Oscar Emboaba [~] Apologize

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For kayannamara:

I took another tissue from the box my best friend held out to me. Ashley rubbed my back as I hiccupped once more. "I just can't believe we fell apart so quickly," I cried, blowing my nose into the tissue.

"It's okay, Kayanna. It was just an argument, right?"

"A very heated one," I muttered. "We screamed at each other so loudly, I think we woke up the neighbors," I sighed.

"Oh forget about them. Dry your tears because I'm going to solve this mess right now," Ashley stated, getting up off the bed I was still currently sitting on.

"Where are you going?" I asked, throwing the tissues out. In response, Ashley threw me a blue jersey. Recognizing it immediately as a copy of his jersey, I placed it on the pillow, not wanting to look at it.

"Oh don't be like that, Kayanna. You know how much he enjoys seeing you in his jersey," Ashley smiled, tossing you some other clothes. "Honestly, I have a whole closet of your stuff, you just keep forgetting it all here," Ashley complained. "Get dressed, if you aren't done in ten minutes I'll dress you myself," she warned, walking out of the room. Sighing to myself, I pulled on his jersey and a pair of skinny jeans to go along with it. Ashley opened the door and smiled. "See know that wasn't too hard, was it?"

"I don't want to go, Ashley," I stated, crossing my arms over my chest like a child. I knew I was acting childish but I didn't even care anymore.

"Well you are because both you and I have season tickets to Chelsea games," Ashley called over her shoulder. "Get your shoes on and let's go!" I rolled my eyes at her and pulled on my shoes, hopping into the car besides her.

"What if he sees me in the crowd?" you question, feeling your nerves start to grow as you neared the familiar stadium.

"So what, you guys are going to have to make up at some point. You're too perfect together to not. Besides, he'd probably show up on my doorstep tonight if you didn't return home with him. Face it, Kayanna, you guys are meant to be together."

"I don't know anymore."

"Oh, stop being such a Debby Downer for god's sakes. Let's go," Ashley commanded, parking the car. I got out reluctantly and allowed her to drag me into the stadium. Taking our seats, I refused to look up at the pitch were I knew he would be playing. He was starting, as he always did, and was out stretching on the field with his teammates. Eden Hazard said something to him, pointing in my direction. Oscar looked over at me, and in response I looked down at my shoes.

Looking up a few seconds later, I saw the hurt expression that flashed across his face before he went back to stretching and warming up for the match ahead of them. Sighing, I put my head in my hands. "I don't know if I can last through this whole match, Ashley."

"You can and you will. Besides I have the keys so it's not like you can just leave," Ashley smirked, twirling the keys around her index finger.

"I'm being serious, I might just burst into tears," I said shakily as the players walked off the field. Chelsea was facing an easy team which they would dominate easily. I sighed again as the players took the field, Oscar towards the back of the Chelsea line. A child's hand was clutched in his own and I smiled painfully at the sight. He looked great with kids, I thought to myself.

"Hey, you only have to see him on the pitch for ninety minutes, maybe less if he gets subbed," Ashley pointed out. The game started and Chelsea got the ball. Ashley and I sat near Chelsea's goal currently. Courtois walked up from the goal line as Chelsea pressed forwards. I didn't bother cheering as Chelsea scored two goals in the first half. It was hard enough to watch him run around on the field, let alone stand up and scream his teammate's name as he delivered a beautiful cross to a waiting Hazard. "You're reminding me of my grandmother right now, Kayanna. Get up and cheer a bit," Ashley ordered.

"Ashley," you warned as Oscar ran back to his starting position. He turned and looked over at me as the crowd around me quieted down. Something unreadable crossed over his face as he turned back to the kick off in front of him. Half time was called and I took a shaky breath.

"See, that wasn't so bad, just forty five more minutes and then we can leave," Ashley soothed, rubbing your back silently. The players retook the field, Oscar one of the first. Chelsea started with the ball this half and sucking a breath, I mentally prepared myself for what was in store for this half. Chelsea had numerous shots on goal but they couldn't seem to get it past the keeper again. That is, until Oscar had something to say about it.

The stadium went semi-silent as Oscar got the ball. Planting his foot, he kicked the ball as you had seen him do so many times before and the ball headed towards the net. Everything seemed to move in slow motion. The ball rotated as it sailed past one defender, then two, then three. The goalkeeper jumped up, hands extended to try and block the shot. It seemed to skid under the crossbar, bouncing straight down and past the goal line completely.

Oscar celebrated by making a heart with his hands as he usually did. It was to dedicate his goal to me, as he had told me. He pointed to me in the crowd as his teammates piled on top of him. Sucking in a breath, you looked at the clock, there was thirty seconds left. Nerves rising and breathing increasing in short bursts, I stood up quickly. Tears built up behind my eyes, as I tried to walk past Ashley.

"Kayanna!" a familiar voice called. Oscar ran over and hopped over the fence. The ref didn't seem to see him do that or didn't care as time had already exceeded full time and added time.

"Go back on the field, Oscar, they can't start without you."

"Kayanna, just hear me out. I'm sorry. I had no right to yell at you like that and I had no right to make you feel that way. I was just selfish and angry."

"Oscar . . ." I sighed.

"I mean it, Kayanna. I love you more than anything, and I'd be devastated if you didn't forgive me," Oscar stated. "Do you forgive me?" Not being able to stay mad at him for long, I conceded and agreed that I had accepted his apology.

"Now go out there, they need to restart the game," I smiled down at my boyfriend.

"Not without a good luck kiss," Oscar smiled cheekily. I bent down and pecked his lips. "I'll get a longer one later," he winked, hopping back over the fence and sprinting back to his position.

Soccer/Football ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora