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The gang is on the houseboat, playing music as they always do. Almost everyone, including Nathaniel, Marc, Chloe, Kagami, Alix, and Sabrina are here. Kitty Section plays their one and only song, which still gets an encore from their audience. They all seem to be having a good time, expect for Nino. He's been sitting by himself, with his phone hand trying to call someone. "Hey, bro. Why aren't you with the others?" Adrien asked. "Oh, sorry dude. I've been trying to get in connect with someone." Nino replied sad. Adrien looks at his phone, and finds the number familiar. It is the name of the hospital Alya was staying at. "You trying to see how Alya is doing?" Adrien asked. "What? No. [silence, and sighs]. Ok, yes." Nino admitted. "[sits down with him]. Don't see why you had to hide it from me. Also, didn't you two break up?" Adrien asked. "We did, and I know. [sighs]. Look, I still feel like a moron for the stunt I pulled. Because of it, I lost the love of my life. Now before you jump to any conclusions, no. I'm not obsessed with Alya. The break up happened, and I deserved it. All I want now is for us to be on good terms. Friends to be more specific." Nino replied. "I understand. That's how it worked with Kagami and I. She got mad at me for not caring, and i felt like a moron. But I made up for it. Now we are good friends." Adrien said. "How did you make up for it?" Nino asked. "I saved her from The Collector. Good thing Ladybug and Cat Noir saved my Dad." Adrien replied. "That's good. Well, thanks for understanding. I only hope now she is ok." Nino said. Soon, his phone gets answered. "Oh, I got someone. Hello. [caller talks]. Yes, I'm Nino. I was wondering if I can speak to Alya Cesaire please? [caller talks]. What? [caller talks]. What do you mean she isn't there? [caller talks]. Excuse me? [caller talks]. WHAT??!!!!!" Nino screamed. The gang hear this shout, and look at Nino and Adrien. "Apologies for that. Thanks in advance." Nino said, as he hangs up. "What was that?" Kim asked. "Alya isn't at the hospital. She is in a psychiatric ward." Nino replied. "She's WHAT?????!!!!!!!" The entire gang shouted loudly, especially Marinette. "Apparently yes. Wow! Essence must have hurt her so bad, that it took extreme measures. Real extreme measures." Nino replied. Marinette's guilt and regret come back now witnessing this revelation. She goes to leave. "Hey, Marinette. Where are you going?" Luka asked. "Uhhhhh, well, after hearing this, I was thinking I........oh, should go home and make her something. To make Alya feel better." Marinette replied. "So a gift?" Luka asked. "Yep, and I want to make it the best gift she will ever receive, so, BYE!!!!" Marinette shouted, as she runs along. "Huh? That does seem like a good idea. A gift for someone injured or sick leads to a 78.5% increases in happiness." Max said. "Say, why don't we all do that same?" Marc asked. "Yeah. That's a great idea." Ivan replied. Now with inspiration, the gang runs along. "[grabs hand]. I know Alya is ill, but I need to talk to you. Now." Alix said. "Uhhhh, can this wait, Alix?" Adrien asked. "Yes, but I do need to get this over with. It will only be a few minutes." Alix replied. She pulls Adrien along, as the rest of the gang leaves. During which, Chloe looks at Luka leaving, and blushes like before. No one seems to notice it. No one, expect Kagami.
At the oil rig, Essence is sitting on his chair with some of his clawers chatting with him.  "I don't seem to get it, sir.  Cat now knows Ladybug has been keeping your knowing of the heroes identities a secret.  Why didn't you spill the beans of Ladybug wanting to replace Cat Noir?"  Clawer asked.  "Strategy my dear robot.  It's all strategy.  Cat abandoning Team Miraculous is no longer my intention.  Besides, he probably won't believe it if I told him.  And if he did, Ladybug would find a way to make him understand.  We all know how Cat is a sympathetic kind of guy, who everyone loves."  Essence replied.  "Still seems like a missed opportunity.  So what is your strategy now?"  Another clawer asked.  "[giggles].  Doing what I do best.  Making my enemies experience pain beyond belief.  Alya already got a sample of it, and it grew into something even better.  Heard now she is in a psychiatric ward instead of the hospital.  We know how crazy some of the patients are in there.  It will start to slowly destroy her mentality.  As for Ladybug, she is doing the work for me.  Her guilt from hiding the truth, and putting on the mask will eat her away piece by piece.  Granted it wasn't apart of my intentions, but she made it happen, and I love it.  Both will be damaged mentally.  How ironic since they were "partners" for some time."  Essence replied.  "And Cat Noir, sir?"  Clawer asked.  "Easy.  I know what I'm doing with him.  Before that happens, I have something else to take care of.  [gets off throne, and walks to elevator].  I will only be needing two of you guys to pull this one off.  For the rest, I did leave some assignments to take care of while I'm gone.  Make sure they are completed, before I get back."  Essence replied.  "Yes, master."  Both clawers said.
