Avoir, Jack Edgers Part 3

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We continue right where we left off.  All the heroes gazing in absolute horror at the sight of this newly formed Pitch Black.  Even Hawkmoth is horrified as well.  "Oh man.  Did you just see... what I see?"  Bunnix asked.  "What?  The fact that he ATE ALMOST EVERY CITIZEN IN PARIS?!"  Caprikid asked back horrified.  Soon, Pitch roars, as he sends his fist down onto the heroes.  They dodge it.  "Ok, we can hold onto our fears later.  We need to find his akuma, and end this monster."  Ladybug said.  "And why should we trust you, after what he said?"  Pegasus asked.  "Really?  Now?!"  Ladybug asked back.  "Uhh, ok fair point.  Fine.  Villain first, then you better explain."  Pegasus replied.  "Agreed.  Team Miraculous... let's end this."  Ladybug said.  Viperion uses Second Chance, so they have thr advantage. Thus the fight commences. We start off with some Treacherous Trio action.  Ryuko running up the one of eight arms for this monster, as Queen Bee and Cat Noir handle the tentacles that swarm them from the shadows. They fight with all their might, but Ryuko gets sucker punched away, and Cat and Queen get grabbed by the tentacles, and thrown into Ryuko. That's when Pigella comes in. "Hang tight, Jack. Gift." Pigella said, as she uses her powers. She throws her gift at him, but get this. One of his tentacles opens up, and eats it. It doesn't affect him at all. He just eats it like a champ. "Ok, this actually might be more challenging than I thought." Pigella said. Soon, the tentacle uppercuts her as well. Before it can hit her more, Purple Tigress comes in as well. "Clout." Purple Tigress said, as she uses her powers. She punches the tentacle, which soon explodes into a gooey mess. No matter to Pitch. The goo reforms itself back into a tentacle. "He can reform as well? How powerful did Farfalla make this guy?!" Purple Tigress asked. The tentacle then slams on both Pig and Tigress. It grabs them, and slams them on the ground a few more times. That's when King Monkey comes in. He runs on the rooftop, and then jumps, and starts to run on Pitch's arm. Pitch is already a step ahead, as he sends goo spikes to impale this monkey. King Monkey keeps on running, as he jumps, and ducks from the attacks. He even slides under one that nearly takes his head off. Thanks to his staff, he uses it to launch himself into the air. "Uproar." King Monkey said, as he uses his powers. He throws a rubber banana at the beast, but like the Gift, one of his tentacles eats it. "Well, bananas." King Monkey said. Then, a tentacle grabs around his next, and starts to strangle him. Making his head as blue as a blueberry. Pegasus thankfully comes in to help. "Voyage." Pegasus said, as he uses his powers. He jumps through his portal, and flies his way into the fight. He uses his boomerang to hit Pitch in the face from within the fog. It makes him drop King Monkey, and Pegasus saves him. "[coughs]. Thanks bro." King Monkey said. It doesn't go so well because Pitch grabs them with his hand, and crushes them in a split second. He drops them both on the ground. "Crap! That can't be good." Rooster Bold said. "Have no fear. I got this. Genesis." Caprikid said, as he uses his powers. He heals King Monkey from all his damages. "Hey! I feel better now." King Monkey said. "Also hey! What about me?" Pegasus asked. "Well, I can only use my powers on one person, so... sorry dude." Caprikid replied. "God, I really wish we were at stage two right now." Pegasus said. That's when Pitch screams, and then he sends a swarm of his tentacles at the three heroes. Good thing Carapace comes in. "Shelter." Carapace said, as he uses his powers. He activates his spiked shield, which protects them from the tentacles. As they are distracted, Ryuko comes back in with Cat Noir and Queen Bee. "Ok trio, let's show him what we got." Cat Noir said. "With great honor. Lightening Dragon." Ryuko replied, as she uses her powers. She turns into a massive electric Ryuko. Once in form, she punches Pitch in the face. He sends two of his skulled/goo arms at Ryuko, but she grabs them both. Slightly shocking this demon. However, he as extras. He