The Aftermath

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Ladybug runs on rooftops with the mask Essence was going to give Cat in hand.  As she runs, she goes make a pit stop at the nearest alleyway she can find.  As she approaches a garbage bin, she looks at the mask again.  "Why would he want to give this to Hairy Black?  I mean, Bunnix did say I need to get this away from him immediately.  Oh well.  It's probably nothing that special."  Ladybug said.  She throws the mask into the garbage, and she leaves to get back to her job.  Collecting the miraculous.  Now back on track, Ladybug gets back her miraculous.  Ending with the Snake miraculous in her hand.  "Great job again, Luka.  Bug out."  Ladybug said as she leaves.  When Ladybug leaves, Luka looks in despair because of Cat Noir.  Speaking of Cat Noir, he arrives back home by going through his bathroom.  "Claws in."  Cat Noir said as he de-transforms into Adrien.  Adrien enters his room with Plagg.  "[sighs].  What a waste of a day.  Being forced to sit out of any other mission because Ladybug says so."  Adrien said.  "I'm sure this will be the last time, Adrien.  I'm certain of it."  Plagg replied.  "Only problem is you said that the last time.  And the time before that.  And the time before that.  Now I'm starting to believe this is going to be happening for now on."  Adrien said in lost hope.  "Listen, things change.  People's choices change.  People's opinions change.  Almost anything can change, Adrien.  Just like Ladybug. Trust me, I'm certain you'll be kicking butt more than before in a matter of time.  And if you are still feeling bad, just remember, I'll always be here for you."  Plagg replied.  This has the sad Adrien smile at Plagg's words.  "You always know how to make me happy.  I'm glad your my kwami, Plagg."  Adrien said.  "And I'm glad your my holder, Adrien."  Plagg replied.  "Well, It's getting pretty late now.  Best we both get some sleep."  Adrien said.  As Adrien goes to get ready for bed, Plagg now feels bad.  Because he knows Cat Noir won't be here anymore due to Ladybug's plan to replace him.  He floats his way to bed, and lies on Adrien's pillow.  Hoping he will find a way to stop her choice.  Adrien, now in his pajamas, climbs into bed.  He turns off his light, and prays tomorrow will be awesome.
The next day, Adrien stretches, and gets out of his bed. "So, what's on today's agenda?" Plagg asked. "Just an average day of school to be honest. But more importantly, today is the day I get to go to my friend's concert. The one Luka invited me to. I have been waiting ever since my Father said I can go. I am so happy to finally go out with my friends for once. It's been a while since the last time we've hung out." Adrien replied. "I almost forgot. Today is very special for you." Plagg said. "It is. After everything that has happened to me, I truly need this." Adrien replied. "You deserve it. Well, I am going to have my breakfast now. I'll leave you to your personal needs." Plagg said. Adrien leaves to get dressed for the day. As for Plagg, he forms a sad face, and flies to his cheese. He picks up some camembert. "[signs]. I still don't know what to do? If this actual happens, things will never be the same again. [eats cheese]. Not even cheese can calm me down with this amount of stress. But as long as Adrien doesn't know, he will be safe. But as long as I don't find a solution, it's all over." Plagg said expressing his concern. Adrien comes out of his bathroom. All dressed for the day. Adrien packs his stuff for school, and is prepared to leave. "Adrien. Can you come to my office for a moment?" Gabriel asked. "Uhh......yes, Father." Adrien replied. Adrien walks into his office, and is disgusted when he enters. Because in his Dad's office, is one, Lila Rossi. "WHAT, LILA?!!!! Why are you here?" Adrien asked in shock. "Just following orders. Your Father invited me here to tell me all about what he has planned." Lila replied. "What do you mean by planned?" Adrien asked. "I'll take over. Thank you, Lila for calming my son down. So, Adrien. I am sure you are aware with Lila." Gabriel replied. "I am." Adrien said. "Well, she is no longer a fellow classmate to you anymore. She is now your newest model partner." Gabriel replied. "WHAT????!!!!!!! MODEL PARTNER!!!!!!!" Adrien said in shock. "I took some time into thinking, and realized that Lila holds a very special talent. Apart from telling me she was protecting you from bad influences, she also has a history of being in the fashion business." Gabriel replied. "It's true. My Mom makes only the best clothing the world has ever seen. She wishes she could let me wear her designs to school, but I don't want to brag to anyone." Lila said. "Very cute, Lila. Father I need to......." Adrien replied. "I decided to give her an opportunity she couldn't resist. Being the new member of the Gabriel Agreste brand. She will be your partner throughout the rest of our ad campaigns, photo shots, and fashion shows. It will work well with some of my latest ideas." Gabriel interrupted. "Cool, but I....." Adrien replied. "And you and Lila will soon be the newest sensation of the fashion industry. Lila as well as myself are very excited to do this." Gabriel interrupted. "You hear that, Adrien. We are going to be the newest sensation in the fashion industry. Aren't you happy?" Lila asked. "Very much so. Listen, Father. I hate to disappoint you, but........I don't want to work with Lila." Adrien replied. "I'm sorry. Is their a problem with her, Adrien?" Gabriel asked back. "Yeah. Is there a problem with me?" Lila asked as well. "No...I mean....I guess there is a problem with her. She.........she.......[Gabriel and Lila wait]...........she's a liar, Father." Adrien replied. "WHAT? How could you say that to me, Adrien. I never told a single lie in my life. Is is because I'm not like Kagami, or Chloe, or better, Marinette?" Lila asked. "No...I didn't mean...." Adrien replied. "ADRIEN! How dare you harm Lila's feelings like that. I raised you better than this. You can complain all you want, but Lila is one of us now. And will you enjoy working with her. Starting tonight at the Mayor's office. We are hosting a party sponsoring you two." Gabriel said. "Wait? But you told me I can go to my friend's party tonight. Natalie convinced you." Adrien asked in shock. "Now why would I agree to such an irresponsible idea? Your just trying to make an excuse not to go with her. I heard enough from you. Go outside now, so you can go to school." Gabriel ordered. "But.....but you said...." Adrien replied. "I SAID, LEAVE NOW!!!!!!!!" Gabriel yelled as he interrupts his son.. "Uh.....yes, Father." Adrien replied in a sad manner.
    Adrien arrives to school, already starting his day off horribly. He walks into school, all sad and gloomy that he has to attend this event.  His friends, Nino, Ivan, Kim, Max, Mylene, Rose, Nathaniel, and Juleka are chatting, when they see him.  Adrien approaches his friends.  "Hey guys."  Adrien said in a sorrow tone.  "Morning, dude.  Why the long face?"  Nino asked.  "Huh?....oh, this is nothing.  Just had little time to sleep."  Adrien replied.  "Ok.  Well, listen bro.  We all heard what happened, and we are really sorry that had to happen."  Nino said.  The rest reply as well.  "Sorry for what exactly?"  Adrien asked in confusion.  "What's going on tonight.  You and Lila are going to celebrate being parters for the Gabriel Agreste brand.  Because of that, you are going to miss out party."  Nino replied.  "Wait, you know?"  Adrien asked.  "Of course we do.  Lila told us all about it.  But yeah, we are all so sorry about this."  Nino replied.  Adrien is shocked that his friends feel bad for him.  Normally, they would freak out when stuff like this happens.  Especially with Lila.  "We feel sorry that you two haven't been named a global couple of the fashion world.  This is so awesome to hear."  Nino said in joy.  "Wait, what?"  Adrien asked in shock.  "What do you mean what?  This is seriously so exciting for us.  Lila and Adrien.  New faces of fashion.  Now we get to have two fashion models at school.  One of which is the best girl in the world."  Nino replied.  "Well, I need to admit that......"  Adrien said.  "And they are in the same class.  This will make it so much better."  Rose interrupted.  "Right.  But can I please clarified....."  Adrien said.  "You two can do some much together in the process.  Go around the world, share us any lates ideas, invite us to one of your photo shoots."  Nino interrupted.  "Indeed I would, but I really need to tell you all that......."  Adrien said.  "Guys look, it's Lila."  Mylene pointed.  Lila enters the school, and everyone is obsessed with her.  Adrien's friends leave him, so they can see her.  Just like a hero, Adrien is left all alone.  "Thanks guys."  Adrien said in a depressed way.  Adrien leaves to the locker room, as we see Mari and Alya talking outside of school.  "So yeah, Trixx and I have been doing smooth ever since we became your new spy."  Alya said.  "And thanks to you, Shadowmoth won't try anything of his sneaky tricks to find more secrets of ours."  Marinette replied.  "I'm happy for us, girl.  And you and I will be even more happy when we go to tonight's party and Luka and Juleka's."  Alya said.  "Oh right.  I forgot about that.  Hopefully you know who won't cause any trouble."  Marinette replied.  "He did enough damage already.  I'm sure he won't do a thing tonight.  Also, how is Cat Noir?  I haven't been able to spy on the battles because I've been keeping a good eye on anything suspicious."  Alya asked.  "Oh.......He........He is doing great.  Yep, we worked things out like you asked."  Marinette replied lying.  "Awesome.  See, I told you all you needed was a chat, and your good to go."  Alya said.  "Definitely, Alya.  Well, I have class to go to, so I need to go."  Marinette replied.  Mari leaves to also only to be confronted with the crowd of Lila fans.  Mari is confused, as is Alya, who arrives next to her.  They both see their friends, and go to them for answers.  "Hey guys, what's with all the commotion?"  Marinette asked.  "Today is one of the craziest days ever.  Lila just been hired to be Adrien's partner in modeling.  It's that marvelous to hear?"  Rose asked.  "It is, and..WHAT?????"  Marinette screamed.  "Yeah.  Apparently, Adrien's dad wanted another co star for his company.  So he hired Lila because who wouldn't hire her."  Nino replied.  "I know.  Who wouldn't want to hire, LILA!!  Ew.  So, where is Adrien?"  Marinette asked.  "We talked with him about his modeling upgrade.  Last I heard, he was over there.  Close to the locker rooms."  Mylene replied.  "Ok, thanks."  Marinette said as she runs away.  Mari hides underneath some stairs.  "I have to find Adrien now.  He doesn't deserve to work with Lila."  Marinette said.  "Are you seriously going to try to sabotage Lila to keep Adrien safe?"  Tikki asked.  "No......[Tikki looks at her]........maybe.......[Tikki looks at her]........ok, yes."  Marinette replied.  "Marinette, we discussed this.  Adrien will be ok.  Lila will not be with him, and you and I know that."  Tikki said.  "But the fact the love of my life is working with my nemesis makes it worse for me.  I have to try help him."  Marinette replied.  Soon, Marinette hears crying coming somewhere close by.  "Huh?  Do you heard that?"  Marinette asked.  "I heard a bunch of Lila fans right there."  Tikki replied.  "No.  It's not that."  Marinette said.  She gets up, and moves closer to where she hears the sound.  It's coming from the locker room.  Mari carefully opens the door to peak inside.  There, she find Adrien crying by his locker.  "It's......Adrien.  And.....he's crying?"  Mari said in shock.  "Why do you think he would be crying?"  Tikki asked.  "I'm not sure.  But, I feel like something is really bothering him.  Ok, Lila is off to the side for now.  I am more focused on seeing what is up."  Marinette said.  "Bad that you are still after Lila, but good your helping out your friend."  Tikki replied.  Marinette opens the door slowly, and walks carefully to Adrien.  He is sobbing his eyes out.  "Umm......Adrien."  Marinette said.  "Huh?.....Mar......Marinette."  Adrien replied.  "Hey.  Umm.....I was trying to look for you, and then I found you here crying."  Marinette said.  "What?  Me, crying.  No.  Why would i be crying? I just have sleepy eyes that's all.  It was from a work load I got last night. So, there's nothing wrong."  Adrien replied as he sits in sorrow.  Marinette walks, and sits next to Adrien.  "Your eyes don't look sleepy. Are you sure you're ok? If not, I am more than happy to help you out." Marinette said. "[sniffs nose]. If that is true, would you really do that for me?" Adrien asked. "I would." Marinette replied. With tears in his eyes, Adrien allows it. "Ok, so I lied. So far, today has been terrible. And it isn't even the afternoon yet." Adrien said. "How was your day terrible?  What was it?"  Marinette asked.  "[signs].  Just my life getting worse by the second.  First my Dad breaks a promise with me not going to Luka and Juleka's party, then I have to go to a stupid modeling celebration party, and then no one tries to listen to me.  They all ignore me like I am one."  Adrien replied.  "Stop.  You were going to the party tonight?"  Marinette asked in shock.  "Not anymore.  My Father said so, after he said I can go.  All for what?  To promote his stupid business."  Adrien replied. "That's so horrible, Adrien." Marinette said. "It is. I actaully thought I can have some fun today. But instead, my father steped in, and ruined it all as he does. [quick moment of silence between them]. Marinette.  Is it ok if I tell you something?"  Adrien asked.  "Uhhh..........sure.  You can tell me."  Marinette replied confused.  "Ok.  [deep breath].  I hate being a model."  Adrien said.  Marinette gasp in surprise.  "I hate the photo shots.  I hate the ads.  I hate been forcing to do this, and miss out doing what I want.  I hate people seeing my as a statue of perfection.  I hate people thinking I am ok.  I hate........I hate being famous."  Adrien said in sadness.  "What?  If you hate it so much, why don't you tell them about it?  Or talk to your Dad?"  Marinette asked.  "I tried to tell the others, but they all ignored me and celebrated like I was ok with this.  I guess because Lila, who I cannot stand anymore, is my newest companion. And My Father.  He will just cut me down, and force me to still do it.  It's almost like he doesn't see me as his son, but as his star.  No one truly sees the agony of my life, Marinette.  And the absolute worst part of it, is that I cannot do a thing about it.  Even when I try, I fail.  There almost no joy in my life.  No happiness.  No love.  No pleasure.  No, anything."  Adrien replied as he cries again.  Mari is speechless at this confession.  She cannot believe that Adrien admitted to this.  "Adrien.  I'm so sorry."  Marinette said.  Adrien lifts his head up, as Mari whips some of his tears off his face.  "You need to talk to your Father, Adrien.  He is the only one who can help end your career. I understand how strict and scary he is, but as you once told me, you don't stop until you find a solution. There is and always will be a solution, Adrien. If you try hard enough, you will find the answer. And I promise you that I will make sure you are ok, until I see you smile again." Marinette said.  Adrien sits in silence, before he hugs Marinette.  "Thank you, Marinette.  For caring for me."  Adrien replied.  Marinette smiles, and hugs Adrien.
