, you relaxed when it was Lucas.

"We have to stop meeting like this," he chuckled.

"Agreed," you laughed. The two of you plugged in your chargers and Lucas offered you the seat next to him. "So what brings you to the airport?"

"I got a week off work, so I'm heading to Brazil for a week," Lucas replied. "You?"

"My business trip to London is over. Heading home," you shrugged. The intercom came on, announcing your flight. "That's my flight, better get to the gate. It was nice seeing you again, Lucas," you smiled, standing up. Grabbing your bag, you stood up and collected your phone and charger. Looking up to say good bye to Lucas, you felt a now familiar pair of lips on your own.

Closing your eyes, you leaned into the kiss. The two of you pulled away, a blush on your cheeks. "That one wasn't a mistake," Lucas whispered in your ear, sending shivers down your spine.

"Final call for flight 278," the attendant said through the intercom.

"I have to go," you rushed, hurrying to the gate. Handing the attendant the ticket, Lucas shouted at you.

"(Y/N), wait!"


"Do you believe in love at first sight?"

"I do now!" you winked, before the attendant rushed you into the tunnel. You blew one last kiss at Lucas before hurrying to the plane. You and Lucas constantly texted, Skyped, etc. You were due back for another visit to London a month later for business once more. Your work liked to send you often because you were bottom of the food chain and had no husband or kids to leave behind.

Walking towards the baggage claim, you spotted a familiar face leaning on the wall. A huge smile overtook your face before you sprinted towards him, pushing through the crowded London area. Breaking through the crowd, you dropped your bag and jumped into Lucas's awaiting arms. He lifted you up in a twirl as you placed a kiss on his lips. Setting you on the ground, the two of you were forced to remove your lips from each other's to grab your bags.

Lucas offered to carry them but you insisted that you were able to drag them behind you. Reaching the car, Lucas loaded the bags into the car before driving off. "My hotels off of this exit," you stated, pointing at the exit sign.

"You're not staying at a hotel. I cancelled your reservation," Lucas replied like it was a completely normal conversational piece.

"Then where exactly am I going to sleep? The gutter?"

"I was thinking something more along the lines of my spare bedroom. It's on a completely different floor than my bedroom and has a lock on the door," Lucas said. You nodded and silently admired how he didn't want to rush you into things by forcing you to sleep with him. Though the hotel reservation cancellation would have been a good heads up. "We're not moving too fast, are we?"

"We're moving fine. I mean, we kissed as strangers. Frankly, we're lucky we weren't drunk at a party when we met," you joked. Others criticized your relationship because the two of you were young and it seemed like you guys were rushing things. That is, until you and Lucas reached your five year wedding anniversary. And then your tenth, your twentieth, and your fiftieth.

A.N. Sergi Roberto next!

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