The Tradegy Part 1

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It's Greece where our story will be taking play.  Home to various wonders it has to offer to tourists alike.  We go to an fashion school to begin what's to come.  Greece, similar to France, is also know for having good fashion.  Inside, the students work hard on a theme their professor has printed on the board.  The students start to panic, as time was racing down to zero.  Losing their minds, as their professor looks at them with lost hope.  Except for one.  She has gorgeous blonde hair, green eyes, a beautiful smile, and a calm attitude when the pressure rises.  She is also wearing a red jacket, with a blue shirt, and grey jeans.  She works efficiently, and with precision, as her peers panic around her.  Not once, does she flinch, or worry.  Then, a timer goes off.  "HAND IN THE AIR!!!!!  TIMES UP!!!!"  Professor said.  He goes around to inspect the fashion designs.  Some he gives a disgusted look.  Some a disappointed look.  And some he doesn't even look at all.  What does catch his eye is the one calm student in the class.  "Hmmmmm.  Fabric matches.  Craftsman ship looks appropriate.  Colors pop like a rainbow.  Once again, Miss Emilie, you did a great job."  Professor said, as he address Emilie Agreste herself.  She smiles at another victory.  "[bell rings].  And that's class.  I expect you all to take this as a lesson.  A lesson to follow in Emilie's shoes when it comes to creating, and presenting your work. See you all on Sunday."  Professor said.  The students all leave, as Emilie takes in the beautiful sunlight.  "Another masterpiece.  Way to go, Emilie."  Student said.  The Student has black hair, and green eyes like Emilie.  She is also Portuguese.  "Thanks, Iris.  Just doing what I want to be that's all."  Emilie replied.  "[walk, and talk along coastline].  You weren't at class again today.  Let me guess, you woke up after last night?"  Emilie asked.  "Yeah.  I can't help it.  You know my addiction for having a good time."  Iris replied.  "I certainly do."  Emilie said.  "You know, I don't get how you do it in the end?  How can you come up with a design, and perfect it in only forty five minutes?  That's a short amount of time to get something done."  Iris asked.  "Well, this is the most extreme fashion school in Greece, but I take chances, and make them work.  But if you can keep a secret, I will tell you how I do it."  Emilie replied.  "I promise, as your BFF.  What is it?"  Iris asked.  "You just need a good mental voice in your head.  Or as I call it, Memo.  It basically tells you all the scenarios that will happen once you have your idea.  Every bad, good, and neutral outcome if you go somewhere.  The goal for Memo is to find the best possible scenario, and work in that direction."  Emilie replied.  "Cool.  What made you come up with it?"  Iris asked.  "My twin sister, Amelie.  She was the confident one between us.  She was better than me at anything.  Dating, art, sports, and, fashion designing.  No wonder she is off dating some billionaire named Colt Fathom."  Emilie replied.  "Holy crap!  Thee Colt Fathom.  The famous billionaire himself."  Iris said.  "Indeed.  But despite her better status than me, she always was a great big sister.  [in flashback].  Any time I was bullied, she would comfort me.  [punches bully away from her.  Bully runs away, as Amelie helps Emilie home].  Any time I needed help, she would help me.  [Amelie helps Emilie with difficult Math homework.  Both smile].  And when needed motivation, she gave it to me.  [Amelie gives Emilie a prep talk, before Emilie has to give a big speech for her school.  As Emilie walks out, Amelie smiles at her little sister.  End flashback].  She is just the best sister I could as for.  And the funniest.  Since we are twins, we did have so much fun tricking our parents.  Swapping in for each other when needed."  Emilie replied.  "Awww!  You have great people to support you, Emilie."  Iris said.  "And I have great friends here in Greece."  Emilie replied, as she looks at Iris.  Iris smiles, before she rubs her fist on Emilie's head.  "Hey.  Stop it.  I just got this done today."  Emilie said, as she laughs.  Iris stops, and both girls laugh.  As they walk along the coastline of Greece.
Later that night, the party gets started.  At a nightclub, which is brighter than the sun itself, Emilie, Iris, and some of their other girlfriends party like night will never end.  Taking shots, and letting the music make them all sweaty.  "[takes another shot].  WHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!"  Emilie, and her girls screamed.  "[shots start to kick in].  Oh, girls.  Thanks for bringing me out here.  It's been so long so I had a good [burps] shot."  Iris said, as she slams a shot glass on the ground.  "Are you drunk already, Iris?"  Emilie asked.  "I'm a LIGHTWEIGHT!!!!!!  Cut me some slack."  Iris yelled drunk.  "No kidding."  Vanessa said.  "Come on Vanessa.  We are undergrad students.  We have to live to party, and not just learn."  Poppy replied.  "But I hate having Iris go too crazy,  I carried her home five times already."  Vanessa said.  "Just have a good time Vanessa.  Poppy is right.  We live to fulfill our dreams [takes shot] but we have to have fun in between."  Emilie replied.  "Ugh!  Fine.  But I'm not taking her home this time.  Not doing it."  Vanessa said, as she raises her hand.  Poppy does the same thing.  "Oh come on guys.  You know I'm never ready for that."  Emilie said.  "Too bad, too sad, Emilie.  Your the lucky lady for Iris.  [takes shot].  Now if you'll excuse me, I'll do what you said.  I'll go have fun by getting someone laid."  Vanessa replied.  "Ohhhh!  Count me in."  Poppy said.  Vanessa and Poppy leave Emilie and Iris.  With Emilie taking another shot to drink this off.  "Well, it's you and me now, Iris."  Emilie said.  