    The school bell rings, and the school day is over. Adrien leaves to go home. To get prepared for the party he is attending tonight. After getting into his car, he is taken back to his house. On the car ride, Adrien watches people talking about Ladybug and her team of heroes. Every single one of them. Except, Cat Noir. Because of his "absence," no one seems to remember who he is, or where he is now. Not a single sight of Cat Noir being talked about, or mentioned. Adrien feels broken inside that Cat Noir, is basically just a forgotten waste of potential. When Adrien arrives home, he walks inside, where his Father approaches him. "Make sure you are ready in ten minutes, Adrien. I don't want any wrong with my big night." Gabriel said. "I know, Father." Adrien replied sadly. He walks past his Dad, and goes to his room. Natalie watches Adrien go, and sees the sorrow in him. It makes Natalie feel bad. Inside of his room, Adrien is looking at his photo book, so he can feel at least some happiness. "It's happy to see Marinette understand your problem, and tried to comfort you. So, today really wasn't that entirely bad." Plagg said. "Marinette is a special friend to me, Plagg. But even though she cares, it's not enough to cure my misery. [flips page in book]. Same for this book. Back then, these pictures helped me a lot. But now, I don't feel the same anymore." Adrien replied as he puts his photo book down. "I'm sure tonight won't be so bad. Kagami and Chloe should be there. Maybe chatting with them will make you feel better." Plagg said. "Your right. They should be there. I mean, their parents are very famous, so I bet they would have to go to the event." Adrien replied. "See. Not that bad after all." Plagg said. "I was so excited for today to come. Excited to have hours of fun with my friends. But when that day finally came, I now wish it never existed. I just don't get it. Whenever something good, or fun, enjoyable happens to me, it gets crumbled at the last minute. Why do all this always happen to me? Why am I so miserable here?" Adrien replied. Plagg gets contended now. "It hurts to see this, Adrien. If only there was a way I can help." Plagg said. Adrien sits in silence, as Plagg looks at him, and feels bad. "What do you think was on that mask?" Adrien asked. "What mask?" Plagg asked back. "You know, the mask Essence was going to give me. The one Ladybug took, after she threw him away." Adrien replied. "Wait, your not suggesting on......joining him are you?" Plagg asked in fear. "Of course not. That will never happen ever. Even in another timeline, that doesn't look possible. I'm just wondering what he wanted to show me. He did say something about it. Like, put on the mask, but then he got cut off from Ladybug." Adrien replied. "That's true, but might I remind you this is the most vicious guy we are talking about. The one who tried to kill you multiple times. Why on Earth would he want to help you?" Plagg asked. "I'm not sure. But to be fair, he does have a point." Adrien replied. "What point?" Plagg asked. "Ladybug in general. Her. Let's be honest, she has been a real jerk to be lately. And that she has been leaving me out constantly. He actual spoke some valid points back there." Adrien replied. "Yes, but that doesn't mean you can trust him. He's evil." Plagg said. "I know. I know. But, maybe he was trying to help me. Maybe he was right after all. Maybe....." Adrien replied. "ADRIEN, STOP IT!!!!" Plagg screamed. Adrien is now in shock. "[deep breath]. I'm sorry for raising my voice like that. Adrien, there are a lot of things in life I wish never to see. The villains winning, seeing a dog hurt a poor cat, and much more. But non of them are certainly the worst thing I never want to see." Plagg said. "Which is?" Adrien asked. "Losing you." Plagg replied. There is a moment of silence between the two of them, after Plagg's confession. "Wow. [thinks about what he was saying]. What was I thinking for a minute? Trusting Essence? [looks at a worried Plagg]. I should have really think, before I speak. I'm so sorry for making you worried again, Plagg." Adrien said. Plagg looks at Adrien in relief. "Thanks for understanding." Plagg replied. Soon, there is a knocking at Adrien's door. Plagg hides in Adrien's jacket, as Natalie enters. "Adrien, it's time to go." Natalie said. "Oh....yeah. The event. I'm ready, Natalie." Adrien replied now back to his sad tone.
    Adrien now is walking from his room, slowly to the front door with Natalie. Inside, Adrien doesn't want to do this. He doesn't want to do this fashion event. He just wants to be with the ones he loves. As Adrien walks with zero hope of escaping, there is one final chance of freedom. He looks at his Father's office door. [flashback]. "You need to talk to your Father, Adrien.  He is the only one who can help end your career. I understand how strict and scary he is, but as you once told me, you don't stop until you find a solution. There is and always will be a solution, Adrien. If you try hard enough, you will find the answer. And I promise you that I will make sure you are ok, until I see you smile again." Marinette said. [end flashback]. "Marinette is right." Adrien whispered. He walks away from Natalie, and storms to his Father's office. "Adrien, what are you doing?" Natalie asked. "Doing what I need to do to finally feel joy." Adrien replied in a serious tone. He barges the doors open, which scares Gabriel. "ADRIEN! How dare you enter my room without permission." Gabriel yelled. This frightens Adrien, as he is about to do what he never could do before. He struggles to say a single word to his own Father. "Well? Is there something you want?" Gabriel asked. "Uhh......uhh....I want.......I wanted......I wanted to.....[thinks about what Marinette said]......I wanted to talk to you about tonight, Father." Adrien replied. "What about it? Your just going to an event tonight with Lila. It's not like you have anything to do tonight." Gabriel said. This has Adrien gasp in absolute disgust. It's not like you have anything to do tonight. "Stop standing around, and get into the car right now. I'll see you and Natalie there once I'm done with some work." Gabriel said. Adrien sadly accepts this, and prepares to leave. Not this time. "No." Adrien replied. Gabriel's eyes go from normal to wide open. "What did you say to me?" Gabriel asked. "You heard me loud and clear. No." Adrien replied. Gabriel starts to get mad at his son's rebellious behavior. "It's not like you to raise your voice, or talk back to me, Adrien. I order you to stop to...." Gabriel said. "NO! I ORDER YOU TO LISTEN TO ME!!!!" Adrien yelled. Both Gabriel and Natalie gasp. "[deep breath]. Ever since Mother passed away, you have never been the same since. You always are in your office like it's your own home, you barely go out much, you don't show any attention for me, and when you do promise me, and I MEAN promise me I can do something fun, you shot it down like it will kill me. You are so overprotective. So ignorant. And down right terrible to me. AND YOU ARE MY LITERAL FATHER!!!!!!! Who honestly, I don't think even loves me in general. Tell me this, DAD?! Do you love me?" Adrien asked in anger. "Heheheh. That's a silly question, Adrien. Of course I love you." Gabriel replied. "OH JUST SHUT UP!!!!!! If you truly did love me, then you would show compassion for me. You would care for me. You would look after me. But NO!!!!! Your too much of a cold hearted abuser to actual acknowledge your son. WHO HATES BEING YOUR MODEL!!!!!! [Gabriel looks shocked]. Pretty surprising huh? Maybe you would know, IF YOU REALLY DID LISTEN ME!!!!! I just can't take it anymore. The photos, the ads, the countless fans who see me as a statue, INSTEAD OF A HUMAN BEING!!!!!! I'm tired of all of it. And what do you do about it? Do you talk with your son to see if he likes this job? NO!!! You instead ignore how I feel, and only imagine that I love modeling. Which I don't. I think that's the thing with you. You see your work, your designs, your wife as the most important things you have right now. Your son? Just a Maronite puppet, who he has control over, and doesn't care about his emotions. Because you think I don't have any.  The only reason to how I was able to survive everything my nightmare of life has to offer are my own friends. Because they understand me, and see me as an actual person. That's why I don't want to go to this special event tonight. Because I'm done with this. I'm done with the modeling. I'm done with the photos. I'm just done being your model. I QUIT!!!!" Adrien yelled. "What bravery. [storms to Adrien]. Do you really think you can have control over your own life? I'm the one in control, Adrien. I'm the one who choose what you do. Now, I command you to..." Gabriel ordered. "I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU, OR ANY OF YOUR FANS THINK, DAD!!!!! I'M LEAVING YOUR PRECIOUS MODELING TEAM, AND GOING ON TO LIVE THE LIFE I WANT TO LIVE!!!!!!" Adrien screamed. Adrien storms out his Dad's office. "Where do you think your going?" Gabriel asked. "Like I said, to live the life I want to live." Adrien replied. This makes Gabriel go from mad to infuriated. So, he uses his secret weapon. "[grabs his wedding ring]. Adrien, I am your Father. And I'm giving you the task to get into the...." Gabriel ordered. "I SAID, I'M DONE BEING YOUR PUPPET!!!!!" Adrien screamed. Adrien grabs a book off his table next to the office, and chucks to at Gabriel. It lands hard on his nose, which makes Gabriel fall onto his back. Adrien starts to calm himself down a bit, as Gabriel gets up. Risen, he notices blood dripping down his face, and onto the ground. This adds more shock to this confrontation. With his decision made, Adrien goes to leave, only for Natalie to stand in front of him. "Yes, Natalie. Stop him. Don't make him go to his precious friends. Take him to the car if he likes it or not." Gabriel ordered. "Please, Natalie. Don't make me. I just want to see my friends. To go to their party. You even convinced him to let me go." Adrien begged. "NATALIE! Take him to the car at once. That is an order." Gabriel yelled. "Natalie, I'm begging you. Please. Don't listen to him. Listen to me." Adrien begged. Natalie doesn't know what to do. Should she listen to Gabriel, or Adrien? It's hard for her to decide. "Are you really going to listen to his sympathy? He doesn't know what's best for him anyway." Gabriel asked. "I do. Are you really going to let him trap me for the rest of my life? Do what's best, and let me through." Adrien begged. "[sighs]. I'm so sorry, Adrien." Natalie said. Adrien gasp, as Gabriel smiles. "I'm sorry your Father doesn't know how to really care for his child." Natalie said. She opens the front door, and Adrien waste no time running out of his home. Gabriel goes from happy, to betrayed. He runs to the door, but Natalie closes it. "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING, NATALIE????!!!! WHY DID YOU LET HIM GO????!!!!" Gabriel screamed. "Because I got his back, Gabriel. You promised Adrien he can go to his friend's party. You said he can go. You gave him permission. And now you decided to lie to your own son for making that decision for what? To make his life worse than it already is." Natalie replied in anger. This back talk has Gabriel put into silence. "You simply have no idea why I wanted him to go." Gabriel said. "I clearly do." Natalie replied. "If you think it's because I want to ruin his life, your wrong. Do you really want to know why I wanted Adrien to stay? Think about the katana in the safe." Gabriel said. Natalie knows what Gabriel is talking about, which makes her go into silence. "Exactly. I wasn't trying to ruin his day. I was simply protecting him. This doesn't make me the villain here, Natalie. It makes me the hero." Gabriel said. "How could you call yourself a hero? You don't have any right at all to be called a hero. Keeping Adrien here as your prisoner, and hurting innocents of people just to save your wife. It's true I wanted to help you save Emilie, but you know what? I'm not going to work with someone who treats his son like garbage." Natalie replied in anger. "And whose fault is that? It's not my fault I have to be like this." Gabriel said. "But that doesn't mean you can just do whatever you want, Gabriel. Do you think Emilie would appreciate all you've done just to bring her back?  If I were Emilie, I would not be happy.  I would be disgusted that my own lover deep down is just a heartless monster." Natalie yelled.  Gabriel get furious at Natalie. Staring at her with flaming eyes. "Go ahead. Rebel against me like Adrien. I don't need you. I DON'T NEED ANYONE TO HELP ME!!!!!" Gabriel yelled. He storms back into his office, and slams the door shut.
    "Stupid Natalie. Stupid Adrien. Never appreciate all I've done for them." Gabriel said. "Looks like someone isn't so cheerful today." Clawer replied leaning on Gabriel's wall. Gabriel turns around in shock, and is now frozen at this intruder. "What's the matter, Gabe? Afraid to see me? [Gabriel, still shocked, looks around for a way out of this. He tries to go for his phone]. Better keep your hands where I can see them. Unless you really want to have a hard time drawing more of your terrible artwork." Clawer threatened. Gabe moves his hands away from his pockets. "What are you, and why are you in my office?" Gabriel asked. "I am a clawer. A robot designed by Essence. I do his biding." Clawer replied. "So your one of his minions?" Gabriel asked. "I like the term, assassin, but that's right. Except, I'm not here to kill. I'm here to bring the gift Essence planned to give you." Clawer replied. "A gift?" Gabriel asked in confusion. The clawer projects from it's eyes. There, a hologram of Essence forms in front of Gabriel. "Greetings, Gabriel Agreste. Or should I say, Shadowmoth. [Gabriel gasp in horror]. It's a pleasure to finally meet you at last. If you wish not be slayed, pay close attention. In approximately three hours, you will be heading your way to the very top of the Eiffel Tower. Preferably wearing both brooches of the butterfly and peacock. At the top, you will find me, and the rest will then be explained." Essence said. "Why three hours?" Gabriel asked. "[laughs]. Let's just say things will get real, catastrophic, later today. You wouldn't want to get caught right in the middle of it. And if you try to find a single loophole whatsoever, I'll expose your secret identity, go after you, take your miraculous, and then hang your corpse with your intestines as the noose off the Eiffel Tower. See you soon." Essence replied as the clawer ends the projecting. "I would believe him. He wouldn't waste a chance to kill." Clawer said. The clawer turns invisible, and leaves Gabriel, who now is in a situation much worse than his current one.