    At the psychiatric ward, Marinette arrives to see her BFF. "This is taken way too far now. First torture, now this. I can kind of see why Su Han didn't want to tell us about Essence." Tikki said. "Somewhat. I mean, he can't have been the worse among the other members. Right?" Tikki asked. "I'm not sure. It's been decades since I last fought one with my old owner. If I can recall, none of them actually got their hands on a miraculous or miracle box. So, no. Essence is possibly the most dangerous of them all considering what he does." Tikki replied. "Great. Well, now we know what he wants. The power that made you guys. And we'll make sure he never achieves his goal." Marinette said. "Well said, Marinette. Well said." Tikki replied. Marinette walks into the ward. It's all pitch white. She walks up to the front desk to see the receptionist. "Good afternoon. My name is Marinette Du Pain Cheng. I am here to see Alya Cesaire." Marinette said. "Alya Cesaire? Ok, let me see." The receptionist replied. She looks on her computer trying to find her. "Ok, [scrolls] let's see here. [scrolls]. Hmmmm, a yes. Alya Cesaire. The new one. Just transferred to us this morning. Please, follow me." The receptionist said. She takes Marinette to the end of a hallway, and enters an elevator with ten floors. She presses the tenth button, and they rise. "Now, I will warn you not to bring anyone sharp, or bring up the name, Essence. Her hospital told us that is what drove her insane, which winded her up here." The receptionist said. "[feels guilt]. Right. So, if I mind asking, how long will she have to stay here for?" Marinette asked. "Normally, two to three days. But she got messed up so much, it could take a couple of weeks. We make sure she gets the rest she needs. We aren't the monsters here. The real monsters are the patients. Some of them have gone to the point of no return. So I wish her the best of luck during her stay." The receptionist replied. Marinette's guilt and fear rises even higher now. Soon, they arrive. The receptionist walks Marinette down the pitch white hallway with two doors on each side. As they talk, Marinette gets frightened when she hears the screams of insanity inside some of the rooms. Some stay silent. Others are as wild as animals. It scares Marinette even more for what happened. "Ok, she's in here. [knocks]. Ms. Cesaire. You have a visitor." The receptionist said. There is silence for a moment, but then, we hear her. " it......the man in the cloak?" Alya asked in a scared tone. "No. It's not him at all. It's someone named Marinette Du Pain Cheng. She wants to see you." The receptionist replied. "Ma......Marinette?" Alya asked. "Yes." The receptionist replied. "Ok........ok. Thank you. Let her in." Alya said. The door opens, and Marinette walks in. There, she sees her BFF. Wearing a white T shit, and white long pants. No shoes at all. Her room is all white, with a sofa like material to keep her safe. "Alya." Marinette said. "Marinette." Alya replied. "Alya.....Alya. [runs, and hugs]. Alya!!!!" Marinette screamed. She embrace her BFF, as Alya does the same. Despite her guilt, she is so grateful to see her again. "[looks at receptionist]. Um, you mind if you give us sometime alone?" Marinette asked. "Yes. I'll be heading by to work. Just don't do anything that will cause a fuzz ok." The receptionist replied. "We won't." Marinette said. The receptionist leaves, and closes the door. Both friends go back to hugging each other. "I'm so glad your here. [let's go]. It's been a bit insane living here." Alya said. "But, weren't you transferred in the morning?" Marinette asked. "Yes, but the screams. [shivers]. It's hard to live with. That, and the sharp tools I have to use to eat. They are[flashback to when Essence threw knifes at her fingers]. Ahhh." Alya screamed. Marinette's sadness rises, as her is taken over by it. "[Alya slowly calms down]. I'm..........I'm so sorry Alya. This is all my fault. I was so focused on taking out Ess, I MEAN, ummmmm, [Alya looks in confusion] him, [Alya doesn't freak out] this never would have happened. I got you hurt. I caused all of this. I'm the one to blame for it all." Marinette broke down. "Hey, it's not your fault. H......he is the one to blame. For this, spilling the beans of his mask. Speaking of which, I'm so sorry for that. to me. Real good." Alya replied, as she feels more fear. "It doesn't matter. It was you been thrown through a window that lead to this. I was so arrogant for you to come as Rena. I was so focused on getting rid of him, that it got you hospitalized, then locked up here. So no. I am the one to blame." Marinette broke down. "Stop, Marinette. He is the cause to this. Not you." Alya replied. "[calms down a bit]. Still doesn't take away that I'm the criminal here.  Not Essence" Marinette said. "AHHHHH!!!!! WHERE???!!!! WHERE IS HE????!!!!! DON'T TELL ME HE IS HERE!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!! ANYTHING BUT THAT!!!!!!" Alya screamed, as she hurdles into a ball. Marinette witnessing this, breaks down in more guilt. "See, Alya. [slightly calms down]. It's still all me regardless. Even bring up his name freaks you out." Marinette said, as she feels guilt. "[calms down]. Ok, I'm better. It was a slight hiccup, Marinette. Just, don't say his name. It fuels me with terror." Alya replied. "Fine, and sorry.  Weather it really is his fault, I still feel responsible. My BFF. My own BFF is locked in a psychiatric ward. And I'm partially or fully responsible for it all." Marinette said. "Look [touches shoulder] as long as I stay away from sharp weapons, and......him, I could recover quickly. Hopefully." Alya replied. Marinette's guilt is still present, but lower. "Thanks, girl. All I can say now is, I pray you get better from this experience." Marinette said. Alya smiles. Both hug again for extra love and care.
