The Treacherous Trio

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Right where we left off, Kagami and Chloe hug a crying Adrien, after Adrien did the unthinkable. As Adrien keeps crying, Chloe and Kagami let go of him.  They stop facing him to speak to each other.  "What do you think?  Is he really telling the truth?"  Chloe asked.  "He does look like it, but the whole I'm Cat Noir thing seems a bit far fetched."  Kagami replied.  "How do we know this isn't a trap Essence thought of?"  Chloe asked.  "[looks back at Adrien].  Adrien did lie to me back then, but now I'm aware of when he is telling the truth.  And, he looks genuine in his emotions."  Kagami replied.  "[thinks].  Alright.  I trust you on this."  Chloe said.  The two of them face Adrien, who is still crying.  "Hey, Adrien.  [Adrien looks up].  We are both very sorry for beating you up right now. We can also see you are not doing well at all.  Maybe you can come over to Chloe's place, and explain more to what happened."  Kagami recommended.  "But I've caused too much harm now.  I'm nothing but bad luck to everyone I love."  Adrien cried.  "Of course your not.  Kagami and I believe you, Adrien.  Just please, come with us.  We want to help you."  Chloe said.  "But, Essence."  Adrien replied.  "Don't worry about him.  We will make sure your safe from him."  Kagami said. "You really mean it?" Adrien asked with tears in his eyes. "We do, Adrien." Chloe replied. Adrien looks at them both. He sees in their eyes they truly want to help him. It's enough to make Adrien almost smile. "[gets up]. Ok. I trust you both." Adrien said. The two girls take Adrien with them out of the locker room, and into Chloe's limo. With that, they go to the hotel.
Moving forward, we go to see Jack get ready to see Ladybug again, as Duusu is in a very happy attitude.  "I cannot believe you two are actually getting along.  I can already feel some awesome emotions right about now.  So much, I can make a sentimonster out of them."  Duusu cheered.  "Probably don't do that because I now know using your powers without a holder is dangerous.  However, your right.  We actually are getting along.  A bird and a bug getting along."  Jack replied.  "The predator and prey become buddies.  So adorable, and awesome."  Duusu said.  "You sure love awesome a lot."  Jack replied.  "It's my favorite word.  Don't judge me."  Duusu said.  "I'm not.  Just pointing it out.  What even made you love that word in the first place?"  Jack asked.  "When I was first used.  It kind of came to me.  The word awesome.  Felt fitting for my power and personality."  Duusu replied.  "Umm.  I think it's a good word to describe you."  Jack said.  "Awww!  Thank you."  Duusu replied with a smile.  "Anyway, [cracks neck] you ready to go?"  Jack asked.  "As always, yes."  Duusu replied.  "Duusu, spread my feathers."  Jack said, as he transforms into Blue Bird.  He leaves his hotel room, just in time when Adrien, Chloe, and Kagami arrive. 
They take Adrien inside of Chloe's room.  They have Adrien sit down, as they sit in front of him.  "Here, some water will make you feel better."  Chloe offered.  "Thanks."  Adrien replied.  He drinks the water, as Chloe and Kagami don't disturb him.  Adrien's tears eventually end up stopping, as he calms down.  "Any better?"  Chloe asked.  "[deep breath].  Yeah.  I feel a bit ok now."  Adrien replied.  "That's great.  [silence for five seconds].  So, Adrien.  Is what you said back at the locker room true?  Are you really........Cat Noir?"  Kagami asked.  "[sighs, and looks at pocket].  I guess there is no need to hide now, bud."  Adrien replied.  Chloe and Kagami get confused, and that's when Plagg flies out.  It spooks both girls.  "Chloe Bourgeois and Kagami Tsurugi.  Two good friends of my owner, Adrien Agreste.  Sorry if I scared you like that."  Plagg said.  Although they once had kwamis, Chloe and Kagami are shocked to see Adrien have one.  "Guys, meet Plagg.  My kwami, and best friend."  Adrien introduced.  "Wasn't Nino your best friend?"  Chloe asked.  "He is, and so am I.  It's weird, but that's us."  Plagg replied.  "I can't believe what I'm looking at right now.  This is unbelievable."  Kagami said.  "Well, I do have some rock hard abs, so it makes sense."  Plagg bragged.  "Don't brag off your abs, Plagg."  Adrien said.  "You brag about them all the time.  It's all you can think about."  Plagg replied.  "I do not."  Adrien said.  "Yeah, you don't.  I'm just teasing."  Plagg replied.  "I should have known you fur ball."  Adrien said.  The two go on, and on, until Kagami gets tired.  "Ok, hush up.  So your actually Cat Noir?  Like, thee Cat Noir?"  Kagami asked.  "And your Ryuko and Queen Bee.  Holders of the Dragon and Bee miraculous. By the way, glad you both ended up getting miraculous.  You make for great heroes based on how you care for my owner.  It's nice to see he's meet some awesome people in his life."  Plagg replied.  "That's sweet of you."  Chloe said.  "I care for him like you guys.  He's been through too much, and it's hard sometimes to see. It's my job to make sure he is safe from any harm."  Plagg confessed.  "It's almost like Adrien is your kitten because you seem to act like a big brother to him."  Kagami said.  "Ok, it's nothing like that.  Adrien and I.......just have a strong bond."  Plagg lied.  "Right.  I have to say your kwami seems very nice, Adrien."  Kagami said.  "That's Plagg.  My loyal cheese loving best friend."  Adrien replied.  "And that's my owner.  The most friendly boy I've ever met."  Plagg said.  "Aww!  So, if your Cat Noir, what does any of this have to do with Essence?  And why did we find your stuff after places he is been to?"  Chloe asked.  "Well, [looks at Plagg] should we tell them?"  Adrien asked Plagg.  "They already know about me.  Maybe we shouldn't hid it."  