Moving on, we arrive at Luka and Juleka's house boat, where the gang is getting ready for their lite party.  Rose and Juleka are on streamers, Luka and Ivan are on the music, and Nino and Mylene are on food.  "Thanks again for coming over to set up guys.  I'm so excited to have a blast tonight."  Luka said.  "No problem.  We all are excited too.  No one is coming to this party not to have a good time.  Right guys?"  Nino asked.  "Mmmm hmmmm."  Everyone except Luka replied.  "Well, I'm just glad Adrien is coming.  The dude seriously needs to be with us tonight."  Luka said.  "Oh.  You don't know."  Nino replied.  Luka gets confused.  "Know what?"  Luka asked.  "Sorry to be the bringer of bad news in a sense, but.....Adrien isn't coming."  Nino replied.  Luka goes from confuse, to now horrified.  "He.....he isn't coming.  Why?"  Luka asked.  "Lila is now a new member of his Dad's brand.  They are hosting an event tonight in honor of this new change of scenery.  It's a shame he can't come, but I can imagine the two are still going to have fun tonight."  Nino replied.  "It's huge.  More huge than this."  Juleka said.  "I'm sure we'll do this again, and both of them will tag along."  Mylene replied.  "Yeah.  I sure hope so."  Luka said in sorrow.  "Hey, you don't look so good.  Are you ok, Luka?"  Juleka asked.  Inside of Luka's head, we see him think about the times Cat Noir was left out.  That one time he saw Cat behind the chimney in Kuro Neko.  As well as some new moments where Viperion was at battle, and Ladybug told Cat Noir to sit out three times.  "Luka?  Luka?  LUKA?!"  Juleka yelled.  "HUH?  WHAT?"  Luka asked back as he wakes up.  "Did you hear me?  You ok?"  Juleka asked back.  "Oh, yeah.  Sorry.  I was just......hoping Adrien could come after all.  I only pray he is not upset."  Luka replied in sadness.  "Hey, guys!!!!"  Adrien yelled as he runs to the barge.  "Adrien?"  Everyone asked in surprise.  Adrien runs down the stairs, and onto the houseboat.  "It's great to see you all."  Adrien said.  "You too bro, but aren't you suppose to be at..."  Nino asked confused.  "ADRIEN!!!!"  Luka interrupted as he runs, and hugs Adrien.  "Hey....Luka.  Wow!  You are really happy to see me."  Adrien replied a little uncomfortable.  "[let's go].  Sorry about that.  I'm just so shocked and happy to see you here.  But why?  You had a modeling event to go to."  Luka asked.  "My, and all of ours same question."  Nino replied.  The others agree.  "Oh.....well......[flashback]. "I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU, OR ANY OF YOUR FANS THINK, DAD!!!!! I'M LEAVING YOUR PRECIOUS MODELING TEAM, AND GOING ON TO LIVE THE LIFE I WANT TO LIVE!!!!!!" Adrien screamed.  [end flashback].  The event got cancelled because of, uhhhhhh, bad planning.  So, we plan to move it to next week."  Adrien lied.  "Interesting.  Is Lila still coming?"  Nino asked.  "Uhhhhhh, she can't.  She informed me she has personal stuff to take care of.  But she would have loved to be here."  Adrien replied.  "That's understandable.  Well, we don't start for the next hour.  Care to help us set up?"  Luka asked.  "If it means I'll have fun, sure."  Adrien replied.  Adrien goes to help his friends get this party started.
An hour later, the party has officially begun.  As promised, the event is lite.  The lights are flashing beautiful colors, their is social interaction at every corner, the music is busting thanks to a now playing Kitty Section, and everyone savors on yummy food at the bar.  Like Luka said, everyone is here.  Even Kagami, Sabrina, Marc, and Nathaniel, who don't normally show up to the boat.  They are all having a fun time, especially Adrien. He is greeted by everyone on the boat, which makes his day more enjoyable than miserable. The only participants who aren't here, are Lila, Alix, and Marinette.  Speaking of Marinette, she just arrived on the boat.  "Sup, girl.  Welcome aboard."  Alya greeted.  "Thanks, Alya.  [looks around].  This party is booming.  Guess the gang kept their word."  Marinette replied.  "No kidding.  They said it will be a lite party, and they delivered. They even got a DJ stand for the party.  That takes a lot of commitment."  Alya said.  "Absolutely.  Oh, and there is the DJ right now."  Marinette replied.  Alya looks, as Kitty Section moves out of the way for Nino to shine.  He gets on the stand, and starts busting beats keeping this party rolling.  "Despite what he did to you, he still plays some good music."  Marinette said.  "Yeah.  He still does."  Alya replied uncomfortably.  "I assume your still a little upset for what happened?"  Marinette asked.  "Yeah.  It's rough, even after a month or so. I just never thought I would breakup with him. Like, literally break up. He deserved it for sure, but it's still hard to leave the one you love." Alya replied. "I can understand that. Heartbreak is a devastating feeling. But hey, just know I'm still here if you need someone to talk to." Marinette said. Alya smiles, and replies with, "Thanks, girl." The two of them enter the party, which has people dancing on the dance floor thanks to Nino's music. As everyone has a fun time, Adrien takes in all the happiness. "Hey, Adrien." Marc said. "Oh hey, Marc. Sup, Nathaniel." Adrien replied. "Sup, man. Having a great time?" Nathaniel asked. "I'm having an awesome time. It's a miracle that I managed to get here. Especially with all you guys." Adrien replied. "Same here. I'm glad you made it." Marc said. "Thanks, Marc." Adrien replied. "Hey, I took sometime to think, and I just want to say I'm really sorry you couldn't play football with us. It kind of hurts not to be involved with the others. Bet you would have been a great football player." Marc said. "Really? That's so kind of you." Adrien replied. "I mean it. I just hope you are alright after what happened. If not, I get it. Nathaniel and I agreed we all should do football more often. When that time comes, I promise you'll be first pick for my team." Marc said. "I appreciate that, Marc. That means a lot to me." Adrien replied. "No problem. See you around, man." Marc said. "See you, Marc. Have fun, Nathaniel." Adrien replied. "Same to you, Adrien." Nathaniel said. As Nate and Marc leave, Adrien then notices Kagami chilling by herself at the party. Like the good friend he wants to be with her, Adrien approaches Kagami. "Hello, Kagami." Adrien said. Kagami turns around in a state of fear. "Woah. Chill. It's me. Adrien." Adrien said trying to calm Kagami down. "Oh, Adrien. It's you. Wait, IT IS YOU." Kagami replied. "Yeah, it's me. How you doing?" Adrien asked. "I'm doing alright, but why are you here? I thought you and Lila had to go some event together? My Mother was even attending the event." Kagami asked back. "You mean me and the devil? Yeah, it got moved to next week. So, I managed to come here for the night." Adrien replied. "Got it. Are you having a fun time?" Kagami asked. "I'm having loads of fun. Just talked with Nathaniel and Marc, and then I found you here. Figured I go see you, and here we are. What about you?" Adrien asked back. "I'm having fun. Really crazy party we are having." Kagami replied. "Yeah. Really crazy. Say, you want to sit and chat? I don't remember the last time we had time to hang out." Adrien asked. "Sure." Kagami replied. As they go to sit, we cut for a brief moment to see Jack shotgunning a soda can with a crowd of his friends cheering him. Kim, Max, whose recording him, Rose, Juleka, Mylene, and Ivan. They all have a profounding effect, as they watch Jack work. Soon, Jack chugs the whole thing, slams the can on the ground, and screams, as the others cheer him on. "Three whole seconds. That's a new record." Max said. "[let's out a big burp]. That's how it's done my man! That's how it's done!" Jack replied. As they all party, Jack turns around to find Chloe and Sabrina, who joined the group. "Oh crap, Chloe. Chloe Bourgeois and Sabrina Raincomprix. My closest friend, and her BFF. Great to see you." Jack said as he high fives both of them. "Great to see you too. You look like to be having fun." Chloe replied. "No denying it. Just shotgunned ten blueberry sodas. Latest one done in three seconds." Jack said. "That's takes a big stomach to pull off." Sabrina replied. "More like an iron stomach." Jack said. "Enough chatting. I got to see you do another one." Ivan replied as he hands Jack a soda. "Nah. I want to see them shotgun a soda." Jack said. "What? Us?" Sabrina asked. "Absolutely. I got to see you guys do it. I want to see that party animal inside. Don't worry, it's not that hard. You just pierce a hole on the side of the can, then you put your mouth in the hole, open the can from the top, and just chug. It's a lot of fun." Jack replied. Both Chloe and Sabrina are a bit concerned on doing this. "Ummm, I don't know. I'm not the chugging type." Chloe said. "Me too. I'm good." Sabrina replied. "Oh come on. Don't be chickens." Kim said. "Now hold up, Kim. It's their choice to do it or not. Ok. We simply need to respect their opinions like natural human beings." Jack replied. "Screw it. Give me one." Sabrina said with full confidence. Everyone looks at Sabrina in shock. "You heard me. I'll do it. No one's calling me, or Chloe chicken." Sabrina declared. Chloe, hearing her BFF's words, also feels her energy. "Count me in too. If Sabrina shotguns, I shotgun." Chloe declared. "Ok. Now this is where the real fun begins." Jack replied. Jack goes to get the girls some soda from the cooler. In hand, he stabs a hole in them with a near by knife on the table. "Alright. We got an orange soda for Sabrina. [hands her the soda]. Don't spill it. And a lemon soda for Chloe. [hands her the soda]. Jack said. Both girls now have their drinks ready to slurp. "Remember. Put your mouth in the hole, open the can from the top, and chug. Got it?" Jack asked. "Got it." Chloe and Sabrina replied. The two girls are slightly nervous, but need to stand their ground. "Count of three, we do this." Chloe said. "Agreed." Sabrina replied. The crowd watches in excitement to see this happen. Especially Jack. "One, two, three." Chloe and Sabrina said together. With that, the can is open, and the girls start chugging. Max starts keeping a time for how long it takes them to finish. Miraculously, they do a decent job with drinking the soda. Even Kim is somewhat surprised like the rest of the audience. In the end, Chloe and Sabrina take in every last drop of soda. "[deep breath]. LET'S GO!!!!!!" Sabrina screamed. Chloe joins her in screaming, as everyone else is speechless. "Did that just happened?" Kim asked. "Yes it did." Mylene replied. Both girls cheer, as Jack starts to clap. "I must say you two are naturals at this. Yo, Max. What's the time?" Jack asked. "Uhhhh, twelve seconds." Max replied. "Ok, not the fastest time, but the effort counts." Jack said. "That went better than expected. The second I opened it, I just kept on chugging. It was awesome." Sabrina replied. "Yeah. I want to go again." Chloe said. "Oh, you want to go again?" Jack asked in an energetic way. "Yeah, I want round two." Chloe replied. "Make room for two. And we're going to beat your record as well." Sabrina declared. "Ok! Ok! Some competition. Now we really are cooking up a storm." Jack said. As they rage on, we continue with Adrien and Kagami. "And after she got Jack akumatized, she ended up looking like a creepy, disgusting clown. It's hilarious." Adrien said. Kagami laughs. "Your serious right? And your friend Jack is the one who did this just by lying?" Kagami asked. "Yep. It's bad he lied to the guys, but Lila did deserve something from what she did." Adrien replied. "That's insane. And to think you two are going to be modeling partners. I hope that won't offend you." Kagami said. "It doesn't. I know how to deal with it. I'm just going to ignore her every time she tries to flirt with me. I had enough with her lies, and abuse to you guys. Especially you." Adrien replied. "I mean she did get me akumatized, amokonizied, and beaten up badly. No wonder you hate her so much." Kagami said. "Truth is, I don't hate her. Well, yes, I dislike her so much with a burning passion, but deep down, I tell myself she isn't always evil. As much as she does evil, I hope that one day, she will change like Chloe. Going from an awful person, to someone nice and kind. By the looks of it, I don't think that will happen, but I keep telling myself to have hope." Adrien replied. "There are times where I ask why she does Lila lie?  I hate her guts, but I still want to know why she is such a devil."  Kagami said.  "Same.  Maybe it's to gain attention. Which sounds about right. But at other times, I wonder if she didn't have a good childhood. Or something traumatic happened in her life that lead to this. If it's the second one, I wish to help her. Even if she still lies." Adrien replied. "That's sweet for you to say that. Having sympathy for people like, Lila. You have a good heart, Adrien." Kagami said. "Thanks." Adrien replied. "Well, I'm going to go get some food. Care to come with?" Kagami asked. Before Adrien can answer, he sees Marinette at the party. She is chatting with Luka, and he feels the need to see her. "Ummmm, I actually want to say hi to Marinette first." Adrien replied. "Oh, she's here?" Kagami asked with a bit of rage. "Something wrong?" Adrien asked back. "No, it's just see her here." Kagami replied. "Ok. Don't worry. Once I'm done, I'll come back to you." Adrien said. "If you say so. Have a fun talk." Kagami replied. The two of them split up. As Kagami gets some food, she passes Jack, Chloe, and Sabrina all shotgunning soda cans like it's nothing. The three scream, as everyone else cheers for them. Chloe and Sabrina have embraces the enjoyment of shotgunning a drink. "And then I screamed so loud, that the police came over." Marinette said. Luka and Marinette laugh. "All because you saw a spider?" Luka asked. "Yeah. It's embarrassing, but a fun story to tell." Marinette replied. "Hey, Marinette." Adrien said as he arrives. "Oh, hey Adrien. ADRIEN!!!!! Oh my God, it's you. My lover, I mean, friend." Marinette replied. "Hey, Adrien. Having a good time?" Luka asked. "A good time? I'm having a great time. This entire party is just epic. Everything about it is epic. I'm just so happy I'm here with all of you to have this much fun." Adrien replied. "You look like you've been having fun." Luka said. "Thanks. Apologies if I was interrupting, but do you mind if I borrow Marinette for a moment? It's important." Adrien asked. "If it's ok with Marinette that is." Luka replied. "Yes. Absolutely. Sorry for ending our conversation early, Luka." Marinette said. "It's ok. We still have all the time in the world to talk later. I'll see you soon." Luka replied. Marinette leaves with Adrien, and Luka smiles. Smiling at the fact Adrien isn't miserable tonight. Adrien takes Marinette to the end of the houseboat. "Ok, you have a lot of explaining to do. Starting with the fact that YOU ARE HERE!!!!!" Marinette yelled. "That's like the third or fourth time someone said something like that. I understand it. After all, I was suppose to be at a modeling event with Lila." Adrien replied. "I know. So how did you get here?" Marinette asked wanting answers. "Well, it was you." Adrien replied. "Me?" Marinette asked. "Yes, you. Remember this morning where you comforted me as I was crying? You told me that the only way I can go to this party, is to stand up to my Father...........And I did." Adrien replied. "Wait, WHAT????!!!!" Marinette asked in shock. "It's true. I took your advice, and I stood up to him. I told him everything. I told him how he never shows care for me, I told him I hate being a model, and best of all, I told him I quit." Adrien replied. "You quit being his model? You really said that?" Marinette asked. Adrien nods his head. "Oh my God. That's so amazing, Adrien." Marinette cheered. "I know, and that's actually the reason why I wanted to talk to you. If it wasn't for the talk we've had today, I wouldn't be here right now. You gave me the confidence to finally break me free from my chains, and now, I'm no longer a prisoner. I'm finally free from my Father. I'm free from the stupid pictures, and advertisement. I'm able to stop being seen as statue of perfection, and just be a normal teenage boy. All of that wouldn't have been done without you, Marinette." Adrien replied. "I'm so glad you feel that way now." Marinette said. "It's wonderful. But, what I'm trying to say is, you have to be the most important girl in my life, after what you have done for me. So, thank you Marinette. Thank you for breaking me free." Adrien replied. Adrien hugs Marinette, who gasp in surprise. While sudden, Marinette is happy to see Adrien not depressed. She embraces his hug, and smiles for Adrien's freedom.
