Luka Couffaine

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Yet another alarm goes off, and this time, it's Luka Couffaine who turns it off.  After he releases a large, but silent yawn, because Juleka is still asleep, he quickly gets out of bed.  His pajamas are a red shirt, with green shorts.  He quietly sits up, and as she snoozes, Luka mediates for about a good five minutes. Making sure his breathing, and movement are perfect. Once he opens his eyes, he silently moves past his sister, so he can go to the bathroom to get ready.  As he does, Sass, who is sleeping inside the drawer under his bed with a comfy setting of course, wakes up as well.  He too gets out, just in time or Luka to be done getting ready.  Luka ssh Sass, and points to Juleka.  Sass nods his head.  The two tip toe there way out of the bedroom, and onto the upper deck.  "So, she really slept through that entire alarm?"  Sass asked.  "She's a heavy sleeper.  That's just who she is."  Luka replied.  "You also told me she is a bit shy, but ultimately confident, determined, and caring?"  Sass asked.  "It was thanks to her girlfriend, Rose.  She's mostly the reason for her being where she is now."  Luka replied.  "It's nice to see that she has good people to give her the love and care she deserves.  I sure hope she is going to have a good day just like us both."  Sass said.  "Me too.  We better get going now.  First thing we must do is deliver some stuff, then later today, we have a concert we are hosting.  Sadly, Juleka and some of the others won't make it.  They are doing photo shoots for Marinette's fashion website.  It's a shame, but we at least got Ivan and Adrien to back us up."  Luka replied.  "Nice."  Sass said.  "Til then, we have some work we need to do."  Luka replied.  So Luka puts on his helmet, and Sass flies into his pocket.  Once he puts the packages on, he sets sails onto his job.

Instead of walking, Luka bikes his way across Paris.  Great way to get that morning cardio in.  As he bikes, Luka drops off the stuff place, by place.  He keeps up the time, and makes the dough one step of the way.  "So you just deliver whatever is in those boxes, and you get paid?"  Sass asked.  "It's not that much, but it got better when I got this fancy client at Chloe's place.  Ahh, Chloe.  Btw, she's my girlfriend."  Luka replied.  "I know her.  She's the Queen Bee.  I didn't know you two were dating."  Sass said.  "It was pretty obvious from the start, but after some time, I actually found her to be pretty cute.  She's a good girl, who was once bad.  It's like a sweet that may looked bad, but when you taste it, it's very good.  You can see what I mean right?"  Luka asked.  "Possibly."  Sass replied.  "There are a lot of cute people I know.  Chloe, Marinette, even after we broke up, Adrien."  Luka said.  "Adrien?  Say what now?"  Sass asked.  "Oh yeah.  That reminds me.  [stops bike].  In case you didn't know, I'm bisexual."  Luka replied.  "Hold up!  Your gay?!"  Sass asked surprised.  "I didn't really show it often for reasons.  My Mom, and Juleka both know I'm gay, but not everyone knows.  I'm still a bit shy coming out of the closet."  Luka replied.  "Oh.  Ohhh.  Well, just so you know, I'm fine with you being bi.  Got to accept people for who they truly are, and what they want to be you know what I'm saying?"  Sass asked.  "[smiles].  Thanks Sass."  Luka replied.  "Anything for you.  So, you think Adrien is cute?"  Sass asked.  "[starts biking again].  I think so.  He has that silky hair, those green eyes look adorable on him, and his outfit is just so... beautiful.  No wonder people love him so much.  Of course I'm not obsessive as most of his fans, and won't go out of my way to do insane stuff to him."  Luka replied.  "Did you have a crush on him?"  Sass asked.  "For some time, yes.  It was after Marinette and I broke up.  If anything, aside from making him feel comfortable, I want to be sure he's ok.  After all, Adrien's been through a lot.  Not just as Adrien, but also as, you know."  Luka replied.  "The whole being left out incident."  Sass said.  "It was absolutely heartbreaking when Essence slashes him on the back, and that monster actually made him believe that accepting death was the best solution.  I'm just so glad he broke free, and beat his butt up hard.  He may have some struggles, but at the end of the day, he's a cool cat who I wish the best for.  As well as someone, I use to have a crush on."  Luka replied.  "Well, at the end of the day, I'm glad you found love in the end.  And I'm also glad your happy that Adrien is happy."  Sass said.  "Me too, Sass.  Me too."  Luka replied.  Luka keeps on biking, as he continues his job.

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