The Tradegy Part 2

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We go back to the chamber where Gabriel, Lila, and Nooroo stand.  "Oh my God.  So, you weren't Emilie's first husband?"  Lila asked in shock.  "Unfortunately, yes."  Gabriel replied.  "And, because of that signature, you, Adrien, and Emilie's entire family are......members of The Void."  Lila asked.  "Also unfortunately, yes.  BUT don't expect us to help Essence at all."  Nooroo replied.  "Oh no.  I expect you not too.  Especially if he killed Adrien's Mom."  Lila said.  "Good."  Nooroo replied in relief.  "Ok.  So, if Derek Malcolm, aka Essence married her, how did she end up here?" Lila asked.  "The reason Derek hated her is simple.  She stole the grimoire, Butterfly, and Peacock miraculous from him.  After she left him, it was only a matter of time, until........we meet.  She helped me get through fashion school, since just like her, my school was rough.  Expect, I wasn't that much of an all star designer.  After I finally graduated thanks to her help, we started our own business together.  It was going great for the last year.  I was designing, she was modeling and designing with me.  It was all going well.  So, like Derek after that amount of time, I knew she was the one for me.  But unlike Derek, I married her with no evil intentions at all."  Gabriel replied.  "Well, except becoming Hawkmoth in the future."  Lila said.  "HEY!  That was to save her from the death she didn't deserve.  [clinches fist, and gets emotional].  It still hurts my soul to see how this whole story play out, as it lead to August 23rd."  Gabriel replied.
We see someone's eyes open up very slowly.  It's blurry for the person, as his vision gets better.  Once it's clear, he looks to see two giant people holding him in his arms.  "Awwwww!!!!!  He is so adorable, Gabriel."  Emilie said.  "I know.  Look.  He has you eyes, and your skin.  His face looks a bit like mine.  Ohhh, and he has your hair as well."  Gabriel replied(side note, Gabriel here has brown hair, and looks much younger.  He is also wearing brown pants, and a black jacket over a white shirt).  That's right.  This is the scene where Adrien came into the world as a cute little baby.  He looks around the place, which is the study in the Agreste manor, and gets confused.  And so, the baby starts crying.  Scared at what is happening.  "Hey.  Hey.  Don't cry.  Look at mommy and daddy.  We won't hurt you."  Emilie said, trying to cheer baby Adrien up.  The baby ignores them, and keeps crying.  "Let me try.  Yooo whooo.  Hey, look at me.  [makes funny face].  Come on.  Look at the funny face.  See, it's funny "  Gabriel said still making funny faces.  The baby keeps crying despite the parents help.  "Oh come on.  There has to be a way to calm him down."  Emilie said.  "I know.  [flies in front of him].  Hey!  Little baby.  [baby looks].  Look at us.  Look at the flying creatures.  [Nooroo and Duusu do a little dance].  Look at us move."  Nooroo said, as he dances with Duusu.  The baby starts to smile, and giggles at the two creatures.  Even if they are magical beings, it's enough to make Adrien happy.  "Well done you two.  Uhhh, honey.  Are you sure it's ok for him to see them?"  Gabriel asked.  "Oh yes.  As long as he doesn't use the miraculous, he'll be fine.  Nothing is going to harm you as long as these two are around, Adrien."  Emilie replied naming the baby.  "Adrien?  Great name."  Gabriel said.  And so, the Agreste, and their kwamis all laugh, and smile with their newborn in hand.
A few weeks after Adrien's birth, the Agreste have been living a wonderful family life.  We see Gabriel in the kitchen(the one from canon Season 5 if you've seen it) cooking some breakfast for the family.  Also, Emilie is there, and she is feeding Adrien in his high chair.  "Ok.  Here comes the choo choo train.  CHOO CHOO."  Emilie said.  Adrien doesn't want to eat.  He refuses to let the train go through the tunnel.  "Come on, Adrien.  It's a yummy choo choo train.  It needs to make it to it's destination."  Emilie said.  Adrien still refuses.  "Don't worry, Emilie.  I got this.  [flies in front of him].  Hey, Adrien.  Repeat after me."  Duusu said.  Duusu closes her eyes.  Adrien giggles, and does the same thing.  Duusu then raises her hand.  Adrien then raises his hand.  Duusu smiles, before she opens her mouth.  Adrien then does the same.  Which helps Emilie feed Adrien.  Although he was surprised, Adrien can't help, but enjoy the tasty food he is tasting.  He slams his hands on his high chair, while laughing.  "Awww!  So cute.  How did you do that Duusu?"  Emilie asked.  "Wasn't the first time I dealt with babies before.  I'm glad I did.  Look at them.  So cute and beautiful."  Duusu replied, before she gets captured by Adrien's cuteness.  As for Nooroo, he is helping Gabriel cook breakfast.  Gabriel is making pancakes for the family, with Nooroo as his sous chef.  "[takes batter].  Hmmmm.  Batter taste good.  Just don't try to burn it like that last few times."  Nooroo said.  "Good to know.  Thanks for the tip."  Gabriel replied.  As Gabriel cooks, Nooroo leaves for a moment.  "Good morning, Adrien.  How is the cutest baby on Earth doing?"  Nooroo asked.  Adrien laughs at Nooroo's appearance.  It makes Nooroo laugh as well.  "You two really know how to take care of a baby.  I don't know why we aren't the parents here."  Emilie said.  "As kwamis, we were made to serve the greater good.  Sure, some of us caused mischief, especially Plagg, but we learned from our mistakes, and grew from them."  Nooroo replied.  "Yeah, but I didn't expect you two to do a better job than us."  Emilie said.  "Don't say that.  You and Gabriel are awesome parents for Adrien.  I guess it helps for how cute we are."  Duusu replied.  "True.  All three of you are such cuties."  Emilie said happy.  "[rings bell].  Breakfast is served."  Gabriel replied.  He serves Emilie her pancakes with chocolate chips inside.  "There for you Emilie.  And for Nooroo and Duusu.  Some chocolate chips for Nooroo, and one of Emilie's famous blueberry muffins for Duusu."  Gabriel said.  "Yum.  Thanks, Gabriel."  Nooroo and Duusu replied, as they eat.  Gabriel smiles at his happy family.  And that's when Nathalie comes in.  "Good morning Agrestes, and kwamis."  Nathalie said.  "Morning, Nathalie."  Everyone, except Adrien replied.  "I have your schedules written out for today.  Take your time with your breakfast first.  And now, [walks over to Adrien] hey, Adrien.  How you doing little guy?"  Nathalie said.  Adrien looks at Nathalie with a blank face.  And then, she smells something.  "[sniffs].  Yep!  Adrien took a poopy."  Nathalie said.  "Ahhh, at this time."  Emilie replied disgusted.  "No worries everyone.  [picks Adrien up].  I'll take care of this at once.  And I already know.  Nooroo and Duusu will stay with me, as I take care of Adrien."  Nathalie said, as she goes to change Adrien in another room.  "Now that's what I call a, kitchen nightmare."  Gabriel said.  Emilie laughs at that badly timed joke, but it still makes her happy.  As does everyone else, who laughs with her.