It's all smiles for everyone in Paris, but it's about to be turned into despair.  At the top of the Eiffel Tower, Essence overlooks the entire city with his very eyes.  "[press radio chip].  Give me the progress report."  Essence ordered.  "All the clawers are in positioned just like you asked.  We are ready on your command."  Clawer replied.  "Fantastic."  Essence said.  "Too bad Cat Noir couldn't join us.  He was the one who helped you come up with this plan."  Clawer replied.  "It's his lose.  I was the one who was trying to warn him of Ladybug's plan to replace him.  If anything, this will be his last mission as Cat Noir.  If Ladybug decides to let the cat play.  And all he had to do not to be replace, was to listen to me.  No matter.  Whoever wears the Black Cat miraculous still won't be able to stop me."  Essence said.  "Understood, master."  Clawer replied.  "The time has come.  You may commence.....the invasion."  Essence ordered.  "As you wish."  Clawer replied as it logs off.  Back at the houseboat, Adrien and Marinette finish hugging.  "We better get back to partying.  I can't wait what we'll do next."  Adrien said.  Adrien goes to leave.  "Adrien."  Marinette said.  Adrien stops, and turns around.  "I'm glad I was able to help you."  Marinette replied.  Adrien smiles.  As he does, Marinette has no idea of the clawer that rises from the water, climbs on the edge of the boat, and is ready to slash her.  "HOLY CRAP!!!!!!  MARINETTE, LOOK OUT!!!!!!"  Adrien screamed.  Marinette turns around, and notices the clawer.  It slashes, but Adrien runs, and pulls Marinette to the ground.  Saving her from a decapitation.  The clawer doesn't stop, and climbs aboard.  Marinette runs away, as Adrien stays behind to fight the robot. It slashes at Adrien, who dodges the attack, and Adrien goes to punch the robot. The clawer grabs his hand, and looks at Adrien in disappointment. "EVERYONE!!!!!! EVERYONE!!!!! STOP THE MUSIC!!!!!! STOP THE PARTY!!!!!" Marinette screamed. Luka witnessing this, goes to the DJ stand to turn off the music. With the music stopping, everyone gets upset. They start yelling in anger. "Guys, chill. Something is wrong here. What's up, Marinette?" Luka asked. "[deep breathes]. There is a..." Marinette replied. Adrien gets chucked right into Marinette. The crowd then turns their attention to what Marinette was talking about. The frightening clawer approaching the party guest. It laughs, as it's ready to slaughter some teenagers. But before it can add a kill, Kagami throws a chair right at the clawer. The robot is on the ground, and tries to get up, only for Kagami to bash the clawer's head with her foot. Repeatedly stomping the clawer to the ground. With one final step, she breathes knowing the clawer is dead. Everyone looks at Kagami with surprise, and maybe some terror. "It was going to hurt us. Someone had to get the job done." Kagami said. People start screaming in pain, which gets the gang's attention. They all run off the houseboat to see what's going on. When they get to the roads, all of them are in absolute horror. They witness countless clawers invading Paris. People running for their lives, as the robots try to add more victims to their kill count. The invasion is everywhere in Paris. At the Louvre, the Arc de Triomphe, the Mayor's office. Everywhere. On one of the buildings, Shadowmoth sees all this happen right in front of him. He doesn't care about them. He focuses on going to the Eiffel Tower to meet Essence. Speaking of which, he watches all the chaos roam in Paris. "Yes. YES!!!!! Rise my clawers. Rise and kill all those you see. Let them all experience the true wrath of my presence." Essence said as he laughs villainously. The whole gang still doesn't know what to do at the sight of this massacre. Even Marinette and Alya don't know what to do. They better decide fast becasue a gang of clawers sneak up behind them. "[turns around, and gasp]. RUN!!!!!" Jack screamed. The others turn around, and see the clawers start to strike. They all run away, as Marinette and Alya go together. Adrien gets the sense it's time to fight whether Ladybug likes it or not. He runs to transforms. His friend however run for their lives. Dashing past clawers desperate to kill them. Some of which already have blood on their claws. Jack gets ahead of the clawers, and hides behind a dumpster. He sighs with relief, and looks at the clawers causing more mayhem.  He notices a sewer grate next to him, which gets Jack an idea. He climbs down into the sewers, and runs. Powering through the nasty smell inside. Marinette and Alya on the other hand find in an alleyway. "There has to be thousands of them out there." Alya said as she takes deep breathes. "No kidding. Essence must have been waiting along time to pull this off. Explains why we haven't seen him since his last attack." Marinette replied. "It's ok, girl. As long as Ladybug and Cat Noir are here, the day is saved." Alya said. "Whose Cat Noir?" Marinette asked. "Oh yeah. Your thing." Alya replied. "Tikki, spots on." Marinette said as she transforms into Ladybug. "Trixx, let's pounce." Alya said as she transforms into Rena Rouge. "You know the drill. You watch, the others fight." Ladybug said. "All in the name of the greater good." Rena Rouge replied. The gals high five, before they move to their positions. Back on the streets, Nino is trying to get away from a gang of ten clawers. He runs away in fear, but one clawer close lines him to the ground. They all surround the boy, and laugh like maniacs. The torture is made more sinister with blood dripping off their clawers. They all get ready to make turtle soup out Nino, but as he closes his eyes, the clawers disperse into pieces. Nino opens his eyes to see Ladybug, who gives Nino the Turtle miraculous. As the madness pursuits, we see Ladybug saving her teammates, before giving them their miraculous separately. Chloe, Sabrina, Ivan, Kagami, Luka, Max, Mylene, Rose, Kim, Juleka, Marc, and Nathaniel. With Team Miraculous assembled, they all meet on a rooftop hidden from the clawers. "That's a lot of clawers." Carapace said. "Yes, it's a bunch. It also doesn't matter. We can still take on all these guys. Despite the disadvantage." Ladybug replied. "But they look so scary." Polymouse said. "Not to mention Essence is here too. We haven't face him before, but we know how skilled he is." Caprikid replied. "And psycho." Pigella said. "It's true Essence is all those traits, and I was scared of him once, but in the end, I overcame my fears of him. You all can do the same. I know you can." Ladybug replied. "Sorry guys. Just had to find the right place to transform." Cat Noir said as he arrives with the team. "Oh, Cat Noir. It's nice to see you with us." Viperion replied. "Thanks. So, what's the plan, Ladybug?" Cat Noir asked. "It's simple. First, we slay the clawers. Then we face Essence, defeat him, and stop his reign of terror. Since there are fourteen of us, he won't stand a chance." Ladybug replied. "Ladybug. Don't you mean fifteen?" Viperion asked. "Fifteen?" Ladybug asked back. "Yes, fifteen. Us, and Cat Noir." Viperion replied. "Oh, alley cat isn't helping. He can just leave. We got this covered." Ladybug said. "Ok now that's bizarre. There is an army of clawers, mind you thousands, and you literally want me to sit this one out? Are you for real?" Cat Noir asked. "Very much. So shut up." Ladybug replied. "Um, to be fair, Cat Noir can be useful for us." Ryuko suggested. "Ryuko has a point. His cataclysm can destroy a load of those robots. I say he helps" Rooster Bold replied. "Thanks you two." Cat Noir said. "Sorry, but I'm the guardian, so I know what's best. Now listen, no matter the amount, don't use your powers.  It's unclear how long this will last, but I know it will be more than five minutes.  Do what you can to support the other.  It's our best chance at victory, ok?  Remember what we are after." Ladybug replied. The whole team leaves, except Cat Noir, who has to once again deal with his partner's treatment to him.
    As innocent people run away from the clawer, fire spreads to the city. It's now a more apocalyptic style city instead of the normal beautiful city Paris is. The clawers laugh. Claiming Paris to be there's. "Now, guys." Ladybug said. All of Team Miraculous, minus Cat Noir, jump from the rooftop in slow mo. The clawers notice this, and the heroes land on their parade. With Ladybug destroying three with her yo-yo, and Carapace two with his shield. It's only the beginning, as the heroes watch an army of clawers get their appearance, and begin to charge at the team. "Just to warn you. Don't let them scratch you. You won't bleed, or have any scars, but it hurts real bad." Ladybug said. "Good to know. Now I have a new thing to add to my fears list." Polymouse replied. As the army of clawers race to the heroes, Ladybug and her team gets ready. "Ok, Team Miraculous. Let's send these robots back to the junk yard." Ladybug said. The heroes race to the clawers. Both sides itching for a good fight. With a good cardio workout done, they start to brawl. Both sides clashing into each other, and starting to tear each other apart. One clawer gets his attack blocked by Carapace's shield. He lifts up, and Carapace slices the clawer from the waist. He dodges a couple more of the clawers attacks, before it's his time to strike. Carapace uppercuts a clawer, that takes it's head off. He sweeps one to the ground, before putting his shield in the clawers back. And the last five tackle Carapace to the ground. However, they are all sent flying off him, after Carapace uses his strength. Targets acquired, Carapace throws his shield at each clawer in the sky. Destroying them with perfect accuracy. He moves on, as King Monkey has some fun. He whacks clawers with his staff. Some he stabs in the head of chest. Some he only injures. He does do some backflips to avoid the clawers strikes. Unfortunately one gets him right in the calves. He falls to the ground in pain, as the clawers run to get him. But one gets destroyed when a boomerang gets him in the head. Two others are injured thanks to the boomerang from Pegasus. He takes out the rest of the clawers with his weapon, before he jumps down to smash some to death with his fist. Pegasus helps King Monkey up, who is still a bit messed up from the slash. He can walk if off. The two heroes go to fight more clawers. We get some Pigella and Purple Tigress action as they are surround by clawers. They don't care. As the clawers run, both heroes destroy them in their way. Purple tigress scratches pieces of metal off clawers faces with her claw, and Pigella blocks the slashes with her tambourine. She even slits one clawer's throat, as she dodges the others. Purple Tigress takes her bolas to bash clawer's heads open. She swings, and hits. Swings, and hits. Swings, and hits. She destroys some by kicking them in the chest, before slamming the bolas on their heads. Pigella dodges more clawer strikes, and kills some with kicks to the head. "Hey, Pigella. [smashes a clawer with bolas]. Care to trade?" Purple Tigress asked. "I'm already having fun over here. [dodges one clawer strike. She backhands the clawer with tambourine]. But I want to see what it's like on your side. Deal." Pigella replied. So, Purple Tigress dashes to Pigella, and Pigella does a back flip over Purple Tigress. Which is done in slow mo to add to the scene. Purple Tigress tackles the three clawers, and destroys them all. Pigella finishes the last four with her tambourine. More clawers show up, but they can take on as many as possible. Another tag team forms with Rooster Bold and Caprikid.  They are also surrounded by a wave of clawers, who try to get them.  Both heroes take them out thanks to Caprikid's brush, and Rooster Bold's fighting techniques.  Caprikid whacks them in the face, and even breaks off some of the clawer's legs.  Rooster Bold uppercuts one clawer, then kicks one in the gut, and then chucks down into the air.  The clawer flies right onto the horns of Minatourox.  Impaled, Minatourox ripes it off of him, and throws it at six clawers.  Teams up to six clawers race towards Minotaurox. Thanks to his hefty strength, he sends the clawers flying into buildings. Taking out five waves of six clawers at a time He charges at one group, before five of them run away.  The last clawer gets grabbed by Minatourox, is held over his head, and literally ripped in half.  Minotaurox gets energized to take on the five running away.  "HELP!!!!!"  Polymouse screamed.  Minotaurox hears that, and turns around to see Polymouse being outnumbered by twenty clawers.  They all try to slice her, but she dodges their attacks.  Since Mylene is scared of most things, the clawers start to freak her out.  "Awww, what wrong tiny little mouse?  You scared of us?  You scared of us mean robots?"  Clawer teased.  That clawer kicks her into the arms of two other clawers.  They grab her, and start scratching their claws into her wrist.  Polymouse cries out in pain.  "Ohhhh, I say we peel her face off. Would make a great Halloween costume."  Clawer said as he and the others laugh.  Before they can skin Polymouse, one gets a tap on their shoulder.  It turns around to find Minotaurox, who cracks his knuckles.  The clawer laughs, and soon, all twenty of them are found smashed to pieces curtsy of his hammer.  "You good?"  Minotaurox asked.  "I'm fine.  I just never thought these guys can get any scarier."  Polymouse replied.  "No need to feel afraid.  If you are that afraid of something, do what it takes to make it go away for good."  Minotaurox advised.  He helps Polymouse off the ground.  "Thanks for the advice."  Polymouse said.  "No problem.  Stick with me if you want.  We have a whole lot of wrecking to do."  Minotaurox replied.  The ox and mouse move on, as the dog and bee shine.  The two of them take out clawers left and right. Queen Bee uses her top to break limbs off the clawers, and Miss Hound let's the clawers do her work for her. When a clawer slashes at Miss Hound, she dodges it, and that slash goes into another clawer. She teases the robot into killing his own team. This helps her take out ten clawers, and she finishes the last one by using a ripped off clawer hand to leave a massive scar on it's face. She goes to help Queen Bee. Ladybug and Viperion take on more clawers, and destroy them fast with their weapons, and good fighting skills. Viperion kicks, and punches clawers, before stabbing them with his harp. And Ladybug lassos clawers to pieces with her yo-yo. Thanks to their teamwork, all the clawers are defeated. Except ten. The team corners the clawers, who are actually scared to fight them. Best to put them out of their misery, so Ryuko flies right past them in a flash. She stands up straight, and puts her sword in it's scabbard. Once inside, the clawers crumble into pieces of scrap.
