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Adrien doesn't answer.  He only stands there in horror.  "Hello, Cat Noir?  I said, are you scared now?"  Essence asked.  Adrien still doesn't say a word.  He's horrified out of his mind.  "Hello.  Answer me."  Essence taunted.  "What do you want, Essence?"  Adrien asked.  "Ah finally.  About time.  Me finding out your secret identity isn't that big of a deal."  Essence replied.  "Answer my question.  What do you want, Essence?"  Adrien demanded.  "Still confident?  I'm surprised."  Essence replied.  "Answer my question now!"  Adrien yelled.  "Woah, chill.  As you wish.  Meet me at Hank's Coco Corp, and you'll get your answer."  Essence replied.  "Hank's Coco Corp?  But it's abandoned."  Adrien said.  "Exactly.  Oh, bring anyone else, I'll release the video.  Just try to get away from this pickle"  Essence replied, as he hangs up.  "Wait, come back."  Adrien begged, but it's too late.  "What was that?"  Plagg asked.  "Plagg, Essence knows.........I'm Cat Noir."  Adrien replied in fear.  "WHAT??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  Plagg screamed.  "Hush Plagg.  He wants to meet us at Hank's Coco Corp.  Now.  Plagg, claws out."  Adrien replied, as he transforms into Cat Noir.  He leaves his house, and runs along.
Cat Noir arrives at Hank's Coco Corp. An abandoned chocolate factory surrounded by waste. The smell almost makes Cat Noir barf. Despite it, he must go inside. So, he jumps along. Inside, the factory it a dark mess. There are eight big mixing pots of chocolate on the ground, a cat walk where Cat Noir is standing now, and chain hooks handing from the ceiling. The cat walk also has staircases that continue the catwalk closer to the pots. With one catwalk over the batches of chocolate. Just in case. "Ok, Essence. I'm here like you asked. Just me, myself, and I." Cat Noir said. "Perfect. [lands on catwalk]. I'm surprised you obeyed my demand. Thought you would be too freaked out your mind to show up." Essence replied. "I am still just looking at you." Cat Noir said. "As you should." Essence replied. "Shut it." Cat Noir said. "Hey, I'm not the one who got his identity revealed. Speaking of which, your probably asking what's up with that." Essence replied. "I am. How did you get that?" Cat Noir asked. "Simple. Remember how Ladybug found out I know the identities of her entire team? I performed it in the exact same way. Simply filming you losers without realizing." Essence replied. "How so? We would have seen you." Cat Noir asked. "I'm skilled in my own right, Cat Noir. It's what separates me from everyone else here." Essence replied. "Wait........if you found out mine, then you must know Ladybug's too." Cat Noir said in even more fear. "Actually no. I don't. [Cat is shocked]. For some reason, I couldn't get a chance to find her de-transforming. So far, she and Blue Bird are the only ones truly safe from me." Essence replied. "And Bunnix." Cat Noir said. "You mean, Alix Kubdel? Yeah. Don't think so." Essence replied. "Ok. So, you know who I am, and have video evidence to prove it. What will you do? Expose me?" Cat Noir asked. "[laughs]. Not at all. Truth is, I'm a man who loves to play with his prey. I take all the time I need with it, and have as much fun as I possiblely can. Until.......I get tired of it. In context, I'm not going to expose you. You now are aware I know who you are, and any help will end up getting you exposed is perfect. It makes you feel trapped in a cage. Unable to escape my grasp." Essence replied. "So then, what will you do with me?" Cat Noir asked. "Something that will destroy you mentally and physically. You will be pushed to your limit. And it's going to be a joyride seeing you breakdown. After all, now that I know your little secret, I know everyone you care about. [Cat Noir gasp in horror]. But, they are safe from me. Here's my intentions. For now on, you will be my.....taskmaster." Essence replied. "Taskmaster?" Cat Noir asked. "In other words, I'll assign you one new task per day. You have until 6:00pm to finish it. With evidence proving you did it. And if you refuse to do it, well, I think there will something unexpected coming to the citizens of Paris." Essence replied, as he laughs. Cat Noir stands there in disbelief, and horror. "Now because I'm generous, I'll give you a head start. Your first assignment is simply this. Your Father has a grimoire full of miraculous data in it. I want you to give it to me." Essence ordered. "A grimoire. Wait, you mean, the grimoire full of the guardian's secret information?" Cat Noir asked. "Exactly that. You give it to me, and your good to go. That's it." Essence replied. "I don't know. If I give you that will have so much information to use." Cat Noir said. "I get it. You don't want me to know, since I am apart of The Void. And I'm sure that book will help me get The Forbidden Power. So, I understand if you don't want to get me it. I guess I'll just...." Essence replied. "NO, WAIT!!!!! [sighs]. I'll do it." Cat Noir said. "Excellent. Have the book here by six in the evening, or before hand." Essence replied. "Yes." Cat Noir said, even though he doesn't want to. Cat goes to leave. "Oh, and Cat Noir. [Cat turns around]. You tell anyone this, they too will suffer alongside you." Essence threatened. Cat gulps, as he leaves.