Some more time passes by, as we see all the Agreste in Adrien's room.  It's still massive.  Just not with the decor he has in the present.  Gabriel, and Emilie watch with Gabe holding a video camera at Adrien, and Emilie holding Adrien.  "Ok.  I'm rolling."  Gabriel said.  "Adrien dear.  What are you doing today.  [pretends to make him talk]. I'm going to walk like a big boy.  [Adrien laughs].  That's awesome dear.  Ok, mommy's going to let go of you, and your going to take it away.  We all believe in you."  Emilie replied.  As Gabriel films, Emilie let's go of Adrien.  He goes to stand up, and walk for his family.  As he makes progress, everyone smiles with shock.  They are about to see Adrien make his first steps.  But as Adrien rises, he struggles to keep balance, tumbles over, and falls down.  The impact makes Adrien cry, as everyone's hopes go down.  "Ohh, poor Adrien.  [grabs him].  There, there.  It's ok.  Mommy has you."  Emilie said calming Adrien down, and kissing any wounds he has.  "This is number fifty of trying to record Adrien walking.  I'm almost out of video here."  Gabriel replied.  "He's trying his hardest, dear.  Sometimes, it takes longer for babies to walk.  Surely he will do it.  I know it."  Emilie said.  "I do too, but it's taking a bit longer than I hoped.  [looks at camera].  And my camera's dead.  It's fine.  I have a spare in my office.  I'll be right back."  Gabriel replied, as he leaves.  "[stomach rumbles].  Ohhh, I have to use the restroom.  Nooroo, Duusu, watch the baby."  Emilie ordered.  "No problem.  You can trust us, Emilie."  Nooroo replied.  Emilie leaves Adrien's room, leaving him and the kwamis all along.  Adrien looks at the kwamis, and giggles.  Meanwhile, Nooroo and Duusu look at him in worry.  "Poor fella.  He's an adorable piece of existence, and.......he is forever bound to The Void."  Nooroo said.  "And it was all because of Derek.  I don't think I ever seen someone like that before.  Slithers his way to gain the trust of someone, and make her his follower."  Duusu replied anger.  "He's a bad man for sure.  But don't worry, Duusu.  Our holders are making sure Adrien is safe at all times.  Plus, it's been a while, and Derek hasn't found us."  Nooroo said.  "Thank God.  Let's just keep it that way."  Duusu replied.  "And protect Adrien from ever being as cruel as those Void meanies."  Nooroo said.  Both of them look back at Adrien.  "Heh.  He's probably like, what are you two talking about?"  Nooroo intimated.  "Yeah.  Hey, Adrien.  Let's have some fun.  Come on, try to catch me."  Duusu replied, as she flies away.  "Me too, Adrien.  Me too."  Nooroo said.  The two of them fly, as Adrien crawls his way after them.  Both kwamis go easy on the kid because obviously.  When they fly away, Adrien giggles.  He turns around laughing, and crawls his way back to them.  The sight of Adrien laughing makes the kwamis smiles, and laugh too.  They keep playing with the baby, and having a blast.  Until, the both gasp.  "GABRIEL!!!!!! EMILIE!!!!!!  GET IN HERE!!!!!"  Duusu screamed.  "[opens door].  Relax, I'm here."  Gabriel replied.  He nearly dropped his camera, after what he sees.  He sees Adrien, on his two little feet, trying to chase Nooroo and Duusu.  "Oh my God.  EMILIE!!!!!  HURRY!!!!!"  Gabriel screamed.  Gabriel immediately starts recording Adrien, as Emilie walks in.  "Geez, what's the big [sees Adrien, and gasp].  Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!  [runs to him].  ADRIEN!!!!!!  You're walking.  Your finally walking."  Emilie freaked out.  Both parents smiles happily at their baby starting to become a big boy.
That night, everyone sleeps humbly.  Adrien in his crib surround by stuffed animals.  Nooroo and Duusu slipping in the crib with Adrien.  Nathalie sleeping in the study.  And Gabriel and Emilie in their own bed in their own room.  Everyone sleeps happily, and peaceful.  Before we dive into what Emilie is dreaming.  She awakes, and fins her entire home burning to a crisp.  She looks around horrified, and is more horrified to see Gabriel and Nathalie's dead bodies.  Both of them being slashed to death by a katana.  It terrifies Emilie, and makes her cry.  "This would have been prevented.  [Emilie looks at front door].  None of this would have come.  All you had to do......was to stay with me."  Derek said.  Emilie looks traumatized at Derek.  And is even more traumatized when she sees he has Adrien in his hands.  "Adrien!!!!!  Let him go you...."  Emilie demanded, before she falls over.  She turns around, and sees het leg has been chained to a wall.  "You better stay quiet.  The baby is sleeping.  He has a long journey a head of him as a Void.  But don't panic, dear.  [shows her the brooches].  He'll have to friends to keep him company."  Derek said, as he laughs walking backwards.  Emilie screams for him to stop.  But it's not use.  Derek disappears in the smoke with Adrien, and the kwamis.  The whole experience wakes Emilie up screaming.  "[wakes up].  Emilie!  [touches her shoulders].  What's wrong?"  Gabriel asked.  "What?  [sees Gabriel, and is relieved it's a dream].  Nothing.  Just a bad dream I had."  Emilie replied.  "Ok.  You had me worried for a moment."  Gabriel said.  "Yeah, worried."  Emilie replied concerned.  The two of them go back to bed again.  With Emilie struggling to sleep because of her nightmare.