Plagg replied.  "Ok.  [deep breath].  Essence knows I'm Cat Noir, and has been going to extreme measures to torture me."  Adrien said.  "WHAT DID YOU SAY?!"  Kagami and Chloe asked in shock.  "He knows I'm Cat Noir.  It all started back when Alya got up into the psychiatric ward, and Alix's Dad got paralyzed.  [told over flashbacks of previous events in the arc].  I was pissed he would go after the ones I care most for, so I vowed to make him pay.  After a long training all day, he randomly showed up.  We fought.  I got some good hits on him, as he almost got my miraculous, until I managed to pin him.  And then......I tried to kill him.  It was way out of my character, so I thankfully didn't do it.  But that only lead to my never ending spiral of pain.  That night, he send me a video of me de-transforming.  I had no idea how he got it, or why he didn't do it sooner, just that it officially put me on the death sentence.  After meeting him later that night, he explained what has been going on for the last few days.  Essence made me his taskmaster.  Basically he assigns me a task everyday to do for him.  If I didn't do it, there would be consequences.  At first I thought he was going to reveal my identity, but after doing the task, I found out what it really was.  Essence wasn't going to reveal my identity.  He would go after someone I love, and torture or kill them of I failed.  It raised the stakes higher, as he laughs it off.  [gets emotional].  It was only a few task I did that made me stop obeying him.  Things that I can't even speak of now.  After the last straw, I told him I was done doing what he says.  In response, he went after people I loved.  Alya, you Kagami, you Chloe, and Luka.  Ever time I tried to stop him, I failed.  It made me work broken as time went on to a point where I can't take it anymore.  [end flashback].  And worst of all, everything that has happened to you guys.....[cries] all my fault."  Adrien cried.  Both Kagami and Chloe are speechless.  Adrien has been tortured by Essence, who they assumed was him.  It makes them feel so bad inside.  Kagami then gets up, and hugs Adrien.  "It's ok, Adrien.  None of this is your fault at all."  Kagami said.  "She's right.  You were just being blackmailed."  Chloe replied.  "But.....if I did what he said, you guys wouldn't be hurt."  Adrien cried.  "And who is to blame for that?  Essence.  He made you do this.  You aren't the causer of this, Adrien.  He is."  Kagami replied trying to calm her down.  "I still feel responsible for this.  I still feel like a monster."  Adrien cried.  "Don't be.  We know you are nothing like a monster.  And we also know your nothing like Essence.  If anything, he looks like he was trying to make you feel that way by doing these awful things.  That's not your fault at all."  Chloe replied.  Adrien still cries in Kagami's arms.  None of there words seem to help them.  "Here, let me handle this, Kagami. [Kagami let's go]. Adrien, listen to me. I've known you for a long time, and I know when you are talking nonsense or not. Right now, you saying I'm a monster, I'm awful, etc is not true in any context. [in whisper]. Not entirely. [not in whisper]. What I should be hearing is, we are going to make Essence pay for everything he has done. Where is the drive you had when you fought him during his invasion? Where is the drive when you fought him before we found out? Where is the drive where he has done so much harm to your loved ones, and you blame it on yourself? I know you've been through so much pain, and it still hurts me as it hurts you, but the Adrien I know and love wouldn't coward. He would walk out there with more confidence than any hero on Team Miraculous, sorry you two, and fight with passion. That is that is the Adrien I want to see." Plagg encouraged. Adrien still has tears in his eyes, but takes in Plagg's words. He wants his kitten to fight, even when all hope seems to be gone. It's enough for Adrien to remember all the times he fought Essence with passion. During The Aftermath and Declaration. It all comes to him. "[stops crying]. Your right, Plagg. I shouldn't be the one to blame for this. Essence may know my identity, but he isn't going to laugh one more time hurting the ones I love. [gets up]. Not as long as I am Cat Noir." Adrien declared. "Ahhh, there is the Adrien I remember. Glad to have you back." Plagg replied, as he hugs him. "All thanks to you, Plagg." Adrien said, as he hugs him as well. Kagami and Chloe get a cute overload watching them. "So what about Kagami and Chloe? What should they do?" Adrien asked. "Obviously. We are helping you out." Kagami replied. "Agreed." Chloe said. "Uhhhh, what do you think?" Adrien asked Plagg. "Queen Bee is a better fight, and Ryuko is an expert, grade A warrior." Plagg replied. "Thanks for that." Kagami said. "I say they should help." Plagg replied. "But Essence...." Adrien said. "Forget that. Best we take him out with this one chance, then hold back." Plagg replied. Adrien thinks this over, as he looks at Kagami and Chloe. They are both loyal, and strong gals in battle. As well as people Adrien can trust fully. It makes him reconsider, but kind of regret his choice. "Fine. You guys can help us do this." Adrien said. "Your welcome. Also, don't worry about it. We won't snitch that your a superhero." Kagami replied. "Same as I didn't snitch about you two being two of the best super girls I've ever seen." Adrien said. "Never thought we were your favorite girl heroes. Thought Ladybug was your number one." Chloe replied. "She was, but that changed after some thinking, and the fact I stopped loving her." Adrien said. "Regardless, we are here to help you to the end, Adrien. Essence isn't getting away with hurting you and Plagg." Kagami replied. "[smiles]. Thanks you two." Adrien said. And so, they go to work on a plan.