The next day at the psychiatric ward, it's breakfast. Alya is once again sitting by herself, at a different table, eating cereal only with her hands. No utensils thanks to her trauma. She tries her best this time to avoid everyone else eating, and using their utensils. She also prays Dennis and his gang of creeps don't come in again. "Morning, Alya." Nick said. Alya screamed. "Woah! Didn't mean to scare you. Just a simple hello." Nick said. "Oh, Nick. It's you." Alya replied. "Yes it's me. Mind if I sit with you?" Nick asked. "Sure." Alya replied. Nick sits down. "So how's your morning?" Alya asked. "Not good.  Just like ever morning I spend here.  And I've only been here for a few days."  Alya replied.  "I'm so sorry to hear that.  Is it because of Dennis?"  Nick asked.  "Yeah.  That warthog.  And how this place is a psychotic torture mechanism that doesn't help me get through my worse pain."  Alya replied with fear and anger.  "To cheer you up, Tim told me he moved him and his pals to another floor.  They will still cause the same chaos, but at least you won't be hurt."  Nick said.  "Tim told you?  But, he doesn't see us as his friends."  Alya asked confused.  "Except me.  I get street cred since I'm a solider.  He has respect for the military.  That, and my good behavior.  Could be out of here by next week."  Nick replied.  "Lucky.  Thanks to this......mental nightmare, my stay will probably be longer than ever.  Also, I appreciate you being nice to me, but why are you so nice especially to me?  Not that I'm saying you should stop, it's just you gave me those vibes."  Alya asked.  "Isn't it obvious?"  Nick asked back.  "What?"  Alya asked back.  "I know your Alya Cesaire.  Thee Alya Cesaire.  The one who was captured by Essence, and...."  Nick replied.  "NO!!!!!  NO!!!!!!!  GET HIM AWAY IF HE IS HERE!!!!!!  THAT DEMON!!!!!"  Alya screamed.  "Hey, woah.  Relax.  He's not here.  [Alya calms down].  Wow!  Even saying the name freaks you out."  Nick realized.  "Yes.  I don't want to talk more about it.  Just, don't say his name, or use sharp tools.  It.......reminds me of traumatizing stuff."  Alya replied.  Nick is shocked at how messed up Alya is from that one experience.  "Well, look.  I apologize for hurting you.  I just want to make sure your safe because of that.  Wasn't the first time I dealt with traumatized people before.  I mean, I heard he was a brutal psychopath, and it must have been an awful experience being with him.  I better stop, so you don't freak out.  Not like the guys here would care."  Nick said.  "Thank you.  At least someone here cares for my pain.  But, what you mean by they won't care."  Alya asked.  "Look around you.  The guards see us as freaks.  Even me.  We all had tragic experiences that made us this way, and brought us here.  They only see us as pawns to keep locked up instead of people to cure.  Like, look over there."  Nick pointed.  Nick points to a lady who is moving around like a phantom, and making ghost howls.  "That is Anna.  AKA, Ancestral Anna.  We gave each other nicknames.  She thinks she is a ghost roaming this place.  Even tried to phase through the wall a few days ago.  It's weird, but to her defense, she's like that after surviving a gas leak event in a nursing home.  Poor soul.  Also whatever you do, don't let her know what your afraid of.  She will use it to haunt you."  Nick said.  Nick then points to another patient.  "There is Mike.  Multi Mike for a nickname.  He has multi personalities.  Not sure how many he has now.  Rumor has it one of his personalities murdered someone.  It drove the man, or men insane, and he got locked up among us animals."  Nick said.  He points to another one.  "Right over there is Dana.  We nicknamed her Delusional Dana.  She basically sees herself as someone else.  A different being.  Similar to Anna, except she doesn't act like a spirit.  Not sure how she got here, but Tim did tell me it was so bad, he couldn't even repeat it."  Nick said.  Nick points to another one in a wheelchair.  "There is Willy.  Wheel Willy as we nicknamed him.  Rumor he tried to drown his grandson, and the kid shot him in the kneecaps to stop him.  He mostly stays silent, and doesn't move at all."  Nick said.  "Wow!  I honestly feel bad for some of these guys.  They all look so........broken."  Alya replied.  Yes.  Just like Alya herself.