Iris then pukes right on the floor of the club.  "Oh come on [burps] Iris.  You only had three shots."  Emilie complained.  Yeah.  Iris is done for the night.  As shown with her lying on the ground, which makes Emilie mad for a mere second.  However, Emilie isn't that bothered by it.  She does what's best.  She picks up her BFF, and carries her through the club.  Trying to make through dancing people, who are either making out, or getting sexual.  Emilie navigates her way through the club, and tries to find the exit.  It's hard with everyone around her.  So much, that she accidentally bumps into someone, and he spills his drink.  "Oh my God.  I'm so sorry."  Emilie apologized.  The man turns around to Emilie.  He has blue eyes, a black beard, and black hair.  "Please.  I was trying to get my friend out of here."  Emilie begged.  "[looks at her friend].  She have too much to drink?"  Man asked.  "Lots of it."  Emilie replied, as Iris burps in her arms.  "Here.  I can take you to the exit.  It's this way."  Man said.  Emilie trust this guy, as he helps her.  He takes her outside the club, where Iris barfs again on the ground.  "This the first time you had to take her home like that?"  Man asked.  "For me, yes.  This isn't the first time Iris had to be taken home sloppy drunk."  Emilie relied.  "What can I say.  We only live once.  Have to make the most of it."  Man said.  "True."  Iris replied, before she barfs again.  "Ok.  Calm down, Iris.  God, your really messed up.  [sniffs].  Uhhh!  And that barf smells disgusting."  Emilie said.  "Here, some water.  That will cool her off."  Man replied, as he hands her water.  "Oh, thanks.  Hey, Iris.  Drink this."  Emilie said, as she puts the water into Iris' mouth.  Emilie makes sure she drinks the whole thing.  Every last drop.  After Iris drinks it, she takes deep breathes to stop barfing.  "Sorry about her again.  It's natural for her to get this drunk.  Better leave you to your partying, and stuff.  Thanks again for the help."  Emilie said, as she helps Iris up.  As she walks with her BFF, her head starts pounding.  The alcohol kicks in as well.  It kicks in so fast, she drops Iris, as Emilie struggles to walk.  "Hey, you must have had a lot to drink as well.  Whatever that club serves, it's strong as heck.  I can drive you back to your place if you want?"  Man offered.  "Really [burps] that would be phenomenal.  Ow!"  Emilie replied, as her head pounds even more.  The man helps both girls to his car.  He drives them to their home, and parks.  The man helps Iris out, as Emilie gets out as well.  "I can take it from here.  Don't worry.  My head will be [burps] fine."  Emilie said.  "You sure?"  Man asked.  "I'm positive."  Emilie replied.  The man trust Emilie, so she takes a hold of Iris.  "Thank you so much for helping us Mr...."  Emilie said.  "Derek.  The name's, Derek."  Derek replied.  "Ok.  I'm Emilie."  Emilie said.  "Good to know.  Hope you, and your friend get better, Emilie."  Derek replied.  "Thanks.  Have a good rest of your night."  Emilie said.  She carries Iris inside their apartment, as Derek gets back into his car, and drives off.
The next morning, Iris wakes up in her bed with a big burp.  As she rises, she rubs her eyes, and moans.  She limps her way out of bed, and into the kitchen.  Where her BFF/roommate, Emilie is cooking.  "Morning......Emilie."  Iris said in a drunk tone.  "Your still wasted?"  Emilie asked.  "No.  Just........a little, slight bit tired."  Iris replied.  "Here.  Some water to wash down your shots from last night.  [timer goes off].  Oh, and you'll be needing that water too.  [opens oven, and pulls out tray.  Taaaa daaaa.  My famous blueberry muffins.  Cooked to perfection from your's truly."  Emilie said.  She takes them all out of the tray, and puts one on a plate for Iris to enjoy.  "Thanks."  Iris said.  "You enjoy as many as you want.  I'm going to the farmer's market.  High chance I can make us Saganaki tonight."  Emilie replied.  "Awesome.  Well [drinks water] have fun."  Iris said.  With that, Emilie leaves her roommate.  Who then spits out her blueberry muffins, and throws them in the trash.  "[barf sound].  Taste like a donkey's crapper."  Iris said. 
At the farmer's market, Emilie goes shopping.  Like any normal farmer's market, it is packed with fresh produce from all over the food pyramid.  Fruits, vegetables, meats, fish, etc.  Emilie takes her time in picking the food she needs for tonight.  As well as some other ingredients for future uses.  As she shops, she text someone on her phone.  But, it ends quick, and she goes back to shopping.  With her basket all full of what she needs, she goes to checkout.  "[puts basket on table].  Here you go."  Emilie said.  She is then surprised to see who her cashier is.  "Ahhh, Emilie.  Long time no see."  Derek said.  "HUH?!  Oh my God!  It's you."  Emilie replied surprised.  "Yep.  Derek in case you forgot."  Derek said.  "Oh.  Sorry."  Emilie replied.  "It's cool."  Derek said.  He starts to bag her stuff.  "I didn't know you worked here."  Emilie said.  "Well, I do.  Great place to make banging food.  But it's only a small time job I'm going for.  My real goal is something much more world changing."  Derek replied.  "Oh cool.  What's your dream?"  Emilie asked.  "Sorry.  I can't share.  It's a secret."  Derek replied.  "Oh come on.  My dream is to become a fashion designer, as well as a model for my own work.  Two jobs in one.  I'm sure it's the same as many big dream out there."  Emilie said.  "Not really.  It's revolutionary if all goes well."  Derek replied.  "Ohhhh.  Well, best of luck with that.  I hope it goes well."  Emilie said.  "Appreciate it.  And, that will be twenty ninety seven."  Derek replied.  Emilie pays him, and gets her receipt.  "Have a good rest of your day, Emilie."  Derek said.  "You too, Derek."  Emilie replied, as she leaves.