    Meanwhile, Alix takes Adrien back to her home. She takes him into his bedroom. "If you want, you can sit on the bean bag." Alix said. "Ok, cool." Adrien replied. He goes to sit on the bean bag. "Comfy." Adrien said. "Thank you." Alix replied, as she pulls up a chair. "So, why did you bring me to your house?" Adrien asked. "Well, [deep breath] I should have done this sooner. But, I want to make sure this goes as calm as possible based on how I first did this." Alix replied. "What now?" Adrien asked. "I'll get right to it. I'm going to tell you something that will blow your mind away, and won't make sense, until I explain it." Alix replied. "Oh, my, God! You have a crush on someone?" Adrien asked. "What? No. Not at all." Alix replied. "Sorry. Kind of felt like it was going in that direction." Adrien said. "Ok whatever. More, promise me this. You won't freak out. You won't scream. You won't be as loud as possible. Or any terms that are related to that." Alix replied. "Ok, I promise." Adrien said. "You sure?" Alix asked. "Yes. I'm sure." Adrien replied. "Say it again, so I believe you." Alix said. "Fine. I'm sure I won't do any of that." Adrien replied. "Great. Ok, [deep breath] here we go. Let's hope you can handle this. [Adrien looks confused]. I know your Cat Noir." Alix said. "Ok, that's nothing, WHAT????!!!!!!!" Adrien screamed. "God, what did I say?" Alix asked. "Uhhh, this has to be a trick right? A prank. I mean, there is no way you think I'm Cat Noir." Adrien replied, as he giggles nervously. "I'm serious. I know your Cat Noir. The same case with........Ladybug." Alix said. "DOUBLE WHAT????!!!!!" Adrien screamed. "Again, what did I asked? [deep breath]. I honestly shouldn't be surprised at this. Yes. I know her's, and your's. Similar to what my adult version said during Timetagger." Alix replied. "Wait, wait, wait, wait. So, how did you find out? I never shared it with you. If I really am Cat Noir, which I'm totally not." Adrien asked. "You can stop hiding it now, I know. Anyway, I found out in an alternate timeline I erased a while back. It's were I got my miraculous, before you saw me again when fighting Gamer XL." Alix replied. "An alternate timeline? Why did you erase it?" Adrien asked. "Ummmm, [flashback to the Perfect Payback timeline] reasons. You don't want to know. It's worth not talking about." Alix replied. "Right. So, it's true? You know it's me?" Adrien asked. "For the hundredth time, yes. Sorry if got a little harsh there." Alix replied. "Woah. Well then, I guess you should meet him then." Adrien said. "Meet who?" Alix asked. "My kwami of course." Adrien replied. He opens his jacket, as Plagg flies out. "Meet, Plagg. My kwami, and best friend." Adrien introduced. "I thought Nino was your best friend?" Alix asked. "He's my best human friend. Plagg is my best.....creature friend." Adrien replied. "Basically, Nino and I are both his best friend. If that sounds weird, so be it. But yes, the name's Plagg. Adrien told me all about you. Rabbit miraculous holder, skater girl, likes taking a challenge." Plagg said. "Your kwami seems to know a lot about me." Alix replied. "He's my best bud. I tell him everything. Plus, you guys means a lot to me. Your the first friends I made. After Chloe of course. You all make me happy everyday." Adrien said. "Thanks. [in head]. Man, it's hard seeing him appreciate his friends, when I saw him murder them all once. Glad this is the one we get to keep." Alix said in head. "You good, Alix?" Adrien asked. "Huh? Oh, yes. I'm fine. Any who, that's all I had to tell you. I hope you understand this, Adrien." Alix replied. "Don't worry, Alix. I understand. Just, promise me you haven't told anyone. Please." Adrien begged. "Your talking to the girl who can keep a secret, Adrien. You and Ladybug are safe." Alix replied. "Thank heavens. It's kind of weird this is happening. I never had someone know my identity before. It feels sort of.......strange." Adrien said. "I get it." Alix replied. "What do you think about this Plagg?" Adrien asked. "Awkward, but acceptable. As long as anything doesn't go wrong." Plagg replied. Perfect timing. All three of them start to heat screaming coming from outside. They run to the door, and the screaming continues. "Something must be up in the Louvre." Alix said. "And you know what that means? Time to transform. [runs back inside, and makes sure it's safe]. Plagg, claws out." Adrien replied, as he transforms into Cat Noir. "Think I can tag along for this one?" Alix asked. "Depending on who the foe is. Let's just say last time [flashback to when Rena Rouge got thrown through a window] got a little broken. Just, stay put, and we'll see what happens." Cat Noir replied. Marinette leaves the ward, happy to see Alya safe. For the most part. As she walks, her communication box rings. "[answers]. Hello." Marinette said. "My Lady. Something is going down at the Louvre. I'm already there." Cat Noir replied. "On it. [hangs up, and runs to an alleyway]. Tikki, spots on." Marinette said, as she transforms into Ladybug.