Now we see Blue Bird and Ladybug again.  They meet at the same rooftop as yesterday again.  Once again not fighting.  "Hey, Ladybug.  Got you a little something."  Blue Bird said.  "A strawberry and blackberry smoothie?  Blue Bird, you shouldn't have."  Ladybug replied.  "Well I did."  Blue Bird said.  "Thanks.  It's also ironic, since I happened to do the same."  Ladybug replied.  "Raspberry Razzmatazz? How thoughtful." Blue Bird said. The two of them drink, then sit down on the edge of the rooftop. Enjoying the day go by. "So, Ladybug. I know you probably won't want to talk about this because of what Essence said that day, but what were the other heroes like?" Blue Bird asked. "You mean, my team?" Ladybug asked back. "Yeah. I'm just curious. Queen Bee I already know about, and Viperion seemed like a nice guy when we first meet. What about the others? How are they to you?" Blue Bird asked back. "Well, it's a lot to unfold considering there are seventeen of us. Eighteen including you now. I can try. Carapace is a great protector for the team. Makes sense because he uses the miraculous of the Turtle. Rena Rouge was awesome before you showed up. Her illusions helped us out a lot during battle, or unexpected events. [times goes by]. Bunnix was a new recruit for the team. She didn't use her time travel powers because it has a big explanation to it. However, she is good in combat. And she has a good sharp eye. Ryuko is pretty brutal in battle, but in a good way. She has some awesome fighting techniques, and abilities. Using three elements of your choosing? That is awesome. [time goes by]. Pigella may have an odd name, but her power can be good in case of situations like making one feel better. Purple Tigress' power is similar to Cat's, but is awesome in the end. Or as Cat would say it, pawesome. [times goes by]. And lastly, Miss Hound. She is great in case we lose something. And, that's about it." Ladybug replied. "That's a lot of heroes. They all seem pretty cool though, as well as there powers.  Think they would like me?"  Blue Bird asked.  "Queen Bee and Viperion seem to like you.  Perhaps the others will as well."  Ladybug replied.  "It's nice you didn't go for something like, Nah, your pathetic, and don't deserve to be on this time.  God, how I lashed out at you for that."  Blue Bird said.  "Things have surprisingly gotten better for us.  It helps that our kwamis hated up fighting each other like, all the time."  Ladybug replied.  "So you kwami hates it as well? Guess that puts us in the same boat." Blue Bird said. "Yeah. But again, it feels good but weird we aren't fighting anymore. Granted you have lots to learn, but you've become more likable as time goes on." Ladybug replied. "And you've become more bearable as well. Development. What it can do to make us better." Blue Bird said. "Indeed." Ladybug replied. The two keep drinking, and relaxing. Still not fighting at all.
