Chapter 79

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Manik's POV

I caught her hand and pulled her away. Only I know how I managed to do that. I really wanted to kiss her senseless, confess my feelings and..... But I stopped myself.

Though I just needed to talk to her, I could not afford any kind of intimacy at the moment. As if my feelings go out of control once I would not be able to control myself.

I needed to solve all the other problems first.

" Don't do that!! " I said.

" What am I doing?? "  She asked me.

" Just please don't come near me. "  He said.

" What??" She was shocked.

" Please stay away from me," I said. I wanted to talk to her about the whole thing. I wanted to tell her my feelings and that I needed time to put everything right.

" Fine!! I am sorry!!  " She said and turned away from me.  She rushed to the washroom.

Why did she say that she was sorry??

I was waiting for her to come out again but she didn't for the next twenty minutes.

" Roshni!! What happened?? Are you all right?? " I asked but there was no answer, I got worried about her.

" Roshni?? Are you alright??  Open the door!! "  I said but still no answer.

I hope she is fine... She was shivering so much, what if she has fainted inside? Oh, what do I do??

" Roshni! Roshni?? Are you listening to me?? Open the door! Ok, I am breaking it. " I took a few steps back and run towards the door and when I was just about to push the door, she opened it.

I could not stop myself at the last second and I bumped into her with the impact we both were falling but I wrapped my arms around her to protect her, especially her head and we finally fell on the floor.

I didn't even want to look at her to avoid getting more attracted towards her and now I was lying on top of her, looking into her mesmerizing orbs and at the sinfully attractive lips.

Our limbs were entangled.  I was lying on her but my hands were under her body. Her hands were on my bare chest. It was a weird but good feeling. I liked the feeling of her small, soft hands on my bare chest.

" What were you doing? Breaking the door? Why?? "  She asked.

" What were you doing in the washroom for so long? I got worried about you. What were you doing? "  I asked again.

God, forgive me for this...  but I loved being in that position with her.

Our bodies were plastered to each other and the feel of her soft, cuddly body against the hard plains of mine excited me. I really wanted to kiss those soft pink lips.  I didn't want to get up anytime soon.

" Don't show fake concern. "  She said.

"  Fake concern? What are you talking about?  "  I asked.

" Get off me !!! Just about half an hour ago, you wanted me to stay away from you... Even my simple touch was offending you, so why don't you get up and put some space between us? "   She said.

"  How do I get up?? My hands are pressed under you. " I said. Though it was easy, I had to roll and flip her on top but somehow I did want to do that. So I kept lying like that, hoping that she would not find a solution to the way to get up.

I could hear her heartbeat it was like music to my ears.

" Manik Ji, roll a bit that way your hands would be free. " She said and I felt disappointed that she found it so soon. Why did she have to be smart?

"Oh, ok! " I said and rolled now she was lying on my top. I just loved being pressed by such a soft and cuddly body. I swear, I had never felt like that in my entire life and was tempted to do a lot more.

Shit!! What was happening to me??

" Loosen your arms and let me get up. " She said and I reluctantly did that.

She pushed on my chest and got up. I really wanted to capture that feeling of her and me lying together on the floor. Well, that feeling was lost, so I got up too.

" What is your problem?? " She asked.

" What took you so long in the washroom? I thought you fainted or something as you were shivering with cold earlier.

" I was doing what you wanted me to do. "  She replied.

"What? What did I want you to do? "  I asked.

" I was staying away from you. You didn't want me anywhere near you.  You didn't want to share the room so I thought of staying in the washroom for the whole night. "

" Why? Have you gone crazy? You would have died of cold by morning. "

" Yes!! I am crazy! And at least you would have been free of your responsibility. "  She said.1pp

" Roshni, what happened to you all of a sudden?? You were fine earlier. What happened?? " I asked and I was shocked to see that she burst into tears all of a sudden.

" What do you think of yourself? I am not dying to be with you. You always hurt me like hell.  I am not staying here with you. "  She said and started going to the door.


" Wait!! When did I hurt you?? I am trying my level best that you are not hurt in any way. "  I said and caught her hand.

" You just shouted at me and told me to stay away.  Do you think I am coming close to you deliberately?? No!! I am not doing it." She said.

" Roshni!! Calm down! " 

" I was trying to be concerned about you as you are concerned about me. Maybe you are feeling awkward about staying here with me as you are engaged to Myra and hence you are feeling guilty that you are stuck here with me. But don't worry, I am not interested in someone who is engaged to someone else. "  She was angry and crying.

" Hey, I didn't mean it like that..."  I said but she was not even listening.

" I am sorry, that I ever had those feelings for you. But I can't change what happened in the past. I knew she was your girlfriend but I still could not stop myself from falling in love with you... "  She was saying and I wanted her to hear me out.

" Roshni, please listen to me... " I said but she was too emotional to hear anything. 

" But now things are different, you are engaged to her, I would not try to take advantage of the situation and break the relationship between you two... "  She could not speak more. She was on another tangent.

"  Can you please stop talking about the engagement?? " I said. 

" No! You are engaged to her, how can we not talk about it?? I know you are feeling that you are betraying her by being here with me. That's why you are not even looking at me. But I am not trying to distract or seduce you. I know you are engaged to be married to her. "

" It is not like that, Myra... "  I was trying to explain But she didn't hear.

" I am not Myra!! I am Roshni. "  She almost yelled.

"I know that, I was not calling you as Myra, I was saying something else but you interrupted me at the wrong point. Let it be... Calm down and listen to me.  "  I said.

" I am not staying here in this room with you, don't worry, you are absolutely safe please don't feel guilty that you are doing something wrong." She said and pulled her hand away to go out. She was so angry that she didn't even realise that she was not wearing proper clothes to go out.


Good morning friends

Here is my today's chapter, I hope you liked it. Please let me know.

Take good care of yourself and have a nice day.

Chhavi, 💓💓💓

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