Back at her apartment, Emilie tells Iris what happened at the farmer's market.  "And he was there again?"  Iris asked.  "Yeah apparently.  It's kind of strange.  First I meet him at the club, and then the farmer's market I always go to.  Does' that......creep you out a bit?"  Emilie asked back.  "I guess.  But he does look like a nice guy.  I mean, he helped us get back home."  Iris replied, as she chugs some vodka.  "I also helped, Iris.  And why are you drinking more alcohol at this time?"  Emilie asked shocked.  "I know.  He won't take full credit.  Back on topic, I don't see how that is creepy at all."  Iris replied.  "I don't know.  It just feels weird how I first meet the guy, and then see him again in less than twenty four hours."  Emilie said.  "Are you thinking he is......stalking you?"  Iris replied.  "What?  Of course not.  What are you thinking, Iris?"  Emilie asked back annoyed.  "Sorry.  It's just an assumption."  Iris replied.  "Don't ever say that again.  It's messed up like you drunk.  Hmmm.  Maybe I'm just overthinking this a little don't you think?"  Emilie asked.  "Yeah."  Iris replied.  "[thinks].  That must be it.  I'm over reacting here."  Emilie said.  "Don't worry, Emilie.  If he actually is a stalker, just know your BFF got your back."  Iris replied.  "I basically carried your back last night."  Emilie said.  Iris laughs.  "I heard better, but I approve still."  Iris said.  Emilie smiles.  And then her phone rings.  "Ohhh.  News flash.  The apartment is all yours tonight."  Emilie said.  "Why?  You going to see Derek?"  Iris asked.  "Shut it.  No, my online date said he can do dinner with me at 7:00.  Look, can you please behave tonight?  Please?!"  Emilie asked nicely.  "No worries, captain.  I'll [chugs vodka] be a good girl."  Iris replied now starting to get drunk.  Emilie looks at her with anger, but turns it off.  She leaves her roommate home alone.
At 7:00, Emilie is inside a fancy Greece restaurant.  Filled with wonderful lighting, and decor, and plating.  There is no way anyone would say no if this was a date.  Emilie sits by herself, and waits for her date to arrive.  One minute passes by.  Five minutes passes by.  Thirty minutes passes by.  And Emilie is still all alone.  She sits there bored, with no date to accompany her.  Until she gets a text message.  She opens it, and hears some bad news.  Her date isn't showing up.  "[sighs].  Strike twelve on the list."  Emilie said.  "Excuse me, Miss.  It's been quite some time since you arrived.  Can you please order?"  Waiter asked.  Emilie looks at what waiter with sadness.  "A bottle of your finest wine.  ALL of it!"  Emilie demanded.  "Right away, Miss."  Waiter said, as he goes.  Next thing you know, Emilie walks out the restaurant in the pouring, thundering rain, with red wine on her lips.  Guess she really had to drink the pain away here.  She stumbles walking in the street in the soaking rain.  Ruining her hair, outfit, and makeup.  But is already too tipsy to even care.  She burps, as she tries to walk home sad from another wasted date.  Both figuratively, and literally.  "Oh my God!  Em....Emilie?"  Derek asked inside his car.  "Huh?  [sees him, and comes too].  Derek!!!!"  Emilie screamed.  "Woah.  Relax, I just said your name.  Are you alright?"  Derek asked.  "[burps].  Yeah.  Just drink.....a little."  Emilie replied.  "A little?"  Derek asked.  "YES!!!!!  A LITTLE!!!!"  Emilie screamed.  "Right.  By the sound of your voice, it doesn't feel like a little.  And is that red wine all over you face?"  Derek asked.  "No.  It's just some washed up lipstick."  Emilie replied in a drunk tone.  "Geez.  Tell you what.  [gets out of car].  You won't make it home by yourself.  Maybe I can drive you back, so you won't get a cold or struck by lightening."  Derek said.  "Nah?  I can make it home fine.  Besides [burps] my roomie is having a blast with some dudes there right about now."  Emilie replied.  "Right?  If she is having fun, then there is no way you can go back there.  I know.  I'll take you back to my place.  Does that sound fine with you?"  Derek asked.  Then suddenly, Emilie passes out from just that one bottle.  "Man.  Greece really has some strong alcohol here."  Derek said.  Derek, like a true gentleman, helps Emilie up.  He puts her in the front seat, gets back into his car, and drives off in the pouring rain.
