Ultra Gozen

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Back where Splinter left off, Kagami calls the man who was akumatized into Splinter, Dad. Soon, the man says, "Kagami?" Then, they both sheds some tears, before they hug each other crying. Ladybug, Cat Noir, and Blue Bird watch this go off. "So, not only did I beat a powerful villain, now we have a family reunion?" Blue Bird asked. "We, and yes." Cat Noir replied. "Right, sorry if I sounded selfish for a minute." Blue Bird said. Ladybug growls at him. "Oh my God! Look how much you've grown. You... you look amazing dear." Kagami's Dad said. "And you? Look at you! You look so different, as if I almost couldn't recognize you." Kagami replied with tears in her eyes. "I just... I just thought I would never see my beautiful girl again. I was so worried." Kagami's Dad said, as he hugs his daughter more. The emotions are so high, even Cat sheds a tear. "I bet Duusu can make a full on sentimonster right now with just these emotions." Blue Bird said. "Save it for later. [clears throat]. So sorry to interrupt Kagami, but this is your Dad?" Ladybug asked. "[let's go]. The name is Dan. Dan Tsurugi. Well, once Tsurugi." Dan replied. "Divorced?" Blue Bird asked. "It's a very long story." Dan replied. "Anyway, why are you in Paris, and what caused you to become a supervillain?" Ladybug asked. "So that's why I blacked out for some time? Weird. To answer your question, I moved here to Paris to try to sell more of my artwork. I'm a well known artist in several countries. I'm simply just a man trying to live his creative dreams. However, my recently bought apartment got smashed up by some jerks. I live in not the most friendly place. So, I guess that caused me to become what I was." Dan replied. "Your an artist? What a coincidence. Heard your daughter is a phenomenal artist herself." Cat Noir said, as Kagami smiles. "Ahh, you still doing your old man's tricks?" Dan asked. "Uhhh, I am. Although Mom hates it." Kagami replied. "Ohh, she's here isn't she?" Dan asked. "Is this the part where we learn the reason why Kagami was only with her Mom when she came here?" Cat Noir asked back.