We continue the Chloe and Kagami story back at the hotel Chloe lives at.  "Ok, so according to the manga, true love has to be obtained nice and slowly.  Not fast paced, or any of that.  It's all about taking your time, and making the most of it.  If you go too fast, you spoil it completely."  Kagami said.  "Agreed."  Chloe replied.  "Now, as you said, your not sure if you really love Luka or not.  So, today we are going to put that through the test.  We'll start off nice and simple.  Your going to go to Luka today, and ask him to hangout.  Just as buddies."  Kagami said.  "Wouldn't that be a friend thing?"  Chloe asked.  "Exactly.  Right now, your Luka's friend, and friend only.  But the more time you spend as friends, the more you can start to see if you love him.  Basically, it won't make you feel weird that you love him, but he sees you as a friend."  Kagami replied.  "Fair point.  What if he says no thought?  GOD!  That would be so embarrassing if I do love him."  Chloe panicked.  "Relax.  If he says no, your response should be, ok, that's fair.  Not everyone can hang out, so you just accept it, and try again later."  Kagami replied.  "Right?  [deep breath].  I never knew love can be this nerve racking."  Chloe worried.  "Your just feeling anxious, Chloe.  Anxiety is a poison to beginning a relationship.  You just need the confidence to go out there, and get what you want."  Kagami replied.  "Just like Luka did for me."  Chloe said.  "Exactly like that."  Kagami replied.  "Well if I am going to do this, can we at least practice so I don't look like a clown?  Maybe then my anxiety will be gone."  Chloe asked.  "Absolutely.  [stomach growls].  But first, can we get some breakfast?  I'm a bit hunger."  Kagami asked back.  "Yes."  Chloe replied.  The two girls leave to enjoy a meal, before they go to work.
As they chow down, Adrien sits on his couch in complete horror.  "I still can't believe this is happening.  This has to be a dream or something.  Holy crap!  What if Ladybug finds out?  We saw what happened to the heroes when Essence found out. Does that mean she will have to take you away from me?"  Adrien worried.  "Yes.  Oh God!  I don't want to lose you.  I never want to lose you, Adrien.  We have to do something about this."  Plagg replied.  "Well you heard Essence.  If we try to disobey, or refuse, something unexpected will come to Paris, and I'm sure it's the video."  Adrien said.  "So we just obey him?"  Plagg asked.  "We really have no choice."  Adrien replied.  "Ok, that's insane.  We can't let this psycho take control of our lives."  Plagg said.  "He has a video of me de-transforming.  He has the perfect tool to ruin my life.  Plus, if we do ask for help, Essence said they will suffer like me."  Adrien replied.  "God, he's good."  Plagg yelled.  "He is.  And if we are going to avoid being exposed, we have to give him the grimoire."  Adrien replied.  "We can't, Adrien.  That book holds almost every secret of the miraculous.  If he gets the book, he is bound to find ways to use it to help him.  As a member of The Void, that will serve as a key to him winning.  Oh God, I'm already starting to see it come true."  Plagg panicked.  Inside Plagg's head, he imagines a burning Paris, people being killed by clawers who don't obey, and Essence's throne right in the middle of the Eiffel Tower.  He laughs, as he watches the world be controlled by his fingertips.  Plagg shivers.  "Now hold on.  The book is in some weird language right?  I think so when I first found it."  Adrien asked.  "That's true.  A language only the guardians know."  Plagg replied.  "So if Essence gets the book, he can't really translate it.  It's an instant fail."  Adrien said.  "True, but he did say he knows all the knowledge of the miraculous.  Remember?"  Plagg asked.  [flashback to Essence 2.0].  "That is because the miraculous have been my main focus my entire life. I have spent years translating and studying the grimoire, and understanding the powers of these creature." Essence said. [end flashback]. "And if he said he studied the grimoire, that means." Adrien said. "He should be able to know how to translate it." Plagg replied. "GOD WHY!!!!!" Adrien lashed out. "See. Whatever we do, we lose." Plagg replied. "I know, Plagg. [deep breath]. But we have no choice. We have to do it. I'm sorry bud." Adrien said. Plagg gets worried, but Adrien is right. They have no choice at all.
