Mylene Haprele

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An alarm goes off.  Of course.  This time, it's Mylene Haprele who shuts if off.  She yawns, and rises our of her bed.  This time, her pajamas are a causal green nightgown, with a logo on the back saying, Save the Trees.  Classic Mylene.  As she gets up, we see her new pal rise from her slumber as well.  Mullo, the Mouse kwami.  She yawns, and scratches her eyes, as Mylene goes and gets ready.  She walks into her empty living room, where she uses her phone to play some music.  Very calming music.  As the music starts playing, she begins doing some yoga to get them muscles moving.  Her living room is a classic style one.  Red couch, nice TV, bookshelf, photos of Mylene and her Dad framed, and a brown carpet that has a coffee table on top of it.  Mylene keeps on her yoga, as Mullo flies into the room.  There, she sees her owner at work.  Having her eyes closed, as she moves her body.  Soon, her music ends, and Mylene opens her eyes.  "Good morning!"  Mullo yelled.  This spooks Mylene, who falls to the ground.  "Geez!  Oh, Mullo.  I almost forgot you were here with me."  Mylene said.  "So your forgettable?  Keep that in mind."  Mullo replied.  "Ok, I'm not that forgettable.  Ok, sometimes I am, but not all the time."  Mylene said.  "Whatever you say, little mouse."  Mullo replied.  "Anyways, I hope you love adventure.  We have a good day ahead of us.  We are seeing my boyfriend, helping my friends out, and a few other things."  Mylene said.  "Oh boy.  Can we get cheese, and or get stuck in a rat maze?"  Mullo asked.  "What's with that last one?"  Mylene asked.  "I love a good maze.  I'm a challenging mouse.  And a bit of a scarer as well."  Mullo replied.  "I can imagine.  Maybe we can do a rat maze if Farfalla even traps us in one, which is not likely.  But, I can honor your first request if you opens that cabinet right now."  Mylene said.  Mullo flies over to the cabinet Mylene is pointing to.  She tries to open it, but it seems her little mouse arms aren't strong enough.  "Oh yeah.  You guys are pipsqueaks."  Mylene said.  "I heard that!"  Mullo yelled.  Mylene walks over, and opens it for Mullo.  Inside, she finds a whole stack of cheddar cheese.  It's so much, that the smell makes Mullo faint.  "Note to self, Mullo loves cheese.  Preferably cheddar."  Mylene said.  Mullo gets up, and immediately gets a pack to destroy.  Giving Mylene some time to get ready.  After a quick flash, Mullo has had her breakfast, and Mylene is now all dressed up.  With her miraculous around her neck.  "Shall we?"  Mylene asked.  Mullo nods her head, and once inside her pocket, the two head off.

Like always, Mylene walks on the streets of Paris, as Mullo chills in her pocket.  "So, you always are this little scared mouse, who adores nature, and a guy named Ivan?"  Mullo asked.  "Ok, I'm not that easily afraid.  I was before, but not anymore."  Mylene replied.  "There is a rat on your shoulder right now."  Mullo said.  Mylene then screams, as she falls to the ground.  Once she gets up, she sees no rodent.  "And you said your not that easy to scare."  Mullo said.  "No need to be a jerk, Mullo."  Mylene replied, as she keeps on walking.  "I'm not.  I'm simply calling you out.  Of course, I wouldn't be mean to you.  Except for scaring since that's my thing."  Mullo said.  "Ok, so I guess I am a bit of a scaredy cat than I was before.  But if you think I am as scared as I was the day I meet you, that's bonkers."  Mylene replied.  "And I believe you.  You are a bit scared, but not entirely."  Mullo said.  "I'll take that as a compliment."  Mylene replied.  "Nice.  So, curious.  What made you appreciate the trees so much?"  Mullo asked.  "Well, long story short, before Ladybug showed up, I didn't have her or any other method to make me feel safe.  It was hard, especially for a certain someone I'm glad is gone for good(Jeffrey btw).  So, before hand, I use to just chill by the trees in the parks.  It helped me feel relaxed.  Helped me feel calm.  And especially less afraid.  Think of it as my comfort place.  Well, now one of my comfort places.  The other one of course being my Ivan."  Mylene replied.  "And looks like that love of trees really helped.  Because of them, we were able to meet.  I think if I remember, the mayor was trying to destroy them all for some fancy air freshener."  Mullo said.  "Yeah, and it's where I began being a hero.  A very sneaky hero."  Mylene replied.  "With your little mouse by your side."  Mullo said.  Mylene smiles, as does her kwami.  They keep pressing on, and chatting, as we get to their next scene.

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