    We then go into Kagami's house, where her Mom is. "Yes, you know it!" Tomoe yelled at Dan. "Listen, Tomoe. I mean no harm. I'm just here to..." Dan replied, as he gets interrupted. "Don't try an excuses. Your trying to take Kagami are you?!" Tomoe asked with anger. "Now why would I try to kidnap my own kid?" Dan asked. "You mean, MY kid." Tomoe replied. "Look, I know you and I didn't have the... best relationship, but I swear, I only care here to do business." Dan said. "And by business, you mean those disgusting paintings of yours. No wonder Kagami has become weaker with them. Because she got them from a scumbag." Tomoe yelled. "Come on. I'm sure they can't be that bad. Also, sick robot arm." Blue Bird said. "Oh yeah. WOAH! HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?!" Dan asked in shock. "Got it sliced off by a psychopath. He couldn't kill me though." Tomoe replied. "Ok, back on track. Let's see the art, and maybe see if it's bad or not." Blue Bird recommended. "If you want to be blinded like I am, be my guest." Tomoe replied. Dan pulls out some of his art to show Kagami, and the trio of heroes. His artwork is more than fancy stretches like Kagami. He has full on, majestic paintings that look like the real thing. Some of them include paintings of Japanese villages, mountains in Iceland, monuments in New York, and even some of Kagami when she was a little girl. "Ok, that is some of the most impressive artwork I've ever seen. How does one when begin to do that?" Ladybug asked. "It may seem hard, but it's not that hard. What about you Kagami? Do you have some artwork you can show me?" Dan asked Kagami. "No! Don't you dare show him!" Tomoe ordered. "Ok, Miss. Calm down." Cat Noir yelled. Kagami, while anger her Mom is, pulls out her work to show her Dad. As he flips through her stretch book, his eyes open up in amazement. He sees her drawings of animals, her Mom, some of Adrien, and even some of Marinette, and her friends. Such as, Alya, Rose, Jack, etc. "Kagami. These look wonderful. Looks like you inherited from the best of the best. Then again, you are the best when it comes to me." Dan said, as Kagami smiles at him. "Well she's not going to be the best if she focuses on silly drawings. She is better off fencing full time anyway." Tomoe yelled. "Can you please stop with that Tomoe. I get you want Kagami to be like you, but you can't expect her to only be a fencer. The kid needs other things to do to live an interesting life. I'm not just an artist. I'm a traveler, and also into archeology." Dan said. "No wonder I divorced you all those years ago." Tomoe replied. "So we are getting the part where we et information we want answers to?" Cat Noir asked. "No duh! But fine, let's all get into a flashback to why I divorced this embarrassment of a man. [in flashback]. We were first classmates in Japan. Unlike most of the other kids, we both had the same purpose in mind. To become, the best. I was focusing on fencing like my ancestors, while he was focused on his art. I wanted to be a state champion back when I wasn't blind, and he wanted to be a famous artist. It gone to a point, where we first saw we had the same intentions. [both bump into each other at school]. "Watch it!" Tomoe yelled. Soon, made eye contact. The two of us first meet in that very hallway. [time flies]. Soon, we kept up out goals, but also saw each other often. And that friendship soon blossomed into love, [Dan propose to Tomoe] and that love, so gave birth... to life[baby Kagami being held in Tomoe's hands]. We both raised Kagami equally in our own ways. [Kagami gets yelled at strictly by her Mom to do things the right way]. I wanted Kagami to be perfect in everything she did, while Dan played the "best parent ever." [Dan comforts Kagami, and makes her smile with his art work]. I still remember how cringe it was when you read her mangas you came up with every night. That laughing Kagami made, wished I was deaf. [time flies, and Kagami is now in grade school]. I still made Kagami go to school like any good parent, but forced her not to indulge in friendship. Like me, if she wanted to be the best, she needed to lose attention from those losers, who wasted their lives. The only time it's valid, is when Kagami knows she is going to fall in love. Of course Dan hated this. "Come on, honey. You can't expect Kagami to go her whole life without friends." Dan said. "[Tomoe slaps Dan]. You see that Dan? How I slapped you? Let that be a lesson. If you had no friends, and focused on your goals, then you would easily dodge that slap. So, do you think Kagami needs friends now? I don't think so." Tomoe replied. That began the downfall of out relationship, though I saw it as a miracle. Or as you kids say it, the biggest anime betrayal of all time. The man I loved was strong, but the birth of Kagami made him go soft. However, our divorce happened not because of our disagreements. But because of one little event. "[Tomoe spies on Dan and Kagami]. So Dad, I have a crush on a cute cool boy at school. I want to tell him how I feel, but I keep seeing him with another girl. I don't know if he likes her, or not, and that upsets me. You feel in love with Mom. How did you do it?" Kagami asked. "Oh Kagami. I'm glad your starting to see what love is, but this is different. Your Mom and I knew we would become... together very soon. I never experienced this before in my life. The one you like being with another girl. Just, wait to see what happens. If the girl doesn't like your crush, go in for it. If she does, then I'm sorry for your lost love. But what's important is that you move on, and do it better next time. Promise you that will work." Dan replied. "Thanks Dad." Kagami said, as he hugs him. Kagami leaves the room, and as she enters her bedroom, Tomoe walks in. "Listen here, Kagami. Your not going to do whatever Dan told you to do." Tomoe yelled. "But why?" Kagami asked. "Because he doesn't know how it's done. Now listen, if you want to be with your crush, you need to be brutal. Be strong. Be powerful. You need... to get rid of the competition, and here's how you do it. Soon, I gave Kagami advice that made her a champ. She went up to the girl who liked her crush, and beat the crap out her. In front of the entire school. Therefore, she can prove she's a better choice for her crush. Unfortunately, not only did Kagami get in trouble, but Dan hated this. [Kagami looks around a corner to see them fight]. He claimed me of being a bad mother, while I was only trying to help her. We kept on bickering, before I knew the man I was married to was too weak to even be called my husband. [both get a divorce]. "No! Dad! Please, stay!" Kagami begged, as she grabs his leg. [Dan looks at an anger Tomoe]. I'm sorry Kagami. I have to go. But I promise you, I will come back to see you again. And when I do... I will be the parent you need more than ever. I promise." Dan replied, as he gets Kagami off him, and leaves. [end flashback]. I took Kagami around the world, forced her to stop in her pathetic hobbies, and now, I find the meat bag I left right in my own house." Tomoe replied. "Hold on. You made Kagami beat up a girl, so she can prove she's the better one? Is that the reason why you got mad at Lila? You know, because she loved Adrien back when you were Oni Chan?" Cat Noir asked. "[sighs]. Yes. I did so because if she found out, I knew she would shame me for it." Kagami replied. "Too be honest, I'm rooting more for Dan, than for you Miss Tsurugi." Blue Bird said. Tomoe then backhands Blue Bird with her metal hand. He falls to the ground hard. "Ow! What the heck!" Blue Bird yelled. "Even as a hero, I can still whoop your butt. Anyway, that's how we split up. And I for one am glad I left you, Dan." Tomoe yelled. "Now all we need to know is how she lose her vision." Ladybug said. "Car accident. You happy now?" Tomoe asked. "I am." Ladybug replied. "Now, will I force you to leave Paris? No. I'm not a monster." Tomoe said. "Ok, Tomoe." Blue Bird whispered. "Birdie, I will beat you to death with a stone. But beside that, I refuse for you to be with Kagami." Tomoe said. "What? Why?" Dan asked. "Obviously because you will make her weaker than she already is. The Kagami who came to Paris was strong, brave, forced on her mission. Last time I saw her in battle, she nearly died by the man who chopped my arm off." Tomoe replied. "You can't be serious. I still have custody of Kagami. You know this." Dan said. "I do know, and I don't care. Deal with it, like a man." Tomoe replied. "You know what? I don't care what you think Tomoe! It's not Dan's fault the person he married ended up being such a horrible wife! He's just trying to give Kagami a fun, and entertaining life! And believe me, I know what it's like to not have a fun and entertaining life! So how about you cramp your mouth for once, and let Dan spend some time with her daughter! Ok?" Cat Noir yelled. Everyone is in shock after what Cat said. Tomoe growls, but then she stops. "Fine. Go with Dan, Kagami. Go spend time with your worthless Dad. But like I said with your Chloe friend, when you soon find out how weak you will become, don't cry to me about it. I'm just trying to make your life better. They are going to make it worse." Tomoe said. Kagami doesn't say a word. She leaves with her Dad, and the heroes, as Tomoe watches. Kagami does turn around to look at her Mom, who gives an anger face. Kagami leaves, as Tomoe's anger rises up.

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