Marc Bartra vs. Neymar [~] Which One?

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For MMalik1: Neymar vs. Marc Bartra

A.N. Inspired by my struggle between carpooling with two friends that hate each other. Insert Jaws music.

Luna walked into the event. It was being hosted by Antonella and Lionel to celebrate their second child's birth. Luna had gotten close with Antonella after having attended numerous Barcelona games supporting her two best friends: Neymar and Marc Bartra. It didn't take a fool to see the territorial looks Neymar and Marc would shoot each other whenever Luna was around. And Luna was no fool.

Stepping into the hall, Luna smiled at the grandeur of the place. It was an exclusive party and the boys would most likely be kicking around a football at some point that night. Looking around for Neymar or Marc, Luna couldn't find either of them. She then decided to go and greet Antonella and Leo, before once again starting her search for them.

She bumped into Sergi and Dani Alves, so Neymar and Marc shouldn't be that far. Weaving through more guests, Luna finally spotted Neymar. "Hey," she smiled, greeting him with a hug.

"Hey," Neymar replied, hugging you back. "You look beautiful."

"Thanks, a few of the WAGs took me out shopping last week. Do you like it?" Luna asked, twirling in her dress.

"I love it, though it doesn't nearly encompass the beauty of the girl that's wearing it," Neymar smiled, making you start to sweat.

"Luna!" a voice called from behind her. Turning around, Luna spotted Marc. "Nice to see you," the Spaniard greeted, pulling Luna into a hug.

"You too, Marc," Luna hugged back. Pulling away from the hug, she immediately felt the tension in between Neymar and Marc. "So what do you guys want to do?"

"We can go dance," Neymar suggested, grabbing Luna's hand and leading her to the dance floor.

"O-O-Ok," Luna stuttered, sending one last glance back at Marc. Marc's eyes narrowed and his fists clenched as he watched Neymar drag Luna away. The song was relatively slow and Neymar placed his hands on Luna's waist as she wrapped hers around his neck.

"So, how's life?" Neymar asked, leading.

"It's good. Works a pain in the butt, but good. How's Davi?"

"He's great. Haven't seen him in a while but he's flying in next week."

"That's good," Luna responded. The two danced peacefully for a minute until someone tapped Luna's shoulder. Turning around, Luna smiled at Marc. "Hey."

"Hey, Anna was looking for you. She said it was urgent," Marc stated, sending a glance at Neymar.

"Ok, I owe you a dance later, Neymar," Luna told Neymar, letting Marc lead her through the mass of people. She looked around for Anna as Marc continued to pull her through the mass of people. Finally breaking through the crowd, Marc led her to the corner. There was no Anna in sight, which made Luna raise an eyebrow. Noticing her confusion, Marc rubbed the back of his neck.

"Yeah, I kind of lied about Anna needing you. Truth was I just wanted to talk to you in private," Marc chuckled.

"Well, what's this big huge secret that you couldn't tell me in front of other people?" Luna asked.

"I lo--"

"—What the hell is wrong with you?" came a voice from behind. Marc's eyes narrowed as Luna turned around to see an angry Neymar with his arms crossed over his chest. "I thought you said Anna was looking for her."

"And I don't remember inviting you along the way," Marc shot back.

"Guys, please," Luna pleaded, getting in between the two of them. However, she was blatantly ignored.

"Last time I checked I didn't need the invite of an a—"


"No let him say it. It'll give me an excuse to sock him straight in the eye later," Marc growled.

"Marc! Neymar! Please!" Luna pleaded once more, trying to push them apart. Of course, two full grown men who happen to be some of the most fit human beings on the planet are not easily restrained.

"Do it, I dare you," Neymar growled back.

"Marc, don't you dare hit him. Neymar, stop instigating!" Luna felt like a mother trying to pull apart her two sons who got into a fight over who gets the prize at the carnival. "Guys, seriously, stop it, please!"

"You heard the lady, stop being such a pain in the ass," Marc shot at Neymar.

"Marc, that's not what I meant," Luna sighed, exasperated. She was being sandwiched in between the two of them. She tried to push the two apart again but her attempts were feeble. "Honestly you two, don't I have any say in this?" Luna complained, trying once more to push the two footballers apart. Some of the other guys noticed what was going on and walked over. Gerard and Sergi yanked Marc away and Suarez and Dani held Neymar.

"What the hell is going on here?" Andres asked, anger seeping into his voice. Marc and Neymar started babbling their sides of the story at the same time, which no one was able to make out individually until Andres told the both of them to shut up. "One at a time."

"I was dancing with Luna and then he just comes along and tells her that Anna's looking for her and steals her away!"

"Well I wouldn't have to steal her away if you didn't drag Luna away from me without even asking her if she wanted to dance!"

"I did!"

"No you didn't!"

"Alright, shut up!" Gerard told the both of them. "Honestly, there are babies who behave better than the two of you." Luna rubbed her forehead, feeling a headache coming on.

"Now can the two of you stand in the same room without people having to hold the two of you apart?"

"Yes," Neymar spat.

"Yeah," Marc spat also. They were released and stalked off in different directions, leaving the five other Barcelona players to look at Luna.

"What is wrong with them?"

"They both like me and they're both as stubborn as a rock so that didn't help. I tried to diffuse the situation but I probably shouldn't have come in the first place," Luna sighed.

"Ah, don't worry about it. They'll probably find another girl, give them a few months," Dani waved off.

"Well, I'm going to head home, see you guys later."

"Bye, Luna," the guys waved. Luna said goodbye to Leo and Antonella before heading out to her car. Car keys in hand, she walked towards her car, slowing when she say a familiar figure leaning against her car.

"You're a real pain in my ass, you know," Luna muttered, walking around the man, unlocking her car.

"He was the one that's the problem."

"Well, whoever the troublemaker is, I'm exhausted."

"You're just going to leave without giving me a kiss?"

"Fine," Luna rolled her eyes, pressing her lips to the man's. "Happy?"

"I'd be happier if you'd invite me with you."

"You know people will get suspicious."

"Let them, they all have to find out eventually that you chose me long ago."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night. Love you," Luna pecked his lips once more before hopping in her car and driving away into the dark Barcelona night.

A.N. Five more requests to go. And you can pick whoever the mystery man is :). And it doesn't have to be Marc or Neymar ;).

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