Marc Bartra (Part 9) [~] Contracted Love

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                You and Tommy had to stay in the hospital for a few additional days because he was a premature birth and they wanted to be sure that everything was okay. Marc had stayed the whole time with the both of you, never once leaving the hospital. It was finally time for you and Marc to bring Tommy home. You had agreed to stay at Marc's house, because that's where all the baby stuff was housed, for the time being.

                You sat in the back with Tommy as Marc drove slowly through the streets of Barcelona. You all made it home in one piece and Marc helped you into the house. Opening the door, you were surprised to see all of the Barcelona players and their WAGs standing in your living room. "Welcome home Tommy, future Culé!" the banner read.

                "Surprise!" everyone said. You smiled as Marc, looking absolutely confused, walked inside right behind you. Tommy was still asleep in your arms as you and Marc walked around the house, receiving congratulations from everyone there.

                "You guys didn't have to do this," you smiled, hugging Toni as you said so.

                "We wanted to, it's Barcelona tradition," she responded, Thiago resting on her hip. You waved to the littlest Messi before continuing to greet everyone. You handed Tommy to Marc. Now awake, your son looked around at all the new faces around him.

                "He looks just like Marc," Neymar commented.

                "Such a shame, he had such potential too," Dani joked. Tommy whined and you took him from Marc.

                "Let me go feed him before he meets everyone else," you said, walking to your bedroom. You breastfed Tommy, as the doctor had suggested for the first few weeks, and walked back into the party. Tommy was passed around. He seemed to enjoy the attention and you trusted everyone there with your son. They had brought a cake and you cut the cake. After passing around the cake, it was time for presents. "You guys really didn't need to do this, you've already done so much."

                "Oh we insist, go on, open them," Shakira stated, handing you a package. Pulling out the small jersey, you smiled. It was a Barcelona jersey with Papa on the back and Marc's number. You got some more Barcelona merchandise for your son and some essential baby stuff that your son would need. It got late and everyone piled out of the house, leaving just you and Marc with your son.

                Exhausted, you started to put away everything. A hand stopped you. Looking up, you say Marc standing there. "I'll clean it up, why don't you get Tommy ready for bed?" You nodded and grabbed your son from the basinet you had put him in a few minutes ago. He was awake but you knew that that wouldn't last. Opening the door to the nursery you and Marc had thrown together when you were six months pregnant, you sat in the rocking chair. You gently rocked back and forth, lulling your son to bed. You smiled as his chest rose and fell as he drifted to sleep. You placed him into the crib and turned on the baby monitor.

                Stretching your back, you walked back downstairs to see Marc still cleaning. You helped him put everything away before you both walked upstairs. Checking on your son one last time, you walked into Marc's room. Too tired to even care, you plopped down on the bed and fell asleep quickly, the baby monitor on the night stand next to you. It was around two in the morning when your son's cries emanated from the baby monitor. Groggily sitting up, you yawned. Marc sat up too. "Let me get him, you can go back to bed," Marc yawned, getting out of bed. You wanted to protest but didn't have the energy to do so. Falling back asleep, you were only awoken by the bed dipping next to you.

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