    "WOOOOOO!!!!!!!! HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT, BOLT BRAINS????!!!!!" Ladybug screamed. The others cheer on in a so far determined victory. Some member high five, some pat each other on the back. The celebration continues, but then a clawer cut in half starts laughing.  The team hears this sound of joy, and focus on the robot.  Despite having sparks and metal slide out of it, the clawer continues to laugh.  Ladybug approaches the clawer.  "What's so funny?  We defeated you guys."  Ladybug asked.  "[finished laughing].  You didn't think it was that easy did you?  That we would be a piece of cake to destroy?  Of course not.  [looks at some of the heroes].  Perhaps we should show your team how advanced us clawers truly are."  Clawer replied as he laughs until he powers off.  Confused, Team Miraculous doesn't know what the clawer means.  That is, before Ladybug gets a nasty slash on her back.  She falls to the ground, and looks to see a clawer form thanks to it's invisibility.  Viperion goes to help Ladybug.  If only he understood what the laughing clawer meant.  He gets slashed in the arm, and then all of Team Miraculous experiences the same pain.  Each and every one of them gets brutal slices on their magical suits.  Arms, legs, chest, back, all parts of their bodies get stabbed by metal claws.  Eventually, the whole team is lying on the ground.  Breathing in pain from the scars that sting.  Clawers tower in front of the team.  "Like our friend said.  You didn't think it was that easy did you?"  Clawer asked.  Soon after, the team realizes that another giant army of clawers is here all pumped to see the team.  Team Miraculous struggles to fight back.  "So guys, who should be slaughter first?"  Clawer asked.  "Hmmm, how about the pig."  Clawer replied.  "Pigella.  Why her?"  Clawer asked.  "Why not?"  Clawer asked back.  "Valid reason."  Clawer replied.  Two clawers drag the scared, but wounded Pigella to the front of the team.  They hold her down, as she cries not be to turned to bacon.  Purple Tigress agrees, so she slowly stands up to save her.  Then a clawer slashes her hard on the back that she falls face first on the ground.  Pigella looks in devastation for Purple Tigress, and then looks at the clawer in fear.   "Bye bye, little piggy."  Clawer said as he unleashes his claw.  He then slices Pigella's head off clean, which would happen if a staff wasn't throw straight into it's head.  The two clawers holding Pigella are quickly taken off her, and thrown against a car.  Now Pigella looks at the clawers in shock, and her savior in remorse.  "You alright?"  Cat Noir asked.  Pigella, while still stinging, smiles.  "I am thanks to you, Cat."  Pigella replied.  "Fluff.....whatever.  What are you doing here?  I already told you, you were not needed."  Ladybug asked in anger.  "Cram it with the excuses.  [looks at clawers].  I apologize for my absence.  Someone thinks the cat shouldn't come out of the bag.  But now that I'm here, [spins staff around, before settling it] I'm going to make you regret coming back here once again."  Cat Noir said in a serious tone.  The clawers start to laugh at Cat's threat.  The laugh echoes through the entire city.  "Or else what?  The kitties going to whine for not getting it's warm milk?"  Clawer asked as it laughs more.  The clawer's laugher ends when he gets a new hole in his head.  Thanks to Cat's staff.  He brings it back to his side, as he sets his message clear for the clawers.  "Wanna try me now?"  Cat Noir asked.  Cat Noir jumps into the air.  As he screams, he lands right into a wave of the clawers.  Thirty to fourty of them are send into the air, and their positions are now an open circle.  Cat uses his staff to release his frustrations on being left out on the clawers.  Not even a feet close to him, Cat Noir bashes the heads off the robots.  He does that to fifteen of them.  The clawers start to move in faster, but Cat isn't going to lose this fight.  He forcefully hits the clawers so hard, their limbs fly right off of them, and crash into other clawers waiting to fight.  Cat's reflexives are so fast, it's almost something the clawers can't handle.  They start to try to get Cat when he's off guard, but Cat Noir just spins his staff to block their strikes.  He even impales the clawers who try to play sneaky.  Except one who now attacks Cat Noir from behind.  Cat stabs the clawer from behind, and extends his staff to piece the heads of ten more clawers in front of them.  "Come on you guys.  Is that the best you can do?"  Cat Noir teased.  The clawers get pissed, and all storm at him at once.  In slow mo, Cat jumps over them, and we return to normal speed when the clawers crash into each other.  Cat Noir stomps on three of the clawers, and sends the rest flying into the crowd with his staff.  The rest of Team Miraculous watches Cat kick so much butt.  "I told you we should have let him stay, Ladybug."  Rooster Bold said.  "Exactly.  [gets up].  And he's not fighting this one alone."  Ryuko declared as she runs into the field.  Cat Noir bashes away five more clawers with his staff.  The sixth one gets it's arms, and legs takes off by a familiar sword.  "Ryuko?"  Cat Noir asked.  "Mind if I step in?"  Ryuko asked back.  Ryuko decapitates a clawer who hurdles at them, and it's body back flips to the ground.  "Absolutely."  Cat Noir replied amazed.  The two heroes stand side by side, as the clawers roam them.  Cat Noir takes off more clawer limbs, and lives, as Ryuko makes quick of the clawers with her sword.  She even slices one of them vertically.  Having both sides of the body fall to the ground.  Cat impales one clawer to the ground, and starts scratching the clawers, or beating them to death with his hands and feet.  Cat retrieves his staff from the clawer he impaled, before he uppercuts one, and stabs it.  "Hey, Cat Noir.  Catapult me."  Ryuko said.  "[kills a clawer].  Why?"  Cat Noir asked.  "[slices a clawer].  Trust me, it will help."  Ryuko replied.  "Whatever you say."  Cat Noir said.  Cat Noir gets his staff in catapult position, and Ryuko jumps on it.  "Ready?"  Cat Noir asked.  "As ever be."  Ryuko replied.  Cat Noir launches Ryuko, who starts her plan.  Pointing her sword outwards, she starts to spin like Queen Bee's top.  Ryuko descends like a rocket to the ground, and into the clawer pile.  Clawers next to her start getting their robot insides spilled out thanks to Ryuko's tornado attack.  She makes her way back to Cat Noir.  Destroying clawers, and blasting robot parts all over the place.  The blender of clawers ends when Ryuko makes it back to the middle.  With more clawer parts falling to the ground.  "[looks in impressment].  I'm so glad you are apart of the team."  Cat Noir said.  "And I'm glad we have encouraging heroes like you."  Ryuko replied.  The two smile, but focus on the battle.  The rest of Team Miraculous are as well impressed with that teamwork.  "Ryuko is right.  Come on guys, let's prove we deserve to be members of this team."  Queen Bee encouraged.  The rest slowly, but quickly agree with Queen Bee.  "Don't do that.  What's his name is such a moron.  You'll get killed out there."  Ladybug said.  "You see him as a moron.  We see him as our ally."  Rooster Bold said.  The heroes ignore Ladybug, even Viperion, and go into battle.  "[looks at Cat Noir, and only sees Cat Blanc].  Stupid white alley cat.  I'm glad your not going to be here after this."  Ladybug said in anger, before joining the others.  Team Miraculous joins the party, and start destroying the clawers.  Purple Tigress uses Clout to send hundreds flying into the air. Minotaurox uses Resistance to ram through waves of clawers. Rooster Bold activates his super speed to destroy clawers by running into them. They go all out. Not a single one showing mercy.
"'s a mess don't think........we th...."  Clawer said before signing off.  "[sighs, and presses radio chip].  It's time."  Essence said.  The heroes continue to destroy the clawers.  Making sure there are none left.  Cat Noir kills four more clawers, and goes to kill more, if his sixth sense didn't kick in.  Cat Noir freezes, and looks at Polymouse, who kills a clawer by strangling it with her jump rope.  "[gasp].  Polymouse, look out!!!!  Cat Noir yelled.  Cat Noir runs to Polymouse, and pushes her out of the way.  In order for her not to be blown up from the missile that hurdles to her position.  The two of them roll of the ground, and Polymouse sees what Cat was trying to do.  "Oh my God.  How did you..."  Polymouse asked.  "Sixth sense.  It's common for cats."  Cat Noir interrupted.  Cat looks up in the sky, and is not happy to see what he sees.  An armada of missiles being sent directly towards them all.  "God, I hate Essence.  EVERYONE, RUN FOR COVER!!!!!!!!"  Cat Noir screamed to the top of his lungs.  The others see the missile attack.  They try to run, but it's pointless.  The missiles slam into the ground.  Blowing the heroes away, and leaving chaos on the streets of Paris.  Some find cover, like Purple Tigress who pulls Pigella to safety, and Miss Hound, who gathers King Monkey, Queen Bee, and Pegasus.  Carapace stands in front of Ladybug, Viperion, Cat Noir, and Polymouse, and uses shelter to protect his friends.  Beneath Paris, Jack runs, and falls to the ground when the missiles start hitting the ground.  His fears are rising when cracks form on the roads.  It's worse than he expected.  Jack does get up, and runs in the other direction in order to stay safe.  The firing is so powerful, it even destroys clawers as well.  Being destroyed to bits from the impact.  The missiles leave rumble in Paris, and some building ravaged.  All thanks to a group of clawers flying over them in their jet packs.  Rena Rouge watches from a top a building.  Apart from the flames, the clawer army is dying down slowly. As she spies, she looks around in another direction to find Shadowmoth making his way across the rooftops. "What on Earth?" Rena Rouge asked. She zooms in, as Shadowmoth makes his way to his destination. The Eiffel Tower. He stands in front of the tower surrounded by fire. "This Essence guy is going to regret trying to threaten me. I'll just take him out, and make sure this never happens again." Shadowmoth said. He runs to the tower, and Rena gets confused why. It's not until she moves up the tower to see Essence waiting at the top of the tower. "We'll get a load at that." Rena Rouge said. As smoke settles in Paris, the dusted up heroes rise from the ashes, and try to regroup with each other.  None of them seem to be hurt, and none seem to be dead. Now that the dust is completely gone, the entire team sees each other, and joins back together.  "How is everyone?"  Cat Noir asked.  "Blown away.  But all in all good."  Caprikid replied.  Ladybug looks at Cat Noir with rage.  "[gets a message].  What's up?" Ladybug asked. "Your not going to believe this. Shadowmoth is here, and he is going to the Eiffel Tower right now. Moreover, Essence is at the very top of the tower." Rena Rouge replied. "No way. Are you sure?"  Ladybug asked.  "I'm certain."  Rena Rouge replied.  "We could defeat both of them today. Great work as always." Ladybug said as she signs off. The team continues to refuel. "Guys, listen up. We need to go to the Eiffel Tower. Both Essence and Shadowmoth are there." Ladybug said. "And how do you know this?" Cat Noir asked. "I have my ways. Anyway, for those who used their powers, recharge your kwami, and then you guys will make sure all the clawers are gone.  Don't want those freaks sneaking up on us again. Once done, report to The Eiffel Tower. I'll get a head start with Shadowmoth and Essence." Ladybug replied. She leaves to stop the two villains on the run. "Yeah, I'm going with her too. Just in case. Best of luck you guys." Cat Noir said. "Thanks. You two." King Monkey replied. Cat leaves, as the rest of Team Miraculous goes to stop more clawers, or recharge.
    As the fight presses on, Essence watches fire grow in Paris at the top of the Eiffel Tower. "Ahhhhh. What a beautiful day outside. The flames make me feel like chilling on a sunny beach.  And the breeze of ashes [inhale, exhale]. Stunning. Aren't I wrong, Gabriel?" Essence asked as Shadowmoth points his cane at Essence's back. "Hello, Essence. I'm here, just like you wanted." Shadowmoth replied. "[turns around slowly]. So, you listened to my gift after all?  Quite unexpected. I thought you would coward in your lair, and send an akumatized villain to see me." Essence said. "I would have, until I found out you know who I am. That's why I want the same thing from you. Who are you, Essence?" Shadowmoth asked still pointing his cane at Essence's throat. "[laughs villainously]. And why should I do what you say, Gabe?" Essence asked. "Or you won't end up with a hole seeping blood out your throat." Shadowmoth replied. "Never thought you were the murdering type. I feel you are more like the emotionless type." Essence said. "I'm not going to hesitate taking your life if it means I can continue my work. No way you or your robots are taking the miraculous away from me." Shadowmoth replied. "Yeah. Of course. Then you and your joke of villains and sentimonsters will keep trying to get the miraculous, only to realize you don't have the skills to get your hands on one." Essence said. "Neither do you." Shadowmoth replied. "Oh really? I've made more progress here than you ever had. Everyday it's, send an akuma or amok to a cry baby, and only hope it will get me two teens miraculous. As I stand in my villain lair praising myself for being such a genius villain. Me on the other hand? I move my butt outside, and try to take the jewels myself. Alongside my clawers for assistance. In addition to making my mark, I was so close to getting Ladybug's miraculous once. Before some kid stopped me. As for Cat Noir? Hmmm, I had a way to get his. It didn't work out. Also, I truly come off as a menace. You just make villains, and monsters. I kill people just for the fun of it.  Why don't you simply face it, Gabriel. I'm the better villain here." Essence said. "I don't care if your better than me. I only care about getting the miraculous, and taking you out." Shadowmoth replied. "We'll see about that." Essence said. Essence kicks Shadowmoth's hand fan out of his side.  It spins in the air, which distracts Shadowmoth.  This allows Essence to grab, and thrown his can off to the side, grab Shadowmoth by the throat, and slam his head again the Eiffel Tower.  Essence backs up from Shadowmoth, who looks up.  "Oh, God how long I've been waiting for this."  Essence said with enthusiasm, as he pulls his sword out.  He rushes to Shadowmoth, but he crawls out of the way as Essence gets his sword pierced in the ground.  Shadowmoth grabs his cane and hand fan, and Essence removes his sword from the ground.  Locking his eyes on Shadowmoth, he sprints to him, and prepares to slice him in half.  Shadowmoth uses his weapons to block Essence's attack, and with both feet on the ground, he pushes Essence off of him.  Shadowmoth gets into a defensive position.  With Essence on the offense.  He swings his sharp blade towards Shadowmoth's head.  He ducks, and tries to stab Essence with his cane.  Essence dodges fast, but does slam hard on Shadowmoth's elbow.  It hurts the man, making him defenseless.  Essence strikes with a punch, however, Shadowmoth is more experienced.  He dodges, and Essence's fist goes into the metal bar of the tower.  He screams in pain, before Shadowmoth misses a kick to Essence's face.  Essence misses a backhand to Shadowmoth, only to deliver an uppercut to him instead.  Shadowmoth almost falls to the ground thanks to the metal rail.  Essence goes to stomp on Shadowmoth, but he dodges the attack.  This time, Shadowmoth pushes Essence, and he leans off the Eiffel Tower.  No matter.  Essence grabs the metal rail, and swings his way back up.  Resulting in Shadowmoth getting two leather boots to the face.  This does make Shadowmoth fall to the ground, and Essence return to the top.  Essence runs to slash at Shadowmoth, but he blocks it with his cane.  The force from Essence's attack has Shadowmoth struggle to firmly grasp his cane.  Essence goes nuts on Shadowmoth, who blocks all his attacks with his cane.  However, he loses his grip from each strike, and the cane slides out of his hands.  Needing to act fast, Shadowmoth back flips over Essence's sword slam, so he takes his chance to strike.  Cane reattached, he dashes at Essence. Cane ready to stab him. Essence giggles, before he chucks his blade at Shadowmoth.  After in shock, Shadowmoth twist, and falls to the side when the blade pierces the ground again.  Essence dashes, grabs Shadowmoth, and pummels his face like smashing a pumpkin.  Punching him repeatingly, and slamming both fist on his head.  Essence holds nothing back on Shadowmoth.  No sympathy at all.  Once he stops attacking, Shadowmoth is bleeding more than he once was back with Adrien.  Essence chills out, before he drags Shadowmoth against the ground. A path of blood being dripped behind. Essence leans Shadowmoth against the metal railing at the front of the Eiffel Tower.  Looking straight at him.  "[deep breathes].  You made me do this."  Essence said.  He goes to finally grab Shadowmoth's miraculous, and as he does, Shadowmoth needs to find a way out. He turns his head to see how far down the ground is from up here, which leaves Gabriel with a choice.  Let Essence take his miraculous, or fall to a not so soft landing.  Essence makes his way to the miraculous slowly, as Shadowmoth thinks heavily on what to do.  He doesn't want to do both, but has to choose one.  Time runs out fast when Essence is touching the brim of the miraculous.  Shadowmoth must choose.  So, as he closes his eyes, he makes his choice.  He kicks Essence off of him, and falls off the Eiffel Tower.  An anger Essence pursues him, after he grabs his sword.  Shadowmoth falls hundreds of feet in the air.  Flipping around like crazy as he falls.  He can't control his balance, while free falling.  Unfortunately, time runs out.  Shadowmoth lands back first on the metal floor of the Eiffel Tower's base.
