Chloe Bourgeois

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An alarm goes off, and then another hand turns it off.  This one belonging to Chloe Bourgeois herself.  Still in her pajamas with long hair down, she gets up, and unleashes a powerful yawn.  So loud that it wakes up her kwami, Pollen.  Pollen also yawns, but then smiles immediately when she sees Chloe.  "[flies up to, and hugs Chloe].  Good morning, my queen!"  Pollen yelled.  "Woah!  Someone's extra excited to see me today."  Chloe replied.  "[let's go].  Sorry.  It's still insane to me that I'm actually your kwami.  Permeant kwami.  Like, you have my miraculous forever, and I will be by your side at all times."  Pollen said.  "Do you want me to pinch you to see if it's a dream?"  Chloe asked.  "Please, my queen."  Pollen replied.  Chloe pinches her kwami, who then screams a bit.  "Nope!  Definitely not a dream."  Pollen said.  "Hmm mmm.  But I have to agree.  It's absolutely Beeautiful, that we are both together now.  No more Ladybug getting my miraculous.  No more being separated.  No more of any of that.  You and I, are together forever."  Chloe acknowledge.  "Love the bee pun, but I agree as well.  And let me just say, it's going to bee my pleasure beeing your knight."  Pollen said, as she bows.  "Aww."  Chloe replied.  Soon after that, Chloe is in her normal clothes, and is now scrolling on her phone in her little living room.  Pollen is chilling on her head.  Playing with Chloe's hair.  "Your hair is so silky, and smooth, Chloe."  Pollen said.  "Careful not to mess it up.  It's very hard to pull off."  Chloe replied.  "Of course my queen."  Pollen said.  Soon, Chloe gets a knocking at her door.  "Hide Pollen.  This must be breakfast."  Chloe said.  Pollen hides, as Chloe answers the door.  There, her butler John is waiting for her with breakfast.  "Good morning, Chloe.  How is the princess of the castle doing on a morning like this?"  John asked.  "I prefer to be the queen, but all is going well."  Chloe replied.  "Wonderful.  Might as well make it better with some breakfast."  John said.  He plates her meal in her living room.  "And yes, I have the jar of honey you requested.  Specifically as, the most sweet among the rest."  John said.  "Thank you, John.  That is all I need form you."  Chloe replied.  "Happy to be at your assistance again.  Oh, and by the way.  Someone is here to see you."  John said.  Chloe gets confused, before that someone walks in.  "Good morning, Chloe."  Adrien said.  "[gasp].  Adrien!  [runs, and hugs him].  What a surprise to see you here.  How is my favorite childhood buddy doing?"  Chloe asked, who is very happy.  "Being squeezed by my childhood best friend."  Adrien replied.  "[lets go].  Of course.  Sorry.  What are you even doing here?"  Chloe asked.  "To see you of course."  Adrien replied.  "It seems you two have some chatting you want to do.  I'll leave you to it.  Just call me if you need me, Chloe."  John said, as he goes to leave.  "Yes.  I will."  Chloe replied.  John leaves, and closes the door.  "Oh boy.  Finally!!!"  Plagg said, as he flies out.  "And there is Adrien's favorite little kitten.  Plagg."  Chloe replied.  "That's good old me.  How are you, Chloe?"  Plagg asked, as he flies over, and gently hugs her on the cheek.  "[hugs back].  Very happy to feel your soft, black fur again."  Chloe replied.  "Don't you dare do what you did last time.  My fur has it's priorities."  Plagg threatened.  "I know.  I learned my lesson.  I won't do it again."  Chloe replied.  "[let's go].  Thank you.  So, where is she?"  Plagg asked.  "Who?"  Chloe asked.  "Come on, Queen Bee.  You know who we are talking about."  Adrien replied.  "Ohhh.  Yes.  She's over here.  Pollen."  Chloe said.  Pollen flies out, and next to Chloe.  "There she is.  The loyal, and brave Pollen."  Plagg said.  "Good morning to you Plagg, and his owner, Adrien Agreste.  How are the two fine gentlemen doing?"  Pollen asked.  "The two fine, funny gentlemen doing to be exact."  Adrien replied.  "You tell him, Adrien.  But answering your question, we are both awesome today."  Plagg said.  "Wonderful.  As am I, and my Queen right here.  Please tell Ladybug thank you so much for this decision.  It is a dream come true."  Pollen replied.  "She's been fangirlling a lot."  Chloe said.  "Only a little bit.  I'm not an obsession creep, Chloe."  Pollen replied.  "Never said you were."  Chloe said.  "Say, you mind if we chat over some food?  I already ate, but I don't want to let your food rot."  Adrien replied.  "Good idea."  Chloe said.

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