Chapter 36

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Manik's POV

" There is no point in him being here and if he wants to stay here then it is fine but you are not staying here. " I said and caught her hand in mine and started walking.

" I am not going with you. " She said firmly.

" Why not? "  I asked.

" I don't want to. "

" Why?? Do you think this place is better than that? " I said.

It was not even safe to live in such a place for a young girl. I would not let her stay here.

" This place is way below your haveli but I hate living alone in such a big house, where I don't get anyone to talk to me. "  She said.

" Roshni don't create a scene. Come with me. " I pulled her but she resisted.

" Leave her hand or I will call the police. "  The man said and tried to pull her away.

" Call whomever you want, police, army... Just don't dare to come between her and me or no one would be able to save you. Leave her hand before I break yours. "  I glared at him and he finally loosened her hand.

" Roshni, I am telling you to come with me or I will pick you up and take you with me in front of everyone. "  I said.

" You can't do that... "  The man said.

" I can and I will !! I dare you to stop me. "  I caught her hand in my mine and I started walking towards the door with her bag in my other hand.

" Ouch!! " She winced. I stopped immediately.

" What happened?? "  I asked.

" Nothing!! Leave me alone. Aren't you busy now? No meeting in the office or people dying to talk to you?? Go and spend your time with people who matter to you. I am not going anywhere. " She said and winced with pain.

" What happened to you?? " I asked.

" Nothing!! I am not dying. If that's what you are concerned about. "  She said.

" I am asking, what happened to you? "  I asked again.

But the stubborn girl didn't say anything. I looked at the man standing there but he didn't say anything. 

" Would you mind telling me so that I can help? "  I asked both of them.

" I don't need help. " She said. I was so frustrated that I punched on the small bedside table. It broke down. And the new sharp and rough edge cut my hand.

" Oh, my God!! " The man said.

" Manik Ji!! What have you done??" She said.

" Don't worry, I will pay for the table. "  I said.

" I am talking about your hand. " She caught my hand. I snatched it away. 

" It's nothing. Come with me before I break something else. " I said with a raised eyebrow. It was an open dare to her to refuse to come with me. She nodded reluctantly.

But she was having a problem in walking and the man offered his help immediately by placing his arm around her waist again.

I glared at the man and he removed his arm immediately. I placed my arm around her to support her.

"  What happened to her?? "  I asked the man.

" I don't know, we all were in the college and went out to celebrate the birthday of one of our friends and while we were at the party, a waiter came and told her that someone is there to meet her and wanted her to come out. She went out and all of a sudden we heard her screams. We all rushed out and saw that she was lying on the floor, crying. She has been limping since then. So I came to drop her here. " He said.

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