    "NO! NO! NO!!!!!!! [throws papers to the ground]. None of these work at all." Gabriel screamed. As he rages, Nathalie coughs more. Very loudly, and dying like. "And now your sickness is worse. My God. What am I going to do? The doctor said you have a week to live, and tomorrow will be one week."  Gabriel worried.  "[coughs].  And Adrien still doesn't know.  As much as I don't want to see him suffer, he has to know, Gabriel.  The longer you wait, the more painful it will become for him."  Nathalie replied.  "I don't want to see him in tears when he finds out your dead."  A Gabriel said.  "[coughs].  He has to know.  He must."  Nathalie replied.  Gabriel still struggles to obey.  It's still hard for him.  "[gets up].  Just, give me some more time to figure this out."  Gabriel said.  "The only way to heal him is to be the Father you were over a year ago, after you tell him." Nathalie replied. Gabriel takes his ideas, and leaves the study in emotions, as Nathalie yawns.  She turns off the lights, and tucks herself into bed.  She takes a nap, which is the perfect cover for Adrien to get the book.  "Do we truly have to do this?"  Plagg asked.  "[sighs].  Yes."  Adrien replied.  Plagg still cowards over guilt.  It's time to begin.  Adrien slowly opens the study door, and peaks inside.  He sees Nathalie asleep.  He slowly closes the door making no sudden sounds at all.  The room is dark, but still visible.  So Adrien can see just fine.  He creeps his way over to Nathalie's bed.  He looks around to try to find the grimoire.  Then a creak sound comes from one of Adrien's steps.  He freaks out quietly, as Nathalie's response is to roll over.  Adrien takes a breather.  He slowly moves again.  More carefully this time.  He is now on the other side of the bed.  He looks at Nathalie, and prays she doesn't get up.  He looks around more, and more, but he cannot find the book.  That's until he looks forward, and sees the book right on the bed.  One problem though.  It's mere inches away from Nathalie's hand.  Adrien gulps, but he has to obey.  He closely moves his hand, even pulling back a bit, to get the book.  When he is about to touch it, Nathalie's hand moves.  It scares Adrien, but it's just a reflex.  Nathalie turns over, so her hands are away from the book.  Adrien waste no time in grabbing the book.  With the book in hand, the mission is over.  He goes to leave with no detection of his presence.  But then, he slips on a book, and creates a loud bang.  A bang so loud it awakes Nathalie.  Adrien panics, so he moves next to the bed, and hides.  Nathalie turns on the light, and looks around.  She sees nothing in there.  Adrien prays that she doesn't notice him, or find out the grimoire is gone.  He covers his mouth to avoid screaming.  Thankfully, Nathalie gives up, and turns off the night.  Adrien sighs in relief, but through a mirror, he sees Nathalie about to turn over again.  If she doesn't feel the book, so will know it's gone.  Adrien freaks out again, until he gets an idea.  He grabs another book, and place it to where the grimoire once was.  So when Nathalie lies down, she can feel a book.  The book does prevent Nathalie from falling asleep, but she just wants to rest.  So she takes the book she thinks is the grimoire, and throws it to the ground.  The thud it makes is like a heartbeat from Adrien.  Finally, Nathalie goes back to sleep.  Adrien once again sighs in relief.  He gets up, and slowly, and especially carefully walks out the room.  He makes it to the door.  He opens it, and closes it quietly.  Now that he has the book, he immediately runs into his room.
"My God, that's horrific."  Alya said.  "Just the morality of war.  Not even my therapy could save those poor souls.  People say horror movies, or gore are terrifying.  They aren't.  War is."  Nick replied.  "No kidding.  So, that wounded you up here?"  Alya asked.  "Oh no.  That was only my first tour of duty.  Though it will never leave my mind.  So, after I got a taste of what war is all about, I didn't want to go back.  I eventually did, but this time, I got us to it.  It will had dark stuff, but it's common out there."  Nick replied.  "Uhhh, how dark?"  Alya asked.  "It's nothing He is use to doing here."  Nick replied.  "Sorry to interpret.  Thanks for not saying.......his name."  Alya said.  "No problem.  Anyway...."  Nick replied.  "Sup Nervous Nick."  Mike said, as he joins them.  "Mike.  What are you doing here?"  Nick asked.  "Oh, Mike's not here.  It's Pauline whose in control."  Pauline replied.  "Pauline?  Did I forget to mention he has female personalities as well?"  Nick asked.  "Not at all."  Alya replied.  "You look, cute today.  Like a hot piece of meat on a grill.  Smoking for attention."  Pauline said, as she makes moves on hime.  "Get off of me.  I'm not interested."  Nick demanded.  "But I got makeup on just for you.  Look at those muscles.  You can do me so well if you say yes."  Pauline said.  "I recommend you don't in front of my friend here."  Nick replied.  "A live show.  Even better."  Pauline said, as she gets a little too excited.  "Please, Pauline, or Mike.  Leave us alone."  Nick demanded.  "Oh come on.  