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It's a normal day in the city of Paris.  The spring weather is out shining.  The birds are singing.  The streets are filled with citizens getting a good whiff of the environment.  And Robustus in his robot suit destroying the city.  He laughs, as he throws cars into buildings.  Raining rumble near citizens, who try to escape.  "By these calculations, I have an 98.97% chance of getting the miraculous, Farfalla."  Robustus said.  "[mask forms].  Excellent.  Make sure you are right on those calculations.  I'm not risking losing another chance on getting those heroes."  Farfalla ordered.  Robustus laughs, as he keeps ravaging the city.  Unknown is Team Miraculous watching him from a far.  This time, it's Ladybug, Cat Noir, Blue Bird, Ryuko, Queen Bee, Pegasus, and Miss Hound.  "Ok, giant robot on the horizon.  No biggie.  Not the first time we dealt with powerful robots.  Any suggestions guys?"  Ladybug asked.  "There is a high chance the akuma is inside his software.  As evidence of all the other times it was hidden there."  Pegasus replied.  "Not sure why Farfalla always goes for the same spot.  Just choose a different object, and make life easier."  Blue Bird said.  "Regardless, if I could use voyage close enough to him, I can surprise attack him, and get the akuma."  Pegasus replied.  "Might be a bit risky considering the capacity of this robot."  Miss Hound said.  "She's right.  Good idea, but a bit dangerous.  Maybe I can bring back Glitch.  I used him to take out Cinemonster, and it worked great.  What about you LB?  What ideas you have that could work?"  Blue Bird asked.  As Ladybug goes to answer, The Treacherous Trio is already out there.  They dash right into battle.  "Hey!  Cat, Ryuko, Queen Bee!  Where are you going?"  Ladybug yelled.  "Probably already have an idea."  Miss Hound replied.  "What are we waiting for then?  Let's help back then up.  Voyage."  Pegasus said as he uses his powers.  The four heroes teleport in front of Robustus.  Before they can do a thing, the trio is already getting the job done.  Queen Bee uses Venom to paralyze the robot.  Now stuck, Ryuko uses lightening dragon to electrocute the robot.  Sparks fly, as Robustus is fried like an egg.  Cat Noir jumps into the cockpit, grabs Robustus, uses his claws to get to his software, and uses his powers.  His cataclysm is one that does minimal damage.  With one touch of where the akuma is, Markov isn't killed or ruined.  He turns back to normal, as the akuma flies away.  Until Ladybug captures it.  "So guys.  What did you think?"  Queen Bee asked.  "Not going to lie, pretty awesome.  But, if you did paralyze him, why electrocute him?"  Blue Bird asked back.  "Safe measures."  Ryuko replied.  "Makes sense."  Blue Bird said.  "He's right.  You three did great, but did you have to go without telling us?"  Ladybug asked.  "Sorry about that My Lady.  We were all very excited to fight together again.  Just because we all uhhhh, uhhh, I mean, uhhh..."  Cat Noir replied.  "Because he wanted to try a new team attack he came up with.  That's why."  Ryuko said.  "Yes.  What Ryuko said."  Cat Noir replied.  Ladybug is a bit fishy, but doesn't seem that bothered by it.  "Oh well.  Maybe tell me in advance next time."  Ladybug said.  "Can do."  Cat Noir replied.  With that, the whole team does a pound it.  "Ladybug.  Since I know who Queen Bee and Ryuko are, you think it's ok if I bring you there miraculous?  It can help save you some time."  Cat Noir asked.  "[thinks].  Sure.  Why not.  Just be careful."  Ladybug replied.  So Cat leaves with Queen Bee and Ryuko, as Ladybug leaves with Pegasus and Miss Hound.  Blue Bird just goes home like he always does.  The Treacherous Trio all end up in an alleyway.  All of them de-transforms.  "Whoa!  That was so awesome.  The say you Venom, and how you used lightening dragon.  God!  Such a volt of energy."  Adrien said.  "We are the best gals on these team as you mentioned.  Just doing what we normally do."  Chloe replied.  "As always my Queen."  Pollen said, as she hugs Chloe on the cheek.  "Off topic, but my Mother will be getting out of the hospital later today.  Think you guys can accompany me?  I have a feeling she won't be happy to see me again."  Kagami asked.  "Ohh, can we come then?"  Longg asked back.  "First, of course I can come with you, Kagami."  Adrien replied.  "Same here."  Chloe said.  "And second, no.  Longg, Pollen, you must go back to Ladybug.  Remember, no one, especially her, cannot know about any of this.  I get you love your owners, but still, Ladybug.  Understood?"  Adiren asked.  "[sighs].  Yes."  Longg and Pollen replied.  "Good.  Plagg, claws out.  [transforms, and takes miraculous].  I'll meet you two at the hospital."  Cat Noir said, as he leaves.  "I don't get how he does it?  How can be a isolated boy, but a funny feline?"  Chloe asked.  "Life's full of surprises, Chloe.  This one just blew us to another level."  Kagami replied.  The girls leaves to go to the hospital.

Miraculous Ladybug Season 5: The End of EvilWhere stories live. Discover now