    Now we see Gabriel, and his team in the study. He sits in disappointment that they didn't stop Essence on Nathalie's bed. She is lying there now to cool off her wounds. Lila and Nooroo are there as well. "We are so sorry that happened to you, Nathalie. We didn't expect him to break out so easily." Nooroo said. "It's ok. I can get over this. I've been through worse. Much worse than this." Nathalie replied. "Just rest up, so you can feel better. So, what's the next move, sir?" Lila asked. "What move?" Gabriel asked back. "What should we do about Essence now? Clearly akumatizing him won't help. Maybe we can send him a villain this time." Lila suggested. "Or we can try to recreate a form of Hack San, to find out where he lives, and take him out." Nooroo suggested. "Good idea, but he's advanced. He probably would have some way of avoiding that." Nathalie replied. "Come on, guys. There has to be something we can do." Lila said. "There is one solution. [all three get interested]. But in order to do so, I need my miraculous back." Gabriel replied. "What?" Lila and Nooroo asked. "Essence told me how to end him, and that's to take him out myself. I need to do what I should have done over a year ago." Gabriel replied. "Sir, that's not a good idea. He can get Nooroo, and become more powerful." Nathalie said. "No. What isn't a good idea is sitting here, and doing nothing i my own hands. I've been woken up to see how much I've ignored the world itself. Let others do my work instead of me. Not once have I do something myself." Gabriel replied. "Gabriel, where is this coming from?" Nathalie asked. "Essence was right. I've been nothing but a terrible person, and a terrible Father. But like you said, Nathalie, there is still hope for me to be a better person." Gabriel replied. "Yes, but not like that." Nathalie said. "She's right. Why go out of your way to fight Essence yourself, when we can help you do it?" Lila asked. "Because I am the one in this group he wants the most.  If I really want to end him, and prove I can be a good Father, I have to do it myself.  Lila, give me my miraculous.  That's an order."  Gabriel ordered.  "But, master.  I like being with Lila."  Nooroo begged.  "Thus proves my case.  Even you think I'm bad to be around.  Well tomorrow, I'm going to do what's right.  I'm going to end Essence."  Gabriel replied.  Nooroo still doesn't want to leave her holder.  As for Lila, she can see her boss is serious.  "I say let him, Nooroo.  As long as he promise he comes back to me, after he is done."  Lila said.  "You have my word, Lila."  Gabriel replied.  "Lila.  Please."  Nooroo begged.  "We will be reunited, Nooroo.  I'm not leaving you, or ever."  Lila replied.  Nooroo thinks this over.  As much as he doesn't want to leave Lila, he also wants Essence gone.  As he remembers the explosion that killed Emilie.  "Ok.  Let's do it."  Nooroo said.  And so, Lila gives her brooch back to Gabriel.  He leaves them both to get ready for his plan.
    We go back with the gang at Chloe's hotel to see what they are doing. "Ok guys. Listen up. Essence, as you've seen and experienced in combat, is not a foe that is easy to take down. He's fast, he's strong, he's smart, he's etc. This won't be simple to win, as much as we want him gone." Adrien said. "Agreed." Kagami replied. "However, I know how we can match up to his fighting a little bit. I trained non stop the day I found out he knows who I am, and it worked. It's all about basic elements he follows. Where his attacks are going. What move will he make next, and how to avoid it. How to fight back when he's vulnerable. I figured it all out, but it's not enough to make us like Essence." Adrien said. "That's great to hear." Chloe replied. "So, here is my idea. We focus on resting for today, then work non stop tomorrow. Maybe with some additional breaks if needed. Then at an appropriate time, we find Essence, and take him out. For good." Adrien explained. "You don't mean your going to kill him right? He deserves it, but as you said." Kagami asked. "We are not killing him. We will just turn him into the police, and keep him locked up until the day he dies. Or anything to make sure he never attacks you guys again." Adrien replied. "Good choice, Adrien." Plagg said. "Only one problem. We need our miraculous to do this. Will Ladybug be ok with us bothering them for the night?" Chloe asked. "Uhhh, that's the other problem, and please don't freak out. Essence knows all of the other identities, except Ladybug and Blue Bird." Adrien replied. "WHAT?!" Kagami and Chloe asked in shock. "Guess Alix wouldn't be surprised." Plagg replied. "No she wouldn't. Now, I get this is serious, but I have an idea. I will go find her today, and try to convince her to give me your miraculous. It may not work, but I'll try. You two think you'll be ok with him knowing?" Adrien asked. "I can manage. Not the first time a villain knows who I am." Kagami replied. "And everyone already knows about me." Chloe said. "Just want to make sure. Better get going now. Don't want to waste any time here. Plagg, claws out." Adrien replied, as he transforms into Cat Noir. Kagami and Chloe are surprised again to see him be the feline superhero himself. Cat goes to leave. "Hey, Adrien. I mean, Cat Noir. [Cat turns around]. Think you can do me a favor, and get me my slippers and pajamas back at my house? It's black shorts, a red tank top, and red fur slippers. I just don't want to sleep in my normal outfit again." Kagami asked. "Not a problem, Kagami. See you guys later." Cat Noir replied, as he leaves.