At the Louvre, people are running and screaming all over the place. Some even thrown into the art work inside the museum. "Hahahahahahahaha!!!!! Yes. Coward before me weaklings. None of you have the strength to face my power." Essence chanted. As the civilians run, some security guards charge at Essence. He casually walks, as the guards run. They make impact. Two of the guards are thrown into another room, while the other guard gets slammed on the ground. He looks at Essence with fear. "Pitiful fool. Not even you can stop someone like me." Essence said. He pulls out his blade, and prepares to slice the dudes head off. He pleads for mercy, which makes Essence even more excited. That's when a book gets thrown into his face. Giving the guard a chance to run away. "How dare you come in here, and hurt the innocent people of Paris. As well as the precious art this museum has to offer." Alix's Dad said. "Ahhh, a rebel. How cute. This will take about six seconds to deal with." Essence replied. "Make is longer now that I'm here." Cat Noir said, as he lands in front of Alix's Dad. Alix is hiding behind the wall watching this unfold. "Cat Noir. How nice to see the one hero I actually call a hero again." Essence said. "How sweet of you. Not sure what your game is, but it's going to end the same. We defeat you, and save everyone." Cat Noir replied. "Right. And then I escape as always." Essence said. "Not this time. Your done for. Especially for what you did to Alya." Cat Noir declared. "I was just having a good time. We all have our things that make us happy. Even if it is the darkest things." Essence said. "Murder and torture doesn't work like that, Essence. It's serious crimes that shouldn't exist in this world." Cat Noir replied. "What about dark humor? They are messed up jokes people find funny. Some might involve murder or torture. How do you explain that, kitty?" Essence asked. "I don't do dark humor. It's terrible. What I do know is this. The difference is, it's at least not real, and most of the time, played off as a joke. What you do is real, and you think it's funny." Cat Noir replied. "It doesn't matter. Whatever you say, or do, I will always keep causing chaos and blood anywhere I go." Essence said. "As if. Just try it, Essence. Or more specifically, the last member of The Void." Ladybug replied spinning her yo-yo behind Essence. Essence goes silence, as he turns around. "Did you say.......The Void?" Essence asked. "That's right. Su Han told us everything. How there were more of you, and you wanted the miraculous for The Forbidden Power. The same power that created our jewels." Ladybug replied. "My my. So he finally mustered up the courage to tell you. No wonder he is weak." Essence said. "Su Han isn't weak. He's a strong man, and a great grandmaster." Cat Noir replied. "Agreed. Just know this, Essence. You will never get our miraculous no matter how hard you try. And you will never get your hands on The Forbidden Power." Ladybug said. "I got my hands on the tablet. And it's as beautiful as they say it is." Essence replied. "Doesn't mean you've won." Cat Noir said. "True, but it is one step closer to my destiny." Essence replied. Ladybug throws her yo-yo, and Essence causally dodges it. He grabs it by the string, and swings Ladybug against the art in the Louvre. She hits the wall, and falls to the ground. Cat Noir runs at Essence with his staff. He pulls out his blade, and the two sword fight. As they do, Ladybug is helped up by Alix's Dad. "Thanks, but you need to get to safety, and fast." Ladybug said. Alix's Dad obeys, and runs. Ladybug goes to help Cat. They both clash swords, which leads them down the stairs. Essence jumps over a railing, and sprints behind Cat Noir. Cat blocks his sword strike with his staff behind his back. He pulls up, and turns around fast. Cat then kicks Essence in the gut, and he slammed into a wall. He quickly recovers, and avoids Cat Noir's staff attack. Cat swings, but Essence dodges. Essence then goes on his back, and uses both feet to kick Cat Noir in the gut. Essence gets up fast, grabs Cat by the bell, and throws him down the stairs. With Cat Noir hitting every single one, as he goes down. Cat Noir gets up fast, and dodges Essence jumping right at him. They continue, as Ladybug follows. So does Alix, who creeps her way to watch.