    Shadowmoth lies on the base of the Eiffel Tower. Trying to recover from the pain he is consumed with.  Things only get worse when Essence crash lands on the Eiffel Tower.  Right next to Shadowmoth. "[laughs]. Oh, Gabriel, Gabriel, Gabriel. Two miraculous, and I'm still able to kick your butt. Just comes to show you're still the same weak old man I know you very well as." Essence said. "[lies with his back on the ground]. Urg.....what are you talking about?" Shadowmoth asked. "[shooked]. Are you serious? No, no. Are you actually serious?" Essence asked back. "Yeah, what do you mean?" Shadowmoth asked back. Essence looks at Gabriel with disgust. "You don't remember me?" Essence asked. "Remember you? Why would I remember you? I barely know you aside from wanting the miraculous." Shadowmoth replied. "Well, I figured you would know exactly who I am when we first meet." Essence said. "Wh....what?" Shadowmoth asked confused. "Heheh. I'll give you a clue." Essence said. Essence gets on one knee, and looks at Shadowmoth, who is still lying on the ground. "I'm the guy......[deep breath]...........who killed your wife." Essence said. The clue has Shadowmoth go into shock, as he gets flashes of the past. He remembers the katana slashing on the Peacock miraculous, and then Emilie blowing up. After Hawkmoth witnessed that, he looks at the man who did it. A figure wearing black boots, black gloves, an all black leather outfit, a black hooded cape, a black cloth around his entire face, and the same katana Gabriel has locked in the safe of his home. " can't be." Shadowmoth said in horror. "Ohhhh, yes, Gabriel. [grabs him by the arm]. It IS!!!!!" Essence replied as he throws Shadowmoth into one of the metal pillars of the tower. Shadowmoth falls to the ground again. "Now you remember me? Great. So you should remember that not only do you have my Butterfly and Peacock miraculous, but you also have MY GRIMOIRE!!!!!" Essence screamed. "No. This is impossible. I watched you die." Shadowmoth replied. "HA! Did you really think you can kill me that easily? I've only been hiding in the shadows. Waiting to find you, attack at the right time, and take back, what's rightfully mine.  Emilie and you were never meant to have those miraculous.  She got what was coming for her. Your next."  Essence replied.  Shadowmoth stays down afraid now that he realizes who he's fighting.  "I get it's hard to believe it's really me standing right in front of you. But you never know what kind of plot twist will come along to......blow your mind away."  Essence said.  He puts his blade behind his back, and is ready to slice Gabriel in half.  As he goes to score the kill, a yo-yo wraps around Essence's hand holding his sword.  Ladybug pulls back, which makes Essence scream.  He looks to see Ladybug trapping him in place.  "Essence and Shadowmoth.  Delightful to see you two in the same place.  Looks like we'll be ending two villains reign of terror today."  Ladybug said.  "Not quite, Ladybug.  I'll be ending Shadowmoth's reign, then your team's glory once I'm done."  Essence replied.  "Funny you say that when all of your clawers are pretty much trash."  Cat Noir said as he joins next to Ladybug.  Essence doesn't like seeing Cat Noir with his so called partner.  "Now this is more pathetic than you, Shadowmoth.  You're still working with Ladybug, Cat Noir?"  Essence asked in disappointment.  "It's better than working for a psycho like you."  Cat Noir replied.  "Oh what would you know about good partnerships, when the one next to you doesn't even see you as one?"  Essence screamed.  He yanks Ladybug off her ground, and throws her into another pillar.  Essence chokes Shadowmoth on the ground, and goes to get his miraculous.  Cat Noir springs into action, and chokes Essence with his staff from behind.  Gagging, Essence let's go of Shadowmoth, and his sword.  He walks backwards with Cat on his back, before he grabs Cat Noir's arms, and throws him into another pillar.  Essence grabs his sword, and approaches Shadowmoth.  Shadowmoth kicks Essence in the gut.  Essence urgs in pain, as Shadowmoth waste no time in running away.  He jumps off the Eiffel Tower, and flees.  Essence runs after him, and jumps off the Eiffel Tower too.  Ready to catch him.  He flies so close to Shadowmoth, who now realizes Essence's presence.  Wanting to get away from this psychopath, Shadowmoth takes his cane, and smacks Essence in the face with it.  Essence is sent flying to the ground.  Right in front of the Eiffel Tower.  He manages to land on both feet, but only is confronted with some friends.  "Hello there."  Carapace said standing alongside the rest of Team Miraculous.  The team starts to stand next to each other one by one.  Until Essence is completely surrounded by them all.  The last two spots are reserved for Ladybug and Cat Noir, who quickly land with the team, and fill in the gap.  "Great job, team.  We finally have Essence right where we need him."  Ladybug said in an exciting way.
    Shadowmoth runs on rooftops to get away from Essence's invasion. Just when he thinks he's in the clear, a missile blows Shadowmoth into a wall. He gets up to see clawers land with their jet packs. The clawer is joined by various others, who trap Shadowmoth. "Alright, old man. It's time to hang up your position as miraculous holder. Just, give us your miraculous, and we will have the pleasure of sparing you from your demise." Clawer said. "[pulls out cane and hand fan]. I promised Emilie I wouldn't stop, until I have resurrected her. And if you think I'm going to let you demons take that away from me, than I have only one thing to say. You want my miraculous, just try to lay a finger tip on them." Shadowmoth declared. Back at the Eiffel Tower, Team Miraculous stands their ground when it comes to keeping Essence in place. "So, Essence. How does it feel to be locked up like a ravenous animal in a cage? Must be a little, frightening for a change?"  Ladybug asked.  "You may think your clawers had the power to take us out, but we disproved your little theory."  Carapace replied.  "Even an air strike wasn't enough to take us out."  Pigella said.  "Or more clawers."  Ryuko replied.  "And now you ridiculously ended up right here.  In a circle full of superheroes. Well deserved for all the clawers that surrounded us."  Queen Bee said.  "With no help whatsoever from your robotic buddies."  Rooster Bold replied.  "And don't try to smoke bomb away from this one.  By these odds, you have a zero chance of getting away."  Pegasus said.  "With all that in mind, it would be best to give up, Essence.  Hand over your mask to me now."  Ladybug ordered.  Essence remains quiet, as the heroes smile knowing he is done for.  "What?  Do you expect me to give in? Do you expect me to just give you what you want? Do you really think I should be horrified I'm being threatened by fifteen mindless superheroes thirteen of which I've never faced before? [looks at Ladybug]. I still don't get how you are this confident that you'll actually defeat me, when you know what's going to happen." Essence said. "Because we came with more allies to stop you this time. One of us was hard. Fourteen of us? That's something else. And besides, some of these guys are more heroic than you think. With all of us as one, you will fall." Ladybug replied. "If you say so. [puts blade in scabbard]. Now which one of you unfortunate souls wants to go first?" Essence asked. The whole team gets into a fighting position.  Ready to bring a hard offense, and defense considering it's Essence.  As for Essence himself, he just stands still.  Doesn't even try to get into a fighting pose.  The team locks their eyes on him.  Not getting distracted by anything.  After a few seconds of nothing happening, Ryuko runs to Essence from behind.  Preparing to slice him in half thanks to her speed of lighting.  However, right before she gets to him, Essence giggles.  And in slow motion, he back flips over Ryuko, who is shocked at how fast he is compared to her.  Essence lands in normal motion, and kicks Ryuko away.  King Monkey swings his staff.  Essence leans back to dodge, before he knocks the staff out of King Monkey's hands.  Essence punches King Monkey in the throat, and then socks a charging Miss Hound in the face.  She flies.  Essence dodges Purple Tigress' balos attack.  Essence trips, and grabs her leg.  Chucking her into Queen Bee and Carapace.  He sprints to them.  Grabbing Purple Tigress again, and throwing her into Rooster Bold and Polymouse.  He grabs both heads of Queen Bee and Carapace, before slamming them into each other with force. He runs to Rooster Bold and Polymouse, expect Purple Tigress goes to punch him. He dodges, grabs her arm, twist it until she screams, and throws her to the ground. Rooster Bold and Polymouse are up to fight, but as they go to punch Essence, he ducks, gets up, and backhands both of them. Pegasus jumps on Essence, who grabs him, and the horse flies into King Monkey. Viperion jumps in to stop Essence, who swings his feet to have Viperion trip, and flip onto his own head. Essence grabs his leg, and swings Viperion's back into Cat Noir's staff, as he is trying to hit Essence. Cat lose his staff, so Essence uppercuts the kitty, brutalizes his gut with twenty punches making Cat drool, taking off his belt, turns Cat around, chokes him with it until his face turns purple, and kicking him in the calves to give Cat Noir a Charlie horse. Essence elbows Ryuko, soon before he kicks her in the shins. He grabs her face, which he uses to bash into Pigella's face. As Pigella falls, Essence grabs her leg, and with Ryuko's leg, he slams them to the ground over his back. Repeating this several times, now in slow mo, he swings both heroes over each other, and in normal speed, into Caprikid and Miss Hound, who charge at Essence. Both heroes getting closed lined by two other heroes that Essence let's go of. Carapace goes to slam his shield into Essence, but he quickly turns around to block it with his hands. Pushing up against the shield, Essence punches Carapace in the face multiple brutal times. Until he uppercuts Carapace, jumps, and kicks Carapace away. His shield flying in the air, which he uses to frisbee right into Ladybug's face, who tries to yo-yo him. Minotaurox goes all bull on Essence ready to impale him on his horns. Too bad Essence grabs them, and will all his strength, flips Minotaurox over his head, and onto Miss Hound and Caprikid. Ladybug jumps on Minotaurox's back to get Essence. She throws her yo-yo at him, but he dodges them casually. Even jumping over them as Ladybug tries to lasso him. Pegasus throws his boomerang at Essence, who takes this chance to get the bug exterminated. He dodges the boomerang attack, as another yo-yo attack goes for him. The boomerang hits Ladybug in the face, which gives Essence the opportunity to get her yo-yo. Swinging it, he wraps up Ladybug, and wrecking balls her into a whole line of heroes including: Queen Bee, Viperion, King Monkey, Polymouse, and Purple Tigress. While still in the air, Essence sprints at them all. He body slams Queen Bee, kicks Viperion into King Monkey, throws King Monkey to the ground, uses his staff to baseball bat Polymouse, and finally grab Purple Tigress by the throat slamming her to the ground. She then gets hits in the head with her own balos as well. Cat Noir, now recovered, joins back in. He screams and jumps to his Essence with his staff. He grabs the staff, and swings Cat Noir off it. He uses the staff to smack Rooster Bold in the face, and strikes him like a baseball. Essence still uses the staff to hit Minotaurox in the knee, who was charging at him. On one knee, Minotaurox gets whacked on the head with Cat's staff, and kicked in the face. Ryuko, Pegasus, and Pigella charge at Essence from all side. Essence loses the staff, kicks Pegasus in the face, double uppercuts Pigella, and barrel roll flips over Ryuko's sword strike. She slashes at Essence, who ducks, and jumps over her attacks. Essence jumps again, only to squash Ryuko like a bug. Ladybug and Queen Bee take this time to attack. They launch their yo-yo and hop at Essence. He grabs both ends of their weapon, and pulls both insects into a backflip uppercut. Landing, Purple Tigress jumps from above. "Clout." Purple Tigress said as she uses her powers. Essence jumps to avoid her attack, which sends him flying in the air because of her power. Rocks join him as well in the sky. No matter. He skydives to one rock, which he pushes off of to land on another rocks. He goes the same, but as he comes back down, Minotaurox, hammer in hand, goes at him. Essence locks eyes on Minotaurox, as he swiftly dodges a hammer attack. Minotaurox flies, and gets hits by a rock, which loses his hammer. Essence presses off a rock close to the ground, to fly back up to grab the hammer. He then presses off a rock high in the sky, and sky rocket back down. He spins the hammer in his hand, before he hits a home run with one of the rocks. Creating an asteroid that hurdles to the ground. The heroes run, as a big explosion goes off. Miss Hound falls to the ground, so she can break Essence's fall when he lands right on her back. He uses the hammer to hit Viperion away, and spins it again to sock King Monkey in the face. Essence finally gets off Miss Hound, before stomps on her back for good measures. Queen Bee runs to save her BFF, but Essence puts the Queen in a choke hold. "Sublimation." Rooster Bold as he uses his powers to give himself super strength. Rooster Bold uses his new power to chuck rocks at Essence. Essence runs, while Queen is still in a choke hold, to go after Rooster Bold. He jumps over, and slides under the rock attacks, before he kicks Rooster Bold in the chin. Essence kicks him again into a lamppost. Miss Hound throws her ball at Essence, who catches it, and throws it back at her nose. Essence then sprint kicks Miss Hound into Pigella. Cat Noir uses his staff to help Queen Bee. Essence moves fast past his attacks. No matter how fast Cat Noir hits, Essence manages to leave unharmed. In the end, he swings Queen Bee into Cat Noir, and uses her body to body slams Cat Noir. Essence then jumps on his gut to make sure he stays down. "Lighting dragon." Ryuko said as she uses her powers. Now lighting, she strikes down on Essence. "It was fun while it lasted." Essence said. He finally let's Queen Bee catch some air, and then she is thrown into Ryuko's lighting strike. Electrocuting her, until her hair is up, and black smoke comes out of her. Ryuko reforms, and Essence makes his move. Grabbing her throat, and punching her, until she bleeds. He lifts her up, and slams her on the ground. Caprikid comes to get Essence with his paintbrush. Of course, Essence knocks it out of his hands. He pushes the goat on the ground, and slams his boot his head. He runs away from Caprikid, as he sits up. And have Minotaurox return to the ground by crushing him. Ladybug sprints, but is so tired to fight due to the beat down. Essence shrugs it off. He literally beats the crap out of Ladybug. Punching her, kicking her, twisting multiple limbs, all of the pain. He ends her, and this fight by holding her up, performing a backbreaker, and yeeting her across the ground into a curb.
