Kieran Gibbs [~] Water Fight

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                After you had graduated college, you had been enrolled in an internship with Arsenal. You wanted to work with photography and videography. Arsenal was looking for interns to run their YouTube channel. You had now been working with the boys for six months. You were so happy that you had chosen to take the intern job. You were closest with Kieran. He was just easy going and easy for you to talk to.

                You helped set up the cameras for another video. Today was a crossbar challenge for the boys and you were ready to start. The filming went quickly and was painless. As you packed up your stuff to bring it back to your office and start editing the video, you were stopped by Alex and Kieran. "What do you two want?" you asked, not even bothering to look up.

                "Today we are filming our film crew to show our appreciation for all the work they do," Alex says. You look up to see Theo holding the camera as Alex and Kieran pretend to interview you.

                "Put that down before you break it," you stated.

                "This is our assistant head of video production here at Arsenal and she's responsible for publishing all the videos you guys enjoy on our YouTube channel," Kieran smiled, wrapping an arm around your shoulder.

                "She's also Kieran's lover," Wojciech said as he walked in front of the camera.

                "She is not!"

                "I am not!" you and Kieran said at the same time, causing the two of you to look at each other. You look away, blushing.

                "Aw, look at the love budding," Alex teased, pinching your cheeks. "Our little Kieran and (Y/N) growing up before our eyes," Alex pretended to wipe tears from his eye.

                "We're older than you," you stated.

                "Such a party pooper." You rolled your eyes. You leaned down and continued to pack up your stuff. After you had stuffed it all back into your bag, you stood back up. Theo had left with the camera to go bother other crew members.

                "I have to go edit this, see you guys later," you said, picking up your bag. Kieran and Alex waved good bye as you walked out of the indoor training center. The walk from the indoor training center to your office was nearly half a mile and you didn't have a golf cart. You walked along the road until you heard the sound of a vehicle behind you. Turning around, you saw a golf cart approaching. The person on the left reached out a hand and grabbed your bag. "Hey!"

                You chased after them. Hearing familiar laughs you growled. "Give it back Lukas! Mesut I see you in there too!" you shouted. The two Germans, however, laughed louder as they drove away with your bag. Huffing, you walked towards your office. You knew they were joking and they would be waiting with your bag at the building.

                The sound of another golf cart made you turn around. You screeched as you were suddenly soaked to the bone. "KIERAN JAMES RICARDO GIBBS!" you screamed, seeing him laughing in the golf cart, and empty bucket on his lap. Alex stopped the golf cart and Jack appeared behind you with a camera. Kieran hopped out, clutching his stomach he was laughing so hard. You smiled evilly when Theo handed you a bucket of water balloons.

                You charged at Kieran, hefting a balloon at him, it hit him straight in the chest. He stopped laughing and bolted. You ran right after him, ditching your shoes in the process. "I'm sorry!" he shouted. He was, unfairly you thought, faster than you. However, you were still able to hit him with balloons.

                "This is pay back, Kieran!" you laughed, throwing a balloon at him. It hit him in the butt making him squeal like a little girl. Kieran then tripped and fell down. You caught up and pelted him with the remaining water balloons. He grabbed your legs and pulled you down on top of him. You laughed and held the last balloon in your hand.

                You had fallen onto Kieran's chest. Placing a wet hand on his chest, you pushed yourself up. Kieran wrapped his arms around your waist in the process. There you were, staring eye to eye with Kieran. Sure you guys were close but were you really that close? Okay, so you may have a slight crush on Kieran because he was the most adorable human being you had ever met.

                Kieran looked up at you, flicking his eyes down to your lips before locking your eyes once more. Without a second thought, you two connected your lips. There the two of you lay, both soaked to the bone in the middle of a field just kissing.

                Meanwhile, back to Alex, Jack, and Theo, the three of them watched you and Kieran in the distance. Jack, still holding the camera, turned the lens to Alex. "Disgusting you know, they just make out where ever they please. You know, they don't have any decorum. PDA everywhere," Alex jokingly complained to the camera. You and Kieran had pulled back for a breath. You rested your forehead on Kieran's and smiled. You two stood up and walked back over to the camera.  "So how was that first kiss, Kieran and (Y/N)?"

                "It was magnificent," Kieran winked to the camera before you pulled him away, blushing all the while.

                "Can't even get a decent interview going anymore," Alex muttered. "Anyways, there goes Arsenal's hottest couple, Kieran Gibbs and (Y/N) (Y/L/N) as they ride off into the distance on . . . Hey! That's our golf cart!" Alex shouted after you and Kieran as the two of you stole their golf cart. You laughed as Alex shouted at you and Kieran.

                "Karma," you called back. Lukas and Mesut gave you back you bag, which you were thankful that they had taken before Kieran decided to soak you. You both waddled up to your office. You set your bag on your desk, closing the door to your office. "I still have to do that video," you sighed, reminding yourself that your day at work was not yet finished.

                "Or you could take a break and we could reenact that first kiss," Kieran winked.

                "Hmm, maybe I'll take a little break," you winked back, pulling Kieran by the shirt towards you.

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