    Now back with Ladybug and Blue Bird. They laugh with each other, while still sitting on the rooftop. "And that's how you and Cat Noir first meet?" Blue Bird asked. "Yep, and from that day, he's been my devoted partner I know and love." Ladybug replied. "Talk about a that sounds doesn't sound scrambled if you asked me. Egg joke since I'm a bird." Blue Bird said. "Ohhhh." Ladybug replied, as she giggles. "Ok, that wasn't one of my excellent yolks. It's a pain finding more to crack open. It feels like I might be walking on eggshells while doing so." Blue Bird said. Ladybug then laughs at the jokes for their creativity. "Those aren't, web at all." Ladybug said. Blue Bird gets confused. "Web, as in bad. They aren't web at all." Ladybug explained. "Ohhhh. Cringe, but I'll allow it." Blue Bird replied. There is some silence between them for a moment. "Hey, Blue Bird. Do you want to know why I never trusted you, even after all that has happened?" Ladybug asked. "Yes please." Blue Bird replied. "It was finding out Essence's secret with my team. Seeing him know all their identities made my job as guardian more stressful than ever. It has hard enough to deal with, until you and Farfalla showed up. A new villain, and a new hero that is hard for me to trust made me both worried and suspicious despite evidence showing your not an enemy. I just didn't want to do anything that would make me lose the miraculous. It would break my heart if that ever happened. Losing the miraculous to someone who wants to use them for evil purposes. Now, I feel like......I can trust you. Thanks to finally getting along." Ladybug said. "So after all this time you finally trust me?" Blue Bird asked. "[quiet for three seconds]. Yes." Ladybug replied. Blue Bird smiles with shock and joy. "Thank you, Ladybug." Blue Bird said. "No. Thank you for helping me trust you." Ladybug replied. The two smile at each other for a moment, embracing a now happy friendship. "So you say I have a lot to learn right? Let's put that to the test. [gets up]. Let's fight." Blue Bird said. "Fight?" Ladybug asked, as she gets up. "Yep. That's fight, so you can see my combat in action. Bet I can take you." Blue Bird replied. "Ohhh you really mean it do you? Your on." Ladybug said. So, the two heroes stand apart from each other to battle. Both of them ready to make one another look like a fool. They stand there, and don't make a move. Waiting to see what the other person will do compared to them. Until, Ladybug throws her yo-yo at Blue Bird. He dodges it, and he attacks. Running, and swelling her with his fan. Ladybug lands on her hands, and lands back on the ground. Now she dodges Blue Bird's fan attacks, while walking backwards. Ladybug gets her yo-yo back, then uses it to wraps Blue Bird's leg. He's on the ground, as Ladybug stands with confidence. That's when Blue Bird kicks Ladybug's legs, making her fall. He unties himself from his bondage, and is now standing above her. He goes to punch her, but she dodges. Almost the kicking Blue Bird in the face if he didn't move away at the right time. Blue Bird backflip summer solts on his feet, and faces Ladybug. She does the same with him. Then, the two charge into each other. Blue Bird kicks at Ladybug, but she dodges his attacks. She goes to get the upper hand, but Blue Bird jumps over her in the process. Now behind her, he dashes, and pushes Ladybug. So hard, he hits face first into a wall. "Oh God, Ladybug. [runs to her]. Are you alright? I didn't mean to to that." Blue Bird asked with concern. "Heheheheh. Rookie move." Ladybug replied. With Blue Bird vulnerable, Ladybug lassos him up with her yo-yo. He falls to the ground trapped in her weapon. "I win, Blue Bird." Ladybug said. "Well played, Ladybug. However, you didn't actually win." Blue Bird replied. "Yes I did. Your on the ground, defeated by me." Ladybug said. "Not I'm not." Blue Bird replied, as he pounces on Ladybug from behind. He pins her to the ground, as she gets confused. "Blue Bird. [looks at tied up BB]. There are two of you?" Ladybug asked. "Not anymore." Blue Bird replied, as he snaps his fingers destroying the Blue Bird tied up. Ladybug gasp. "Way to be outsmarted Ladybug." Blue Bird said. She is shocked at this. And still is when Blue Bird gets off her. "So, that was a sentimonster the whole time?" Ladybug asked. "Yep." Blue Bird replied. "And you made it to get the upper hand on me? Heh. Well thought out, Blue Bird." Ladybug said. "Since you did say I have a lot to learn, might as well show you want I am now capable of thanks to being able to handle my powers better." Blue Bird replied. "That was awesome either way it goes." Ladybug said. "Not insulting my good moves in action. Way to change, Ladybug." Blue Bird replied.
    That is when Cat Noir shows up. "My Lady, Blue Bird. Glad to see you both again." Cat Noir said. "Cat Noir. What are you doing here? I thought you had important stuff to do?" Ladybug asked. "I do, and it's the reason I came here." Cat Noir said. "Are you going to hurt us for fighting? If so, we were training." Blue Bird replied. "Yes. Only training." Ladybug said. "I was about to ask that. Thanks for clarifying that for me. Back on topic, Ladybug, I know what you will say, but hear me out. I need the miraculous of the Bee and Dragon." Cat Noir replied. "What? Why?" Ladybug asked. "Uhhhh, my important work isn't as easy as I wanted it to be. Figured I could use some extra help." Cat Noir replied. "Well, sorry. It can't happen because of Essence. He knows all the heroes identities, and it's fatal to have them out when he is still around." Ladybug said. "Who said anything about getting the heroes themselves. What I mean is, I will use to to unify with my miraculous. There is no issue with that right?" Cat Noir asked. "He has a valid point, Ladybug." Blue Bird replied. "[thinks]. He does. Do you really mean these miraculous for your work?" Ladybug asked. "My Lady, it's serious business. It would help me out a million if you give them to me." Cat Noir replied. Cat hopes she says yes. Ladybug still thinks it over. Eventually, she comes with a decision. "Fine, you can have them. On one condition. You bring them back to me as soon as you can." Ladybug said. "I promise My Lady." Cat Noir replied. Ladybug opens her yo-yo, and pulls out the miraculous Cat needs. It also surprises Blue Bird, as he sees this play out. "There you go. The Bee and Dragon miraculous." Ladybug said. "Thank you so much, My Lady. I promise you won't regret this choice." Cat Noir replied. Cat then leaves the two heroes with his jewels. "You didn't tell me the miraculous are inside your yo-yo." Blue Bird said. "They aren't. It's just a gateway to the miraculous." Ladybug replied. "Cool. So, you want to fight me for real?" Blue Bird asked. "Definitely. Not going to let you get me this time." Ladybug declared.
