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The news begins a broadcast outside the news building. There, Alec begins to speak. "Welcome one and all to a once in a lifetime experience. Where famous rappers, DJs, and dubstep artists arrive here is Paris. All to serve one of two purposes. To give everyone dancing like it's the end of the world, and more importantly, win the honor of being number one techno artist in all of Paris. I'm your host Alec, here to keep you updated on what's to come." Alec said. Soon, the entire gang walk past Alec, who is still broadcasting. There, Lila gets an idea. "So sorry to interrupt Alec. [clears throat]. Hello Paris. It's the one, and only, Lila Ro..." Lila said, before Jack grabs her arm. "So sorry about her. Miss Rossi needs to go do important business. [pulls her offscreen]. God, do you every shut up about fame? We get it, your famous. You don't need to remind us." Jack replied. "[get's Jack's hand off her]. What can I say? I adore being famous. As well as adore waiting for the day I make you pay." Lila said in an evil way. "It's been days, and you did nothing. Like the way you try to keep it suspenseful, but I'm not afraid of you." Jack replied. "But you are of your Father." Lila said. "God I want to slap you right now." Jack replied. "Exactly." Lila said. The two join back with the crew, who are all there with Nino. "You got this Nino." Marinette said. "I don't know you guys. Maybe I should back out of this." Nino replied. "Really? Remember Simon Says? You came to this exact building, and gave a show that impressed millions of people. Think of it like that, except you have competiton. Lots of competition." Adrien said. "Despite, you got us to support you." Kagami replied. "That's true, but maybe I shouldn't have chugged that milk this morning." Nino said. "Got to keep those strong bones of yours. Besides, I'll be there to watch you play." Alya replied. "Thanks gang. [deep breath]. You won't hate me if I lose right?" Nino asked. "You guys don't hate me for quitting modeling. You know we won't hate you if you lose. Just go out there, and do what you do best. Move those hands, and make some music." Adrien replied. "Your right. I can do this. Thanks again for the support, bro!!! No way!!!" Nino screamed. The gang turns around, and they see someone walking in. "Back off! Back off! Celebrity coming through! God you all don't respect my rhyme. I will roast in you when it's about time." Rapper said. "I assume that's one of your competitors?" Luka asked. "Not just any competitor. Spencer Flame himself." Nino replied. "Flame is his last name? Nice." Jack said. "No, not nice. He's one of the most brutal, but successful rappers every. His bars go so hard, that he will burn you alive in a rap battle. And he did once." Nino panicked. "Jesus!" Marinette said. "Ok, now I know I can't do this. Guys, call me a cab, I'm getting out of here." Nino replied. "No you aren't. Listen Nino, we all didn't buy exclusive tickets so you can crawl out. Your going in there, and your going to roast him hard. I don't want to hear about him roasting me alive. Just, be the cool, but also brave man you are, and do this. I know you can." Alya encouraged. This helps calm down Nino. Not entirely, but he is slightly chilled. "Ok. [gulps]. I can do this." Nino said. The gang goes into the elevator. However, as Marinette walks past Alya, she sees her blush. This captures her attention. "[grabs Alya's arm]. Uhhh, Alya and I will take the stairs. Help save some space." Marinette said. "No, I can step out for you if you want." Adrien replied. "Same here." Jack said. "No. It's nice for you both to volunteer, but we'll be good." Marinette replied. "Whatever you say chief." Jack said. So Marinette takes Alya into the stairs. They begin to climb up. "Why do you want to take the stairs?" Alya asked. "Because this is private girl time. I saw you blush when Nino responded to you. Is it just me, or is my BFF in all of Paris... fallen back in love again?" Marinette asked back. "You really saw me?" Alya asked back. "Blushing and everything. Like a juicy apple." Marinette replied. "[sighs]. Ok look. Nino was just a friend to me after out breakup, but as time went on, I... slowly fell back in love with him." Alya said. "After he spied on you and Cat Noir?" Marinette asked. "Yes. Look, it's true what he did was horrible, but despite all that has happened, he's still the one I feel like I want to spend the rest of my life with. But, no more of his creepy ways, or spying. Those are huge No's ok?" Alya asked back. "So, when do you plan to get back with him?" Marinette asked back. "Before the prom." Alya replied. "Gotcha. Either way, I'm so happy for you. Though getting back with your Ex can feel awkward." Marinette said. "Could be worse. I kiss him on the cheek, even though we broke up." Alya replied. "That's true." Marinette said. "Speaking of prom, when do you plan to ask out your man, Adrien?" Alya asked. "Hmmm, sometime soon. Yes, you heard me. I will ask him to prom. And if all goes well, maybe, just maybe, I'll tell him how I feel." Marinette replied. "At a girl! That's what I want to see. My BFF finally telling her knight in shining armor how she feels." Alya said. "I just hope he understands my feelings, and loves me the way I am." Marinette replied. "Marinette. He literally doesn't hate you. You know that." Alya said. "You get what I mean." Marinette replied.

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