Love me baby boy."  Pauline begged, as she gets aggressive.  And right when she says baby boy, Alya's PTSD returns.  And it's not her Essence PTSD.  It's the one from Dennis.  It freaks her out, as she watches Pauline force herself onto Nick.  She panics with loud deep breathes.  "BOO!!!"  Anna screamed.  Alya screams, and falls to the ground.  "Anna!  What the heck!"  Alya yelled.  "What's wrong?  You afraid of my presence little girl.  Or better yet, my ESSENCE!!!!!"  Anna screamed.  Alya immediately goes into panic mode.  She freaks out, and screams when she hears Essence.  Anna keeps on saying it.  She keeps screaming Essence, Essence, Essence as loud as she can.  Alya backs up into a corner where Anna corners her.  She keeps tormenting Alya by saying Essence, as Alya begs to stop.  Nick keeps getting harassed by Pauline, and tries to keep her from literally tonguing the guy.  As he fends her off, he sees Anna torment Alya.  He immediately kicks into action.  He slaps Pauline off her, and runs.  He grabs Anna, and punches her in the face.  Even tackles her to the ground as well.  Nick looks at her with anger, but since he's a grown man, he spits on her, and removes himself from the situation.  He walks over to a crying Alya.  "Alya.  Alya.  ALYA!!!!"  Nick screamed.  Alya screams back, until she looks at Nick's face.  "It's me.  Deep breathes.  Lots of deep breathes.."  Nick said, to calm Alya down.  Alya obeys, and takes deep breathes.  Trying to relax.  "There.  Good.  You better?"  Nick asked.  "[deep breathes].  A bit."  Alya replied.  "Keep taking them.  As much as you can."  Nick said.  He helps her up, and takes her back to the table.  Where Pauline gets up.  "Uhhh, what happened?"  Pauline asked.  "Ah, Mike.  Your back."  Nick replied.  "I am?  Oh great.  Another one took over?  Was it Pauline?"  Mike asked.  "Yes.  Relax, I took care of her."  Nick replied.  "Ok.  Sorry about that.  I'll try to make it not happen again."  Mike said, as he leaves.  Both Nick, and Alya sit back down.  "So fun fact about Mike.  You have to slap him in order to make him come back.  It happened many times before."  Nick said.  "God, promise me Pauline never does that again.  I think you know why."  Alya replied.  "I'll try.  Same with Anna.  She must have found out your fear of Him over our conversation from earlier."  Nick said.  "[in head].  Please, get me out of this place!  Please!"  Alya begged.
After breakfast, Chloe and Kagami begin.  "Ok, so here's how we will do it.  You will pretend I'm Luka.  Makes sense with the blue hair."  Kagami said.  "But, he has light blue hair, and it isn't all blue."  Chloe replied.  "Whatever.  Pretend I'm Luka.  Say I'm on the houseboat working, and you want to ask me to hang out.  I'll then say, oh cool.  I'm ok with hanging out with you, and that's it.  We then can practice various scenarios with different reactions for extra practice.  Got it?"  Kagami asked.  "I do."  Chloe replied.  "Perfect.  Then let's begin."  Kagami said.  Kagami pretends to be working, and Chloe sees her.  However in her mind, she tries to imagine Luka himself.  When she does, Chloe immediately blushes at him.  She just stands there, and does nothing.  "[notices Chloe].  Um, you going to ask?"  Kagami asked.  "Huh?  Oh right.  Of course.  Sorry."  Chloe replied.  Kagami gets back into character.  Chloe takes a deep breath, and walks over to Kagami.  "Huh?  Oh, yeah Chloe.  What are you doing here?"  Kagami asked.  Chloe managed to walk, but she doesn't speak.  She only blushes.  "[clears throat].  I said, what are you doing here?"  Kagami asked.  Chloe says nothing.  She only blushes.  "Hello, Chloe!"  Kagami yelled.  "What?"  Chloe asked.  "You were suppose to ask me to hang out."  Kagami replied.  "My bad.  I got a little lost in thought."  Chloe said.  "It's cool.  Let's try again."  Kagami replied.  Chloe backs up, and Kagami gets back into character.  Chloe takes another deep breath, and walks forward.  "Hey Chloe.  What brings you here?"  Kagami asked.  Chloe still blushes again, and doesn't say a word.  "Uh, Chloe.  What brings you here?"  Kagami asked.  "Uhhh, uhhhh, uhhhhh."  Chloe panicked.  She runs away from Kagami.  "Oh come on Chloe.  It was just a basic question."  Kagami said.  "I'm sorry.  When you said you'll be Luka, I pretended to see him.  I guess even when I think about him, I get the blushes."  Chloe replied.  "Then try not to think I'm actually Luka.  Just see me as Kagami pretending to be Luka."  Kagami said.  "That won't work because then I'll be talking to Kagami.  I'm trying to pretend I'm talking to Luka."  Chloe replied.  "O.....k.  You have a point.  Well look, try not to blush.  Ok?"  Kagami asked.  "I'll try."  Chloe replied.  Kagami gets back into character, as Chloe gets into position.  With a few deep breathes this time, she walks to Kagami.  "Oh, Chloe.  What brings you to the houseboat?"  Kagami asked.  Chloe tries her best not to blush.  While it may not seem that hard, it is.  She tries to hold it in, but fails.  "Uh, Chloe?"  Kagami asked.  Chloe then squeals, and runs away.  Kagami face palms.  "This is going to take a bit longer."  Kagami said.