sends two other ones into her sides. It makes Ryuko get unbalanced, and then, Pitch uppercuts her. Sending her to fall to the ground. Good thing Cat Noir comes in. "Cataclysm." Cat Noir said, as he uses his powers. He slams it on the ground, which makes Pitch shake, and lose balance as well. As does the other heroes. Once he's distracted, Queen Bee jumps at him. "Let's see if this stings! Venom!" Queen Bee said, as she uses her powers. She skyrockets down at Pitch Black, but yet another tentacle grabs her legs. It makes Pitch laugh, and soon, another tentacle eats her top. It makes Queen Bee gulp, as the tentacle slams her hard onto the ground. "QUEEN BEE!!!" Cat Noir yelled. He runs after her, but Cat Noir gets punches by the giant fist. He is sent flying into Viperion. "Ahh. Ok, you need to go back in time. We can't risk losing more heroes." Cat Noir said. "Ok. Second..." Viperion replied, before he's interrupted when a tentacle wraps around him. In a truly dark moment, the tentacle eats Viperion. It goblets him up, until he is not there anymore. "Did... did that just eat him?! DID THAT JUST EAT VIPERION?!" Bunnix yelled. Pitch then roars again, as it sends down a tentacle at Bunnix. Polymouse stand in her way. "Multitude." Polymouse said, as she uses her powers. She forms into a giant fist, that grabs Pitch's fist. It holds onto it tight, as it gives a chance for Bunnix to act. "Hurry! Go back in time! Save Viperion!" Queen Bee begged. "This isn't one worthy og going back in time. No offense. Ladybug will bring him back with her lucky charm. Which, hey Ladybug! Summon your lucky charm!" Bunnix yelled. "Gladly. That feels weird, but now's not the time. Lucky charm." Ladybug said, as she uses her powers. Her lucky charm forms a goodbye letter. "A letter? A letter is our last hope?!" Bunnix asked horrified. "All her lucky charms are weird, but they also are our last hope." Rena Rouge replied. "Exactly. Quickly. Back me up, so I can think." Ladybug said. "Ok. Mirage." Rena Rouge replied, as she uses her powers. She makes a mirage of Ladybug, herself, and Bunnix. They go in, as the real three head out. "I'm going to save you Luka. I swear on it." Queen Bee said, as she charges in to save her love. Soon, the Polymouse hands breaks, and she reforms. Just in time for Pitch to slam his fist onto her. "No!!! Resistance." Minotaurox said, as he uses his powers. Now with his shield on, he is safe when another fist slams him as well. It ends up making him get so much damage, that he becomes invincible. "For once, I'm glad someone hit me." Minotaurox said. He charges into battle, where a swarm of tentacles come in. He punches them, and makes them explode into more of a goo filled mess. He then charges right into the monster, and sucker punches him so hard, even the wind blows back from it. Soon, Minotaurox pulls back, but his hand is stuck. He tries with all his new might, but he can't get free. Pitch laughs, and like Viperion, he eats Minotaurox as well. Horrifying the heroes. That's when Rooser Bold and Miss Hound come into play. "Sublimation." Rooster Bold said, as he uses his powers to get super strength. As for Miss Hound, she throws her ball, that hits a lamppost, a car, a truck, and a building. "Ready?" Miss Hound asked. "Do it." Rooster Bold replied. "Fetch." Miss Hound said, as she uses her powers. The ball grabs all the items one at a time. So it gives Rooster Bold enough time to grab each other, and chuck it at Pitch Black. One after another, he throws them all. He even lifts the building thanks to his power upgrade. And with all his strength, he chucks it right into Pitch's body. Yet, he survives all of it. "Are you kidding me?! That didn't hurt him?!" Rooster Bold asked. Pitch then screams, and unleashes another brutal attack. Where each hero, minus LB, RR, MX, VPand BX, get beaten the life out of. Whether they get punched or slammed by the one of eight fist, or the tentacles whacking them until they are down. Soon, all of them are on the ground in pain. It doesn't stop Cat Noir, who still runs into fight. That's when once of the fist scratches him so hard, he groans, and falls to the ground.

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