Four years go by, and Adrien is now a toddler.  He's running around his home with someone chasing him.  It's his as young of a cousin, Felix.  Adrien wears the same outfit he wears in present day, as Felix wears gray overalls, and a blue shirt.  They run around laughing, as their parents chat.  "So no Colt?"  Gabriel asked.  "No.  He is busy with work.  It's worth it in order to support his family."  Amelia replied.  "No kidding.  You and Felix live in an giant mansion in England.  Thought I'm glad you found a man who knows how to support his family.  Even if he can't show up for events like this."  Emilie said.  "And I'm glad you found a worthy husband for yourself, Emilie."  Amelia replied.  The two of them smile.  "Say, Gabriel.  You think you can make me a coffee?  I forgot to make him today, and I really need the energy."  Amelia asked.  "Of course.  I'll be right back."  Gabriel replied, as he leaves.  "[watches him go into the kitchen].  So your first one didn't work out?"  Amelia asked.  Emilie immediately freaks out.  "Amelia.  What did I tell you about that?"  Emilie asked in a panic.  "What?  It's fine if you had to divorce Derek.  He looked like a nice guy at the wedding reception."  Amelia replied.  "[thinks back to who Derek Malcolm really is].  Look, I already told you.  Our relationship didn't worked out, so it just had to end.  Now I'm with someone I think is a good relationship."  Emilie said.  "I get it.  Gabe is a good husband, and Father.  I just don't understand why you don't want to talk about Derek.  If it's awkward I can see that, but you act generally scared whenever I bring him up."  Amelia replied.  "I just wish not to speak about him, ok?  It's.....not something I'm comfortable with."  Emilie said.  "Wait?  He.....he didn't abuse you?  Right?"  Amelia asked scared.  "Not at all.  Just.....please stop.  I mean it."  Emilie begged.  "Ok.  I'm sorry I brought it up."  Amelia said.  "Thank you."  Emilie replied relieved.  Gabriel returns with Amelia's coffee, and they continue to chat.  We go to see what Adrien and Felix are up to now.  They are still chasing each other in Adrien's bed room, and laughing as they run.  Eventually, Felix catches up, and tags Adrien.  Adrien stops running.  "Tag."  Felix said.  "Fine.  You win.  Fair and square."  Adrien replied.  "Like all the time.  [giggles].  You know, I just realized we look so alike."  Felix said.  Adrien looks at Felix.  "Yeah, your right.  Except, we have different hair from one another."  Adrien replied.  "Well, they got to tell who is who."  Felix said.  "Yeah."  Adrien replied with a giggle.  "Hey, I got a game we can do.  Adrien, try to do what I do."  Felix said.  "Ok."  Adrien replied.  Now Felix and Adrien try to mimic each other's moves.  Kind of like a mirror.  They first put hand together.  Then the other.  Then Felix puts both hands behind his head.  Adrien does the same.  Then Felix sits down.  So does Adrien.  Then Felix stands up.  Adrien does the same.  Felix then runs around in a circle.  Adrien does the same thing.  Felix lies down on his back.  Adrien does the same.  Now, Felix takes it up a notch.  He licks his hand, and meows like a cat.  Adrien tries his best to do the same thing.  However, Felix's meows, and movement make Adrien laugh because of how silly it is.  "And your out."  Felix said.  "[laughs].  It was so funny to see you as a kitty cat."  Adrien replied.  "Guess you can say I'm, purfect."  Felix said.  Adrien is confused.  "Purfect.  Like, the word perfect, but with a u instead of an e.  So it's, pur, what a cat makes, and fect.  Pur-fect."  Felix explained.  "Ohhhhhh."  Adrien replied, before he laughs again.  "You like it?"  Felix asked.  "Very much.  So is this"  Adrien replied, as he tackles, and tickles Felix.  "[laughs].  Hey, [laughs] stop.  [laughs more].  That tickles."  Felix said, as he laughs thanks to his cousin.  "It's funny right?"  Adrien asked.  "Yes.  So is this."  Felix replied, as he tickles Adrien.  Adrien then burst into laughter like his cousin.  Both of them laugh, and have a good time. 
"Good bye you two.  Have a great rest of the day."  Emilie said waving Amelia and Felix good bye.  The Agreste go back into their home.  "Ok, Adrien.  It's nap time."  Emilie said, as she puts Adrien into bed.  "Awww!  But I want to play."  Adrien replied.  "Later, Adrien.  You need some rest now."  Emilie said.  "But I'm a big kid now.  I can use the poddy.  I can walk.  I can speak."  Adrien replied.  "Yes you are, and momma is so proud of you.  But, that doesn't mean you can do what you want.  Now, [kisses forehead] get some rest."  Emilie said.  "Fine, Mom."  Adrien replied.  Emilie and Gabriel leave, and quietly close the door.  Adrien sleeps in his race care bed.  But then immediately gets up.  "Forget them.  I want to have fun."  Adrien said.  He gets out of bed, and looks around the insane room he has.  Now with the white couch and big TV and table we see in the present.  As Adrien walks around, he opens a drawer to see what's inside.  All of them are empty.  Expect for one, that holds both brooches.  "Ooooooh!!!!  Shiny."  Adrien said.  He puts his hand inside.  He picks up the brooches he sees.  He holds them in his hand, and is mesmerized.  "AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!"  Adrien screamed.  Emilie and Gabriel hear the scream, and run back into Adrien's room.  When they run inside, they see Adrien screaming at Nooroo and Duusu flying in front of him.  It makes the kid cry out of fear.  "Hey!  Hey!  Adrien, what's wrong?  And why aren't you sleeping?"  Emilie asked, as she comforts Adrien.  "[stills scared, and cries].  What are those things?  Why are they so big and scary."  Adrien cried.  "Hey!  We aren't scary."  Duusu said.  "Hush, Duusu."  Emilie ordered.  "Du....usu?"  Adrien asked.  "Yeah.  She is your.....wait a minute.  How do you not know her name?"  Emilie asked.  Adrien stays quiet.  "[thinks].  Oh no.  [fixes Adrien's hair to Felix's hair].  OH NO!!!!!"  Emilie screamed.  Amelia comes back, and takes back her real kid.  "I am so sorry, Amelia.  I had no mind they would do that."  Emilie said.  "Me too.  Felix was acting weird, and I didn't get why.  It wasn't until you called me, where I understood what happened."  Amelia replied, as she wipes Felix's tears.  "Look.  I'm sorry for this.  It won't happen again."  Emilie said.  Amelia leaves with the real Felix, as Emilie takes the real Adrien back into his room.  "Adrien.  WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!"  Emilie asked angrily.  "I'm sorry, Mom.  Felix and I thought it would be a good joke."  Adrien replied.  "Well you almost gave Mommy a heart attack.  What would have happened if you got hurt, or worse?"  Emilie asked.  "It was funny."  Adrien replied.  "Well it wasn't for us or Felix, who cried when he saw Nooroo and Duusu."  Emilie said.  "He saw them?  Awesome."  Adrien replied.  "No.  It's not awesome at all.  Felix, nor anyone else can know about this, Adrien."  Emilie said.  "Why?  They are just cute creatures who I love."  Adrien replied.  "Thank you, Adrien."  Duusu said.  "Duusu, again, stop it.  [deep breath].  You don't understand, Adrien.  Nooroo and Duusu cannot be known by anyone, expect us.  They are more than you think they are, and it would be horrible if something terrible happened to them both."  Emilie explained.  "But how?"  Adrien asked.  "[thinks back to her signature].  Maybe I'll explain when your older.  Just, promise me you will never, I mean never do that again.  And NEVER show anyone Nooroo or Duusu at all.  They are only an at home thing you can have, and a secret you must keep."  Emilie replied.  "Ok, Mom.  I'm sorry still."  Adrien said.  "You should be.  Now, you need to learn from this.  No Nooroo, and Duusu for the rest of the day.  You're also grounded, until dinner time.  No going out of the room, until it's 5:00."  Emilie replied.  She takes the kwamis, and their brooches, and leaves her kids to learn.
