Chapter 76

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Manik's POV

I looked at her and her sinfully beautiful lips and was tempted to kiss her once more but looked away immediately and started walking towards the hotel.

Her heart was beating hard against my chest calling my heart to match its beating rhythm. My heart responded to it and now I could feel two hearts beating in perfect sync with each other. One was inside my chest and another one was in her body.

I kept walking towards the hotel though I was fully aware of the soft and cuddly body in my arms.

Oh, God!! Please help me by keeping me sane, I must not do anything which I may regret later on.

She was still looking at me continuously. I looked at her and saw that her face was wet, was it because of the rain or they were they tears, flowing from her eyes?

" What are you looking at?? "  I asked.

" You !! You amaze me, Manik Ji, sometimes you are so sweet and caring and at other times you are so... " She was saying something but didn't finish her sentence.

" So...?? "  I promoted her to complete it.

" Let it be... I love your this caring side, Manik Ji. " She said placing her hand on the side of my face.

" Don't do that... " I said trying to control my emotions. I wanted to kiss her for saying that. I wanted to kiss her soft hand that caressed my face.

" Do what? "  She asked.

" Don't touch me like that... " I said as I was scared of how I was feeling for her.

At the moment, I didn't want to care about anything or anyone and pull her in my arms and make her mine for the rest of my life.

" Of course!! I can understand." She said.

" You can?? Really? "  I asked.

" I am sorry. I am not supposed to touch you as only Myra has that right  "  She said sarcastically.

" I didn't mean that... I was not even talking about Myra.  Can we please not talk about her? "  I requested.

" But she is there between us. Oh, I am sorry,  I forgot there is no us as far as you are concerned. "  She said.

" Let's talk about it, once we are inside the safety of a hotel room. We need to reach that hotel as soon as possible.  "  I said and started walking as fast as I could.

" Leave me, I can walk on my own."  She said.

" Shut up!! Don't say a word till we reach that hotel. It's not safe to be roaming around on road like this in the middle of nowhere and in the dark."  I said.

" You don't need to worry about me. "  She said.

Oh, God!!! Not again...

" Ok, I will not worry about you, call someone from that long list of your Romeos. "  I said before I could stop myself.

" Good idea!! Whom shall I call?? I think, Ron..."  She asked with a smile.

Ron??? She called him Ron?? They became very close in two discussions ??

" He is Ranveer Bhai or bhaiya for you. " I said.

" He doesn't like being called that. "  She said with a smile.

" I don't care what he likes, call all of them as bhaiya. Especially Raj, Ron, Viren, Shaurya Vihaan, Mohak... In fact, everyone. "  I said but she ignored me.

" I never got a chance to talk to Raj Ji. But Ron is very sweet to talk to and he said that Raj Ji was even better than him, if it is so, Raj Ji must be very sweet. "  She said.

Ron, you are gone...

" Stop it!! " I said.

Just then I saw a signboard, we found the hotel. I almost ran there with her in my arms.

It seemed there was a function as there were lots of cars parked outside it and many people were standing there waiting for maybe a marriage ceremony.  I put her down and we went to talk to the manager.

" Yes sir? How may I help you?? " The receptionist said.

" We need to talk to the manager,"  I replied

" Sir, he is a bit busy at the moment, there is a marriage ceremony here today. He is looking at the last-minute arrangements due to heavy rains. You may tell me.  " She said.

" We need two rooms. " I said.

" Sorry sir, as you can see, the hotel is booked for the marriage ceremony, many guests booked a room here due to heavy rains. We don't have any rooms left. " She said apologetically.

" Call your manager right now. I don't care what he is doing, or call the owner of this hotel. " I said authoritatively. She nodded.

I looked at Roshni she was shivering by now.  I took off my jacket and gave it to her but she shook her head.

" Roshni, wear it, you will fall ill."

" No!! " She said.

Stubborn girl!  I looked around and found some men ogling at her. I saw that her dress was clinging to her body. I draped my jacket on her shoulders immediately. She tried to remove it but I stopped her.

" You will catch a cold, Manik Ji. "

" For god's sake, don't remove it. Or I would have to punch a few men present here. "  I said.

" What?  Why?"  She was shocked and asked me.

"Your top has become translucent and is clinging to your body. And those perverts are looking at you. Keep wearing it. "  I said and her face turned red.

"  Yeah, but you will catch ... "

" Doesn't matter... Don't you dare to remove that? " I said and all of a sudden tears started flowing from her eyes.

" What happened?? " I asked her.

" Nothing... " She shook her head. I could not see her like that so I wrapped my arms around her. She placed her head on my chest and hugged my torso.

I felt as if I came home.


Good afternoon 😊

Here is my today's chapter I hope you liked it please let me know.

Sorry to kept you waiting, but I was not feeling well. Some work is also going on in my house and so I didn't get any time.

I hope you understand.


My Stubborn Love.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora