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The school bell rings indicting yet another end of the day at school. Miss Bustier's class leaves the second the bell made it's first chime. They are excited to go outside in the Spring weather.  Take in the sunlight, and breeze that makes it just right.  Outside the school, Marinette and her girlfriends are all hanging out together.  "Can you believe we on;y have just a few weeks before school ends?"  Rose asked.  "It's insane, but at the same time revolutionary.  And next year, we will be going to high school.  So rad."  Alix replied with joy.  "Well the one downside is that we won't see each other anymore.  Doesn't mean we can't hang out though."  Juleka said.  "No way out friends group is ending that easily.  So have you guys thought of ideas to where you want to go?"  Marinette asked.  "Not yet.  But I'm ready for whatever life throws at me."  Alix replied.  "We have a lot of time to settle on it you guys.  What matters the most is that we're happy wherever we go forward."  Mylene said.  "Absolutely Mylene."  Juleka replied.  "Speaking of happy, my Dad and his buddy Chris are hosting another Mime show at the Eiffel Tower again tonight.  It would be such a pleasure if you guys come to support him."  Mylene said.  "Wasn't that Chris guy the reason he got akumatized?"  Marinette asked.  "Uhhh, I'm not sure.  Let's just hope all goes well this time."  Mylene replied.  "Whatever happens, I'm down to go.  Spend a night with my girls."  Alix said.  "Awesome.  The show is at five.  Hope you guys make it."  Mylene replied.  The girls leave.  As for Marinette, she bumps into Jack.  "I'm not a stalker, but I overheard Mylene's Dad is having a mime show tonight right?"  Jack asked.  "Yeah."  Marinette replied.  "And your just going with your friends?"  Jack asked.  "Yeah, what's wrong with that?"  Marinette asked back.  "Marinette.  A show like that is perfect for you to get with your soulmate."  Jack replied.  Marinette freaks out, then drags Jack behind the railings of the school.  "Don't say that.  I don't want some random person to know I love Adrien."  Marinette said.  "It's pretty obvious everyone knows you have the hots for Adrien.  I wasn't surprised the second I saw you interact with him."  Jack replied.  "[sighs].  Regardless, it doesn't help at all.  Adrien only sees me as a friend after out movie date.  What's the point in trying to make him love me, if he doesn't even see me as a lover?"  Marinette asked.  "Because that's what we want him to think.  We want him to see you as a friend, but after spending more time with him, he'll start to develop feelings for you.  But in order for that to happen you need to stop letting negativity get in the way, and try to think of the most positive outcome.  Trust me, I know what I'm doing here."  Jack replied.  "I'm not sure anymore.  Maybe we should stop."  Marinette said.  "Again, negative thoughts don't help.  To help prove it, call Adrien now to ask him out to the show."  Jack replied.  "Are you insane?"  Marinette asked.  "Are you that pathetic?  Call him, and try to think of the most positive outcome.  If he says no, then thats fine.  But the second you realize he rejects you, or you see signs he doesn't love you, then we stop.  Simple as that."  Jack replied.  "Didn't you say we want to see him as just a friend for now?" Marinette asked.  "I did, but we haven't seen a sign he doesn't want you yet.  The best example of that, is if he wants to bring a friend along with you if you ask him out.  That shows he doesn't want you."  Jack replied.  "Alright.  I guess I can give it a shot.  But I'm still nervous none the less."  Marinette said.  "That's why you have me to assist you."  Jack replied.  The two leave the school, to begin their plan for another Adrienette date.

At the Eiffel Tower, Mylene checks up on her Dad to see how he's doing.  He is on stage getting ready for the show, along with his partner, Chris(Btw, for those who read Condestructor and saw the constructor worker named Fred.  Yeah that wasn't intentional.  I had no idea there was another Fred(Mylene's Dad) in the show, so my bad).  Mylene approaches her Dad.  "Ahh, Mylene.  How was school?"  Mylene's Dad asked.  "Good as always.  How is the show looking?"  Mylene asked back.  "We'll be ready in just a few hours.  Can't wait to do this again.  No misunderstandings, no issues, nothing getting in the way this time.  Plus, [pulls out magical charm] I'm ready if Farfalla tries to strike me again."  Mylene's Dad replied.  "It's such a relief Ladybug found a solution to the akumas.  Even if they still scare me a little bit."  Mylene said, as she shivers.  "Oh come on.  Who cares about a puny butterfly?  I mean, I haven't gotten akumatized yet, and I never will."  Chris replied, as he joins the conversation.  "Don't pressure my daughter, Chris.  Mylene just has some minor fears she is taking care of."  Mylene's Dad said.  "Really?  [looks at Mylene].  She looks like someone who gets scared easily."  Chris insulted.  "Is that an insult?"  Mylene's Dad asked.  "Yeah, and what will you about it?  Become a villain, and silent me with your powers.  Oh no!  I'm so scared."  Chris mocked.  Mylene gets mad.  "I'll have you know my fears have been getting so much better as time goes on.  Akumas may still affect me, but at least, I'm getting stronger as time goes on.  And so should everyone else.  Despite their fears, they need to press forward and conquer them."  Mylene shouted back.  "How heroic, for a tiny pipsqueak.  Does it look like I'm scared?  Didn't think so.  I'll leave you two to your delusions.  I have a show I'm going to steal again."  Chris replied.  He leaves with a sister grin.  He's up to something, and it doesn't sound good.

Miraculous Ladybug Season 5: The End of EvilWhere stories live. Discover now