    More times passes by, and now we are at the Bourgeois' hotel. Inside the lobby, we see the Agrestes and the Bourgeois together. Along with their two kids, Adrien and Chloe. "Adrien, this is Chloe Bourgeois. The Bourgeois are great friends of ours, and I'm sure you will be a great friend for their daughter." Emilie said. "Same with you, Chloe dear. Adrien looks, and will be a amazing buddy for you. [clears throat]. John, take Chloe and Adrien to her room." Andre replied. "As you wish, sir. Come on you two. Follow me." John said, as he takes the kids. "I'm glad we can have the meeting, as our kids start making friends for the first time." Gabriel said. "Me too. My dear Chloe already made one herself in preschool. They only see each other during school days, but your Adrien will be one she can see outside of school." Andre replied. "That's wonderful. Adrien does have a bit of a social issue. He hasn't made a single friend while at preschool, so I'm worried how kindergarten will work out." Emilie said. "He'll make great friends I know it. Too bad he goes to a different school than Chloe. But hey. At least he's starting his journey." Andre replied. "Yes he is." Emilie said. Inside of Chloe's room, the both sit on the ground facing each other. They say nothing, as they don't know where to start. It's awkward for both kids. The clock ticks, as that is the only sound the room makes. "So......I'm Chloe." Chloe introduced. "Cool. I'm....Adrien." Adrien introduced in a shy manner. "My daddy is the mayor of Paris you know." Chloe said. "What's a mayor?" Adrien asked. "Oh. It's someone who has control over the entire city. He can do whatever he or she wants, and give his kid whatever he or she wants. It also means we are very rich." Chloe replied. "No way. So, you can get as many toys as you want just by asking?" Adrien asked. "I haven't tried that, but I'll put it on my list." Chloe replied. "That's cool." Adrien said. "It is. What about you? What did you parents do?" Chloe asked. Adrien stays silent, as he is too shy. "Umm, Adrien? I asked what do your parents do?" Chloe asked. "Nothing." Adrien replied. "Really? Nothing at all?" Chloe asked. "Yep. Nothing." Adrien replied. "Nothing, nothing, nothing at all?" Chloe teased. "Nothing, nothing, nothing at all." Adrien replied. Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing at all?" Chloe teased. "Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing at all." Adrien replied. Chloe stops teasing Adrien. She knows he is hiding something. She can feel it. So, she gets an idea. "Want to see someone special?" Chloe asked. "Sure." Adrien replied. Chloe then runs, and comes back with a stuffed animal. Not just any stuffed animal. It's Mr. Cuddly. Her special teddy bear from Despair Bear. "This is Mr. Cuddly. He's my best friend here at home. [puts bear up to her ear]. Ohhh, what's that, Mr. Cuddly? You want to talk to Adrien? You sure? Ok." Chloe said. She holds the bear, and places it in the middle of them. "Hi, Adrien. I'm Mr. Cuddly. Chloe said your hiding a little something from us." Chloe said. "Uhhhh, uhhh what do you mean?" Adrien panicked. "You know?" Chloe asked. Adrien gets scared. "What do your parents do? We want to know. And if you answer, you get cuddles." Chloe said. Adrien relaxes himself from what they truly meant. "Come on, Adrien. You want some cuddles? All you have to do is, answer the question. What do your parents do?" Chloe asked. "I want cuddles. Ok. My Mom and Dad are famous clothes makers. My Dad is the one who mostly makes them, and my Mom walks some big floor showing them. It's a lot they do, but they have time for me." Adrien replied. "That's so cool. And as promised. [puts bear to Adrien's chest]. CUDDLES!!!!!" Chloe said. Adrien giggles, as the bear gives him cuddles. Chloe smiles, and stops the act. "So, that's what your parents do?" Chloe asked. "Yes. It's weird." Adrien replied. "Don't say that. Showing off clothes sounds like a wonderful thing. Can you imagine if we did that together?" Chloe asked. "You mean, be like my Mom and Dad?" Adrien asked back. "Not like that, however it's done. I mean, we walk on a giant ground wearing nice clothes." Chloe replied. "Ohhhh. Sounds not fun." Adrien said. "I think it's cool. People would be looking at only us, and we put on a show." Chloe replied. "Yeah." Adrien said. "Hold on. [gasp]. I have an idea. John, you think you can support us with some light?" Chloe asked. "Anything for the princess. I'll be back." John replied, as he leaves. "Your going to love this, Adrien." Chloe said. Next thing you know, the lights are all off, and some night lights flash as the show begins. Yes. Chloe and Adrien have a makeshift fashion show. With John using flashlights to light the way for the stars. Chloe and Adrien wear multiple random outfits, and pretend they are walking on a runway. Sure, it's not expensive fashion like clothing, but they laugh, and have fun as they play. Also, they placed Mr. Cuddly with a toy camera to make him be like a photographer. The whole thing is sweet to say the least. And it's also the beginning of a beautiful friendship between Adrien and Chloe. As they smile and laugh at each other. We transition to Adrien's car, where he tells his parents their play date. "And then we had a little fashion show. Kind of like what you do, Mommy." Adrien said. "Awwww!!!! That sounds like so much fun. He's already following our footsteps Gabriel dear." Emilie replied. "Indeed he is. But it doesn't matter what path he chooses. Whatever he takes, we will always support his decision." Gabriel said. The Agreste all smile together. "Hey, Mom. What is that?" Adrien asked. "Oh. This is the script Mommy will be playing in soon. Mommy's going to be a movie star." Emilie replied. "Solpipude." Adrien said. "[giggles]. No. It's pronounced, Solitude." Emilie replied. The car drives them back home, after another happy family moment.
    Two years later, Adrien is now a big kid. Nathalie is driving him home. "Did you have a good day at school, Adrien?" Nathalie asked. "An awesome day. Today in class, we did a group game, and it was so much fun. Best of all, I made some new friends." Adrien replied happy. "That's wonderful. Finally branching out a bit." Nathalie said. "It is. We actually are seated together in class. They are super cool guys. One's name is Gavin, the other Sam, and the final one Peter. That's not the best part. We got together so well, we now sit at our own lunch table. We laughed so hard together. It's great." Adrien replied. "You can tell your parents all about it at dinner time. They are busy preparing there next show. As well as a special thing for you." Nathalie said. "I think I know what you mean. My birthday!!!!!!" Adrien cheered. "Come on now. You don't want to spoil your own birthday do you?" Nathalie asked. "No, but I'm always happy when it's my B Day." Adrien replied. "As you should. You still have to wait. No cake, or presents until it's the day." Nathalie said. "I know. Same with every year. Say, if my friends are ok with it, you think they can come over for my birthday party?" Adrien asked. "Your parents won't mind. Just make sure it's good for them as well." Nathalie replied. "Awesome. Thanks, Nathalie." Adrien said, as he smiles. Nathalie smiles as well at Adrien's happiness.