Meanwhile, Cat Noir gives the grimoire to Essence inside the abandoned chocolate factory.  "Wow!  It's the real thing.  I didn't think you would have the guts to bring it to me."  Essence said.  "Well, I do.  And I hope your happy.  My kwami and I both agree this wasn't right at all."  Cat Noir replied.  "You should definitely think that because that's the point.  I'm simply making a superhero do acts of evil just for my entertainment.  And now, I have the source material of the miraculous at hand."  Essence said.  "Yes you do.  So, nothing bad will happen?  Like, nothing BAD at all?"  Cat Noir asked.  "You completed the task on time, and I will delivered as promised.  Nothing bad will occur on my end at all."  Essence replied.  "Your serious.  Too be honest I expected you to lie because that's how you are."  Cat Noir said.  "I'm a villain, but I also honor my deals.  It's the slightest bit of generosity you will see from me."  Essence replied.  "Yeah.  So, I can just.......leave now?"  Cat Noir asked.  "What do you want now some cat nip?  Get out!"  Essence replied.  Cat obeys, and leaves.  Before he can go home, his communication box rings.  He answers it.  "Cat Noir.  You need to come quick.  Farfalla created a new villain that's already causing mayhem.  Blue Bird and I are already there.  Where are you?"  Ladybug asked.  Cat Noir panics.  He looks at the factory, and remembers the video Essence has.  It frightens him dearly inside.  "Uh, you have to work without me on this one.  I have important stuff to do."  Cat Noir said.  "What?  We need you, Cat."  Ladybug replied.  "I'm sorry, I just [thinks, before he speaks.  Gets an idea] have an important assignment I'm taking care of.  It will be very long, and probably a couple of days."  Cat Noir said.  "Oh no!  That's not happening.  You can't leave for a couple of days.  Especially keeping me with you know."  Ladybug replied.  "I'm sorry, but it's extremely important.  Plus, you did lie to me about the heroes, so I should get this time off.  To make up for it."  Cat Noir said.  "Uhh.......ok, true.  But seriously?  Can you at least take Blue Bird with you?"  Ladybug asked.  "NO!!!!!  I mean, it's a private mission."  Cat Noir replied.  Ladybug thinks this over the call.  "[sighs].  As much as I refuse to work with this Turkey alone, I'll allow it.  Just because I want us to maintain this relationship as healthy as we can."  Ladybug said.  "Thanks My Lady.  I truly need it."  Cat Noir replied, as Ladybug hangs up.  Cat then gets sad.  Knowing that as long as Essence is here, he cannot fight with Ladybug, nor Blue Bird.  He is......all alone again.
    It's now the afternoon, and it's lunch time at the ward. Alya sits with Nick again, since he is the only one who she can trust. She eats with her hands again, as Nick uses his utensils. "Why are you eating with your hands?" Nick asked. "[gulps]. Trauma. Lots of trauma." Alya replied. "Dear God. Now, I'm not going to ask you how the experience with Him was like, but can you at least tell me how bad was it?" Nick asked. "Uhhh, why exactly?" Alya asked back. "Just in case there is a way I can help you in the future." Nick replied. "Oh, [flashbacks of her screaming when weapons get thrown at her, and Essence laughing it like it's a comedy show]. God it was the most horrific experience of my life." Alya said, as she freaks out. "Oh God! Again, I'm terribly sorry for what happened. All I can say now is, I pray to God you will recover from this. You didn't deserve to be in that position." Nick replied. "Thanks again. I truly needed that." Alya said. The two eat lunch for a moment, until Alya brings this up. "So, what did actually get you sent here?" Alya asked. "First of all, just to clarify, I'm fine with talking about this. So, if you ever ask me again, just know I'll be ok with it." Nick replied. "Ok." Alya said. "Well, my fifth tour of duty is what really sent me here. Very possibly my most terrifying tour I've ever served. What happened was..." Nick replied. Suddenly, a man in a straight jacket bust in screaming. Shouting loudly like a loudspeaker. Some guards try to take him back, but he lashes out like a wild animal. Anna joins in with the screams, and so does Mike. They scream like crazy, until Tim tackles the screaming man to the ground. He takes a syringe, and stabs it in the man's neck. The man slowly stops screaming, and falls asleep. The two guards take the man away from everyone else. "You all saw nothing." Tim said, as he leaves. "Ok, what was that?" Alya asked. "Ralph. Raging Ralph as we call him. He is definitely the most insane among us. Dude lost his mind after nearly dying in a helicopter crash. He's been losing his mind sense. The doctors did try to calm him down, but we all know that's a lie. They probably were experimenting on him, and he tried to escape. Don't worry, they only do that with the most crazy patients. As long as you don't freak out, your fine." Nick replied. "Thank God. Who knows what they do to him." Alya said. "Yeah. There is also some theories he wants to kill us, but that's never going to happen." Nick replied. "Ok. So, Pauline or Mike screams when someone else screams?" Alya asked. "Oh no. That's Steve. Or as I nicknamed it, Steve the Screamer. I also nicknamed Pauline, Pauline the Pursuer if you get it. He tries to inmate people that's all." Nick replied. Right now he inmates Wheel Willy. Just, sitting there doing nothing. "Doesn't seem that serious." Alya said. "Not at all. [ringing sound]. Oh, lunch is over. If we get a chance at dinner time, I can tell you ok?" Nick asked. "Not a problem." Alya replied. They all leave, with Alya staying really close to Nick as they leave. At the same time, she begs this nightmare be put to an end.