The outcome of the battle is unlike any other.  All heroes on the ground.  Moaning in agony, or simply unconscious from the battle.  Essence refuels himself by taking some deep breathes, before he walks to Ladybug, who is still on the ground in pain.  She tries to get up, but Essence stomps on her foot, which makes her scream.  "And I thought you said this would be the one.  The one battle where you in fact, defeat me once and for all.  Yet.......I'm somehow able to prevent that, with only my two hands.  And some of your weapons as well.  [looks at Team Miraculous].  Look at you wastes of potential.  You were given one of the most powerful jewels in existence.  Ones that grand you unbelievable power.  And I still win against fifteen of you.  Unacceptable.  [looks back at Ladybug].  I think I understand it now.  Just because you have this "awesome, unstoppable team of heroes," that means we shouldn't mess with you.  Instead, we should coward before your supreme awesomeness  To Shadowmoth, your team is nothing but a dangerous threat.  But to me, your team is nothing but a circus."  Essence said.  Essence goes for his sword, so he can finish squashing the bug.  He raises it over his head, while Viperion goes to save Ladybug by using his powers.  He carefully moves his hand to his miraculous.  Just so he can get a sword almost in the arm when it's speared at him.  Essence sprints, grabs Viperion's hand, and stomps on it several times.  Viperion screams in pain, as Essence does the same with the other.  All of Team Miraculous watching in horror.  "[pulls him in].  Even after what I just did, you morons never learn your lesson.  [violently throws Viperion to the ground].  Ok, now back to what I was doing."  Essence said.  He speed walks back to Ladybug, who once again tries to get up.  She fails, as Essence stomps on her stomach, and kneeing on her.  "You know?  [looks at sword in hand] I was planning on using my sword to slice your head in half, after I got your miraculous, but since your friends keep pissing me off."  Essence said.  He throws his sword to the ground, and viciously grabs Ladybug by the throat.  He starts strangling her til she spits out silva, and tries to breath.  He presses harder on her throat by the second, as Ladybug begs to breath.  Ladybug's face starts to turn red from the lack of air.  Essence laughs, as Ladybug cries for air.  The more she begs, the more he laughs like a maniac.  It's at the point Ladybug closes her eyes slowly, as Essence proceeds to laugh louder.  Thankfully, the laughing stops when Cat Noir grabs Essence by the shoulders, and throws him off her.  Cat Noir tends to his Lady.  He checks, and sees she still has a pulse.  Thank God.  He grabs her body, and goes to the team.  "Caprikid, use your power to heal her throat."  Cat Noir ordered.  "Genesis."  Caprikid said as he uses his powers.  The healing coming from his paintbrush goes onto Ladybug.  It helps heal her throat, as she is back to normal.  She coughs, as Caprikid helps her up.  "What happened?"  Ladybug asked.  "I used my power to heal you, after Cat Noir saved you.  Your ok now.  As for us, ouch, not so much."  Caprikid replied.  "It's ok, guys.  I'm going to finish this."  Cat Noir said.  Cat Noir walks up to Essence, staff in hand, as Essence gets up with his blade.  He looks at Cat, who is more anger than ever.  "I still don't get why your this loyal to her.  After everything she has done to you."  Essence said.  "You don't understand it.  Yes, Ladybug is a jerk to me.  A really, nasty one that makes me so miserable.  But you know what?  I'm not one to fully hate someone because of that.  Even if they do the worst things to people I love, or me, I won't hate them if I see one thing in them clearly.  The potential to be good.  As for you, Essence, that's impossible.  There is no good in you at all.  Not even a single spec.  You think murder is funny, you hurt innocents of people for our miraculous, you even laughed when you choked Ladybug like it's some kind of sick comedy show.  You''re pure evil."  Cat Noir replied in anger.  Essence puts his head down, and giggles.  The giggles grow louder as time goes on.  "What's so funny?"  Cat Noir asked.  "[stops giggling, and puts head up].  I am good, Cat Noir. The mask. The mask I was going to give you yesterday.  That is the sign of the good inside of me."  Essence replied.  "As if.  You were trying to butter me into joining your side."  Cat Noir said.  "I was giving you that mask because I was trying to help you."  Essence replied.  "Help me from what?"  Cat Noir asked.  "Help save you from your monster of a partner.  That mask wasn't ordinary.  It was meant to give you all the answers you've been waiting for.  It was meant to make you see the truth.  It was meant to give you the encouragement for doing what's best, and getting revenge on Ladybug."  Essence replied.  Ladybug, now hearing this, thinks back to what young Bunnix said to her.  She must go to Granger Street for an emergency.  One she must go to immediately.  "Enough with your lies, I'm ending this war, right here and now."  Cat Noir yelled.  "[sighs].  It's your lose, alley cat."  Essence replied.  The two of them charge at each other, as the fight begins.  Cat Noir swings his staff to Essence's head.  Essence ducks, and quickly kicks Cat in the gut.  Essence then slashes his blade to Cat's gut, but Cat Noir dodges it.  He slams his staff onto Essence's sword, as he presses the staff off of him fast.  Essence swings his sword to Cat's legs, which the feline jumps over.  Cat Noir swing his staff, but Essence backflips, and kicks it out of Cat's hands.  Essence lands on his feet to backhand Cat Noir.  He grabs him by the throat, and slams him on the ground.  "Can't you see it, Cat?  You're only giving into weakness if you stay with these losers.  I could have made you into a stronger miraculous holder.  Someone that no one would mess with.  But I guess simping for a cruel Ladybug is more important than anything else in your life.  [lifts him up, and throws him into a lamppost].  That's your issue.  You never make your own choices.  [kicks Cat in the gut, and lifts him up].  You just stay where you are, even when your state is not a good one.  [throws him to the ground.  Cat Noir gets up to attack, but Essence kicks him into the face].  Your just too much of a pussy cat to admit you hate being a member of Team Miraculous.  Just admit it!"  Essence yelled.  "That's not true."  Cat Noir replied.  "[kicks back of head].  Stop lying, Cat.  The whole team is here to see it.  This is your chance to admit you hate being a member because the leader is an abuser.  [grabs leg, and chucks Cat across the ground].  Admit how much you want Ladybug to feel the pain you feel.  Show her how much you want to get revenge on her.  You know you want revenge.  I know you want revenge.  And I know how much you hate her deep down.  Your whole, I see good in her, is just to hide what you really think."  Essence said.  "[gets up, and coughs].  No, I told you that's not true at all.  I don't want to get revenge, nor do I hate Ladybug."  Cat Noir replied.  "Heh.  Of course you don't.  Because you are just are bond to be the punching bag everyone loves to beat up."  Essence said.  He runs, punches Cat in the face as he turns around, and uses his blade to slash Cat Noir on the back.  Cat's eyes open up, as the rest of Team Miraculous is left speechless.  Cat moans, as he falls to his knees, and onto the ground.  "See.  [stands above him].  You're just like the rest of them.  A pathetic, waste, of a hero."  Essence said.  He points his blade to the back of Cat's head, and is ready to kill.  Cat looks, and thinks that maybe Essence is right.  Maybe he is a weak hero because of his loyalty to Ladybug.  Maybe he is just bond to be a punching bag for eternity.  He lies on the ground, as Essence is ready to kill Cat, who thinks it's for the best.  But then Cat Noir looks at his team of heroes, except Ladybug.  This has him get flashbacks to the party earlier today.  He thinks back to how his friends were happy to see him, and how he was happy to see them.  The Marc and Nathaniel talk, the Kagami chat, the Marinette hug, the amount of friends who greeted him.  Even past moments with him and his friends.  That gave him so much happiness.  So much joy.  So much will to live.  [in flashback].  "The only reason to how I was able to survive everything my nightmare of life has to offer are my own friends. Because they understand me, and see me as an actual person."  Adrien said.  [end flashback].  This has Cat Noir wake up to move just in time when Essence sends his blade.  Cat Noir avoids the sword, gets up, and with all force, punches Essence in the face.  Essence backs up, as Cat, and the rest of the team gasp in shock.  Essence regains focus, but doesn't notice drips of blood seeping from his mask.  When he does notice, he gasp, and lifts his mask a bit to see the blood on his gloves.  "Oh my God.  I'm...bleeding."  Essence said.  Essence looks at Cat Noir, and he gets mad.  He sprints at Cat Noir.  Cat dodges his blade slash, and he cartwheels his way back to his staff.  Which he uses to block the sword slam Essence performs.  Essence presses hard, as Cat descends to the ground.  Slowly.  But Cat Noir isn't going to let Essence win.  So he pushes harder to stop Essence.  "Ha.  You really think you can try to prove your stronger than me?"  Essence asked.  "No.  I know I can."  Cat Noir yelled.  As he screams, he presses Essence's sword off of him, and uses his staff to bash Essence in the shin.  Essence screamed, and Cat whacks Essence in the face with the staff.  Essence gets mad, and slams his sword onto Cat, but Cat Noir dodges by front flipping over him.  Cat turns around fast, and bashes Essence's back.  Essence swings his blade around, but jumps away from it.  Now back on his feet, Essence sprints in rage to kill Cat Noir, but Cat jumps over his attack.  He starts taunting Essence by dodging his spring attacks, making the villain more anger.  He lashes out, and chucks his sword at Cat Noir when he least expects it.  But Cat Noir closes his eyes for a sec, opens them up to baseball the sword off to the side.  Now unarmed, Cat Noir dashes at Essence, which Essence does the same.  Essence goes to grab Cat's arm, but Cat is one step ahead of Essence.  He dodges Essence, as ends up whacking his back again with his staff.  Essence screams in anger, and he punches Cat Noir.  Only for him to jump over the punch that goes for the ground instead.  Cat lands on Essence's head, pushes off, which sends Essence to fall clumsily.  Cat Noir jumps to Essence with his staff again, but Essence gets onto his back to kick Cat Noir.  Cat however extends his staff to hit Essence in the gut first, and then lands on his mask.  Sending Essence's head to the ground.  Cat lands, as Essence gets up in frustration.  He screams again, and sprints to kill Cat Noir.  Cat don't mind, as he spins his staff.  When Essence gets close enough, Cat Noir does what the unthinkable.  He beats the crap out of Essence.  Wailing his weapon on his fist, then his legs, his arms, his chest, when his face.  Cat even scores some punches and kicks on Essence, as he backs up, when Cat Noir goes forward.  With one smack to the arm, Cat Noir back flip uppercuts Essence, and he runs back.  Cat then runs forward, as Essence recovers.  Once recovered, he sees Cat Noir jump while still going forward, spinning around, and in slow mo, kicking Essence in the gut.  In normal speed, Essence is sent flying, and rolling to the ground.  Scrapping on the concrete floor.  The entire team has nothing to say.  They can't believe what they saw with their own eyes.  Even Ladybug is surprised.  As Essence groans on the ground, a staff points at his head.  "Game over, Essence."  Cat Noir said in a serious tone.  Essence groans and growls in anger.  "Fine.  Congratulations, Cat Noir.  You actually did it.  You......defeated me.  But at what cost?"  Essence asked.  "There is no cost, Essence.  You just make me feel that way, so you can make me feel vulnerable.  Feel weak.  Feel pathetic.  You're not just a great fighter, you know how to be a manipulative prick.  You can keep saying all the things you want, but I will never be taken over by your lies.  And I will never under any circumstances be a member of your team.  Because......I have everything I need right here.  And that's all the matters to me."  Cat Noir replied.  Viperion smiles.  "I think I'm going to be sick.  But if that's your choice, so be it.  I'll look forward to seeing you at our next duel, if that time ever comes again."  Essence said.  He smokes bombs the area, which gives him the chance to run.  He grabs his sword, and sprints.  Cat Noir notices Essence, and he throws his staff at time, while Essence is in the air.  The staff hits Essence, and he falls to the ground.  Cat looks at him with anger.  "Pffff, you'll regret this Cat Noir.  Oh yes.  You will regret all of this."  Essence whispered.  Essence flees the heroes.  Speaking of which, they all run, and surrounded Cat Noir.  Telling him what he did was unbelievable, awesome, and amazing.  Cat can't believe it either, but it happened.  Ladybug stands there, and isn't happy to see the heroes be around Cat Blanc.  "Are you happy for him, Ladybug?"  Viperion asked.  "Huh?  [looks at Cat again].  Oh yeah, very happy.  You guys can go congratulate him.  I'll stay behind to call my lucky charm to fix all of this."  Ladybug replied.  "If you say so.  Also be best if we hurry up.  Who knows how long some of the heroes have, until they transform back."  Viperion said.  "Agreed."  Ladybug replied.  As Viperion goes to high five Cat Noir, Ladybug fixes all of this.