    As the two fight on, Cat finishes the last of his assignments. Walking out of Kagami's house with her pajamas and slippers in hand. He also has his pajamas and slippers. With that, he runs on rooftops to go back to home base. But that's when his best friend scares him as he runs. "Running away with clothing Cat Noir? So you decided to do that instead of stab all of Mr. Ramier's pigeons, and then have the pigeons stab his eyes out?" Essence asked. Cat gets up, and a bit scared to see his "boss." "[comes back]. I'm not doing your cruel acts of murder and animal cruelty, Essence." Cat Noir said. "Of course you won't. As always, you lose two loved ones. Maybe I can go after your Dad, and Nathalie. That would be fun. As well as make your life worse than it already is." Essence replied. "[groans]. I want to settle this, Essence." Cat Noir said. "What now?" Essence asked. "You heard me. I want this to be over between us." Cat Noir replied. "But why? We are having so much fun aren't we?" Essence asked. "I'm not. Listen, you want the miraculous right? Well, what if I told you can get mine permanently and the others by tomorrow?" Cat Noir asked. "You have my presence." Essence replied. "Tomorrow, I want to fight you at Hank's Coco Corp at 8:00pm. You, and me. We brawl non stop, until one has enough, gets knocked out, or dies as you love to hear. If I win, you end torturing me, and get locked up in the darkest cell imaginable until the day you die." Cat Noir said. "Why not kill me? You seem to enjoy it with Jill." Essence replied. "I will cataclysm you right now." Cat Noir said. "Oh really? Ok, what do I get if I win?" Essence asked. "[sighs]. If you win,.........I will help you get the miraculous here in Paris. All of them." Cat Noir replied. Essence definitely gets captivated with that. "You naive fool. You just gave me all the miraculous from the Mother Box. Your on, Cat Noir." Essence said. "Good. One more thing. By accepting this, you don't hurt anyone tonight. Better save that energy tomorrow." Cat Noir replied. "Fine. [grabs shoulder]. Hope you love chocolate cat. Because I'm cooking your butt tomorrow." Essence said, as he pushes Cat to the ground. He leaves, as Cat slightly regrets the decision he just made. Anyway, he gets up, and goes back to home base.
    At home base, Chloe's hotel room, Cat Noir returns. "I got them. I got them." Cat Noir said. "You really did?" Kagami asked in shock. "See for yourself." Cat Noir replied, as he pulls them out. He gives Chloe and Kagami their miraculous. They are very happy to see them again. "Well done, kitty." Chloe said. "That's Cat Noir for you. Claws in." Cat Noir replied, as he de-transforms. "Just don't lose them. Ladybug wants them back as soon as possible." Plagg informed. "Don't worry. We will be careful." Kagami replied. "Also, I got your pajamas and slippers Kagami." Adrien said. "Awesome." Kagami replied. "I also brought him to sleep over. Uhhh, that's ok with you Chloe?" Adrien asked. "Absolutely, Adrien. You've been through a lot. We are not leaving you alone, until Essence is gone." Chloe replied. "Perfect. Or, purfect as I love to say it." Adrien said. The girls giggle, as Adrien smiles. "Question is, is your Dad ok with you sleeping over?" Kagami asked. "He's letting me out more. He'll be ok with it." Adrien replied. Just as he said that, his phone rings. He checks, and sees his Dad calling. Adrien gets nervous, and answers. His Dad asks him where he is, and Adrien explains he is just sleeping over with his friends. Gabriel does get a little anger, as Adrien tries to calm him down. It's a fight that goes on for some time, until the call ends. "My Dad is mad I didn't tell him, but he's ok with it." Adrien said. "If he says so. You can have my bed, Adrien. Kagami and I can sleep on the couches." Chloe replied. "Uhh, you sure your alright with that?" Adrien asked. "Anything for a friend." Chloe replied. "If you say so. Is it cool if I use your shower now? I'm a bit worried about doing this." Adrien asked. "Knock yourself out." Chloe replied. Before Adrien goes to shower, Kagami stops him. "Before you go, Chloe and I have been thinking, and, we have come up with a name for ourselves." Kagami said. "Who?" Adrien asked. "Us. You me, and Chloe. We may be normal, rich teens with bad parents, but as heroes, we are beyond that." Kagami replied. "We are brave, courageous, and especially awesome. Saving Paris day and night from the hands of darkness." Chloe said. "We are seen as Team Miraculous when with the other heroes." Kagami replied. "But as three, we are something else." Chloe said. "We are, The Treacherous Trio!!!!!"  Kagami and Chloe replied in an energetic way. "The Treacherous Trio?" Adrien asked. "Of course. We are treachery to the evil around us. You like it?" Kagami asked. "Huh? It's a pretty cool name........I like it." Adrien replied. "Thanks. We put a lot of work into it. You can go enjoy your shower now. We'll leave you to your privacy." Chloe replied. [in head]. Thank you dearly guys. You mean the world to me." Adrien said, as he walks into the bathroom.