Soon, Emilie's eyes start to regain attention.  She wakes up with a yawn on a couch, and rubs her eyes.  As she awakes, she is both confused, and scared where she is.  Derek's apartment is full of amazing decor from around the world.  Such as: South Africa, Shanghai, Brazil, Japan, Chine, LA, Colorado, Spain, etc.  She also finds some skulls of animals on the wall, which also freaks her out.  "[walks in].  Ahhh, your up."  Derek said.  Emilie screams.  "Wow!  All I said was, ahh your up.  You sure your still ok?"  Derek asked.  "Uhhhh, what?  Derek?  Where am I?  How did I get here?  Why am I not at my date?"  Emilie panicked.  "First of all, relax yourself.  Take some deep breathes.  Let it in, and release it."  Derek replied.  Emilie obeys, and relaxes.  "Just like that.  You better?"  Derek asked.  "A little.  Uhhh, I know I'm randomly here, but you have any tea around here?  It helps me relax better."  Emilie asked.  "Uhhh, yes.  Give me a couple of minutes to set it up."  Derek replied.  A couple minutes later, Derek serves Emilie her tea.  She sips it all down her system.  Derek sits on his chair.  "Thanks.  That really hit the spot.  So back to my question, how did I get here?"  Emilie asked, now relaxed.  "Ohhh!  I was driving, after getting some dinner, and all of the sudden, I see you walking home drunk.  You had red wine all over you face."  Derek replied.  "Red wine?  Oh crap.  I must have drank too much.  Guess never chug a wine bottle on a single gulp."  Emilie said.  "You been partying hard?"  Derek asked.  "[sighs].  No.  I got stood up by my online date.  Didn't even bother to show up to dinner."  Emilie replied.  "Rejection?  Ouch!  I'm so sorry to hear that.  It doesn't mean you can just go for the bottle."  Derek said.  "I understand, but it's even twelve times I went on a date, and made zero progress."  Emilie replied.  "You trying to get a boyfriend?"  Derek asked.  "More like, start a relationship.  Apart from being a fashion designer/model, I've been trying to get someone to love me."  Emilie replied.  "Makes sense.  But it's not easy.  Dating is hard.  First you have to found the confidence to actually speak to someone.  Someone who in your mind, you want to be with.  It was hard for me, and it still is today.  But despite my failures, I don't go for the bottle.  I just, try again, and do better.  Who knows.  Maybe one day you will find the appropriate lover."  Derek encouraged.  "Thanks for the support.  Dating is almost like making some clothing.  You got to find the right theme, color, formation, and carefully make it come to life.  Taking all the time you need to create art.  If you go wrong with one of the three, and or go too fast, you ruin it."  Emilie replied.  "Exactly.  Love can't be acquired so quickly.  It takes time and effort to grow."  Derek said.  "Tell that to my roommate.  She gets any drunk guy, and goes right for it."  Emilie replied.  "Not everyone wants to crave love.  It's mostly lust nowadays."  Derek said.  "Yeah."  Emilie replied.  She looks around Derek's apartment again, and looks at his decor from around the world.  "You travel?"  Emilie asked.  "You must be talking about my decor.  I do."  Derek replied.  "No way.  Is that the so called, dream you've been wanting?"  Emilie asked.  "Related to it.  I explore the world to see what is has to offer.  The good, the bad, and the ugly to it.  I find world travel to be one of the things you should do before you die.  Get a taste of the world around you, the locals, the monuments, the food, everything.  But, to prevent being broke, I work some small time jobs to be safe."  Derek replied.  "So that's why you were at the farmer's market."  Emilie said.  "Exactly.  But like I said, my goal is to do something for the world that will change it forever.  Once it comes, I'll be so proud to see a better world than before."  Derek replied.  "Big ambitions?  I love it."  Emilie said.  "Thanks again."  Derek replied.  Both Emilie, and Derek smile at each other.  "So, you told me your friend will be having a huge party at your place?"  Derek asked.  "Yeah.  Meaning, I have no where to stay."  Emilie replied.  "Don't worry.  If your comfortable, you can stay here for the night.  If not, that's ok."  Derek said.  "You sure you'll be ok if I stay here?"  Emilie asked.  "Just want to help those in need.  Like any good human being."  Derek replied.  Emilie puts some thought into this.  Sure, Derek has creeped her a bit, but at the end of the day, he still looks like a nice man with big plans.  Plus, he is the one who took her in while tipsy.  "[thinks].  Ok.  I can stay here."  Emilie said.  "Awesome.  If you mind getting off the couch, I can get turn it into a bed for you.  And no, I won't be a creep.  I'll be in my own room, and give you your space."  Derek replied.  "Thank you."  Emilie said.  Soon, the bed is ready, and Emilie lies in.  "Is there anything else I can get for you?"  Derek asked.  "Not at all."  Emilie replied.  With that, Derek goes to bed.  So does Emilie.
    The next morning, Emilie goes back to her home. Unexpected to her, it's a train wreck. Furniture is stained, alcohol is on the floor, and the place smells awful. Emilie is then greeted to her roommate Iris in a bathrobe in the kitchen.  She is lost for words. "Morning, Iris." Emilie said in an upset tone. "Ah, Emilie. [burps]. You really missed a good show. It was so.....hard and long." Iris replied. "I can tell from the way you look. [sniffs]. Oh God! The place smells like stinky salmon." Emilie said, almost hurling. "Ha! That blame is on me." Iris replied with a wink. "Oh God!!!! Iris!!!!" Emilie said realizing what Iris means. "What? We only have one life. Got it live it to the fullest." Iris replied. "Ok. Good for you. Well, your party ruined our home. Again!  And I'm not cleaning after you." Emilie said. "Don't worry. I'll clean this up." Iris replied. "Sure. I'm going to class now. I assume you won't be there." Emilie said. "[burps]. Not at all." Iris replied. "Great. Iris! Please, clean this place up. I mean it." Emilie demanded, as she leaves. "Aye Captain." Iris replied, still clearly drunk. Emilie grabs her stuff, and leaves for class.  As she leaves, Iris falls to the ground asleep.  It nearly makes Emilie lose her cool, as it stays with her on her way to class.
    Emilie goes to class, and still works hard as always. With her peers panicking around her finishing up their designs. Although Memo doesn't full do it's job, after Emilie can't stop thinking about Iris' mess from last night. It does make her focus less, unlike previous times. Where she was an all star. The timer rings, and it's time for their Professor to inspect. He looks at the rest with the same look, but a different look with Emilie's. "Miss Emilie. This....isn't what I expected." Professor said. "Sorry. I'm not really feeling it at the moment." Emilie replied. "I don't take excuses Miss Emilie. I mean, look at this. The colors don't match at all, the formation is ugly, and I honestly see no effort from this work of art." Professor said. "I already told you. I wasn't feeling it at the moment." Emilie replied. "No excuses! Same goes for the rest of you. Clearly today has been nothing but unacceptable. And to think you all want to be fashion designers. Not at this rate from my standards. [bell rings]. Class is dismissed. Make sure you all do better, or I'll start kicking you all out one by one." Professor threatened. Emilie leaves with still some anger from Iris.