    "Miraculous Ladybug." Ladybug said as she uses her powers. Thanks to her lucky charm, the apocalyptic Paris transforms back into the regular sunny city it is. The civilians are safe and sound, the buildings are back to normal, the road the air strike happened is rebuilt, and the clawers corpses disappear. Even the ones Shadowmoth takes cares off, after he takes his cane out of one clawer. Shadowmoth takes deep breathes, and now notices Paris being turned back to normal. "Thank heavens." Shadowmoth said as he takes a few more deep breathes. Shadowmoth now tries to rest himself, but he just can't catch a break. As he turns around, a clawer slashes at his chest. The slash not only hurts Shadowmoth, but it accidentally knocks the Peacock miraculous off his body. Forcing Shadowmoth to transform into Hawkmoth. Hawkmoth realizes what happened, and he immediately stabs the clawer in the head. Hawkmoth lands on the ground, and looks around the area he is in. Trying to find his other miraculous. He runs, and looks everywhere. Unfortunately, it's all pointless. ", no, no, no, NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Hawkmoth screamed. While he needs to get Duusu back, he can't risk getting caught as well. He has no choice, but to retreat. As for Essence, he arrives to where the clawers where taking care of Shadowmoth.  He finds all his clawers dead, and no sign of Gabriel in sight.  The thought of not getting a single miraculous has Essence look in disappointment.  Three of his clawers finds him on the rooftop of the scene.  "Master? Are...are you ok?" Clawer asked. Essence slaps the clawer into a wall, which scares the two others. "AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! MY PLAN WAS PERFECT!!!!!!!! I HAD THE CHANCE TO GET THE BUTTERFLY, PEACOCK, ALL THE MIRACULOUS, BUT.....BU......BUT HOW COULD I FAIL?????!!!!!!! I HAD EVERYTHING I NEEDED TO WIN!!!!!!!! THE PERFECT STRATEGY!!!!!!!!  THE PERFECT COMBAT MOVES!!!!!!!!  I EVEN HAD MISSILES FOR CHRIST SAKE!!!!!!!  AND I STILL, LOSE!!!!!!!!!!!" Essence screamed. He unleashes anger deep breathes. "What should we do?" Clawer asked. Essence slowly relaxs his anger deep breathes, until he is calm again, but still mad. "We do nothing.......Let's just go." Essence ordered. The clawers obey, and together, the four leave Paris. As they leave, they don't notice a burrow open up in an alleyway, and Bunnix crawling out of it.  Bunnix's cool down is up, since she can use burrow only once, and she de-transforms. "Do you think it worked, Fluff?" Alix asked. "I'm not sure. Paris looks ok, but maybe it still isn't. Check the news." Fluff replied. Alix pulls out her phone, and hears the news. On it, the news reports that today has been extremely tragic, and horrible. Alix and Fluff get worried. Before the news tells them it was for the villains. It then reports that Ladybug and her team managed to save the day. "Oh my God...........I think it worked." Fluff said. "No, it did work." Alix replied. The two of them smile a bit, before they hug. Shedding tears because they saved everyone and everything they lost.  "I'll return my miraculous to the guardian now.  I hope we will see arch other again, Alix."  Fluff said.  "Me too, Fluff."  Alix replied.  Fluff then flies away to Mari's house. Inside of the sewers, Jack hears nothing going on above. It's all quiet. He pulls out his phone, and turns on the news. Where they report Team Miraculous' victory against Essence. "All good. Thank God. I hope the others are alright." Jack said. Jack makes his way to the nearest sewer exit. Finally going to escape the wretched smell. He gets out of the sewers, but as he emerges, his hand touches something unfamiliar. A shiny blue brooch. Back with Ladybug, she lands in the same alleyway from the beginning, after she got back all of the miraculous. She opens the dumpsters, and despite it's smell, she digs through the trash. It's full of slimy, and gross trash that stinks Ladybug's nose, but she manages to find the mask. Which is covered in filth. Back at her home, Marinette holds the mask in hand, after she cleaned it of course. "Remind me why you took the mask Essence was going to give Cat Noir?" Tikki asked. "Essence said the mask would give him all the answers he's been waiting for. While it sounds like a trap, it's made suspicious when he said, I was only trying to help, and that. I want to see what he means by that." Marinette replied. "But are you sure it's safe?" Orikko asked. "I hope so. This is Essence we are talking about.  If I show any signs of pain, or anything bad, take the mask off of me. Ok?" Marinette asked back. The kwamis agree. "Ok. [deep breath]. Here we go." Marinette said. Marinette puts the mask on her face, as the kwamis watch with concern in their eyes. Inside of the mask, nothing happens. That is, until a video projects inside the mask. There, it shows all the answers Cat Noir has been waiting for. The identities of Rena Rouge, Carapace, Queen Bee, Ryuko, Viperion, Pegasus, King Monkey, Polymouse, Pigella, Purple Tigress, Miss Hound, Minotaurox, Rooster Bold, and Caprikid reveals before her eyes. All of them de-transforming on video. Then, comes the most important part.  "So, another day at the office completed. All thanks to the Miraculous Ladybug." Rena Rouge said. "Yep, and perfectly well executed thanks to the almighty spy, Rena Rouge." Ladybug replied. The two girls laugh, as Adrien gets confused.  "It's been a week since I started this, and we already have been out of site.  "At least the opponent from before, Glaciator was fun to defeat.  Today's I heard was a real pain."  Rena Rouge said.  "Yeah, but we won in the end as we always do."  Ladybug replied.  "Hey, Rena." Ladybug said. "Yeah." Rena Rouge replied. "I've been meaning to tell you something, but it can only be between you and I.  Because you are the one I trust with these operations, after you "stopped being Rena."" Ladybug said. "Ok, what is it?" Rena Rouge asked. "Well, it's something I've been thinking of, so here it is....................I want to replace Cat Noir." Ladybug replied. Rena Rouge gasp. "Wh....What? But why?" Rena Rouge asked in shock. "Every since I became the guardian, Cat Noir hasn't been so useful to us. I mean, I've been more focus on the other heroes, and of course you that I found no time for him. Too be honest, him showing up seems pointless now. So, I was thinking I would get a new Cat Noir. Know his secret identity, and just treat him like all the other holders. Only calling the Black Cat holder if he or she is needed." Ladybug replied. "I mean..........I mean, that does sound extremely harsh of you. And how do you think Cat Noir would be if he finds out about it?" Rena Rouge asked. "He won't because he is never going to know about this." Ladybug replied. "Still, you do realize he will be heart broken about this?" Rena Rouge asked. "He will, but I'm sure he'll understand in the end." Ladybug replied. "Listen, Ladybug.  This is not a good idea at all. It sounds like a stupid idea if I have anything to say about it." Rena Rouge said. "To my defense, I am the guardian. And I have to do what it takes for us to win. Even if I need to do stuff like this." Ladybug replied. "Right. I'm still against your idea.  It's sounds down right terrible.  So promise me you will put some thought into what you are doing.  If anything, don't do it." Rena Rouge said. "If it will make you feel better, then yes." Ladybug replied. "It does.  But hey, as long as I'm here, nothing bad will happen. Because I help my best friend any time she needs it." Rena Rouge said. Ladybug hugs Rena Rouge. "Thanks, Rena. I'm so grateful to have you as my partner." Ladybug replied using the same sentence she said to Cat Noir in Miraculous Menace.  The video cuts out, and Marinette immediately takes off the mask in horror.  She shivers.  Shivers in fear, and shock.  "Marinette.  What's the matter?"  Tikki asked concerned.  Marinette doesn't say a word.  She only stands still.  "Marinette.  [flies in front of Mari].  Marinette, what's wrong?"  Tikki asked.  "He.......he.........he....."  Marinette replied.  "He, what?"  Tikki asked.  "He knows.  Essence knows the identities of........the entire team."  Marinette replied in terror.  "WHAT?!"  Every kwami asked in shock.  "What do you mean he knows?  How does he know?"  Tikki asked now in horror.  "I don't know.  But....he knew the identities the whole time?"  Marinette asked.  "No, that can't be true.  It has to be a joke.  It must be.  Please tell me it's a sick joke, Marinette."  Tikki replied.  "No, it's not.  I saw it all.  And that's not the worst part."  Marinette said.  "Oh God, what's the worst part?"  Tikki asked in horror. Marinette whispers into Tikki's ear. "HOLY MACAROONS!!!!!!! ARE YOU SERIOUS???!!!!" Tikki asked in horror. "Again, I'm serious. He knows. He knows everything. The identities. My plan. He managed to know all of it. But I still don't understand. Why would he want to show this to Cat Noir?" Marinette asked in fear. As Marinette looks at the mask on the ground, it finally gets to her. Marinette thinks back to all the times she either ran away from Cat Noir, or treated him terribly. She then remembers Essence saying, I was only trying to help you, which echoes in Marinette's head. When she gets the Cat Blanc PTSD/hallucinations, she finally gets the answer. "My God.....what have I done?" Marinette asked as she falls to her knees. The kwamis fly next to her. "What is it?" Tikki asked. "Don't you see. This mask was apart of Essence's plan. Today was going to be worst than it already is if Cat Noir put on that mask. He would have seen me trying to replace him, and that would break him so much, he would have to join Essence's side. He wasn't trying to hurt Cat Noir. He was trying to make him join his side. And......and it would have been fault. All my fault." Marinette replied. She begins to shed tears, and break down crying on the floor. Disappointed for what she did. The kwamis feel bad for Mari, in a sense, as she cries. Marinette rises up. "[whips tears off]. I have to fix my mistake. Now." Marinette said. Meanwhile, Alya is at home on her computer, with Trixx hanging out in the background. As she blogs, her phone rings, and she answers. "Hey girl. What's up?" Alya asked. "You need to come over to my place right now." Marinette replied. "Now? But it's almost dark." Alya said. "It's an emergency. Please, now." Marinette replied. "Woah!  Must be serious.  No problem, I'll see you in five." Alya said as she hangs up. At Mari's house, Alya gives her the Fox miraculous, releasing her duty as Rena Rouge. Alya leaves, not before she tells Mari she will stop being her BFF if she doesn't talk to Cat Noir. Mari promises her she will. With that, Alya leaves. "Back to where it all began. I will miss her though." Trixx said. "I know, but I have something important you need to do." Marinette replied. She tells Trixx her plan, and Trixx understands it. She flies out of Marinette's home. "I'm glad you are doing the right thing, Marinette." Tikki said. "Thanks. Now this is where things get really emotional. Tikki, spots on." Marinette said as she transforms into Ladybug. At Adrien's home, he is lying in bed, after a long fight. "CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS???!!!!! First you quit being a model and stand up to your Father, then you actually beat Essence up. Adrien. That's so awesome." Plagg cheered. "I know. I still can't believe I did that. I mean, it's amazing. I just......never thought I would do it." Adrien replied. "It's called improving, Adrien. You became more in control with your life, and became an even better Cat Noir I know and love. And to think today was going to be an awful day. But it ended up being the best day ever thanks to you!!!!!" Plagg cheered. "I know.  It's a life changer." Adrien replied. Plagg smiles more, before he hugs Adrien on the cheek. "I'm just so, so, proud of you, Adrien!!!!!" Plagg cheered. Adrien smiles too, as he hugs Plagg. "Awwww, how adorable." Trixx said. This entrance scares Adrien and Plagg. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." Trixx said feeling bad. "It's alright. [deep breath]. You just showed up out of nowhere. Wait, Trixx?" Plagg asked. "That's me. I can see you two are doing something important, but I came to tell you that Ladybug needs to meet you at the top of the news building.  Right now." Trixx replied. "Why?" Adrien asked. "She needs to talk to you." Trixx replied. We transition to the two heroes hugging, after Ladybug's confession to Cat Noir. The madness of this arc finally ending.  "Well, that's it.  It's over."  Ladybug said.  "Yeah.  I still can't believe it.  For a second there, I thought this nightmare would never end, did.  I've never been do relieved in my entire life right now."  Cat Noir replied as he smiles.  "It's amazing.  But, do you think things will be the same again?  Like, you and me as partners and friends?  Will we still have the same spark?"  Ladybug asked.  Cat Noir thinks.  "Not sure.  The last few weeks have beaten our relationship to uncountable pieces.  I know I'm staying, but that was a lot of damaged dealt to us."  Cat Noir replied.  Ladybug, after hearing this, gets upset, since she views herself as the one to blame.  She covers her face in sorrow.  "Hey, don't worry.  No need to get sad.....again.  Like ever battle we fought, harder than anything we did before, there will always be a solution we find to win."  Cat Noir said.  Ladybug takes her hands off her face.  "So, what would the solution be?"  Ladybug asked.  "I'm..........not sure."  Cat Noir replied.  Ladybug gets upset once again.  "Wait a minute...[thinks].....I GOT IT!!!"  Cat Noir screamed.  "Woah, you look energetic for this?  What's the solution?"  Ladybug asked.  "You'll love this.  I can't believe I almost forgot I had this.  Back when I still loved you, I always wanted to take you somewhere around the world.  To get a view of somewhere else with the girl of my dreams."  Cat Noir replied.  "But, didn't we do that before?  New York.  Remember?"  Ladybug asked.  "Yes. But it wasn't just a random place.  I'm talking somewhere specific. Brazil."  Cat Noir replied.  "Brazil?  Why Brazil?"  Ladybug asked.  "I've taken sometime to do research, and I learned Brazil is place both for relaxation, and adventure.  The two of us could rest on the majestic beaches, dive deep into the crystal blue seas, and engulf ourselves into all the fun events Brazil has to offer.  As for adventure, that's where the rainforest comes in.  So many possibilities lie within the trees there.  We could go paddling off a waterfall, witness the animal kingdom that rules the forest, and just for a stroke of luck, find hidden treasure."  Cat Noir replied.  "Hidden treasure?  Ok, I'll give you points for the relaxation parts, but the hidden treasure part kind of ruined it for me.  It sounds something a kid would believe."  Ladybug said.  "Don't care.  Rumors say there is a hidden treasure locked within a heavily booby trapped temple lying deep in the Brazil rainforest.  Sound deadly, but sign me up."  Cat Noir replied.  "Right.  Apart from the so called treasure, Brazil does seem like a fun place to visit.  I've never been before, so I guess it can our solution, but what about Paris?"  Ladybug asked.  "Let's admit, after what happened today, there is no way Shadowmoth or Essence is attacking again."  Cat Noir replied.  "Fair point.  [thinks some more].  Ok Cat Noir, let's do it.  We're going to Brazil!"  Ladybug screamed loudly.  "Anything for you My Lady."  Cat Noir replied.  Both heroes take out an Astro macaron or cheese, and eat it.  "Power up."  Ladybug and Cat Noir said as they power up to Cosmo Bug, and Astro Cat.  Using their space powers, both of them blast off into the air, and soar away from home.  Ready to get back to their roots.
The Aftermath finally ends with Jack Edgers walking into his hotel room, and pulling out the Peacock miraculous.  A bright blue light blinds Jack, as he falls to the ground.  As the light lowers down, Jack looks in astonishment as Duusu forms in front of him.  Jack is left in shock, as the scene cuts to black.

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