    The fight between Essence and Cat Noir continues in the Egyptian exhibit. They swing, and slash their weapons surrounded by art from where the first miraculous holders came. Soon, Essence gets the upper hand. His blades gets knocked out of his hands, and Cat goes to slam his on Essence. Using both hands, he grabs it, and throws Cat Noir over his back. Cat lands next to a coffin, which gives Essence an idea. He runs, and as Cat gets up, Essence pushes the coffin over. Cat thankfully gets out of the way, before he could have been crushed by this old work of art. Essence laughs despite his failure, as Cat gets mad at his sick humor. He jumps at a laughing Essence, as he grabs him by the throat. He throws him into another work of art, and Cat falls to the ground. "Stop trying to be the bigger man, Cat Noir. Your strength and jokes won't prove your stronger than me." Essence said. Essence gets back his blade, and goes to Cat Noir. He recovers, and avoid Essence's sword slam. "[gets back staff]. What matters is I stay tough even things get rough. I stand my ground, and keeping fighting." Cat Noir said. "How heroic. And pathetic." Essence replied. "What do you know about heroism, Essence?" Ladybug asked, as she enters. "About time. What? Were you scared to come face me again?" Essence asked back. "I'm not scared of you Essence. We both aren't." Ladybug replied. Yeah." Cat Noir said. "Of course you agree with this flee. Even after she lied to you about serious stuff you should know about." Essence replied. Ladybug's guilt and fear returns at the wrong time. "Stop trying to play that card. I should know, but it's hard for someone to tell someone else something that has is hard to tell. Ladybug did do bad things, but not only were they somewhat understandable, but she made up for it. She apologizes for keeping it away. She makes things right in the end unlike you." Cat Noir said. "Heh! I love ending the show on a bad note. Adds more to hopelessness to you guys. Especially since your team can't help you, as long as I'm still here." Essence replied. And thus, the fight continues. Alix looks behind a corner to watch. Essence blocks Ladybug and Cat Noir's attacks with his blade. He side dodges Cat's staffs, and kicks him against a wall. Ladybug does wrap Essence's arm in her yo-yo, and throws him into a wall. Except he presses off of it, and forcefully kicks Ladybug in the face. Cat gets up to fight. His staff attack gets stopped my Essence's sword. It happens again when Cat tries to hurt Essence. Once Essence gets some distance, he pierces his sword into the ground. He then runs, and kicks Cat Noir in the ground. While he spins, he let's go, and uses both feet to kick Ladybug in the gut, as she tries to get up. Essence sprints back to his blade, and takes it out to block Cat's sky attack. Cat Noir does land on his feet, and avoids Essence slam his sword at him. But he gets up quick, and swings it to Cat's head. He misses. Essence goes to punch, but Cat Noir grabs it. Essence plays smart, and slams his boot on Cat's foot. This makes Cat Noir let go, which gives Essence the opportunity to uppercut Cat Noir. Before he grabs his tail, and throws him up into the ceiling. After impact, he falls to the ground. Both heroes are hurt badly. "Seriously? Defeated? And I just got warmed up." Essence said.  "HEY!!!!! [Essence turns around].  Why don't you pick on someone your own size?"  Alix replied in a heroic voice.  "Ahhh.  Another rebel.  A pipsqueak rebel I see.  [cracks knuckles].  This won't take long."  Essence said.  Alix charges at Essence to be a hero.  Just when she is his radius, he moves out of the way.  He does put his leg out, which trips the running Aix.  Before he grabs her leg, and swings her fast and hard into the wall.  She immediately falls to the ground.  "Weakling."  Essence said.  "Hey, boss.  [Essence looks].  We got the old man."  Clawer replied with Alix's Dad in his hands.  "Fantastic.  [picks up Alix].  Hope you two won't mind if I take the Kubdel's for a while.  [silence].  Right.  I'll take your quietness as a yes.  Let's roll boys."  Essence said.  He leaves with Alix and her Dad, as the heroes get up, and slowly see what is happening. "[gasp]. NO!!!!!!" Ladybug screamed. She tries to run, but Essence turns around, and kicks her in the gut again. She is sent flying into the coffin. Giving the villains enough time to run away.
