chapter 11- how dare they

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Aria p.o.v.

The rumours were true. They just wanted me to be there luna.  I just feel so numb. My whole body feels stiff, as though I was a robot.

My heart feels as though it's been ripped out off my chest. Why do they not want me? Why do they only want me as there luna? What have I done so wrong?

Walking out the office was so painful. Tears were in my eyes and as much as i tried to not let them drop i could not help it.

I walked as fast as I could towards me bedroom I have started to stay in while in this pack. Tears were pouring down my face while I tried not to let a sob break free from my chest.

As I was basically sprinting up the stairs to the bedroom I almost knocked into skylar. Skylar was about to say something when her eyes widened in suprise and a gasp escaped her lips.

"Aria what's wrong?" Skylar asked in concern.

The sob I tried to hold in escaped and I broke down in skylars arms. She held me tightly and rubbed my back to comfort me as much as she could.

"Shh, come on let's go to our rooms." She whispered in my ear.

As we pulled apart and headed upstairs with skylars arms still around me to comfort me, just then a maid was going past.

"Excuse me, sorry to disturb you but you could please make two hot chocolates with whipped cream on top." Skylar asked politly.

"Off course. May I ask where you would like me to bring it." The lovely maid asked.

"To our guest room at the number 2 on the 4th floor I'd you don't mind." Skylar said politly.

All of a sudden the maids eyes widened.

"I-im sorry but we are not allowed on that floor without permission." The maid stuttered out nervously.

"Its okay. If anyone asks just say that the guests asked you to bring them up for us. If you get in trouble I will take the blame." I said softly.

The maids eyes snapped to me and her eyes widened not even realising I was stood there as well. She bowed her head in submission.

"I- I'm sorry luna I did not realise you was also stood there. I-i"" I cut her off from her stuttering.

"Hey it's okay you don't need to apologise. Please call me aria as I am not your luna yet" I said feeling tense and uncomfortable at being called luna.

"Yes lu- I mean aria." She said before heading to make us a hot chocolate.

We headed straight to my room and sat down on the bed. Skylar dried my face with her sleeve.

"Why don't you go wash your face and then we will have hot chocolate and speak." Skylar said softly.

I nodded and headed to the bathroom to wash my face. I looked in the mirror and almost ran away from my own reflection. My eyes were bright red and puffy. My hair was sticking up a little making me wince at my own reflection.

I washed my face and then dried it before heading out the bathroom door back to the bedroom. Just as I stepped in the bedroom I noticed the maid was back with our hot chocolates.

"Thank you so much." Myself and skylar said at the same time.

"Your both welcome." The maid said before walking out but not before giving us a smile.

We sat on my bed both our hot chocolates in hand.

"What happened aria, I have never seen you like that." Skylar said with concern.

I smiled softly but it came out more of a grimace.

"I- I spoke to the twins." I said softly avoiding eye contact.

"I'm guessing it's bad seeming as you was crying you eyes out. They have not rejected you have they?" Skylar asked in worry.

I shook my head in no.

"Th-they want me to be there luna." I said slowly.

She gasped and smiled.

"That's great. Wait then why was you crying ? They did not look like happy tears." Skylar said confused.

"They want me to be there luna but not there mate." I whimpered out with fresh tears pouring down my face.

A sob broke free just as skylar gasped in horror.

"What? How dare they! Aria please tell me you are not considering this. It will be break you. " skylar said pacing back and forth.

"I don't know. There pack they need a luna." I said softly looking down at my leggings.

"What about yourself aria. This will kill you slowly. Worse then them not rejecting you properly." Skylar said with so much worry it brought tears to mine and skylars eyes.

I whimpered and nodded. I tried to blink away the tears before speaking.

"What did I do wrong skylars. I-I dont understand. " I whimpered.

"You have done nothing wrong they have. They are missing out on an amazing person aria but you have to show them you are not someone they can walk all over." Skykar gritted out angrily at the end.

I nodded my head and smiled softly at her. Skylar is and always will be my best friend. I love her and her bluntness even if it does sometimes get us in trouble. Skylar is a stubborn and strong minded girl where as I am more quite and hate drama. Skylar is not afraid to put people in there places where as I am more the calm one and even though we are opposites we are also so similar and best friends. Skylar gets herself in trouble and I'm the one that gets her out of it.

"I think I just need to sleep on it." I said softly.

She nodded in understanding. I never expected it to be that I have twin mates and I most certainly never expected them to not want me but want me to be there Luna.

We changed the subject and spoke a bit more while drinking our hot chocolates then Skylar headed to her room as I got ready for bed.

My only problem being was I could barely sleep due to all the thoughts running around in my head.

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