Marc Bartra (Part 2) [~] Contracted Love

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You were now the power couple of Europe, by the time of the one and a half year anniversary of your fake relationship though everything wasn't going smoothly behind the scenes. Your feelings for Marc continued to grow, though you suppressed them. One night you went over to his house, you knocked on the door but after waiting for a few minutes, you let yourself in. Shrugging off your coat and shoes, you looked around the house. It seemed vacant but Marc's car was in the driveway.

                Walking around quietly, you looked around the house for Marc. The TV was on, which you turned off and the oven was still warm, which told you that Marc had been here recently. Walking up the stairs cautiously, you heard muffled noises. Confused, you continued up the stairs, staring down the long hallway. Your feet padded lightly on the floor as you walked down the hall.

                The noise got louder the closer you got to the master bedroom. The door was ajar and you peeked inside. The sight broke your heart; Marc and some girl you didn't recognize lay in bed, their clothes scattered around the floor. Backing up, you rushed out the door. You quickly drove away, heading back to your own home. Parking the car, you couldn't help but be disappointed.

                "Stop it, (Y/N). It's a fake relationship, remember. He can do whatever he wants with whoever he wants and so can you," you sighed to yourself. Cursing the defender, you got out of the car and walked into your own home. Sitting on the couch, you grabbed a tub of ice cream and just watch TV like the loser you were. In the middle of a scene, you got a phone call from Martha. "Hello?"

                "Your European tour has been finalized, I'll send you the dates and other information," she stated.

                "Okay, thanks," you replied.

                "It's only six months. But during that time Marc has to show up to at least one of the concerts. The press are getting suspicious about your relationship." You rolled your eyes. "You guys have to stop being robotic, just let it happen."

                "Yeah, yeah, okay bye," you huffed, ending the call. Throwing your phone to the side, you got up and stretched. Your tour started the following month. Before it started, you and Marc hung out more to throw off the press. You left for London but Marc stayed behind for Barcelona stuff. You toured Europe, enjoying seeing the different cities and countries but you missed Spain.

                Marc showed up to some of your shows and you two always left together, as the paparazzi snapped away photos of the two of you. As your tour ended, you got a call from Martha. "Yes?" you asked.

                "We have a proposal for the two of you. Meet us in my room," Martha stated before hanging up. You sighed and told Marc what was going on. Grabbing your hand, Marc led the way to Martha's room, knocking on the door. "Good, you're both here, come in," Martha smiled.

                You two walked in and sat down. Pedro was already there. "Hello Marc, (Y/N)."

                "Pedro," you nodded. You two looked at your respective managers as Pedro pulled something out of his coat pocket. Placing it on the coffee table, he pushed it towards the two of you. Hesitantly, you picked it up and looked inside. Gasping, you stared down at the diamond ring.

                "We think the two of you should get married," Pedro stated.

                "What?" Marc asked, looking over at the ring.

                "You guys have been together for almost three years now," Martha implied. "Everyone's expecting you two to get married sooner or later."

                "I'd prefer later," Marc sighed.

                "Whichever you prefer, it has to happen soon otherwise the press will get suspicious again," Pedro said.

                "Why not? I mean we've put this show on for three years now, might as well have an encore," you replied dryly, looking at the ring distastefully. Martha and Pedro looked at Marc expectantly.

                "Fine," Marc growled out.


                "—But, I have one condition," you interrupted. "I want a different ring. This thing looks like it should be in a museum, just get a simple one from the jewelry store on the corner."

                "Fine, we'll get you a new ring and start planning this wedding," Martha clapped her hands together before ushering the two of you out. Marc was silent and refused to talk for the rest of the tour. You sighed and ignored him, instead focusing on the finale of your tour, which happened in Barcelona. After a great performance, you went to your own home.

                The wedding was coming fast and you got to work packing up your stuff. Marc lived in a 'better neighborhood' as Martha had put it so you had to move out. You weren't really sad about it. You were always too busy to even use the house half the time and there were few memories there. You gradually stacked boxes by the door, until moving day came around.

                With your new ring shining in the Spanish sun, you watched as the movers moved all of your belongings into the truck before driving away. Picking up the remainder of items, you shoved them into your car before heading towards Marc house. The movers delivered the stuff you would need to Marc's house, returning everything else to storage.

                You and Marc greeted each other as a loving couple so that the moving people wouldn't be suspicious and started to unpack. Silence ensued. "So, how was moving?" Marc awkwardly asked.

                "Normal I guess. Sad to see the house go but didn't really use it all that much anyways," you replied. What you were really going to miss was the solidarity your own home brought you. With all the stress your job and this fake relationship put on you, you just needed a space of your own where you could go clear your head.

                After you were moved in, Marc started talking to you more. When you asked him why he simply smiled, shrugged his shoulders and replied, "Well I'm getting married soon. Might want to be able to have a conversation with my bride-to-be. You liked this Marc. This Marc was kind and didn't give you the cold shoulder every three seconds. You just hoped this Marc was here to stay.

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