    Emilie is so upset at Iris, she actually goes to the farmer's market. Not to buy groceries, but to see her friend, Derek. He's still at his position working to make some money here in Greece. "Thank you. Have a good rest of your day." Derek said. "Hey, Derek." Emilie replied. "Huh? [looks]. Oh, Emilie. Back again for some more groceries like everyone else?" Derek asked. "No. Look, this is a weird request, but, can I chat with you for a moment?" Emilie asked back. "Uhhh, right now?" Derek asked. "Yes. Right now." Emilie replied. "Uhhhhh, ok. Hold on. [tabs shoulder]. Hey, can you watch my station for a few minutes? Ok, thanks. [returns to Emilie]. Ok, I have some time." Derek said. The two are now standing by the coastline of Greece. "What's on your mind that you want to talk about?" Derek asked. "Ugh! Iris." Emilie replied. "Your roommate?" Derek asked. "Yes. Look, I never told anyone this before because I don't want to sound rude at all. But, I feel comfortable telling you this. As long as you don't tell anyone else." Emilie replied. "You have my word, Emilie." Derek said. "[deep breath]. Iris annoys me so much. So much to a point that I wish she was never my roommate at all. It's always drink, drink, drink, 24/7 and for what? Fun, and fun only." Emilie replied. "Well, we all should have fun these days." Derek said. "Yes, but she has too much fun to a point where I can't stand it. Don't get me wrong, she was a good roommate to me when we first meet. [in flashback]. We were just the quirky roomies you would expect. We had our similarities, and our differences a like, but we were still BFFs. Until things took a turn a few months after moving in. Iris starting bringing boys over constantly. Preferably doing you know what. No, I'm not jealous of her, but it makes me want to kill myself when she kept doing it too much. [Emilie ask Iris if she can focus tonight. Iris agrees, but later that night, brings guys over anyway. Emilie almost rages. She ask Iris again another time, but again, Iris disobeys. And she still had a loud party anyway. Making Emilie more anger. Once again, Emilie ask Iris, for real if she can NOT bring anyone over. Iris promises she won't, but is then seen breaking it]. No matter what, she always finds a way to ruin my night. Worst of all, it's either me who pays for new stuff, and cleans up the place. It's me, and always me. [end flashback]. It soon grew to a point where I couldn't stand her, but I still had hope she would be better. Right now, I'm starting to lose hope." Emilie replied. "Damn. Well, I'm sure you'll find a way to get through this." Derek said. "Thanks again." Emilie replied. "Anyway, I better get back to work. Hope your day goes good despite Iris." Derek said, as he goes to leave. Emilie watches him leave, and runs to him. "Actually, Derek. [Derek turns around]. In case I ever need somewhere to stay again, you think I can give you my number?" Emilie asked. "Oh yeah of course. Care if I give you mine as well?" Derek asked back. "Not a problem for me." Emilie replied. The two of them exchange their numbers. "There. Just, give me a call if things go wrong." Derek said. "I will. See you later." Emilie replied, as she leaves.
    Emilie walks up her stairs, and makes it home. She unlocks, and opens the door. Inside, she is disgusted in look, and smell at her home still a wreck. "God! IRIS!!!!" Emilie screamed. She bust into her room, but she is not here. "IRIS!!!!!! IRIS!!!!!! I KNOW YOUR HERE!!!!!!" Emilie screamed. Soon, she starts to hear noises coming from somewhere in the house. A noise of pleasure. Demanding to know where it is, she tries to navigate the sound. It takes Emilie out of Iris' room, and down the hall. The sounds get louder. And by the looks of it, they are coming from inside Emilie's room. She stands in front of her door, and can hear the sounds get louder and louder. Anger, she bust the door open, and is blinded at what she sees. Iris having sex with a random guy in Emilie's bed. "GOD, EMILIE!!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING????!!!!" Iris screamed. "WHAT AM I DOING? WHY ARE YOU HAVING SEX ON MY BED???!!!!!" Emilie screamed. "Wait? [realizes]. Ohhhh, this. Ok, look. I can see why you would be mad, but hear me out. My bed was really sweaty from last night, and you know I have to have a good bed condition. So I.....just decided to use your bed this one time." Iris said. "AND YOU THINK I'M OK WITH THAT???!!!!" Emilie screamed. "Relax. It's just one time." Iris replied. Emilie gets so mad at Iris. And even more mad when she looks at the ground. "What the? Are those my designs cover in [smells] AHHHH, piss?!" Emilie asked in rage. "Ummmmm, yeah. Look, it was an accident. I had to pee. I ran to use my bathroom, but it's filled with puke. So, I tried to use yours, but it slipped. Just a little tinkle though." Iris replied. Yep! Emilie has reached her breaking point for sure. She takes anger deep breathes when looking at Iris. "Now look. I can fix this. I'll just...." Iris said. "NO!!!!!! SCREW YOU!!!!!! SCREW YOUR PARTIES!!!!!!! AND SCREW YOUR DUDES YOU BRING ALONG!!!!!!" Emilie screamed. "Hey!" The guy sleeping with Iris replied. "I'M DONE WITH YOU!!!!!!!!" Emilie screamed. She storms out of her apartment, and slams the door hard for Iris to hear. Outside, she calls Derek. "[answers]. Emilie." Derek said. "Derek, I'm so pissed off right now. My roommate did the unthinkable. She slept with a guy in my bed, and took an actually piss on my designs." Emilie replied anger. "Your serious?" Derek asked. "One hundred percentage. [deep breath]. I'm just about to lose it about now. You think it's ok I come over to your place now? I need someone who I can actually talk to, to calm down." Emilie asked. "Oh yeah. My shift if over here now. I'll come pick you up now. Just send me your address, and I'll be on my way." Derek replied. "Thank you!!!! I'll do so at once." Emilie said, as she hangs up. Emilie then waits, as she stills to blow off the stream her roommate caused for herself.
