chapter 34- showing them

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Aria p.o.v.

After alpha kane had said about him believing the twins father is more dangerous then we thought not much was said. I think everyone was to lost in there thoughts.

We all sat in silence in deep thought, until alpha kane decided to break the silence.

"We will look more into the books, tonight I think we shall have a look at the library. I think the girls should look more into the book as they seem to like reading. Find out what you can learn." Aloha kane said as everyone agreed.

We all nodded in agreement, said our goodbyes and then walked out the room. Myself, aiden and caden headed to our room and spoke for a while before they decided to head back to the office and I decided to find the girls.

Aiden and caden has said I can take the girls to the library as long as no one notices so we have to do it sneakly.

Right now I'm sensing that my mom, luna cassie, skylar, precious and georgina are in the kitchen eating what smells like egg on toast. That's the main smell I can smell anyways.

I walked into the kitchen making everyone including the maids greet me.

"Luna" the maids said bowing as did everyone else.

I nodded and smiled at them softly. I would tell them they do not have to call me that however when I brought that up to the twins before they did not agree with me. I could see it was an argument I was not going to win so in the end I dropped it.

I heard a whistle that belonged to skylar.

"Its going to take me a while to get use to people calling you luna." Skylar said with a giggle.

I laughed as well.

"Me to" I said softly.

She smiled before it dropped and she frowned.

"What's wrong.?" She asked in concern.

That's the thing about skylar. She knows me better then anyone and can read me like a book. I wanted to mindlink her but remembered I can not as we are no longer in the same pack.

"I was actually wondering if you would all like to come to my room for  a girly day?" I asked biting my lip nervously.

I'm not nervous about saying I want a girl day but nervous because I'm a bad liar and there are a few people are. We don't know who the mole is, it could be anyone and they could be listening which makes me nervous.

They all looked at me funny before realisation hit them. They finally realised the girly day was a cover up making me feel relief that they clicked on.

"Sure, sounds good to me." Skylar said softly.

"Yeah, it will be nice for us all to have some girl time before our pack has to go back home." My mom said while luna cassie agreed.

With that being said we grabbed snacks (to make it seem like we really are having a girly day). We headed upstairs to my room so we could talk first.

I opened mine and my mates bedroom door and it was all there first time seeing it apart from skylar and georgina so everyone gasped in suprise.

"Wow, its beautiful." I heard my mom say.

I smiled widely at her.

"It is isn't it." I said looking around my room.

Its crazycto think now that this is MY room. Obviously my mates room as well but like it's just mind blowing.

"I'm so jealous right now. Your room is beautiful." Precious said softly with a giggle. I laughed as well before we all sat down on my bed.

Skylar sat down then all of a sudden shot up and shrieked.

"They have had you know what with each other on this bed." Skylar shouted cringing making us all cringe as well.

Precious rolled her eyes as did myself and everyone else.

"Your making it seem as though the covers do not get washed and like you have never done anything with jacob." Precious said scolding her like a child making skylar blush about her and jacob.

I laughed loudly as did everyone else. You can seriously tell precious is a mother. She is like the mother out of us. Scolds us when we need telling off but is always there for us.

Skylar can bit very erm how do you put it? She can be very blunt and puts herself out there a lot and as much as a lot off people can not stand her for that and think she is mean she really isn't. If you are friends with her or she loves/ cares for you and you do not get on her bad side she would do anything for you. Skylar would drop anything for anyone. She can be abit out there sometimes and very stubborn but she is also emotional and can take things to heart a lot. People don't realise it but I have been best friends with her since we were born. I know her more then she knows herself.

We all laughed at precious comment before we started talking about why I actually wanted them up here.

"So I actually wanted you up here to take you to the library. Aiden and caden have said I can show you all but we have to try go there secretly as we do not want the mole knowing we are in there." I said.

They all nodded in understanding.

"So we finally get to see the library?" Luna cassie asked excited.

I nodded my head In yes.

"However I do not want us touching much stuff just in case. I want to just show you all the books and maybe see if there is anything myself, the twins, beta john and Georgina missed." I said softly.

"Sounds good to me." Skylar said softly.

Everyone else nodded in agreement and so with that in mind we decided to head to the library. Knowing there are spiders in there and the twins are not with me as cringy as it sounds I got changed into there clothes to feel them more closer to me. Just for comfort.

After I was changed we headed to the library. We tried being silent however there are 6 of us so it was easier said then done.

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