    During this afternoon shift, Kagami and Chloe have been practicing the whole time. How is it going? "Uhhh, hi....Luka.....I was......uhhhh." Chloe said, as she runs away. "Seriously? You were so close." Kagami replied. "I'm, SORRY!!!!" Chloe yelled. "I mean, is it that hard to ask someone to hang out with? I do it with Adrien all the time, and I had a massive crush on him." Kagami yelled. "Well it's hard for me ok? I'm trying!!!!" Chloe yelled. "Oh your trying? Yeah! As in, I can barely talk to Luka, who isn't even here, for four hours!!!!" Kagami yelled. "Well love is hard, so try supporting me!!!!!" Chloe yelled. "I was three hours ago!!!!! Now I'm all like, is this girl going to say it or is she too much of a coward to ask!!!!!" Kagami yelled. "[gasp]. Don't call me a coward!!!!! You have terrible advice with love!!!!!" Chloe yelled. "Big words from the girl who can't even ask a simple question!!!!" Kagami yelled. "Oh yeah! Well at least I'm good at making real friends!!!!!" Chloe yelled. "[gasp]. Screw you, Chloe Bourgeois!!!!!!" Kagami yelled. "And screw you too, Kagami Tsurugi!!!!!!" Chloe yelled. The two turn away from each other, and cross their arms. Both still mad at the other person behind them. During this period of anger, the two girls start to slowly lower their temper. As they do, they start to feel a bit bad for yelling at each other. As expressed when Chloe and Kagami make sad faces. Soon, both do regret for yelling. "[struggles]. I'm sorry." Chloe and Kagami said at the same time. Both realize the other's response,and giggle a bit. "Perfect timing." Kagami said. "Yeah." Chloe replied, as she giggles. So does Kagami. "Anyway, sorry for saying you are bad at making friends." Chloe said. "And sorry for saying your bad with love." Kagami replied. "Well, I kind of am, but...." Chloe said. "You're not the worst at it." Kagami replied. "Yeah." Chloe said. "This whole love thing really got a hold of us. Maybe we should take a break, and then try again later. Agreed?" Kagami asked. "Agreed." Chloe replied. The two girls are about to go relax, until someone knocks at the door. "Oh, I'll get it." Chloe said. She answers the door, and is immediately starstruck. Because Luka is the visitor. "Hey, Chloe." Luka said. "Oh, uhhhh, Luka. Hey, buddy." Chloe replied, as she giggles nervously. Kagami hears Luka, and is shocked. She peaks over a corner, and is mind blown at what she sees. "So, uhhhhh, what brings you here? Not like...I was asked you to come here." Chloe said. "I was just doing a delivery, and figured I come say hello." Luka replied. "Oh, how lovely, no, sweet of you. Very sweet indeed." Chloe said. "Hmmm mmmm. Well, see you later." Luka replied, as he goes to leave. Chloe looks over her shoulder at Kagami. "This is your chance. GO!!!!" Kagami whispered. Kagami is right. This is her chance. She takes a deep breath, so she has the confidence needed. "Uh, Luka. [Luka turns around. Chloe freaks out, but tries to relax]. I actually was wondering, uhhhhh." Chloe said. "Wondering what?" Luka asked. "Uhhhhhhhh." Chloe panicked. She looks at Kagami again, who whispers, "You got this." "Ok. [deep breath]. I........I.....[Luka looks confused]......I....[deep breath] I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me tomorrow????!!!!!" Chloe shouted. Luka gets blown away at that question. So is Kagami. "Woah! That's a.....loud question." Luka replied. "It is? I'm so sorry." Chloe panicked. "It's ok. But how.....awkward that was, [Chloe gasp] sure." Luka replied. "Wait, really?!" Chloe asked in shock. "Of course. I have nothing going on tomorrow, so I can hang out. Does ten in the morning work at the houseboat?" Luka asked. "Uhhhh, [looks over Kagami, who nods her head] yes!" Chloe replied. "Rad. See you at ten tomorrow." Luka said, as he leaves. Chloe is blushing again, and stand still. "I'm going to faint." Chloe said, as she falls over, but Kagami catches her. "[takes Chloe inside, and closes door]. Carefully, Chloe. Don't want to break a nail. But did you see that? You asked Luka out, and he said yes." Kagami said. Chloe takes in what Kagami said, and what happened. There, she realizes it's true. She did ask Luka to hangout. "I did it. [smiles]. I did it!!!! I ASKED LUKE OUT!!!!" Chloe cheered. Chloe jumps up and down all happy, as Kagami smiles at her friend's success.
