Crank Maze

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Condestructor slams his wrecking at the heroes.  They all dodge it, as Cat Noir extends his staff, and uses it to bash Condestructor in the face.  As he screams in pain, Ladybug goes to wrap him, only for Blue Bird to dash past her on Saucer.  The bird sentimonster pecks into Condestructor's eyes.  Now blinded, the bird flies directly over the villain.  Then, it poops out a giant eye, that doesn't crack on impact, but shatters the helmet of Condestructor.  It also hurts the villain.  The megakaum flies free, so Ladybug let's Condestructor go, to capture it.  Fred turned back to normal, and Saucer grabs him, and helps him down.  "Are you ok, sir?"  Blue Bird asked.  "What even happened?"  Fred asked back.  "Akumatized.  No worries.  My senti and I took care of the situation.  As well as my dear allies Cat and Ladybug of course."  Blue Bird replied.  "Yeah yeah, Blue Bird.  Anyway, here is another magical charm.  I get I can't exactly make one to block the megakumas, but I know I will one day."  Ladybug said.  Then all of the sudden, Bunnix pops out of a portal.  "There!  Did I do it?  Did something new happen?"  Bunnix asked excited.  "Uhhh, no.  We all I saw was a rabbit coming out of it's burrow.  You get what I mean."  Blue Bird replied.  "Dang it!  I was hoping I could see something new."  Bunnix said.  "Maybe next time, Bunnix.  Maybe next time."  Cat Noir replied.  Next time, TechnoDrome returns.  He blast his heavy music, and laughs at all the chaos.  The heroes: Ladybug, Cat Noir, Blue Bird, and Bunnix all watch him.  "Ok, what's the game plan?"  Cat Noir asked.  "I don't know about you, but I'm going into the burrow, to see if I can get a power upgrade.  Burrow."  Bunnix replied, as she uses her powers, and leaves.  "Umm, is it safe for her to do that?"  Blue Bird asked.  "Only if she doesn't change something in the past.  That would led to a deadly consequence, which I don't want anymore of.  It seems we might be at peace, once Farfalla is gone."  Ladybug replied.  "Then what are we waiting for?"  Blue Bird asked.  He uses his fan, and brings back hid buddy Glitch.  "Ok, Glitch.  Go show TechnoDrome how viral us heroes are."  Blue Bird ordered.  The senti obeys, and dashes to the villain.  TechnoDrome spots the sentimonster, and starts blasting at him.  Glitch dodges the attacks, before he rams into TechnoDrome.  Bashing him into a car.  Once done, he goes inside of the villain.  TechnoDrome's electronic suit begins to malfunction.  He volts, and shakes, until in the end, the villain is fried.  Laying on the ground, after a rough attack.  The heroes all stand in front of him, as Blue Bird breaks his chain to get the megakuma.  Ladybug captures it, and XY comes back.  "Great job, Glitch.  I'll see you next time."  Blue Bird said, as he snaps his fingers.  "I must say, you and your sentimonsters have been doing a really good job lately."  Cat Noir said.  "What can I say?  I never really have gotten a change to use my powers that often.  So, I figured why not do it more nowadays."  Blue Bird replied.  "But what matters is that my plans go accordingly, and end things with no chaos."  Ladybug said.  "Relax, Ladybug.  I didn't mean to insult you."  Blue Bird replied.  "It's fine.  It's all fine."  Ladybug said.  Then, Bunnix jumps out her burrow.  "There!  I had to have done something so awesome."  Bunnix said.  "Nope."  Blue Bird replied.  "Dang it!!!"  Bunnix yelled.

Some time later, all the heroes are at there warehouse.  Blue Bird ends up getting sucker punched right into the wall.  He falls to the ground hard.  "And the winner is, Purple Tigress."  Su Han announced.  Everyone cheers for her, as Ladybug and Cat Noir watch by Su Han's side.  Blue Bird gets up like a champ, and walks over to the others.  "Hey!  I'm going to get you next time."  Blue Bird said.  "Ok, birdie.  Ok."  Purple Tigress replied.  "Ok everyone.  That's it for the day.  Feel free to chat, as I discuss with Ladybug and Cat Noir."  Su Han announced.  And thus, all the temp heroes chat, as Ladybug and Cat Noir speak with their Grandmaster.  "Wow!  So your telling me you can fly now?  Like a Pegasus in Greek mythology right?"  Blue Bird asked.  "That's right.  But only for a minute or two.  Hopefully when I reach my full potential, I can fly for as long as I want."  Pegasus said.  "Su Han did said you will have infinite use of your powers at your full potential.  That will be a blast, since I can make so many people act like monkeys."  King Monkey said.  "Ohhh, same here.  I can spread so much more joy now that my gifts can joy fields, or something."  Pigella cheered.  "Not going to lie, your joy fields feel like I'm tripping.  Not to say that in a mean way.  I'm saying it actually feels like I'm tripping."  Blue Bird said.  "Ok, that was a weird interpretation.  Anyway, I can to un-freeze people with a snap of my fingers.  Helps me feel more royal."  Queen Bee replied.  "And I can fetch multiple items at once.  Though, Barkk did have to explain it has to be a direct shot on each item.  If my ball touches the ground, poof, the bond breaks."  Miss Hound said.  "Well considering your accuracy, I'm sure that won't be an issue.  Anyway, Caprikid can now heal people mentally.  Even if the reason why Creative Mind was upset was a simple cat abomination with it's head turned upside down, and crawled out of it's own skin.  Seriously, how is that scary?"  Blue Bird asked.  Once again, all the heroes look at him with confusion.  "[sighs].  Why should I even bother?"  Blue Bird asked.  "But yes.  This will make the akumatized victims feel much better once back to normal."  Caprikid said.  "And I get a boost in all my powers.  I'm stronger, faster, and smarter.  Can't wait to check out those in battle."  Rooster Bold replied.  "I'm excited to use Resistance again.  I just want to get hit, so I can make them regret it."  Minotaurox said.  All the heroes keep on talking about power upgrades, power upgrades, and even more power upgrades.  All while Bunnix is forced to watch.  She leaves the group, which is noticed by Blue Bird.  As she walks away, the bird goes to see what's up.  Bunnix sits on a crate, all alone.  "What's up, doc?"  Blue Bird asked.  "Oh, hey, Blue Bird."  Bunnix replied.  "Well, you didn't seem to happy with us back there.  What's up with that?"  Blue Bird asked.  "Oh, it's just... I'm tired."  Bunnix replied.  "You know I've been with you in battle a few times recently.  And I've noticed you still haven't gotten to your power upgrade yet."  Blue Bird said.  "I haven't, but I know I will one day.  Not an issue with that."  Bunnix replied.  "Of course you will.  Listen, if you feel like you need to talk about something, don't hesitate to ask me."  Blue Bird said.  He goes to give her some space, as Bunnix looks at him leave.  She sits there, and thinks about what he said. 

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