Soon, Derek takes Emilie inside his home.  "Take a seat on the couch.  I'll go fix you some tea, so you can relax better."  Derek said.  Emilie is still anger, but is happy to have Derek assist her.  As he goes make tea, Emilie tries to calm down, as she waits.  It doesn't work well.  Until Derek brings her the tea, and she drinks the whole thing in a single gulp.  "God you must be thirsty."  Derek said.  "I'm sorry.  Iris really crossed the line with this stunt."  Emilie replied mad.  "I can only imagine.  Want any more tea?"  Derek asked.  "I rather have a bottle of wine to drink my pain away, then bash Iris in the head with it.  "Woah!  That's too extreme Emilie.  Here, some more tea will help.  Alcohol won't if you remember last night."  Derek said.  "Sorry.  I'm just so mad at her."  Emilie replied.  "Cool off here.  I'll get you some more tea."  Derek said.  He gets her another tea.  "Now for this one, drink slowly.  Let it sink in, and cool your rage."  Derek said.  "I'll try."  Emilie replied.  Emilie takes the tea, and drinks.  She takes a lot on her first gulp, but slows down afterwards.  "There you go.  You feel better?"  Derek asked.  "A bit."  Emilie replied, as she finishes her tea.  "Too be honest, I'm actually glad you called me to come stay with me."  Derek said.  "Huh?  Why is that?"  Emilie asked.  "Well.......I took some time in thinking, and..........I want to show you how I will achieve my dream."  Derek replied.  Emilie goes silent for a moment.  "What?"  Emilie asked.  "It's true.  I think, you should know if I got to know your dream."  Derek replied.  "Not sure if it will be my dream when Iris took a piss on my artwork."  Emilie said.  "Calm down, Emilie.  Calm down.  Now, I get your going through something now, and that what's more important. I shouldn't have brought up my dream. I apologize for changing the subject." Derek replied. "Oh no. It's cool. Please, tell me." Emilie said. "Are you sure? Considering your still......anger?" Derek asked. "I can manage." Emilie replied. "Ok. [deep breath]. Check this out". Derek said. He gets off his couch, and goes into his bedroom. Emilie looks confused, as he goes. Derek then comes back out with a safe in hand. Now back on the couch, he puts in a code. With the code activated, the safe opens. And what Derek pulls out wasn't what Emilie expected. A book, and two brooches. "Uhhhh, it's just some book, and some jewelry." Emilie said. "Oh, no, no, no, no, no, Emilie. This is the key to a better world." Derek replied. He opens up the book, and shows Emilie the inside. Within the book are images of superheroes, and some weird writings on it. Derek flips the pages, as Emilie gets more confused. Each page shows more heroes. A black cat one, a dragon one, a rooster one, etc. The whole thing is nothing she has seen. "So, this is the key? A book about weird superheroes?" Emilie asked. "Hmmmm. Perhaps seeing is believed, Emilie." Derek replied. Emilie is still confused. Derek then takes his brooches, and puts them on. As he does, a bright purple and blue light comes out that blinds Emilie. And then, two magical creatures form. When Emilie looks at them, she thinks she is dreaming. "Crazy right?" Derek asked. "What......what are those? How did you do that?" Emilie asked shocked. "Emilie. Meet Nooroo and Duusu. Kwamis of the Butterfly and Peacock. The first of many keys for a better world. I also advice not asking them questions. They are pretty shy at the moment. Right you two?" Derek asked with a slightly threatening tone. Nooroo and Duusu smile, and nod their heads. "This can't be real. It has to be." Emilie said. "Easy, Emilie. I can see why your shocked, but it's not a dream. It's my dream. You see, what is on my chest are called, miraculous. Jewels that grant extraordinary superpowers when worn. The kwamis help grant a user it's power, after you say a specific key word. It thanks to them, and this book, that I will use to change the world." Derek replied. "Change the world? Wait? Are you trying to tell me your turning the world into a better place with superpowers?" Emilie asked still shocked. "Yes I am." Derek replied. " I get the miraculous part, but that book is full of weird symbols." Emilie asked. "Glad you asked. It's not an issue. I.....can translate the book. It wasn't easy, so let me explain. [in flashback]. For years, my family had an intention to use the miraculous to create world better then what we see it as. It has been a goal pasted down from generation to generation. However, it wasn't easy getting the miraculous. It took us centuries to get them, but failed. Until one showy night in the mountains. My great, great, great, great, great, great Grandfather was hiking those mountains to find them. He scaled past powerful show, and lava gorges. It was dangerous and hardcore. What's even more hardcore? [explosion goes off]. The fact he found a burning temple in the middle of nowhere. He ran to see what had happened. Ran with all his might. Before something stopped him. He saw a young boy running away from some kind of frog thing. It was hunting him down. As he ran, he jumped a gorge, and the creature fell into the lava. The boy then fled the place. It was out of nowhere, but essential for us. He looked down at the gorge to see if the monster survived. It didn't, as he saw it sink into the lava. What did survived however was something he couldn't believe. The Butterly and Peacock miraculous, and the book I have now. All three lying on a edge close to the lava. He had to get it. He carefully went down the gorge to get it. Nearly burning to death from the heat. But at the end of the day, [climbs back up] he got what he wanted. [all three items in his hand. As he walks away, he laughs a sinister laugh]. For years, he tried to translate the grimoire to find out more of the miraculous. But his luck translating the pages was impossible. After he died, he passed on what he had to his next heir. Then he did the same thing to his next. And the next one, and the next one, and the next one. [end flashback]. Until finally, my Father finally discovered how translate the symbols in the book. He studied it day and night, so he can never forget, and soon, passed it down to me. [gets sad]. Before he unfortunately passed away at the age of sixty." Derek replied. Emilie is shocked even more at this news. Her mind is blown. "So, there are more of these guys out there?" Emilie asked. "Lots. And I plan on finding every single one. Or my name isn't..........Derek Malcom." Derek replied. Emilie is in even more shock now. "If you want, I can share more info about it with you." Derek said. "Hmmmm, I'm not sure. Besides, I have Iris to deal with, and....." Emilie replied. "Forget Iris. She is a terrible roommate as you know. Maybe you can......stay here. Just until we can find you a better place to stay. And you can choose if you want to know more about the miraculous. As always, it's your call." Derek said. Emilie thinks this over. These creatures do freak her out, but Iris' parties freak her out more. It makes Emilie anger just by thinking about her. "[deep breath]. Your right. Iris doesn't deserve me. She can party, and drown her life all she wants. Derek. As long as your comfortable, I'll stay here." Emilie said. "That's not an issue at all, Emilie." Derek replied.