    Now, it's Adrien's birthday. For his party, all his buddies are here. His school friends: Gavin, Sam, and Peter. As well as Chloe, and Felix. As is tradition, they all sing him Happy Birthday. When the song concludes, he blows out his candles, and everyone claps and cheers for him. "Ok. Everyone gets some cake, and then it will be present time." Emilie said. She takes the cake, and starts slicing it. Making sure everyone gets a good slice to be fair. After the cake is sliced, piece by piece, it is delivered to the kids. After the cake is pasted out, they all eat in joy. Except for Chloe. "Umm, excuse me, miss. This cake isn't good." Chloe said. "You didn't even take a taste, Chloe. What? Is there an issue?" Emilie asked. "Yes. This slice is way too small. I recommend you throw it out, and try again." Chloe demanded. "Now come on, Chloe. It looks like an even slice. [eats some]. Ummmm. And it's really good." Adrien said. "Really? Well, my B Day cakes are always served with editable gold, and chocolate flown in from Italy. This cake here is ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous." Chloe complained. "That's not very nice, Chloe." Adrien said. "Well it's my honest truth, Adrien. As well as this. Hmmm, your clothes look out of a dumpster. Your's a yard sale. All ragged, and ugly. And you. Ohhhh, throw those out before I barf." Chloe replied to Adrien's school friends. They all get sad. "Hey, don't listen to her guys. Not sure what is up with Chloe, but she is a bit upset at the moment. You all look great. I mean it." Adrien said. "Don't show love for them. We are on the top of the world, Adrien. We have much more status, and class than these peasants." Chloe replied. "Ok, what is with you, Chloe? This isn't like you." Adrien asked. "It's the real me, now, Adrien. And it forever will be. Oh and Felix. You look ok. Nothing that impresses me though you rat." Chloe replied. Felix looks at her with annoyance. Yeah, tension rises pretty high here. So thankful, Emilie cuts it short. "Ok. Adrien, how about you take your friends to your room, as we clean up. Then we can do presents." Emilie said. "Got it, Mom. Come on guys. Your going to love my room." Adrien said. His friends run along, as Adrien takes them inside. However, he leaves them in there to go back to his parents. "Uhhh, Mom. Can I speak to you for a moment?" Adrien asked. The two of them are in the kitchen together. "Why was Chloe so rude today? It's the first time I've seen her like that." Adrien asked. "Well.....[sighs]. I'm not sure either, Adrien." Emilie replied. "So is, she just like that forever? Some mean friend who calls others name, and hurts their feelings?" Adrien asked. "Of course not, Adrien. Listen to me. Sometimes, there are people who are mean, but have a reason. Sometimes, there are people who are mean, but have good in them. And sometimes, [thinks of Derek] sometimes there are those, who don't have good in them at all. But that doesn't mean you should give up on the ones who show good. I want you to take this with you for the rest of your life. No matter what, don't lose hope in those you can see the good in. Try to make them see the good, and embrace it. Even if it takes a long time for it to happen. It's all in the name of the greater good." Emilie replied. "So, Chloe will be better if she sees good in the future?" Adrien asked. "Yes." Emilie replied. Adrien smiles. "[flies out]. Now don't just sit there. Go have some fun. It's your birthday, Adrien." Duusu said. "Thanks, Duusu. And thank you, Mom." Adrien replied, as he runs along. Both holder, and kwami smile as he leaves.
    Now a huge chuck of time flies by fast. Adrien is now a teenager, and Gabriel and Emilie are much older(Also, now Gabe has his grey hair instead of brown. He also wears his present day clothes. Same with Emilie, who will wear her outfit she has in the coffin). We see the Agreste not at home. But instead, in a mountain modern house. The nice houses that overlook a cliff. Down below is a deep, dark forest. But above, a nice home. Inside, the Agreste are all in the living room playing a board game. "[rolls dice]. Six. One, two, three, four, five, six. BOOM!!!!!! I win again." Adrien screamed. "Well done, Adrien. Game master as you always are." Nooroo replied. "Thanks, Nooroo." Adrien said, as they both smile. "Ok. That's the fifth time he's won. How about another game. Adrien, an ideas?" Gabriel asked. "Uhhhh, I have some ideas. Just give a minute. I want to see the moon with Nooroo." Adrien replied, as he leaves. "Just be safe out there, dear." Emilie said. "Not an issue, Mom."  Adrien replied.  Outside, Nooroo and Adrien look at the full moon. They watch it on a giant, and large stone balcony. It shines so bright in the night sky. It makes Nooroo really happy. "I don't understand how you love the moon when I feel like the sun would be your type." Adrien said. "We have different taste, Adrien. More importantly, I love the moon because it's so breathtaking. A giant rock floating in the sky. As a magical creature, you humans do have a lot to offer for us to see." Nooroo replied. "True. The moon is beautiful at times like this. Especially when you have a it right in front of you." Adrien said. The two of them are still taken in my the moonlight's light. They stay outside for a bit too long. "Ok. We better go back inside, and continue playing. I'm down to crush my parents again." Adrien said. "Me too, Adrien." Nooroo replied. They both go to walk inside. But as they walk, someone jumps, and is covering the moon. It gets Adrien and Nooroo's attention, as they turn around. And see the figure land on the balcony. "Finally." Figure said. Adrien and Nooroo get scared.  "Adrien, what's...." Emilie asked, before she immediately freezes. "[looks at Emilie]. Ahhhh, Emilie. How long it's been since I last saw you." Derek said. Derek wears the same outfit as we saw before.  Black boots, black gloves, an all black leather outfit, a black hooded cape, a black cloth around his entire face, and the same katana Emilie slashes him with.  ", no, no, no!!!!  This has to be a dream.  It can't be you."  Emilie begged.  "If this was a dream, would I do this?"  Derek asked.  He charges, and kicks Emilie inside.  She hits the walls hard, as Gabriel gets noticed for the disaster.  "I waited years to finally find you, Emilie.  You thought you could escape me that easily.  I know you refused to help us, but that's your choice.  All I want now is what you stole from me.  Nooroo, Duusu, and my grimoire.  Then, I'll make you pay for betraying me."  Derek demanded.  With his focus on Emilie, Nooroo takes Adrien to hid him somewhere safe.  Gabriel gets confused.  "Hold on.  Emilie, what is he talking about?"  Gabriel asked.  "Ohh, you didn't tell him.  What a coward.  I knew she couldn't bare telling you the truth."  Derek replied.  "What truth?"  Gabriel asked.  "I'll tell you, after I make Emilie get what she deserves."  Derek replied.  He dashes, and punches Emilie against the wall.  Gabriel goes to save her, but Derek grabs a lamp, and bashes it on Gabriel's head.  With him down, he throws Emilie through a window, and out on the balcony.  Derek charges to slash her, but she moves quickly to avoid it.  She tries to flee.  However, Derek grabs her, and body slams Emilie to the ground.  She yells in pain, as Derek throws her against the railing.  She tries to get up, as Derek approaches her.  Meanwhile, Gabriel gets up, and sees Derek with his wife.  "No.  Leave her alone!!!!!!"  Gabriel yelled, as he goes to save her.  "Stop, Gabriel.  He's too powerful."  Nooroo replied stopping his master.  "But, Nooroo.  Emilie needs me."  Gabriel said.  "And you will help her.  Now is the time, Gabriel.  Listen, say, Nooroo, dark wings rise."  Nooroo replied.  "Why?"  Gabriel asked.  "Just trust me."  Nooroo replied.  "Alright.  Nooroo, dark wings rise."  Gabriel said, as he transforms into Hawkmoth.  The flash of purple light stops Derek from attacking.  He looks inside to see Gabriel, now as Hawkmoth.  Gabriel looks at himself with confusion.  "Wh.....what just happened?"  Hawkmoth asked.  "Unbelievable.  Your energized by the miraculous of Transmission.  It's been ages since I finally get to see a miraculous wielder in action."  Derek replied.  "I'm so confused."  Hawkmoth said.  "No worries.  [points blade at Gabriel].  This won't take long."  Derek replied.  He charges, and kicks Hawkmoth into their fridge.  It hurts his back, as he gets up.  Derek runs to slash him, but Hawkmoth moves out of the way fast.  "Woah!  How did I just do that?"  Hawkmoth asked.  "Stop asking questions, and fight me."  Derek yelled.  He grabs some plates, and starts throwing them at Hawkmoth.  He tries to dodge them, but he gets mostly pummeled by them all.  Out of plates, Derek goes to slash him again.  Hawkmoth dodges it.  As Hawkmoth falls to the ground, his cane falls out.  He turns around to see, and grab it.  Then immediately turns around to dodge another katana attack.  Still confused, Hawkmoth now has a weapon to defend himself with.  He tries to block Derek's katana attacks, but the old man nearly loses control of it.  Derek laughs at how weak Hawkmoth is.  So, he plays dirty.  Snatching his can out of his hands, and whacking him with it.  Basically beating Gabriel with his own weapon.  Back outside, Emilie gets up.  "Hurry, Emilie.  Use the Peacock miraculous to help Gabriel."  Duusu ordered.  "But.....but Derek.  I can't fight him.  Not after all I've done."  Emilie replied.  "You need to put that aside, and help Gabriel.  Now!"  Duuus yelled.  "But this is all my fault, Duusu.  Gabriel is getting hurt because of me.  Derek found us because of me.  I'm the one to blame for all of this."  Emilie cried.  "No!  What you did was the right thing.  And now it's time to finally seal the deal.  Just say, Duusu, spread my feathers, and fight.  Do what's necessary for the vanquish of evil."  Duuus encouraged.  Emilie, while still in guilt, knows what Duusu is right.  She must ends this.  "Ok.  Let's do this.  Duusu, spread my feathers."  Emilie said, as she transforms into Mademoiselle Paon.  Back inside, Hawkmoth gets smashed through the kitchen table.  He lies there beaten pretty badly.  "Hahahahahahahaha.  Amateur.  Do you really think you can defeat me?"  Derek taunted.  "Yes, now that I'm here."  Mademoiselle Paon replied.  Unlike Mayura and Blue Bird, Mademoiselle Paon has normal human skin.  Her mask is blue with purple emeralds in the middle, left and right side.  Her hair has blue strips spiraling down it.  She has a blue dress with blue fur at the bottom.  Purple long gloves with blue fur by the wrist.  Purple leggings covered with the blue dress.  And black high heal boots.  "What a hero?  Deciding to fight me when you don't stand a chance."  Derek said.  "Don't underestimate me, Derek.  I'm doing this.  For Gabriel.  For Adrien.  For my family."  Mademoiselle Paon replied.  She charges, and swings her fan.  Derek dodges it, as he grabs her arm, and throws her onto Hawkmoth.  As Derek goes to slice both in half, they move out of the way.  Hawkmoth swings his cane, but Derek blocks it with his katana.  Mademoiselle Paon swings her fan, but Derek blocks it as well.  He jumps, and kicks down in the gut while in air.  Mademoiselle Paon hits a wall, as Hawkmoth is sent back outside.  Derek goes for Hawkmoth, and as he gets up, Derek kicks him in the face.  Before he grabs his throat, and throws him against the hard ground.  Mademoiselle Paon runs to help her husband.  She jumps high in the sky to get the upper edge.  That's when Derek throws his katana to slice her.  She dodges it, but then Derek jumps high, grabs her neck, and throws her to the ground.  After he gets his katana back, he lands back on the ground safely.  "See.  You two are still weak even with a miraculous.  I don't even need superpowers to take you weaklings out.  Now, to get back what's mine, and continue my quest."  Derek declared.  He goes to get their miraculous right off their inured bodies.  Both try to escape, but Derek stomps on them to prevent them from leaving.  He leans in to get Duusu, but before he can take the miraculous off her, Adrien screams.  Then suddenly, he charges into Derek. He pushes him into the railing, but Adrien isn't strong enough to fully stop Derek. "UGH! Little brat." Derek said, as he punches Adrien off of him. Adrien falls to the ground in pain. "I'll deal with you later. Now, back with...." Derek said. He gets interrupted when Mademoiselle Paon charges, and pushes Derek. This time, he falls. Screaming into the dark, foggy forest.  His screaming stops when they hear a loud thud on the ground.  Then, Mademoiselle Paon falls to the ground in pain. "Mom!  Dad!  Are you, Nooroo, and Duusu alright?"  Adrien asked hoping they are.  "Yes help us inside, Adrien."  Mademoiselle Paon replied.  Adrien helps them up, and takes them inside for help.
After both adults de-transform, they are in there bedroom with the grimoire, and both miraculous.  Emilie looks ashamed, as Gabriel wants answer.  "I assume there was something you've been meaning to tell me, Emilie."  Gabriel said.  "[sighs].  I'm so sorry, Gabe.  I couldn't have told you.  If you knew, you would immediately regret wanting to marry me.  Or wanting to have Adrien."  Emilie replied in shame.  "I probably wouldn't.  But, it's that bad?"  Gabriel asked.  "No.  It's much worse than you think.  Just......please forgive me for what I'm about to say."  Emilie replied.  The moon stays still, then passes a bit in a transition.  "Then I found you, after running for so long."  Emilie admitted.  Gabriel is shocked at this truth.  "Emilie.  That......that is horrible.  So that's why he showed up."  Gabriel replied.  "Yes.  And it would have been my fault if any of you got hurt.  Which you did, so now I feel like a monster now."  Emilie said, as she shed tears.  "It's not your fault, Emilie.  Derek is the one to blame for all of this.  Not you."  Nooroo replied.  "Yeah, but if I didn't steal you guys, he wouldn't have wanted to come here in the first place."  Emilie said crying.  "Like I said.  What you did was the right thing to do.  If he still had us and the book, he would be much closer to getting The Forbidden Power.  But you took us to a better place free from that monster.  Stop putting the blame on yourself, and put it on the real person."  Duusu replied.  "[sheds tears].  But I still feel responsible."  Emilie said.  "When you shouldn't.  Emilie, look at me.  I am someone who wants there truth, and the truth only.  Right now, I hear lies.  Lies that I hate to hear from anyone.  The truth is you aren't a villain.  You are a hero.  A great wife.  A phenomenal mother.  And a heroic human being.  That's the truth I want to hear."  Nooroo replied.  Emilie still cries, as she tries to believe them.  She thinks back to when she ran away from Derek, after slashing his leg.  What she did lead to a better life for her.  With a loving family, and life for herself, and those around her.  Nooroo is right.  She is the hero.  Emilie stops crying.  "You better now?"  Gabriel asked.  "[sniffs].  Much better.  Thank you guys."  Emilie replied cheerfully.  Gabriel hugs his wife, and the kwamis join in for extra support.