    Suddenly, Alix slowly wakes up. She comes to, and rises from her slumber. "[yawns]. What happened?" Alix asked. "Ah, your back.  Good. Thus we can begin." Essence replied. Alix gets confused, until she finds herself tied up against a poll thanks to some rope. She tries to break free, but it fails. She then realizes something else wrong in this picture. Her Dad tied in a chair with his mouth sealed shut thanks to tape. He tries to get out too, but fails. "Welcome, Alix, to my little game. A game I like to call, Lie Detector. Essence version. In addition to your captivity, you will see your fingers have cables on them. They cables are wired to this monitor my fellow clawer uses to determine the truth, OR a lie. The rules are simple. I ask a question, you answer it truthfully. Not like you have a choice anyway. Every time you tell the truth, you are safe. Ever lie you tell, you'll see." Essence said. "[grunts]. What does my Dad have to do with this?" Alix asked angrily. "You'll see. Now, [claps hands] let's begin. We'll start off simple with some control questions. Is your name, Alix?" Essence asked. "Yes. Obviously." Alix replied. "Truth." Clawer said. "Ok. Is your last name, Kubdel?" Essence asked. "Uh, yeah." Alix replied. "Truth." Clawer said. "So far so good. Do you like to skate as in roller blade?" Essence asked. "Yes. It's my hobby." Alix replied. "Truth." Clawer said. "Is your Father, a worker at the Louvre here in Paris?" Essence asked. "Yes." Alix replied. "Truth." Clawer said. "Good. Is your akumatized form, Time Breaker?" Essence asked. "Yes." Alix replied. "Truth." Clawer said. "Is your brother's akumatized form, Pharaoh?" Essence asked. "Yes. Pfff, this is easy." Alix replied. "Truth." Clawer said. "Good. Now for the final control question, before we get to the personal ones. Alix Kubdel. Are you the holder of the Rabbit miraculous?" Essence asked. Alix goes into shock. She doesn't say a word. She just stays silent. "Hello, Alix. Answer the question. Are you......the holder of the Rabbit miraculous?" Essence asked. Alix still struggles to answer. "Come on now. What is your answer? Yes, or no?" Essence taunted. "Uhhh, uhhh, uhhh, no." Alix replied. "Lie." Clawer said. "[gasp]. Well would you look at that Mr. Kubdel. Your daughter lied. And you know what that means?" Essence asked. Alix doesn't know what he means. Well, now she does when Essence stabs Alix's Dad in the side. His screams are blocked by the tape on his mouth. "DAD!!!!!!! [grunts]. When I get out of this, I'll tear you apart, Essence." Alix yelled. "Ohhhh, another courageous one. They are always my favorite in Team Miraculous." Essence said. Alix grunts and yells, as she tries to escape. "Try to escape, it won't do a thing. I will take you out." Essence said. "[grunts]. I'm not scared of you." Alix replied. "Ohhhh, but you will. Let's continue." Essence said. "No! Screw your game. I'm done playing." Alix declared. "In that case." Essence replied, as he stabs Alix's Dad in the same spot again. Deepening the wound. Alix's Dad screamed again. "[gasp]. Please, stop. Don't hurt him." Alix begged. "Exactly. Try to be strong, Alix. I'll always decimate it. Now, let's continue. Alix, do you think Ladybug is a good superhero?" Essence asked. Despite Alix not wanting to keep playing, she must if it means her Dad will be safe. "Yes. I think she is a good superhero." Alix replied. "Truth." Clawer said. "Personally I think that's ridiculous, but you did tell the truth, so he's safe. Ok, Alix. Do you wish to beat me up right now?" Essence asked. "Yes." Alix replied. "Very true." Clawer said. "Oof. You must really hate me." Essence said. "Everyone hates you." Alix replied. "Not everyone. My clawers love me. Right guys?" Essence asked. "Of course sir." Clawers replied. "See. Alix, did you know there is a knife taped to the pole you are tied to? One that can, save you from your captivity." Essence asked. "Uhhhh, no." Alix replied. "Truth." Clawer said. "Wise answer. Let's see, hmmmmm. Oh, I forgot what else to ask. Just, give me a second or two." Essence said. He goes to work, which confuses Alix. Until her hands to touch a knife that is taped to the pole. Realizing she has a chance, she quickly, but quietly tries to get the knife off the pole. Making sure each loud sound that can be made doesn't happen. Eventually, she is about to get the knife free. She smiles. Then, she carefully slices the rope. Also making sure it is as silent as possible. She makes actually good progress slicing the rope. It goes well for Alix. "Say, Alix. How is that rope slicing going?" Essence asked. Alix immediately stops slicing. "Hmmmm, what rope slicing?" Alix asked nervously. "You know, the rope I can see you cutting from the mirror behind you." Essence replied. Unknown to Alix, there was a mirror cleverly hidden behind her the whole