    Inside of Adrien's room, he lies on his bed in complete shame. "Plagg, did I seriously just do that?" Adrien asked. "[struggles]. Yes you did." Plagg replied. "Like, I gave the grimoire, my Dad's grimoire, to Essence?" Adrien asked. "......Yes." Plagg replied. Adrien, after this truth, takes his pillow, and presses his face against it. After letting out a scared scream, he throws it off of him. "Well, at least nothing bad happened." Plagg said. "Doesn't take away I did something horrible, or the fact I can't be with Ladybug." Adrien replied. "About Ladybug. Why did you lie to her about not showing up?" Plagg asked. "It's clear, Plagg. Ladybug is the one truly important person who cannot find out what Essence knows. If she found out, you will be taken away from me. Just like the other heroes. That is why I lied, so I can make sure I'm away from her, until I find a way to get away from this." Adrien replied. "Understood. The best bet is we take out Essence, but proves it's impossible daily. How else will you get away from this?" Plagg asked. "I don't know. Ugh! Now I have to deal with being blackmailed, and staying away from people. It's like Ladybug's Cat Blanc problem all over again, but even worse." Adrien replied. "For now, despite lying, you did give a good excuse to not show up. Maybe we could find a solution soon." Plagg said. "I only hope." Adrien replied. Plagg still hates seeing his kitten all frowning. It makes him sad too. "Then again, with you absent, Blue Bird and Ladybug could finally get along. There is some good there." Plagg said. "As if. I yelled at them twice, plus abused them, and they are still hating each other. The chances that will happen is the chances you get what you want from the lucky charm." Adrien replied. "You never know, Adrien. Things can change. Even at the most unexpected times." Plagg said. Then the two of them hear a car crash outside. They get off the bed, and run to the window. Outside, they are frightened at what they see. Wayhem, Adrien's fan friend, nearly getting impacted by a car. As for the driver, he's dead on impact. The sight affects Adrien mentally. As does Plagg, who tries not to be noticed. Adrien then looks up, and cannot believes what he sees next. Essence, looking over at Adrien. He stands there for a bit, before the walks away. Adrien goes from afraid to then mad and confused.
    As Cat Noir, he runs to the chocolate factory. He bust right inside. "ESSENCE!!!!! ESSENCE!!!!!! I KNOW YOUR HERE!!!!!! YOU HAVE A LOT TO EXPLAIN!!!!!!" Cat Noir screamed. "Relax, kitty. Don't scream so much. You'll lose your voice." Essence replied, as he appears. "What did you do to Wayhem?" Cat Noir demanded. "Wayhem? Whose that?" Essence asked. "Don't play with me! You said nothing bad will happen to the people I love!!! Then I see Wayhem nearly get killed by you!!!!" Cat Noir screamed. "Oh, how do you know I did it?" Essence asked. "I SAW YOU LOOK AT ME FROM MY HOUSE!!!!! Tell me why you didn't honor your part!!!! NOW!!!!!" Cat Noir demanded. "[sighs]. If you insist. I was just trying to show you." Essence said. "SHOW ME WHAT??!!!! HOW BAD YOU ARE???!!!!" Cat Noir yelled. "No. I was trying to show you what happens if you don't obey me." Essence replied. Cat stops being mad, and gets confused. "Wait? You mean, trying to kill Wayhem was.....the punishment I get?" Cat Noir asked. "If you don't listen." Essence replied. "Wait? Wait, wait, wait, wait! So, your saying, you exposing my secret identity.....isn't what you meany by unexpected for the citizens of Paris?" Cat Noir asked. "Pfff, seriously? You really thought I would expose you? Like I said kitty, you are trapped in a cage, as long as you and I only know your secret. It makes you feel alone. Singular. Just, one hero, who is forced......not to call for help." Essence replied. "But, you said my loved ones would be safe." Cat Noir said. "Oh right? I lied." Essence replied. Cat Noir goes into shock. "So, I think you now understand how this works out. Every time you disobey, or refuse to do what I want, I go after someone you love, and do what makes me happy. Very, very, very happy." Essence replied. He starts to laugh sinisterly. All while Cat Noir stands there in disbelief at what is now at stake.

Miraculous Ladybug Season 5: The End of EvilWhere stories live. Discover now