One year later, the Agreste are at another vacation home in Italy.  This is a beautiful home with an open stone platform surrounded by rocks to the ocean.  It's the best place to sit back and relax.  And the house is wonderful as well.  With hunting decor, and much more.  At the home, Felix comes along.  Adrien is happy to see his cousin again.  Hopefully Felix wont' freak out if he sees the kwamis.  Which won't be an issue, since Gabe and Emilie have a hold of them.  "Thanks again for letting Felix come along.  I can understand why you two couldn't make it due to Colt's illness, but you knew Felix would be upset missing this.  Call you guys in the morning.  Bye bye."  Gabriel said, as he hangs up.  Inside, Felix and Adrien get into their rooms to get unpacked.  As for Emilie, she is a bit unsettled.  "You ok, dear?"  Gabriel asked.  Emilie stays silent, but scared.  "Is it because of Derek?"  Gabriel asked.  "And The Void.  I still feel awful for what I did, and......I'm paranoid if he comes back, and...."  Emilie replied.  "Honey.  He's gone.  You pushed him off a balcony high in the mountains.  There is no way anyone can survive that."  Gabriel said.  "I'm still worried, Gabe."  Emilie replied.  "Don't be.  Look, let's just go inside, and enjoy what we have."  Gabriel said.  Emilie smiles in order to stay positive.  "Ok.  Let's go."  Emilie said, as she and Gabriel go inside.  As they enter, the day passes by, until it stops at a near sunset.  Inside the home, everyone is eating dinner.  "Yum.  Great job with this spaghetti recipe, Nathalie."  Emilie said.  "Thank the Italians.  They know how to make create pasta.  [eats more].  You enjoying yours, Adrien and Felix?"  Nathalie asked.  "[slurps pasta].  Delicious.  Very well seasoned."  Felix replied.  "Yeah.  And yummy."  Adrien said.  Nathalie smiles.  "It was sweet of your Father to use his vacation, despite how he is feeling."  Gabriel replied.  "The things money can buy you.  But he's also sweet, unlike some rich people out there.  Most of them are generic like, I'm rich, so bow before my status.  Just, shut up.  My Father isn't like that at all.  Sure he's busy, and can sometimes loses his temper, but he at least knows when to stop when needed.  Same with you, uncle and aunt.  You both are so nice everyone around you.  It makes me happy, as I'm sure it makes Adrien happy."  Felix said.  "Awww.  Thanks, Felix."  Emilie replied.  The gang continues to eat, until they finish up.  As they do, Adrien sees the sun starts to set.  "Hey, Mom look.  The sun looks so pretty."  Adrien said.  "Ohhhh it does.  Let's go get a picture of it.  That is definitely one for the photo book."  Emilie replied.  The two of them go out, as Felix stays behind to help clean up.  Outside on the massive stone platform, Adrien and Emilie take a selfie.  "And CHEESE!!!"  Emilie said, as she takes the picture.  "[looks at photo].  That's beautiful."  Adrien replied.  "Indeed.  Definitely going in the photo album."  Emilie said.  After she puts her phone away, they both look at the sunset.  It's gorgeous.  And the sea in front of them adds the beauty of the sun.  It's enough to make Adrien cry, and he holds his Mom by his side.  Both of them cry at the sight of the sun.  Even Duusu in Emilie's pocket.  "Mom, promise me we will have more moments like this in the future"  Adrien said.  "Absolutely, my son.  Of course we will."  Emilie replied.  And so, the two go to hug each other.  Then out of no where, Adrien gets slashed in the back.  He screams, as he falls to the ground.  "ADRIEN!!!!!!"  Emilie screamed in horror.  She looks at her baby's back, which is gushing blood.  And then looks up, and is horrified.  Derek standing in front of her with his katana in hand.  She walks back in shock, and horror, as he approaches her quietly.  She is so afraid, she barely even says a word.  So, Duusu has to do it for her.  "HELP!!!!!!!!!!!"  Duusu screamed.  It gets the attention of everyone, as they run outside.  When they do, they stop to see Derek cornering Nathalie.  Gabriel acts fast.  "[runs].  Nooroo, dark wings rise."  Gabriel said, as he transforms into Hawkmoth.  He jumps, and goes to kick Derek, but without even looking at him, he grabs his foot, and slams him into Emilie.  He then goes to slash them both, but Hawkmoth grabs his wife, and takes her away.  "Hurry.  Transform, and help me.  I'll go get Adrien."  Hawkmoth said.  "[tries to refocus].  O....ok.  Duusu,.....spread my.....feathers."  Emilie replied, as she transforms into Mademoiselle Paon.   Mademoiselle Paon is still frightened to fight, as Felix from behind can't believe what he has just seen.  It makes him walk back, and corner behind the sliding door to see this play out.  Hawkmoth grabs his son, who then gets blood all over his costume.  Derek then charges to get the both, but Hawkmoth kicks Derek before he can.  He jumps, and brings his son to Nathalie.  Adrien screams, and moans in pain.  "Quickly.  Take him safe.  I'm begging you."  Hawkmoth said.  "At once, sir."  Nathalie replied.  She tries to carry him in, but the blood makes it slippery to do so.  She needs to hurry fast if she wants to prevent him from bleeding out.  Meanwhile, Hawkmoth fences with Derek.  Crossing their weapons to duel out.  As they fight, Mademoiselle Paon has not moved at all.  She is too afraid to fight.  Hawkmoth front flips over Derek's sword strike, and lands behind him.  Then, he kicks Derek to the ground.  As he gets up, he sees the scared Emilie refusing to fight. Hawkmoth races to get Derek.  Only for him to uppercut Hawkmoth to the ground.  Then he sets his eyes on Emilie.  He races towards her.  As he appears in front of her, she wakes up.  She tries to defend herself, but it's no use.  His katana slashes her body. It gets slashed over, and over, and over again. Derek has fun making his Ex pay for betraying The Void.  However unintentionally, one of the slashes accidentally goes against the Peacock miraculous.  Then, blue lightening, steam, and sparkles fly out.  Derek backs up covering his eyes. Mademoiselle Paon panics, as Hawkmoth watches.  "WHAT'S HAPPENING??!!!!!!!  WHAT DID YOU DO TO DUUSU???!!!!!  GABRIEL!!!!!!  HELP ME!!!!!"  Mademoiselle Pain begged.  Hawkmoth goes to save her, but it's no use.  Derek jumps, and side kicks Hawkmoth in the face.  After he finishes him off, he looks inside there home. He notices the struggling Nathalie, the dying Adrien, and Felix.  Before long, he giggles an evil giggle. Derek grabs Emilie, spins her around, and then.......The Tragedy occurs.  He throws Mademoiselle Paon into the house where Nathalie, Adrien, and Felix stand.  "EMILIE!!!!!!!!!!"  Hawkmoth screamed.  It's too late.  The Peacock miraculous explodes inside the home itself.  Consuming Emilie inside it's cloud of dust. Felix is blown away. As is Adrien, who hits the back of his head hard on a wall.  Hawkmoth watches, and is completely broken.  Derek on the other hand watches with complete silence.  After a while, he turns around to Gabriel.  He approaches him, and then starts to run.  Hawkmoth, infuriated, pulls out his sword from his cane, and pierces Derek, as he runs to him.  Derek coughs from his wound, as Hawkmoth looks at him with anger.  Before he removes his cane, as Derek falls to the ground dying.  Hawkmoth, disgusted at him, throws his body into the ocean.  Only keeping his katana, as Derek sinks.  After that, he immediately runs inside. "Emilie!!!!! Emilie!!!!! Emilie!!!!!" Hawkmoth screamed. As the dust settles, Hawkmoth finds Emilie. De-transformed with her eyes closes. The Peacock miraculous is fine, but suffers from cracks on it. "Emilie. [holds Emilie]. Emilie. Emilie. [gets scared]. Emilie, please open your eyes. Please, Emilie. Open them. [doesn't answer. Gabe starts to shake her]. Emilie. Emilie please listen to me. Em....[realizes the damage, and cries].....Emilie......Emilie." Hawkmoth said, as he cries holding Emilie in his arms. Natalie rises from the explosion. Hurt, but luckily ok. She sees Gabriel crying with Emilie in his hands. It's enough to make anyone cry in despair.