time. One where Essence can see her ever action. "[walks, and grabs knife]. I should have known you would go for the knife. And now because of that." Essence said. He then slams the knife deep into Alix's Dads's left hand. He screamed louder, as Alix watches in shock and regret. "[takes knife out]. Bandage the fella, before he bleeds out." Essence ordered. Surprisingly, the clawer does clean up, and patch the wounds Mr. Kubdel got from Essence. "Where is the fun when the victim is dead? Now, back to the game. Alix, apart from me, do you have any enemies?" Essence asked. "Yes. Some rival I have at the skating park." Alix replied, despite not wanting to play anymore. "Truth." Clawer said. "Interesting. Rivalry. I like it. Alix, do you think Cat Noir is a good superhero?" Essence asked. "Yes." Alix replied. "True." Clawer said. "Pfff, loser." Essence replied. "Oh shut it." Alix fought back. "EXCUSE ME?!" Essence asked angrily. "Uhhh, I mean, please continue." Alix replied scared. "That's what I thought. Ah, and your in luck. Final question." Essence said. "Is that a joke, or for real?" Alix asked. "No, it's real. It's the final question on my list." Essence replied. "Still not sure to trust you, but whatever." Alix said. "Now remember, you lie, he gets a new wound. You ready? [clears throat]. Alix, are you aware that your awesome adult dead?" Essence asked. "Wh.....what?" Alix asked. "You heard me. Are you aware that your awesome adult version is dead?" Alix asked. "No. No, no way. That can't be true. It's not true. Did.....did you freak do something to her?" Alix asked. "Nothing at all. At least, if I'm correct." Essence replied. "What do you mean?" Alix asked. "Well, now that I think about it, I do know what happened to her." Essence replied. "Which is what you sicko?" Alix asked demanded answers. "Come on. You should know, Alix." Essence replied. Alix doesn't know at all, so she grunts in anger. "Fine. I'll tell you. Remember the rules the Rabbit miraculous has? The very important rules?" Essence asked. "Yeah. A deadly consequence will come if you use time travel to fix a mistake." Alix replied. "Well, yes. But there was more. Like, that Adult Bunnix has only thirty minutes to fix that mistake or deadly consequence that wasn't suppose to happen." Essence said. "Yes, and?" Alix asked. "And, wouldn't that happen in order to keep her future from happening?" Essence asked back. "Of course." Alix said. "So tell me. Why did you do this?" Essence asked. He pulls out his phone, and shows Alix a clip. The infamous clip to when she came back in time to prevent Perfect Payback from happening. The moment she was Bunnix, and saved the day. Alix can't believe her own eyes. "What? How did you get that? And how do you know my adult me was Bunnix?" Alix asked now a bit scared. "I have my talents, bunny rabbit. So explain this to me. Why was it you to stop a mistake or deadly consequence, and not Adult you?" Essence asked back. "I.....I don't know." Alix replied. "Truth." Clawer said. "We are done with the test. Shut it. [five seconds past]. Actually, keep it on. I'm now captivated. So, Alix. What did you prevent happening? Now remember, be honest, or the old man gets it." Essence asked. "Really? Do I have to answer this?" Alix asked back. "Unless you want him to get stabbed. And I will ask again if you lie to me." Essence replied. "O.....ok. [doesn't want to answer, but had to obey]. I.......I prevented.......I prevented yo.......yo.....I prevented you.........[deep breath]. I prevented you from giving some mask to Cat Noir." Alix said. "Truth." Clawer replied. "Wait. My mask caused something terrible to happen. Oh my God. Did it involve, Cat Noir?" Essence asked. "Uhhhh, no." Alix replied. "Lie." Clawer said. "Ohhhhhhh. Another lie. Too bad, too sad, Alix." Essence replied, as he walks, and stabs Alix's Dad in the shoulder. He screams, as Alix watches in horror. "Keep this one running for excitement. So, Cat Noir was apart of this, deadly consequence. Which also involved my mask. Meaning, [thinks] holy crap. My plan actually worked!!!!!!!!!" Essence celebrated. "Plan? What plan?" Alix asked. "Hahaha. My plan to turn Cat Noir into a soulless supervillain like myself without him knowing it. If both of those are true, then it was to be true. In an alternate timeline, my plan actually worked." Essence celebrated. "Yeah, but I prevented it from happening." Alix fought back. "True. But that does mean it happened somewhere else. It also means something else. Depending on this very question. How long was it after I gave Cat Noir that mask?" Essence asked. "Like what? Minutes, hours, days?" Alix asked back. "Let's say days." Essence replied. "Too bad, it's months. Nine months if I remember correctly." Alix said. "Truth." Clawer replied. "Nine months. So, this event that you prevented was nine months