Farwell Guys

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Now, I think some, or all of you are confused on what you just read at the end of Season 5.  Specifically, Avoir Jack Edgers Part 1, and The Big Reveal.  Season 5 was left on a massive cliffhanger at the end, with Jack Malcolm being the half brother of Adrien, and new holder of the Butterfly and Peacock miraculous.  What's the reason for that?  Why make a cliffhanger on my last season of MLB.  The final MLB work I'm ever going to do.  I said various times Season 5 is the last season of my MLB, and that's it.  No more MLB. No more rewrites. It all comes to an end. Well, I think it's obvious now.  I lied to all of you.  Yes, you read that right.  I was simply lying to everyone reading me on Wattpad this whole time.  Thats no a joke.  I'm serious.  Season 5 wasn't going to be my final season.  Heck, it was never going to be the end.  It was all a big fat lie from yours truly.  Before I explain more, was I lying about anything else?  Hmm, anytime someone asked me if Jack Edgers is Essence, I was lying there.  That's it to be honest.  Anyway, back on track.  Just to clarify, this was always going to happen.  Season 5 wasn't going to be the end of my work.  And this wasn't something I thought of on the spot.  I definitely didn't do this for more stories, and more attention.  It was all planned from the start.  In that case, why did I lie to you all?  It was just a trick that's all.  I was trolling you guys to give shock value.  Nothing more, nothing less.  But yes.  This isn't the end of the story.  As a matter of fact, there is so much more to come than you think.  Which is why I'm going to show you all what else I have planned.

What I present to you all is my official schedule of MLB works that will come to you in the future.  Will all of these come true?  I'm praying they do for as long as I'm willing to write for you guys. In that case, please enjoy my planned schedule going forward:

Starting off, we have Season 1 of my NYC spinoff.  Yes, NYC will get a three season spinoff, that I'm very excited to share with you all.  Especially Season 2.

Speaking of Season 2, after Season 1, is of course, NYC Spinoff Season 2.  I'll explain why this one is so special when it comes out.  Believe me, you wouldn't want to miss this one.

After that, I will write Season 1 of my Shanghai spinoff.  Same case scenario with NYC, Shanghai also gets a two season spinoff.  Yes its only two seasons, but whatever.  Also its weird I skipped over Season 3 of NYC, but there is a reason to that.

As expected.  Once Season 1 is done, we get Season 2 of the Shanghai Spinoff.  Again, you don't want to miss this one.  Your minds will be blown.

Once those are completed, I'll be continuing the story of my MLB with the Japan Special.  Like Brazil, which along with Africa will get a special in the future, I want to give you all a fanfic of how I would write the Japan special.  I know I could just wait for the movie to come out then write it, but since canon NYC and Shanghai suck, I think I know what to expect.  This special will feature Ladytiger, who yes is the hero MLB is planning to bring into the movie. 

Speaking of Africa, the next story will be the Africa fanfic.  Like Japan, I'm writing my own version of Africa, since I expect not much from what canon is planning.  This will feature Ladylion, who like Tiger, was planned to show up in the movie

Finally, we have Miraculous Ladybug Season 6 fanfic.  This takes place after Japan and Africa, and continues the story once again.  I'm also every excited for this one to come out.  There is so much for me to show, so many twists, and especially the reason why NYC Season 3 isn't going just yet.

For NYC Season 3, I plan to release it while I'm writing Season 6.  Sounds off, but again, there is a reason behind that.  It will all make sense when the time comes.

After Season 6, I will give you all a few new spinoffs to spread out my MLB.  We got the Brazil, Japan, and Africa spinoffs.  Each will be one season, and mostly help explore the miraculous inside each box.  Sounds like a waste, but I can have fun with that I created.  Again, only one season for each.  Do I plan to add more seasons?  Maybe if there is enough interest.

And at the bottom of the bucket, we have Miraculous Ladybug Season 7 fanfic.  I mean this when I say it, this is the FINAL SEASON of my MLB work.  Yes, the last one.  No lies, no jokes, none of that. This is the for real climax, conclusion, ending of my MLB.  However, there will be one last spinoff I'll be working on after this.  I'll save that as a surprise when the day comes.

So that's my official schedule for the future.  Before I conclude, I want to say thanks again to everyone who has supported, enjoyed, and loved my MLB.  Again, I'm still shocked I grew this much attention just be rewriting a silly show during the summer of 2022.  Despite that, I'm still so grateful for everything that has happened.  I couldn't have made it this far without all of you guys.  You all are just so awesome, and I love you guys.  I truly mean that with all my heart.  With all that being said, farewell guys.  I'll see you in the future.

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