After his shower, Adrien is in his pajamas brushing his teeth.  Once spit out, Plagg breaks character.  "Adrien, WHAT ARE YOU THINKING???!!!!!"  Plagg asked in fear.  "What's the matter, Plagg?"  Adrien asked back.  "What's the matter?  WHAT'S THE MATTER IS THAT YOU MADE A HUGE MISTAKE!!!!!!  You revealed your secret identity to not one, but TWO people."  Plagg panicked.  "Ok, it was an accident, Plagg.  But if I had to tell anyone, Kagami and Chloe would have been great options."  Adrien said.  "I agree.  They are great girls, who look after, and care for you." Plagg replied. "Except they did beat me up earlier today." Adrien said. "They felt bad, and apologized, so they are good at least. My issue is, that you had to break the most important rule among us heroes.  Telling someone you are the holder of one of the most powerful jewels in the world."  Plagg yelled.  "Well, that rule is basically nothing now.  Ladybug still allows heroes whose identities have been revealed to still come out and battle.  Plus, she broke that rule herself.  If anything, it now feels right I told them if we are making things fair here."  Adrien said.  "Ok, I can get if you told one person.  But two, that's two much."  Plagg replied.  "Good joke."  Adrien said.  "THIS ISN'T THE TIME FOR JOKES, ADRIEN!!!!"  Plagg screamed.  "Sorry.  Look, they are going to help us out Plagg.  In addition, put an end to Essence.  You should be happy this is happening."  Adrien said.  "I would be if you simply didn't tell them.  You could have just been, hey Kagami and Chloe, want to help me put an end to a psychopathic entity?  That would have been better."  Plagg replied.  "Well, what matters is that they are helping us regardless.  That's all I ever wanted right about now."  Adrien said.  "[sighs].  Your very lucky I have high trust in you, Adrien.  Promise me this at least.  Be safe, and don't do anything stupid."  Plagg begged.  "Don't worry, bud.  I will."  Adrien said.  Plagg smiles, but is still a bit worried if anything will go wrong.
Adrien emerges from the bathroom now in his pajamas and slippers.  Chloe is already in hers, with her hair down as well.  "You have nice pajamas, Adrien."  Kagami said.  "Thanks, Kagami."  Adrien replied.  "I need to shower too.  You two have fun, as I get ready for bed."  Kagami said, with a yawn.  She leaves, as Adrien sits down next to Chloe.  "Wow!  I don't think I've ever seen you with your hair down before, Chloe.  It's so......beautiful."  Adrien said.  "That's kind of you, Adrien.  I started doing it, after I became a better person.  Don't know what I've been missing.  My hair looks great when it's down."  Chloe replied.  "It sure does in my eyes."  Adrien said.  Chloe smiles even more.  "[looks at ring].  So, what's it like to have a miraculous with you at all times?  Sounds more fun than us having to wait for ours."  Chloe asked.  "It's a blast.  I get someone to tell all my secrets with, as well as be ready to strike at any moment.  Plus again, Plagg is the best kwami I could have ever asked for.  He's may come off as a lazy fool, but he is someone who wants the best for whoever he is bond to."  Adrien replied.  "Yeah.  I even had the guts to speak up to Essence himself a few times.  I'm not afraid of him, until he slammed me on the ground and stomped on me."  Plagg said.  "Oh God!  He did that?"  Chloe asked.  "It was heartbreaking."  Adrien replied.  "Luckily, kwami injures heal much faster than human injuries.  So my broken bones were reversed with just some rest."  Plagg said.  "It's nice to see you better, but if Essence did that to Pollen, I would definitely stab the psycho."  Chloe replied.  "Fair enough.  So, Chloe.  If you are ok with answering this, why were you with Luka yesterday?"  Adrien asked.  Chloe the blushes.  "Are you blushing?"  Adrien asked.  "Uhhhhh, yes.  Ok, promise me you can keep a secret?"  Chloe asked.  "I've been hiding my truth of being Cat Noir for over a year.  You have my word."  Adrien replied.  "Awesome.  [deep breath].  I think I'm in love with Luka."  Chloe said.  "What?"  Adrien asked.  "Yes.  It all started a week or so ago.  Truth parents were on the verge of divorce.  [Adrien gasp].  They both had enough of each other.  It was difficult for me to go through.  I tries to stop them, but they just kept on fighting.  I was horrified I would lose them again.  That's when Luka showed up, ands comforted me.  I told him everything.  He felt sympathy for me, and told me the only way to save there marriage was to make my voice clear.  In other words, he gave me the confidence I needed to save my family. worked.  Nowadays, they are so much better.  It's a miracle to see form.  After that, I.......I got weird feelings when I think or am with him.  Every time I look at him, I blush or feel odd.  I'm not sure if it's love or not, so I'm trying to figure it out.  That's where Kagami steps in.  She saw my feelings, and decided to help me out.  Also, thanks again for lending her to me.  Kagami is an awesome friend to be with.  Sabrina is still my BFF, but Kagami is still cool.  Since then, she has helped me grow closer to Luka.  I failed a few times, but bounced back thanks to her, and Luka's help.  Now I know more about Luka than I have before, as he knew more about me as well.  So far, our relationship seems to be sailing in the right direction."  Chloe replied.  "If you and Luka do end up becoming a couple, I'll always support you both."  Adrien said.  "And I'll do the same with whoever you end up with, Adrien."  Chloe replied.  Both teens smile, before they hug each other.  Happy to have each other by there side.  Even Plagg gets into a cute overload watching them.  "[let's go].  Well, I'm about ready for bed.  We have a long day a head of us tomorrow."  Chloe said.  "We do.  You sure your alright with me sleeping in your bed?"  Adrien asked.  "You need it more than me."  Chloe said.  Adrien smiles again to have such a helping buddy.  Adrien gets off the couch, as Chloe lies down, sets her head on a pillow, and covers herself with her blanket.  "Sweet dreams, Chloe."  Adrien said.  "You too, Adrien."  Chloe replied, as she sleeps.
