Chapter 111

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Manik's POV

Shaurya made Roshni sleep in her room while he slept in my room with me.

What a romantic wedding night!! 


I hate him !!!! Someone stop me before I kill him.

20 minutes ago...

I argued a lot with him but he was adamant.

" Please, yaar... It's my wedding night, I need to be with her, not you. "  I had argued.

" Sorry, I can't allow you to do that, till you tell everyone about your wedding in Delhi. "

" Of course, I will tell them tomorrow. But the problem is that tomorrow will come tomorrow. But I can't wait to be with her. What kind of a friend are you?? " I asked.

" No, I don't want to take a  risk with my sister's life.  What if your Chachu or anyone from Myra's family kills you for this stunt? They would definitely be very angry with you. Why did you have to wait till the last date in accepting your love for Roshni? Sorry, I will not allow her anywhere near you. "  He said.

" Shaurya, my friend, what happened to you?? Even Shlok doesn't behave like this. What is wrong with you? "  I asked.

" Well, I am a very protective brother. I can't help it.

I looked at Mihir for helping me but he just shrugged and said, " I don't want to interfere between the two of you. So keep me out of it. Logically, Shaurya is correct.   It's a matter of just one night. " He said and smiled.

" Roshni, tell your brothers to stop this nonsense. " I had said but she agreed with them.

" Shaurya!! Please... It's my wedding night. "

" You can celebrate your wedding night only after you get blessings from your parents. Come, Rosh, I will take you to your room. " He took her to her old room and asked her to go and sleep after locking the door.

" Go to hell !! " I said to him and went to my room.

He kept talking about random things while I wanted him to sleep so that I could go out.

"  Do you want to drink  Kesar milk or something? "  I asked him.

" Milk?? Kesar milk?? Don't try to make me feel guilty, it would not work." He said.

" What do you mean?? "

" Kesar milk ?? Don't remind me that it is your wedding night and you are supposed to share Kesar milk with your wife.  I will not let you spend tonight with her. As it is all these flowers are giving me jitters. On top of that, you are offering me Kesar milk?  Are you out of your mind?? "  He said.

" What have I done now?? I just asked you if you want it or not." I asked as I didn't know what was he talking about.

" Why did you ask? Let me remind you, I am not Roshni, don't get too desperate and try anything on me. I will beat you to a pulp. "  He said.

" Shut up!! Just, shut up!! I am already annoyed with you."

" Hey, wait... I think it is a good suggestion,  see the room is full of flowers, let me get some Kesar milk then we can enjoy this night. I am in a very romantic mood. After all, it is my wedding night. " I said. For the first time, I saw him looking a bit apprehensive.

" What?? No!! I am not interested. You stay away from me... At least six feet away. "

" Ha ha ha ... Funny! But no way darling the bed is only about six and a half feet in dimensions.  Come to bed darling. I have been waiting all day for this moment. "

My Stubborn Love.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora