Rafinha Alcantara [~] Wedding Day

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For teamrafinha: Rafinha Alcantara

Pulling on her wedding dress, Brenda smiled at the mirror. She held up the bodice as her maid of honor laced it up. Her makeup had been done beautifully so. It wasn't a lot of makeup, but Rafinha always said that she looked most beautiful with her dorky glasses on and no makeup on in one of his jerseys. Her hair was pulled back in a semi up do. Her mother added the veil and she was the complete bride.

"Rafinha is one lucky man," her mother smiled, holding back her tears.

"Mom, don't cry. If you cry, I'm going to cry too and ruin my makeup," Brenda laughed, trying to hold back the tears of happiness.

"Oh, a bride shouldn't be crying on her wedding day. I'll stop, it's just . . . you're my baby," Brenda's mother smiled, pulling her daughter into a tight hug. "I'll be watching, don't trip now," were her mother's last words before she walked out of the room, leaving Brenda to herself. A knock emanated from the door and Brenda walked over to open it.

Upon seeing that it was her soon-to-be-husband, she slammed the door in his face. "Well that was rude," Rafinha joked. The two were able to talk through the door.

"Did you see my dress?" Brenda squeaked.

"No, you were too fast. Can I see it?"

"NO! It's bad luck!" Brenda reminded Rafinha.

"It's not bad luck, that's just superstition."

"It's bad luck for the groom to see the bride in her wedding dress before she walks down the aisle. I told you that ten thousand times before, Raf. Were you not listening to me?"

"Probably not," Rafinha admitted. "I'll be waiting for you at the end of the aisle. The handsome guy in the tux standing next to the priest is me. Don't get cold feet," Rafinha called through the door before his footsteps could be heard leaving the area. Brenda sighed in relief that he hadn't seen her dress. Her father knocked on the door.

"Let's go, Brenda. It's time to walk down the aisle," he father said through the wooden door. Opening up the door, Brenda stepped out of her dressing room. Her father smiled, taking in her appearance fully. "You look beautiful," he smiled, tearing up himself.

"Why is everyone crying? You're all going to make me cry," Brenda hugged her father tightly.

"You know you can always turn around and run away. We'll take you back—"

"—Dad," Brenda whined playfully, pulling away from the hug.

"Alright, alright. Well, no sense in keeping them waiting," Brenda's father stated, hooking arms with Brenda. The doors were opened and the father-daughter duo walked down the aisle slowly. Brenda was nervous, as every bride was, and looked around for a place where she could train her eyes so that she wouldn't make awkward eye contact with everyone. Locking eyes with Rafinha, her smile deepened.

He looked quite handsome in his tux, standing next to the priest. The aisle ended and Rafinha grabbed her left hand. Giving his daughter one last kiss on the cheek, Brenda's father walked to the pews and the guests sat down. The priest talked on and on and on but the only thing, or only person for that matter, that the soon-to-be newlyweds were paying attention to were each other.

The vows were said. Rings were placed on fingers and the whole congregation was buzzing with excitement to here that iconic statement. "It is at this time that I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride," the priest stated. Rafinha and Brenda smiled, locking lips instantly, Rafinha dipping during their kiss. The crowd cheered as the couple righted themselves.

As they descended the few stairs back to the aisle, Rafinha wrapped a strong arm around the back of Brenda's knees, successfully carrying her down the aisle bridal style, not even breaking stride or pace in the slightest. The reception soon occurred, and the new couple made their first appearance together, golden wedding rings reflecting the lights. Thiago grabbed the microphone and walked up next to the DJ set up. "It is at this time that I invite the bride and groom to share their first dance as a married couple. This should be a very familiar song for the married couple because this is the song that played as they had their first kiss. It's 'Kiss the Girl'," Thiago finished, Rafinha shooting his brother a thumbs up before leading Brenda to the center of the dance floor.

Resting his hands on her waist as Brenda rested her arms around his neck, Rafinha nodded to the DJ to start the track. The familiar song blasted through the speakers. The newlyweds locked eyes throughout the song, Rafinha giving Brenda a quick peck every time 'kiss the girl' was said. They just rocked back and forth in the center of the dance floor as the tune slowly faded. Placing one last searing kiss on her lips, Rafinha smiled into the kiss as the crowd of their family and friends broke into cheers.

Pulling away breathless, the newlyweds rested their foreheads on each other's. Others joined them on the dance floor, and they danced the night away. The food was delicious and it came time for the cake to be cut. Feeding each other a piece of cake, Rafinha put a bit of frosting on Brenda's nose, before placing a sugary kiss on the tip of her nose. Brenda giggled as the two were handed napkins.

Then came the fun. The bouquet and garter toss. First up was the garter toss. All the young men stood at the end of the dance floor as Rafinha ducked under Brenda's skirts. Placing a kiss on her inner thigh, enticing a shiver, Rafinha bit down on the garter, dragging it off his wife's leg by his teeth. Blushing bride had a whole new meaning after he appeared out from under her skirts with the garter in between his teeth. Rafinha turned around and tossed it over his shoulder. Thiago ended up catching it, though he had to just about jump on top of Neymar to do so.

Brenda turned her back to the bustling group of women. Placing a hand over her eyes, she tossed the bouquet backwards and straight into Thiago's girlfriend's awaiting hand. Thiago and his girlfriend shared a look as his mother muttered that they'd be going through a whole other wedding in a year's time. Rafinha and Brenda bid their families and friends goodbye before they made their exit.

Arriving at the hotel in Brazil, the duo collapsed on the bed. "That was the best night of my entire life," Brenda smiled, turning on her side to look at her new husband.

"It's about to get even better," Rafinha wiggled his eyebrows, climbing on top of Brenda before reconnecting their lips in a hungry approach.

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