In a montage, we see how Emilie has been going over time with Derek.  She still goes to fashion school, and learns more about it, and gets better.  Much better now that she is free of Iris.  After each class, she goes home to Derek.  Where he tells her more about the miraculous, and there powers as a whole.  It amazes Emilie, like anyone would if they see magical beings that grant superpowers.  It's also during this time that Derek and Emilie have developed a healthy friendship.  With Derek making Emilie laugh, and Emilie baking Derek some of her blueberry muffins.  It's an all positive experience for her.  It's also during this time that Emilie stopped partying and drinking.  It wouldn't make anything better, and she has more important stuff to do.  So all in all, it's a good relationship.  Exactly what Emilie wanted.  Then, a year passes by.  Derek and Emilie cheers in the living room.  "Toast to fellow graduate Emilie.  Now on her way to becoming a worldwide fashion designer and model."  Derek said.  The two of them drink for Emilie's success.  "You know, none of this would have happened without you Derek.  You took me in, so I can focus on my studies.  And avoid people like Iris.  And now, I did it.  I graduated, and I can go live my dream.  You really are a good man, Derek."  Emilie said.  "Thank you very much.  It was a pleasure helping you out, Emilie."  Derek replied.  "You know what?  You shouldn't be un-rewarded for this.  I want to repay you back."  Emilie said.  "No!!!!  I don't need something in return.  You graduated, and that's all that matters."  Derek replied.  "I'm serious.  I'll do anything to repay for you helping me out."  Emilie said.  "Really?  Anything?"  Derek asked.  "Anything!"  Emilie replied.  Derek goes silent, as he thinks.  Emilie waits for his response.  "Well, there is something you can do, but.......ahh forget it.  It won't be worth it."  Derek said.  "What do you mean?  What is it?"  Emilie asked.  "No.  Perhaps getting me an ice cream, or a nice jacket will do nicely.  Both of which you can make from scratch."  Derek replied.  "No.  Those are not enough.  Whatever you were going to say, no matter how hard it is, I'll do it."  Emilie said.  "But, Emilie."  Derek replied.  "You deserve it, Derek."  Emilie said.  "[thinks].  Very well then."  Derek replied.  He gets off the couch, and goes to his safe again.  After he opens it, he pulls something else out.  Some kind of scroll.  "A scroll?"  Emilie asked.  "Not quite."  Derek replied.  Derek opens the scroll, and shows it to Emilie.  She cannot believe what she sees.  The page has a red X with a red diamond in the middle of it.  And sneered all over it is blood.  "Emilie.  I, Derek Malcom, and inviting you to join The Void.  An organization bound to create a better world.  Where were all dreams come true for us and others.  All you need to do is prick your finger, and paint your seeping blood on the paper.  Once done, you, and your family alone with be official members of us."  Derek said.  Emilie is now a bit shocked at this offer.  Derek wants her to sign a contract with her blood.  "So, Emilie.  Do you accept?"  Derek asked.  Emilie doesn't say a thing.  She sits in silence.  "Oh.  It must be how to do it.  How stupid of me.  I'm....."  Derek said.  "I'm in."  Emilie replied.  "Wait?  Really?"  Derek asked surprised.  "Yes.  But, my side of the family won't get affected right?"  Emilie asked back.  "Oh no.  They won't.  This just means by you signing it, any family, or future family will be members of The Void.  Just in case if they want to join as well.  And may I remind you, our goal is to make a better world for all."  Derek replied.  "Oh.  Ok.  Just making sure."  Emilie said.  And thus, the unbelievable occurs.  Emilie takes a knife from the kitchen.  Derek, while she looks away, smiles at her for this decision.  While nervous, Emilie wants to repay Derek for his help.  So, she slices her finger.  She hesitates, as blood comes out.  "You ok, Emilie?"  Derek asked.  "Yes.  I'm alright.  Stay there."  Emilie replied.  With her blood now seeping, she walks back to Derek.  He holds the paper in front of her.  With one deep breath from Emilie, the contract is now signed.  Her blood gets painted on the scroll.  "Wonderful.  Welcome to The Void, Emilie."  Derek celebrated.  "Thanks.  Ouch.  Think you can help me fix my finger?"  Emilie asked, as she tries to stop blood flowing.  "Oh yes.  Maybe this can help."  Derek replied.  Emilie looks at him, and is shocked once again.  Derek, on one knee, with one of his arms pointed out.  That arm that is pointed has a diamond ring in it's hand.  Emilie cannot believe her eyes.  "I know this is happening at the same time you decided to join, but.....I just couldn't wait any longer.  You are a smart, hard working, competent girl, Emilie.  Your fashion is beautiful, your cooking is delicious, your laugh makes my heart melt like chocolate.  As we spent our time together, my feelings for you have changed incredibly.  So, I just have to ask you.  Emilie, will you marry me?"  Derek asked.  Emilie is speechless.  She is both shocked, but happy at the same time.  "Oh, Derek!  YES!!!!!"  Emilie cheered with tears in her eyes.  He puts the ring on her finger.  Once on, the two hug.  With Emilie smiling happily behind Derek's back.  And Derek, he is smiling evil behind his back.
