Neymar (Part 2) [~] Brazilian Legends

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For pancakesso: Neymar (Part 2)

After you and Neymar had stormed away from each other, the tension between the two of you could be cut with a knife. Your grandfather, Pele, was hosting a charity event in Brazil over the summer. It was to raise money to fund schools and school supplies for children across all of Brazil. Important people from all over Brazil were invited, including most of the men's and women's national teams. Which meant Neymar was going to be there.

You, of course, had to be at the party since your grandfather was running the charity event. Showing up, you had to walk past a line of paparazzi, who were held back by a fence. "(Y/N), (Y/N)! Is it true that you and Neymar are dating?" You almost tripped over the carpet but you kept walking, not even bothering to shoot the paparazzi a second glance. You entered the event and tried to locate your grandfather, who had told you to meet him as soon as you arrived.

Walking through the crowd, you couldn't find your grandfather amongst the hundreds of people that were walking around the room. Someone from behind you bumped into you, sending you stumbling forwards, only to land in someone's arms. Looking up, you scowled at Neymar. Righting yourself up, you fixed your hair as Neymar smirked at you.

"You can't help yourself from falling into my arms. It was only a matter of time," Neymar smirked, arms crossed in front of his torso.

"Don't kid yourself like that, Neymar. Someone behind me bumped up into me and I fell forward into your arms. Simple as that, so you can wipe that smirk off your face before I slap it off," you threatened, straightening yourself up.

"Now that's no way to talk to your boyfriend, (Y/N)," he teased, making your blood boil.

"We are not dating! That's just some crappy story that the paparazzi threw together so that they could make a few quick bucks before moving onto their next victim," you hissed, walking past him, bumping his shoulder with your own. After mindlessly wandering for another ten minutes, you were finally able to locate your grandfather. You walked up to his side as he finished having a conversation with some guy you didn't recognize. After the guy walked away, your grandfather turned to look at you.

"(Y/N)! My you've grown since I've last seen you," your grandfather smiled, hugging you. You hugged him back. "How's Barcelona?"

"It's really fun. My teammates are good people," you stated.

"Have you met Neymar, yet? The press about the two of you is always all over headlines here in Brazil," your grandfather asked.

"I'm afraid I haven't," you lied. You didn't want to talk about Neymar, you didn't want to see Neymar, and you surely didn't want to be in the same room as Neymar frankly.

"Well, then I'll have to introduce the two of you. There he is over there," your grandfather replied, pulling you through the crowd. Your face turned slightly pale.

"It's really not necessary," you choked out. Your grandfather ignored you and before you knew it, you were face to face with Neymar once more.

"My granddaughter says she hasn't met you yet, Neymar. This is my granddaughter, (Y/N). She plays on the women's Barcelona team," your grandfather introduced. Just when you thought that Neymar would open his big, fat mouth and ramble on about how the two of you hated each other with a burning passion, Neymar placed a seemingly genuine smile on his face.

"Nice to meet you, (Y/N), I've heard so much about you," he smiled.

"The pleasure's all mine," you fake smiled back. Your grandfather nodded and left to sort out the rest of the charity event. Sighing in relief, the smile dropped from your face.

"I do believe you owe me a 'thank you' after that little stunt you pulled," came Neymar's annoying voice.

"Thank you," you spat out. "Don't think that this changes anything between us, Neymar."

"I get it. We'll act like good old pals in front of your grandfather but otherwise we're mortal enemies," Neymar said.


"No." You raised an eyebrow at Neymar.

"No, what?"

"No, I won't do that," Neymar stated.

"You've got to be kidding me!"

"A no is a no, (Y/N)," Neymar replied, "Unless . . ."

"Unless, what?"

"Unless you smile a genuine smile as we dance together tonight," Neymar smirked, crossing his arms in front of his chest. Before you could retort anything, your grandfather walked back over to you and Neymar.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

"Nothing at all," you assured your grandfather.

"Good, they're going to start playing music soon and encourage people to dance. If you dance, you immediately donate to the charity. Genius, right?" Before you could reply, the music came on and the DJ repeated what your grandfather had told the two of you. "Have fun!" your grandfather called over his shoulder as he walked through the crowd.

"So, are you going to dance or not?" Neymar questioned, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"Do I have a choice?" you sighed, grabbing Neymar's outstretched hand. You yelped as he pulled you to his chest. You placed one of your hands on Neymar's shoulder, the other holding his hand. Neymar's other hand rested on your waist. "If that hand gets anywhere closer to my butt, you're going to lose that hand," you threatened.

"You think I'd do that?"

"Yes," you replied without a second thought.

"Then you don't me," Neymar stated before leading in the dance, following the rhythm of everyone else around the two of you. You and Neymar both, thankfully, seemed to know the steps to the dance and the movement was effortless for the two of you. Reaching certain spots in the dance, you didn't think that Neymar would actually do the moves, which including spinning you and lifting you up in the air.

The dance ended and so many thoughts started to flood your brain that you just had to get some air. Breaking away from Neymar, you rushed out of the room. Heading down one of the empty hallways, you heard steps coming from behind you. Before you could react, Neymar pushed your body to the wall with his own. "Why are you running away, Cinderella?"

"I hate you," you said without any real malice in your voice.

"I know you don't," Neymar replied quietly before connecting your lips.

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