Crocoduel 2.0

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Adrien is in the kitchen eating some pancakes, as Gabriel cooks them.  Adrien savors the pancakes, and smiles as he devours them.  Gabriel, hearing his son being happy, smiles as well.  "So, Adrien.  I heard that your school prom is coming up pretty soon.  Since this is a big time for you, I was wondering, do you have any girls you are interested in taking?"  Gabriel asked.  "Come on Dad."  Adrien replied.  "Come on.  I remember my prom.  It wasn't with your Mother, but someone else that you know.  Audrey."  Gabriel said.  "As in, Chloe's Mom?"  Adrien asked.  "Yep.  We weren't dating at the time, but decided to go just as friends.  Then, as you know, we found people who best suited us."  Gabriel replied.  "Yeah.  And then Mom, passed away."  Adrien said sad.  "I know she's gone, but... she will forever live in our hearts.  Besides, I'm sure she's proud of her young man right now."  Gabriel replied.  "I bet she is.  And I hope she will be, when I ask Marinette to the dance."  Adrien said.  "Hold up, you want to ask Marinette to the dance?  The pigtailed one?"  Gabriel asked.  "Well... ok fine.  Not only do I want to ask her, but... I like her.  Like, like, like her."  Adrien replied.  "No way!  My son is in love?"  Gabriel asked.  "Your not... upset with me are you?"  Adrien asked back.  "Not at all.  Son, you didn't tell me your in love.  That's so awesome for you.  Ohhh, did you ask her out?  Held her hand?"  Gabriel asked wanting answers.  "Gabriel, chill for a second.  Your making your son feel uncomfortable."  Nathalie replied coming in to save the day.  "Oh sorry.  Please, Adrien.  Explain if you want."  Gabriel said.  "We did go on a few dates.  Swimming pool, movies, Ferris wheel, which nearly killed us.  But, I did mange to hold her hand once.  It was dumb of me, but she didn't seem that uncomfortable about it.  Who knows?  Maybe she will be the one for me.  If not, that's fine.  Though the heartbreak will hurt."  Adrien replied.  "I'm sure she'll be lucky to have you."  Gabriel said.  "[smiles].  Thanks Dad.  [phone rings].  Ohh, I have to go.  The band is about to play.  I'll see you guys afternoon."  Adrien replied, as he leaves.  Once gone, and out the door, the adults can now chat.  "How was that?  Too much?"  Gabriel asked.  "You were a little too obsessive over your son.  Granted, that is how most Dad's react to their son's love life.  Still, you can do better."  Nathalie replied.  "I will."  Gabriel said.  "Now onto business.  Have you decided whether to quit or not?"  Nathalie asked.  "I'm still thinking.  It's such a hard choice in the end.  I really want Emilie to come back after that monster took her out, but now, I also want to be the loving Dad I was to Adrien.  Me wanting to help get Emilie back makes my son hate these akumas.  But my son hating these akumas make me have to stop chasing Emilie.  No matter what I choose, there will be a price to pay.  I plan to come up with a decision soon.  I promise."  Gabriel replied.  "I understand sir.  But if you ask me, try to make the choice that will make this family better.  It's what Emilie would have wanted."  Nathalie said.  Nathalie leaves, as Gabriel sighs as not making a decision.

Adrien runs his way to Luka and Juleka's houseboat, where the band is getting ready to start their show.  In addition to Kitty Section's members, Luka, Julkea, Ivan, and Rose, the others include Marinette, Alya, Nino, Jack, Chloe, and Mylene.  Adrien then makes his way onboard ship.  "Sup guys."  Adrien said.  "Hey, Adrien.  How are you?"  Luka asked.  "Ohh just here to listen to another great show.  From the coolest batch of friends I've ever had.  [looks at Marinette].  Hey Marinette."  Adrien replied.  "Hey, Adrien.  [gets up to greet him, but then she trips, and falls.  Adrien grabs her arms to save her, and then both blush.  Marinette gets up].  I mean, thanks for saving me."  Marinette said.  "Yeah, [laughs romantically] not a problem my Queen, no, uhhh, Marinette."  Adrien replied.  "Did you just call her your Queen?  Not bad, Adrien."  Jack asked.  "Uhhh, no I didn't say, uhhh, Luka, I need you for a second."  Adrien panicked.  He grabs Luka by the arm, and drags him downstairs.  The other look confused.  "What was that?"  Rose asked.  "Either Adrien has a weird way of greeting people, or, [in whisper] something that makes me realize something mind blowing."  Jack replied.  Down below, Adrien sits next to Luka on the couch.  "Your what?!"  Luka asked shocked.  "Yes, in love with your Ex.  I hope that doesn't mean you'll hate me, or anything."  Adrien replied.  "Not at all dude.  But back on topic.  You love her?"  Luka asked.  "Yes.  She was just a friend to me, but as time went on, I soon developed... feelings for her.  Feelings that suddenly make me act strange.  Not all the time though, but at rare times.  Still makes me look like a fool."  Adrien replied.  Luka then puts his hand on Adrien's shoulder, and closes his eyes.  He does this for about ten seconds.  "Yeah, I see what you mean.  You have an affection for Marinette."  Luka said.  "Yes I do.  First of all, don't tell anyone please."  Adrien replied.  "I won't."  Luka said.  "Good.  Second of all, although I can act chill around her for the most part, I still worry I will mess up.  Sure, I can use confidence to help me, but this is something I've never really done before.  I faced difficult challenges, difficult assignments, heck, even times where my confidence broke.  But love?  Not at all."  Adrien replied.  "I believe everything you say, Adrien.  Everything.  But it seems your worried about breaking her heart, or making a joke out of yourself.  That was similar to Chloe for me.  When she feel in love with me, she started acting strange.  Acting like a clown, similar to what you say you are.  But I simply told her she needs to find a way to maintain her cool.  Relax whenever she is in situations like this.  And thanks to that, as well as some cute moments between us, we are now a couple.  So, all you need to do is keep that confidence because I agree it's very useful, but also know when to chill out when worried.  Without both, you wouldn't be here right now."  Luka said.  "[hugs Luka].  Thanks Luka.  You really are a dope mentor.  Uhh, your ok with me hugging you right?  Adrien asked.  "[hugs him back].  I'm not uncomfortable at all, Adrien.  Not one bit."  Luka replied.  After a few more seconds of hugs, they let go.  "Better get back upstairs.  The show will begin soon."  Luka said.  Adrien and Luka leave, with Luka smiling for Adrien.  Not only for his love life, but also the fact that as Cat Noir, he is not depressed, or miserable.

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