    After their marriage has been declared, another montage happens. This time, Emilie and Derek Malcolm have moved away from Greece to travel around the world. In order to find more miraculous for them to use. During their travels, Emilie has been selling her clothing, as well as modeling them just like she dreamed. It's nothing big at all, but she got to start somewhere. They go everywhere. Literally, both to support Emilie, and find more miraculous. It's a long travel, but they refused to give up. Then, nine months passes by. Derek and Emilie are in Spain staying at a new apartment. Both of them lie in bed. "Honey. It's been a nine months, and we haven't found a thing. Are you sure we need the miraculous?" Emilie asked. "We do, dear. As a member of The Void, you refuse to give up. It's part of the code." Derek replied. "But, my fashion isn't getting noticed much. I know I'm living my dream job, but I want to go bigger than this." Emilie said. "I understand, and it will. It will take some more time, but I promise you. When will get the miraculous, and all your wildest dreams will be granted." Derek replied. "[sighs]. I trust you. Why can't we ask the kwamis for help?"  Emilie's asked.  "I recommend we don't.  They only serve to help us once we have them all.  Speaking of which, better get to bed now.  I love you dear." Emilie said. "[kiss on the lips]. I love you too, Emilie." Derek replied. And thus, they go to bed.
During the night, Emilie wakes up.  She quietly rises up, and tries not to disturb Derek.  As then gets out of bed, and he is still asleep.  Now out of bed, Emilie goes to find the two miraculous Derek has at hand.  She goes to his desk in the living room full of his gear.  Including a fresh, sharp katana.  Eventually, Emilie finds both miraculous.  She takes them, makes sure Derek is still asleep, and puts them on.  Once on, both kwamis come out of their jewels.  They are surprised to be let free by Emilie.  "Hey guys.  I know you two were probably sleeping, but I need to ask you.  What...."  Emilie asked.  "Sssshhhh!!!!"  Nooroo and Duusu interrupted.  Both of them fly, and look inside Derek's room.  They both see he is asleep.  After that, they fly back to Emilie.  "Good.  He's asleep.  Now hurry.  Get us out of here."  Nooroo begged.  "And fast, before he wakes up."  Duusu replied.  "Hey woah you two.  What's the big deal?"  Emilie asked.  "What's the big deal?  What's the big deal is you made a horrific mistake being with him."  Nooroo explained.  "What?  How?  Derek hasn't done anything wrong."  Emilie asked.  "That's the point.  He wants you to think that.  Listen, Emilie.  Derek Malcom is not the man you think he is.  The whole The Void, and get miraculous to make a better world is nothing but a lie.  He doesn't want to make a better world.  He wants to use us to conquer it."  Duusu explained.  "No.  That can't be true.  I don't believe you."  Emilie said.  "Please.  You must.  He is evil.  His entire family is evil.  The Void, is evil."  Nooroo explained.  "It's not what you think it is.  They have been around for centuries trying to get us.  Only to use us for evil purposes for their selfish desires."  Duusu explained.  "I still don't believe you."  Emilie said.  Both Nooroo and Duusu moan.  "If you don't believe us, then go to the grimoire, and look at the very last page."  Nooroo said.  "Uhh, if you say so.  But it won't persuade me."  Emilie replied.  She does as told, and gets the grimoire.  Then flips to the last page.  On the page is The Void's symbol, with more of those weird symbols from before.  But thanks to Derek, she was able to translate some of it.  As she reads, she slowly realizes what Nooroo and Duusu are talking about.  She gets the tragic realization of what and who the Void really is.  And that their intentions are nothing, but pure evil.  She flips that page over, and sees those giant symbols again in a big text.  She is able to translate what it says.  Never Trust Them.  "Enjoying your read, Emilie?"  Derek asked, as he stands at the door.  Emilie gets frightened.  As do Nooroo and Duusu.  "Looks like you let the kwamis come out to play.  Explain why?"  Derek demanded.  "No.  You explain why you've been lying to me."  Emilie demanded.  "Lying about what dear?  I've only been truthful."  Derek replied.  "As if.  Then explain why there is more info on the back of the book.  With a message that reads, Never Trust Them? As in, The Void."  Emilie asked.  Derek stands quiet.  Emilie is mad for answer.  "Answer me, Derek."  Emilie demanded.  "[sighs].  You two had to break the news to her.  [Emilie gasp, as her mind is blown again].  I knew you would be the one for me, Emilie.  The one to accompany The Void, and continue it's legacy."  Derek replied.  "No. I refuse, after hearing this. This isn't what I signed up for."  Emilie said scared.  "It's too late now.  Once you sign the contract, you are forever a member.  Whether you choose to quit."  Derek explained.  "Oh my God!  [looks at hands].  What have I done?"  Emilie asked in shock.  "You did the right thing.  Now, put the book down, and let's go back to bed.  We have work to do in the morning."  Derek replied in a scary tone.  He slowly approaches her, as she and the kwamis get into fear.  So, Emilie thinks fast.  She quickly grabs Derek's katana, and slashes it against his leg.  He screams in pain, as Emile makes a run for it.  She takes the miraculous, and grimoire, and runs to the exit.  But then Derek turns around fast to trip her.  She falls.  Dropping the grimoire as well.  Derek goes to get it, but only grabs the last page on The Void from the open book.  As he pulls it back, Emilie grabs the book, and pulls back.  Saving the book, but ripping the page Derek holds with it.  To seal the deal, Emilie uses the grimoire to bash Derek in the head with it.  Even doing it a few more time to make sure he is out.  After that, Emilie runs.  In her pajamas, she runs away from Derek with Nooroo and Duusu.  Trying to get as far away as possible.

Miraculous Ladybug Season 5: The End of EvilDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora