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"So that's your latest idea, Lila?" Gabriel asked. "Yes it is. [Nooroo flies beside her]. I've seen Ladybug has been quite jealous at Blue Bird recently. And I know a thing about jealousy from past experience." Lila replied. "You mean, what Ladybug did to you right?" Nooroo asked. "Exactly. But in this case, I'm glad she is on her bad side. If all goes well, Duusu will be ours once again, and with her, we will be able to create the ultimate supervillain. One that will not only get you Ladybug and Cat Noir's miraculous, but all the others. Why do you even need the others anyway?" Lila asked Gabe. "Well, just to use as additional weapons to get the ones I need." Gabriel replied. "Smart." Lila said. "Anyway, do you think this idea is... good Lila?" Gabriel asked. "What do you mean?" Lila asked back. "Well, as you know, there is a slight chance I could stop doing this, and maybe it's best if we..." Gabriel replied, before he gets interrupted. "No way, sir! Don't you see. This is possibly our best chance to finally get a miraculous. One of the most powerful, and your saying you want to throw that away?" Lila asked upset. "But what about Blue Bird?"  Gabriel asked back.  "Who cares?  With Duusu, we won't have to worry about a thing."  Lila replied.  "Ok listen here Lila. I want Emilie to come back, and honestly, I want Adrien to be happy to know his Dad is becoming better as much as I want Emilie back. So don't try treating this like it's no big deal." Gabriel yelled. "Ok, ok. Sorry, sir." Lila said. "Good." Gabriel replied. "Have you made a choice on what to do, master?" Nooroo asked. "No. It's still hard for me to choose, but I know I need to choose soon. Very soon. Here's what we will do. I'll ok this idea of yours. However, if it fails, then maybe we are done. No more of this. No more akumas, no more villains, we are just done. Is that understood?" Gabriel asked back. "I understand sir." Lila replied. "Yeah, me too." Nooroo said in a sad way knowing he might not see Lila again. Thus, Lila and Nooroo leave Gabriel, who sighs.

    That sigh transitions into his kitchen, where his son is eating. He glances over at his kid, who is feasting on his pancakes. "So, Adrien. Umm, I know your Mother is gone, but uhh, I want to ask. If there was a possible chance she could come back to life, would you be happy?" Gabriel asked. "Why would you ask?" Adrien asked back. "Ohh, just an interesting, but random question. You know." Gabriel replied. "Ohh. Well, I don't even know if that is possible. I miss Mom, but it's clear she's gone for good. And it's a shame, since I never knew much about her. About our memories. About you. However, I learned that despite being gone, she will forever live in our hearts. That's what she would have wanted right?" Adrien asked. "Umm, sure. Good answer. Sorry if it sounded weird. I was just... a little lonely today." Gabriel replied. "Ohh. Well, maybe if you want, you can join me for dinner. You haven't done that in ages. Even now your still busy with whatever you do, but I get it. Hard work has a price to pay." Adrien said. "Ok then. I'll think about it. Thank you, son." Gabriel replied. He goes to leave Adrien, and then sighs again. That other sigh transitions into his basement where Emilie is. "Emilie my love. I know you can't hear me. But, maybe Adrien is right after all. Maybe I should... give up being the villain of this story. No, you didn't deserve to die that night, but Adrien doesn't deserve to suffer as well. Like he said, we need to keep the memory of you in our hearts. And besides, I got my vengeance on Essence when I killed him for good. If anything, I avenged you for what he did. Still, what you did for me that led me to this... is something I can't lie without. [touches tomb]. Don't worry my love. I'll make a decision. Promise." Gabriel said.

    Now we go to Mari's house. "REALLY?!" Kwamis asked. "Yes. You heard me. Maybe, maybe, just maybe, there might be a chance you all can be with your holders. Permanently." Marinette replied. "But, why? Didn't you say do it when Farfalla is gone?" Ziggy asked. "I did. However, when you think about it, it's smarter. If the others had their miraculous at all times, there will be no need to gather the heroes. It can save time. Plus we would be ready for whatever Farfalla throws at us.  And, you guys get to be with the humans you love." Marinette replied. "What if she goes after holders she knows are heroes?" Tikki asked. "Yeah. Like Longg and I." Pollen replied. "Same case with me letting Rena come back. It's a risk I'm willing to take, and if something went wrong, then that's on me.  As well as my goal to fix that mistake." Marinette said. "Glad your taking responsibility. If only you weren't peeved with Blue Bird." Tikki replied. "Ok, that's very different." Marinette said. "Yeah, sure. Listen, I love you Marinette, but you really need to control this ego of yours." Tikki replied. "I don't have an ego problem." Marinette said. "You literally almost thought Farfalla's idea to take Blue's miraculous was a good one." Tikki replied. "Ok, so maybe I have been bad on the bird. Look, he makes me mad, but at least I have a limit. As in, I won't do anything bad to him. I learned my lesson from what happened with Cat, Queen, and Ryuko." Marinette said. "You better. Because I will be extremely disappointed in you." Tikki replied. "I know." Marinette said. "Either way, this is exciting news. We get to be with ours holders forever, and see how they are doing. It's nice here, but I'm so pumped to see how my holder is doing." Wayzz replied. "Me too." Roarr said. "Count me in as well." Orikko replied. The kwamis cheer on, as Marinette smiles at their joy. Hoping this idea might come true after all.

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