    We go back to present day. "And [tears drip on coffin] that is how I lost her." Gabriel said, as he cries. Nooroo does as well over how heartbreaking the story has affected him. Lila is speechless after everything she has heard. "Oh......Gabriel. I'm.....I'm so sorry." Lila said showing sympathy. Gabriel continues to cry on his wife's coffin. "[thinks]. So, if Emilie died, what happened to Adrien and Felix?" Lila asked. "[stops crying]. Well [in flashback] Adrien miraculously survived his injuries. [Adrien slowly opens eyes. He is in a hospital bed, and a gown]. "[sees him wake up]. A....ADRIEN!!!!!! [hugs his son]. ADRIEN!!!!!! I'M SO GLAD YOUR OK!!!!!! I WAS SO SCARED!!!!!!" Gabriel cried.  Unfortunately, there was a price to pay. "Hey mister. [Gabriel gets off his son]. Wh......who are you? Who is her? Wait? Who am I? How did I get here?" Adrien asked confused. I was heartbroken. This generally made everything worse than before. When we took him home, Nathalie and I planned to tell him everything. Except, I couldn't bare seeing him cry over what happened to his Mom, and himself. It was hard to accept. So, there was one thing I could do to fix this. "[clears throat]. Adrien Agreste. I am your Father, Gabriel Agreste. You call me Father or Dad, and obey every order I give you. No matter what you say, you always obey." Gabriel said. I told him he never had any birthdays. Never went to school. Never made friends, except for Chloe. I made him believe, his entire life was just here at home. [looks outside]. I refused Adrien to be harmed the way he did that day. So, I homeschooled him, and made him believe he always was homeschooled. As for Emilie, I told Adrien they had a healthy relationship, and she was a great Mom. But I didn't tell him any memories about them. I caped it all off by telling him she died of a disease. He was affected, but it's better than to see him learn the real way she died. For Felix, his memories weren't that big of a deal. I gladly told him all they been through like tricking us, their basketball shooting contests, etc. As for the scar on his back, I fix that. [Gabriel watches special doctors work on Adrien's back. Once they are done, the scar is barely noticeable. Gabriel smiles, as he pays them big for this]. Since then, I've been extra protective. [inputs high tech security system]. More protective of Adrien. [hires Gorilla to watch over him]. And more emotionless as time went on. If anyone came to my home, I immediately kicked them out. Especially if they were people who knew my son. [Gabriel yells at Gavin, Sam, and Peter to leave. Adrien sees this happen]. "Father, why did you yell at those boys?" Adrien asked. "Ignore them, and get back to work, Adrien." Gabriel ordered. [Adrien walks away sad, as Gabriel sighs at his choice]. And if anyone did ask me about my wife, or my grimoire, I always covered it up. [Gabriel explains to Marinette he found the book on a water trip with his wife in The Collector(canon. Rewatch that scene if needed)]. The only thing that could regain his memory was my wife's memory book. But it was still hard for me to accept the pain. So, I hid it, and the katana in my study. Nowhere to be found. [Finally, the painting in the middle of the staircase was a big photo of Gabriel, Emilie, and teenage Adrien. Now, it's just Adrien and his dad wearing black, and looking sad]. After three months of her passing, I was doing what I always do. I signed Adrien up to be a model to carry his Mom's work, as I designed. But after all that time, I still missed her. She is the reason I am here now. I refused to accept her death. I spent days scrolling through the grimoire to find a way to save her. Anything that can help her. It was no use. Until I looked at one page of the book. One that would be the key to save my wife. A wish. I vowed to save Emilie with the power of the Butterfly miraculous. So after building my chamber, I knew what I had to do. [places wife in chamber, and closes it]. "Nooroo, dark wings rise." Gabriel said, as he transforms into Hawkmoth. I had to get those miraculous to save my wife, and make my family happy again. [end flashback]." Gabriel replied. Lila is now in even more shock. "Wait. So, you mean to tell me you've been lying to Adrien this entire time?" Lila asked. "Yes to protect him. But now you know the real reason why. I was not protecting Adrien from a dangerous world. I was protecting him from ever feeling that same pain ever again." Gabriel replied. "Oh my God! [silence for fifteen seconds]. But, that doesn't explain what happened to Felix." Lila said. "Oh. [in flashback]. Let's just say, he suffered a more........horrific fate. [Back at the Italy vacation home, Felix has been impaled by elk antlers. He dies after bleeding out to death]. I couldn't let Colt, or Amelia find out. No one could know about this, except for Nathalie and I. However, there was one way to cover this up. [using the Peacock miraculous, Gabe puts an amok into one of his wedding rings. With Duusu's power, he creates an identical sentimonster of Felix]. Felix Fathom, I am your uncle. You exist to be the son of Colt and Amelia Fathom. A good loving cousin to my son, Adrien. And have no memory of the events Derek Malcom has created." Gabriel ordered. "Yes, master." Felix replied. [end flashback]." Gabriel replied. Lila is shocked even more. "While I was injured, I managed to feel better after a few days. And now, I stand here. A man trying to do what needs to be done to bring his family back together as one." Gabriel replied.

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