Brute Bully

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At the secret warehouse where Team Miraculous meets nowadays, we see our team chatting during their free time. Once again, it's a good way to get to know each other, as well as bond now that they are the protectors to the city. However, all the attention is on Polymouse, who has a crowd of heroes around her asking her about the events of Mimic. "So you turned into a giant hand to crush Mimic?" King Monkey asked. "Uhhh, more like mini mes forming a hand to squash him." Polymouse replied. "No way. That's so cool." Bunnix said. "Why didn't you try that before?" Queen Bee asked. "I'm not sure. I don't think I've ever been that small before." Polymouse replied. "Either way, that was such an awesome attack. Can you image how easy we can crush Farfalla's villains now?" Caprikid asked. "Absolutely. Like Ladybug and Cat Noir said, day by day, we grow stronger by the second." Polymouse replied. "Right on, Polymouse. Right on." Blue Bird said. Their talk gets cut when Su Han steps up on stage. "Ok everyone. [everyone keeps talking]. QUIET!!! [silence breaks into the room]. Better. Now, I think so if not all of us are aware of Farfalla's latest attack a few days ago? The one with Mimic if I'm correct." Su Han asked. They heroes all answer yes. It was Mimic. "Very well then. In addition, I'm also aware that Polymouse stopped him by turning into a giant hand." Su Han said. "Um, correction. A giant hand made of mini mes." Polymouse replied. "Thank you for that. So coming from the hero herself, that actually happened correct?" Su Han asked. "Yes it did." Polymouse replied. "Ok. Ok. Well, you weren't able to do that at all." Su Han said. "What do you mean?" Polymouse asked. "Congratulations Polymouse. You, along with Ladybug and Cat Noir, have found out your powers hold more than you think. In other words, you officially got a power upgrade." Su Han replied. The heroes gasp in surprise at this news. "A power upgrade?" Polymouse asked. "Indeed. The time has come I reveal something to you all. When you all got your miraculous, you believed they would be just simple jewels that grant one power, then once used, you have five minutes before transforming back. Yeah, that's not all of it. As we guardians learned from the man who created the miraculous, he left behind a secret we weren't aware of until back in the Egyptian times. That the miraculous holders can get an advance on their superpowers, making them more powerful than before. For instance, Ladybug only summoned a lucky charm, and captures the akumas. Now a while ago, she can now start to create more than random objects. She can now create, the magical charms." Su Han replied. The heroes are even more impressed. "However, it's only magical charms, for the time being. She'll learn to achieve the next stage in her powers when she is ready for it." Su Han said. "Well, am I close to it?" Ladybug asked. "Not at all." Su Han replied. "Ouch! Brutally honest." Blue Bird joked. "HEY! Silence. [Blue Bird shuts his mouth]. The only difference in this are two things. One, only Ladybug and Cat Noir get a new design in their suits once they use their powers. For the rest of you temp heroes, as well as the other miraculous around the world, they stay in the same outfit. And two, you guys only have two stages on your power upgrade. The first one gives you an upgrade in your power, while the second not only gives you another upgrade, but infinite use of your powers to go with it. Oh and also, you don't have a time limit." Su Han explained. "Hey! That doesn't seem fair. You said Cat and I only have four stages til we reach our full potential." Ladybug pointed out. "Once you reach your full potential, you and Cat Noir will be like Gods and Goddesses. It's not just infinite creation and destruction. You both can fly. I'm serious." Su Han explained. "Oh cool." Cat Noir said. "But you'll get there when the time comes. Til then, Polymouse has set the table for you all. I want you all to reach your first stage on your own.  It will help you become an impressed, and more powerful superhero.  This concludes out check up. You all are dismissed." Su Han replied. And so, Ladybug and Cat Noir leave with the heroes to get their miraculous.

    Afterwards, we see the entire class, minus Alya, Luka, and Kagami, all chilling in a quad area(If you seen the Season 5 episode, Deflagration, the area where Monarch is about to win, that's where they are. Just for clarification). They either chat, draw, or just have a good time together. "Still can't believe we are all about to graduate soon. Who knew the school year would fly by so fast." Max said. "It's bizarre. And next year, you guys won't even see me anymore. By graduation time, I'll be back home in Chicago." Jack replied. "It's a shame you have to leave, but we understand. You are a good friend after all. Minus your apparent anger issues." Nathaniel said. "I insist if you don't speak out my issues. It's personal." Jack replied. "My bad." Nathaniel said. "So, do you guys have any plans on where to go yet?" Jack asked. "Well I knew Mylene and I are going to the same school. Man, I just love being with my little sweetheart." Ivan replied. "So what made you two become a couple in the first place?" Jack asked. "She just touched me heart for awhile. Granted, I too had anger issues back in the day when Hawkmoth first showed up. But thanks to her calming personality, I've gotten much better. Now I'm here to protect her, and help support her all the way." Ivan replied. "True love is a beautiful thing. Even if some love is a bit ridiculous." Jack said, as he looks at Marinette. "So do you have the hots for someone Jack?" Nino asked. "I focus more on myself than love. I'm waiting til marriage when I become successful. You know, so I can support a family, and a woman I want to be with for the rest of my life." Jack replied. "That's fair." Nino said. "Speaking of love, how's Alya doing? She doing any better?" Nathaniel asked. "Oh, she's alright. She still needs more time recovering from her broken rib, but the doctors said she will be out soon. Plus, her fear of Essence seems to be doing great. Day by day, she gets stronger. [in flashback]. Heck yesterday, she felt so healthy, and sane. She wasn't scared, ill, or anything negative. We had a great time together. [both laugh, as they spend time together]. Despite our breakup, we seem to be on good terms again. [end flashback]. And that's all I could ever ask for." Nino replied. "Glad to see she's alright. Hopefully she'll be here when graduation comes along. Still can't believe we are almost there." Jack said, as he looks up at the sky.

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