Erik Durm [~] Graveyard Shift

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Working night shifts at a café was not how you imagined your years at college to be. Then again, you had hoped that your parents would actually help you pay for college. The bill sitting on your table in your apartment said differently. Sighing, you continued reading through the book. You were working towards becoming a physical therapist.

The bell rung, signifying someone came into the café. You slid the book to the side and turned to look at the person who had walked through the door. Glancing at the clock, you read the time three am. The guy turned to look at you. He was cute, you gave him that much. He had blond hair which was gelled up and swept to the side. His eyes were crystalline and his cheeks looked naturally pink.

"Can I help you?" you asked, leaning over the counter.

"Uh, yeah," the guy said. He glanced over the menu behind you before ordering a coffee.

"That'll be $3.89," you stated, ringing him up. He handed you the money and you handed him back his change. "Name?"

"Erik," he replied.

"It'll just be a few seconds, Erik," you stated, turning to work at the counter. You easily made the coffee and walked over to the other countertop. Ringing the bell, you called Erik over. He smiled at you and took the coffee from your hands.

"Thank you," he said. You returned to the register and picked up your textbook, continuing your notes. As you finished the chapter, Erik reappeared at the desk.

"Yes?" you asked.

"What are you reading?" he questioned.

"Human Anatomy: The Muscular System," you stated, checking the cover.

"You're a student?"

"Yeah, at the university down the street. I'm studying to be a physical therapist," you responded.

"Cool, you're an undergrad?"

"Yeah, twenty one year's young," you smiled. "What do you do?"

"Play football," he said.

"For a college? Or are you one of those guys who just passes a ball around in the park?"

"Neither actually," he replied, "Ever heard of Borussia Dortmund?"

"I grew up watching them," you stated, "but I haven't watched any matches in years. I've been too busy with school and work."

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