Fragmented Friend

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We begin in the park. Where Marinette and Kagami are hanging out together. The sunny breeze cools on their skin, as they both act like real friends. "How long do I have to pose like this? It's been at least a good hours." Marinette asked. She is sitting on the bench casually, as Kagami is shown drawing her. "Don't worry Marinette. I'm almost done. Just a little color there, some right there, and... boom! Done." Kagami replied. Kagami walks over to Marinette, who can finally stop posing. "This better be worth it." Marinette said. "See for yourself." Kagami replied. Kagami shows Marinette the picture. Marinette's eyes open up in absolute shock. "OMG Kagami! This looks, beautiful!" Marinette said. "OMG?" Kagami asked. "Oh my God. OMG is a short version of it." Marinette explained. "Gotcha. Yeah, I'm not use to the trends most kids our age say." Kagami replied. "That's valid." Marinette said. "Valid?" Kagami asked. "Oh, that just means fair, or alright." Marinette explained. "Once again, gotcha. So, you said you liked my drawing?" Kagami asked. "Liked it? I adore it! This looks so good. The artwork, structure, coloring. It's so, incredible. How come you never do this often?" Marinette asked back. "I do. My Mom just believes drawing waste my time." Kagami replied. "Well she doesn't even know what she is talking about. Your a natural born drawer Kagami." Marinette said. "Thanks. That means a lot to me." Kagami replied. Soon, both of them look up at the open sky. "You know what's cool, but a little freaky? The fact some of the clouds and sky look like a painting." Marinette said. "Yeah. I wouldn't say it's freaky. Rather, it's majestic." Kagami replied. "That's fair." Marinette said. "Don't you mean valid?" Kagami asked. "I thought you aren't use to slang like that?" Marinette asked back. "I adapt quickly. What can I say? I'm a fast learner." Kagami replied. "Indeed you are. Just can't believe I actually managed to make it up to you. Sorry again for..." Marinette said. "No need to apologize. I understand your sorry, and can see you actually wanted to make it up. And can't believe I'm saying, but all seems good between us." Kagami replied. "Yeah. To think the relationship we had was that much of a rollercoaster. We started off as "friends," you saw that I wasn't that much good of a friend, and now we actually are real friends. How friendly is that." Marinette said. "Good friend joke. Still, we were toxic so much back in the day. Can you imagine if someone, or some people would like us that way?" Kagami asked. "Not sure why, but some people have unique taste in things. Some good, some bad, some very questionable." Marinette replied. "I don't even want to know what's under very questionable." Kagami said. "One can relate." Marinette replied. "But in all seriousness, Marinette. Thanks for changing into a better person for me." Kagami said. "I'm glad I managed to make you happy, Kagami." Marinette replied. Kagami smiles on, as does Marinette. The two keep looking up in the sky, as they enjoy their day.

    Some time later, Kagami isn't with Marinette anymore. She is now with Adrien at a cafe. They both drink some orange juice. "And then we had a good chat in the park. That's how things have been going with us." Kagami said. "That's wonderful. And Marinette is treating you better?" Adrien asked. "Better than before." Kagami replied. "It's still shocking to see her act like that. Like a new shade of Marinette I haven't seen. But what matters is that she is better than before, and giving you the respect you deserve." Adrien said. "I'm glad a well. But I did say to her that if she did all of this to mess with me, she's going to wish she didn't." Kagami replied. "Do you think she's going to stab you in the back?" Adrien asked. "I don't think so. She hasn't done anything suspicious that makes me feel she wants to humiliate me. So, I think I'll be alright. But if she does." Kagami replied, as she cracks her knuckles. "Geez! That's understandable though. Hopefully Marinette wouldn't do that. Besides, why offer to help make things better with you, only to make you look like a fool? Because she's secretly a bully. I sure hope not." Adrien said. "All will be ok. Just remember how I'm going to deal with this." Kagami replied. "I know, and I hope that doesn't happen." Adrien said. "Either way, still can't beat the un breakable friendship Adrien and I have." Plagg replied, as he whispers. "Come on Plagg. Right now? And why?" Adrien asked. "Am I wrong?" Plagg asked back. "Nor really. No offense Kagami." Adrien replied. "It's fine. Marinette and I may have been getting better, but you and your cat sure have a good bond." Kagami said. "An un breakable bond to be exact." Plagg replied. "Ah yes. An un breakable bond." Kagami said. "It's true though. My cat and I sure had a lot of development with your bond. What started out as, why do I have this, soon transformed into something special. If anything, my cat is the second friend I've made in my life. Chloe is the first one of course. Not to mention, he soon grew to care so much about me.  To the point that he would even take a bullet for me.  That's something you said right?"  Adrien asked.  "Never, but your not wrong."  Plagg replied.  "God you guys are so adorable."  Kagami said.  "Well, how about we raise a quick roast.  A roast for a successful friendship being rebuilt."  Adrien replied.  Kagami raises her glass, and soon, both of them cheers to Marigami's success.

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