Sabrina Raincomprix

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An alarm goes off, yet again, and it gets turned off by Sabrina Raincomprix.  Insider her room, she has loads of stuff.  Multiple pictures of her and Chloe, classic BFFs, scrapbooks from her childhood, some clothes on the floor, and a few posters of dog memes.  As for her pajamas, it's a white tank top, with light blue shorts, that have purple polka dots.  After a nice yawn, and stretch, she goes to the bathroom to begin her day.  As she does that, Barkk gets up as well.  She too yawns, and takes a moment to look at her new home.  She definitely gets a good laugh at the memes.  "[giggles].  I get it."  Barkk said.  "It seems you enjoy my memes."  Sabrina replied, now full dressed.  "Oh, yes I do.  Also, good morning."  Barkk said.  "Morning my adorable little puppy."  Sabina replied.  "The amount of nicknames you can give me is bizarre.  Puppy, pouch, doggy.  The list goes on.  Is it annoying?  To me, not one bit."  Barkk said.  "Awesome."  Sabrina replied.  "So, what's on the agenda?"  Barkk asked.  "A lot of things.  One of which is seeing my BFF Chloe."  Sabrina replied.  "Didn't she treat you like a slave once?  I heard she stopped doing that."  Barkk asked.  "You are correct, and I'm so glad she's here to stay."  Sabrina replied.  Soon, both holder and kwami head off to the kitchen to eat.  Of course, just like her Father, Sabrina gets a vanilla donut.  "Vanilla I see."  Barkk said.  "I'm a vanilla flavor person.  I don't care if it's too boring, or plain.  It's delicious."  Sabrina replied.  "I'm not one to judge.  But, what kind of other food do you have here?  Something that can work for a dog."  Barkk asked.  "Glad you asked.  [gets up, and grabs a snack from cabinet].  Look at these."  Sabrina replied.  "Bone Buddies?"  Barkk asked.  "It's a good snack.  Since dogs love bones, maybe it can work for you."  Sabrina replied.  "Well, as someone who wants to try anything at least once, I'll do it."  Barkk said.  She grabs one, and takes a bit.  Soon, her eyes open up, and inside her tiny head, her brain explodes.  "Wow!  These, are very good!"  Barkk said, as she nom down on them.  Sabrina smiles at her success, and goes back to eating her donuts.  Both of them having a good start to their day.

Now, both of them are walking on the streets of Paris.  With Barkk floating insider he purse.  "So, were we off to now?"  Barkk asked.  "I'll let it be a surprise.  You'll love it."  Sabrina replied.  "I do adore, surprises.  I'm the kwami of adoration if you didn't get the joke."  Barkk said.  "Ohh, nice."  Sabrina replied.  "So, Sabrina.  What else do you like to do other than just be Chloe's BFF?"  Barkk asked.  "Well, I'm really good at soccer.  Like, really good.  I was killing it the day we first meet.  Marc and Nate are playing with some other friends, but unfortunately I can't go due to scheduling today.  One day you have to see what I can do.  It's amazing."  Sabrina replied.  "Well, I was there to see you play during Penalteam.  You have mad skills."  Barkk said.  "Aww, thanks.  But what else?  Well, I do love the mall.  All girls adore, the mall."  Sabrina replied.  "Good one."  Barkk said.  "Ohh, I do give massive respect to the law.  My Dad is a policeman, who I look up to a lot.  Sure, there are times where he can get a little too obsessed with his job.  Just a little bit.  But he's still awesome regardless, and takes good care of me."  Sabrina replied.  "So I assume he was working this morning?"  Barkk asked.  "Oh no.  He stakeouts for crime in the morning.  There is a reason he got the best policeman reward this year."  Sabrina replied.  "Forbidden One!  Also, the very day you got your power upgrade."  Barkk said.  "That too.  [sees can, and picks it up.  She then sees a can on top of the trash].  See that can over there?"  Sabrina asked.  "I do."  Barkk replied.  Sabrina then chucks the can, and knocks the can on top of the garbage into the trash.  With the one she threw with it.  "Woah!  [claps].  Well done, pup.  Very well done."  Barkk said.  "Love the cute nickname.  But since I have to rely on accuracy, I've been practicing a bit."  Sabrina replied.  "That's so cool.  So, your Chloe's BFF, good at soccer, can throw really good, and respect the law.  What else do you like doing?"  Barkk asked.  "See for yourself."  Sabrina replied, as she stops.  Barkk looks, and notices they are in front of a veterinary.  "A veterinary?"  Barkk asked.  "Just stay quiet, and see what I mean."  Sabrina replied.  She walks inside, as Barkk does what she is told.

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