long. And not once. Not once did Adult Bunnix come to prevent it. So, think this. That event was never suppose to happen. Never suppose to happen at all. So logically, Adult Bunnix would probably show up right away to prevent it. But, she didn't at all if I'm right, and this event played out as it did. Then, after nine months, you somehow went back in time to stop it from happening. Which, good for you. But that does mean something heartbreaking. Adult Bunnix's future, and herself are gone." Essence said. Alix thinks this over, before she gasp in terror. She now fully understands that right. Adult Bunnix would have prevented it from happening. After all, she prevented Cat Blanc from happening. So, it would make sense if she did with Perfect Payback. But she didn't. Alix lies there in shock. "That is hard to deal with. And it's even more hard that an alternate version of me caused it. Then again, that me did set a clear future for this me. A future where anything is possible. Where I can win, and rule the world. All of it will be mine. All of it will be mi...." Essence chanted, before Alix kicks him in the shine, after she managed to use her strength to break free from the mostly cut rope. He screams, and falls to the ground. She grabs his knife, and stabs both clawers in the head. She also stabs Essence in the neck, which makes the villain scream. Now distracted, Alix uses the knife to break her Dad out. Once free, she rips the tape off of him. "Hurry, we have to run." Alix said. They both run to the exit with Alix helping her Dad in the process. They bust out of the warehouse they were stuck in, and run on the streets of Paris. Alix's dad limps a lot, but Alix makes sure he is safe. "Come on. Keep moving. We have to get as far away from him as possible." Alix said. Her Dad tries to keep along. Then, an axe gets flown right into his lower back. Alix's dad freezes, before he falls to the ground. "[gasp in horror]. Dad are you alight?" Alix asked. "Haha!!!!! BULLSEYE!!!!!! I must say you and your Dad are terrible at cardio. And now look. He's hurt severely. Leaving you all alone." Essence replied. He approaches Alix, who is frozen in fear. "What's wrong? I'm right here? You said you would rip me apart when you get out. You did have a good start, but where is the rest? Come on now. I'm here. Everyone is waiting, Alix. [gasp]. Don't tell me your.........scared?" Essence asked. Alix is scared. As shown when she still doesn't do a thing. "Well like I said, the confidence ones are always my favorite. [kicks Alix's head to the ground]. Because they break much faster than expected." Essence said. Suddenly, Essence hears Cat Noir screaming, and the superhero kicks Essence in the gut. He is sent flying, but lands carefully on the ground. He and Ladybug arrive to the situation. "It took you so long, I actually forgot about you two. It doesn't matter. I already got what I wanted." Essence said, as he smoke bombs away. "UGH!!!!!!! THAT MONSTER!!!!!!" Cat Noir screamed. "Cat, forget him. Alix's Dad still has a pulse. We need to take him to the nearest hospital now." Ladybug replied. Cat Noir focuses on what's more important, and helps His Lady take Mr. Kubdel somewhere safe.
Thankfully, they do make it to a hospital where Mr. Kubdel is getting help. Alix, Ladybug, and Cat Noir sit outside his room, and wait for further information. Alix is especially terrified at what bad outcomes might come from this. Ladybug does hold Alix's hand, indicating all will be well. Alix smiles hoping she is correct. "[door opens]. Ok you three. I have some good news." Nurse said. Alix gets happy with the hearing of good news. "The good news is your Dad is alive. Despite the wounds from a knife and an axe, he is going to live." Nurse said. "Really? He's ok? Oh, it's a miracle. Thank you so much." Alix cheered. "Right. I wouldn't celebrate too soon. There also is some........bad news." Nurse said. Alix immediately stops celebrating. And the follow up is traumatic for Alix's to witness. Something that breaks her heart on first look. Her own Father being taken out of his room in a wheelchair. "The axe was a direct hit on his lower spine. It has to be the worst damage on a spine I've ever seen in my life. I'm so sorry Alix Kubdel. But......your Father may never walk again." Nurse said. Alix is speechless. As is Ladybug and Cat Noir. Alix falls to her knees, and looks at her paralyzed Father. She sheds tears, before she breaks down crying in his lap. Shedding misery over not being able to save him. Ladybug tries to comfort Alix, when suddenly Cat Noir gets pissed off. He leaves the hospital in anger. He ends up by himself on a rooftop. "First Alya, now Alix. [clinches fist]. I swear on God himself, I won't let Essence get away with this!!!!!!" Cat Noir shouted.

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