As the moon shines in the night, Adrien is on the balcony watching it.  It's shine makes Adrien shed tears from it's beauty.  "Like what your seeing?"  Kagami asked now in pajamas and slippers.  "Huh?  [turns around].  What?  You?  Oh no.  I'm not like that."  Adrien replied.  "[giggles].  I was talking about the moon silly.  Come on, let's sit down."  Kagami said.  Adrien cools off, and joins her Ex.  The two of them sitting next to each other looking at the full, bright moon.  Adrien continues to shed tears, as noticed by Kagami.  "You still upset with Essence?"  Kagami asked in concern.  "No.  It's just the moon.  I don't know why, but whenever it looks like this, it's so beautiful.  So gorgeous.  So pure."  Adrien replied.  "It is a nice moon.  Reminds me of one of my favorite mangas about an evil red moon."  Kagami said.  "Sounds cool.  You should show me it one day."  Adrien replied.  "I can show you the anime.  It's way better than book."  Kagami said.  There is some silence between them for a few seconds.  "Umm, Adrien.  Now that I know your Cat Noir, I now know why you lied to me when we were a couple."  Kagami said.  "Oh yeah.  I'm still so sorry about lying to you.  I know I'm a superhero, and superheroes need to do what it takes to protect their loved ones, but I just couldn't tell you."  Adrien replied.  "Well, I better understand why you did it now."  Kagami said.  "But it doesn't take away how lies ruined our relationship.  I'm being honest with you, Kagami.  After I realized it, I really thought we had something.  Something special inside.  We have loads in common to begin with.  We both love fencing, we both have slight social issues, we both have successful parents.  It's almost like we were made to be.  But as you tried to make that happen, I did nothing about it.  It's all because.......I kept loving Ladybug at that time, and focused more on her than you."  Adrien replied.  "So, was that the reason you didn't care when we broke up?"  Kagami asked.  "[sighs].  Yes, and look what it did to me.  You hated me, and I deserved that.  I needed to wake up, and realized I hurt the girl who was my girlfriend.  I had to make it up to you.  I needed to."  Adrien replied.  "And you did.  You saved me from your Father."  Kagami said.  "And now we are on good terms.  Moreover, I stopped loving Ladybug because it was too much.  Still doesn't help how I mostly ruined us."  Adrien replied.  More silence between them for a moment.  "It still hurts me that we had to break up.  It was my first and only rejection.  However, you being Cat Noir gives me all I need why you didn't tell the truth to me.  I only hoped you would care more when we left.  [silence for five seconds].  But, I'm just as happy to be on good terms with you, as you are with me."  Kagami said.  "Don't worry, Kagami.  I may have failed as a boyfriend, but I will make it up as a friend."  Adrien replied.  Kagami smiles, as does Adrien.  Adrien looks back at the moon again.  He almost sheds tears again at it's beauty.  "So, do you think you are...."  Adrien asked.  He stops when he sees Kagami feel right to sleep.  "Hmm.  Must be a fast sleeper.  [gets up].  Ok, let's get you inside."  Adrien said.  Like a total G, Adrien picks up Kagami, and carries her in his hands.  Bringing her back inside Chloe's room, and goes to place her on the couch.  However, he stops when he sees the couch, then Chloe's bed.  After a quick think and look at Kagami and the bed, Adrien smiles.  Then he carries her over to the bed, lies her down on it, and covers her body with the blanket, as she snoozes.  Adrien smiles at her, and says, "Good night, Kagami."  Then, Adrien leaves her to sleep.  He lies on the other couch, puts his head on a pillow, and gets ready for the endgame with Essence.

Miraculous Ladybug Season 5: The End of EvilWhere stories live. Discover now