chapter 13- rogue attack

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Aria p.o.v.

I have been avoiding the twins for the past 4 days. I know I can not avoid them forever but what else am I suppose to do? It really hurts.

I at first started thinking maybe I should just leave. Maybe I shouldn't stay here just to be there luna. However then I started thinking about how this pack will not have a luna and how it is not fair. I'm still stuck on what to do and my pack leaves the twins pack in just 2 days.

They have give me my space which I'm thankful for but at the same time part of me wants them to come up to me and say they are sorry and never meant it. However now I know they do mean it.

I groaned before getting ready to train the female warriors.

After I was ready I headed to the training ground where the female pack memeber where waiting. On my way to them skylar and jacob informed me that they were going to speak to the twin alphas about what needs to be done. They offered for me to go with them just before training to which I declined not feeling ready to see the twins.

I was nearly done with the traking for the day with them when one off the females warriors spoke.

"Is it true you are leaving soon?" She asked.

I looked at before sighing.

"My pack will be leaving in two days as most of you know. Do not worry though as I'm sure the alphas will have someone else train you when my pack leave. You are all doing amazing so keep it up. Some of you still need a lot more work but that is what us warrior trainors are here for." I said softly to them all.

"We know your pack are leaving lu-aria but what we mean is, are you leaving as well?" The same female warrior asked with sadness.

My heart clenched at her question. She almost called me luna again but corrected herself. When I first started training them they all tried calling me luna but I always told them to call me aria.

Recently I have been questioning why the females never trained before hand. Also why now? It didn't make any sense.

"I- well. -" I was cut off by skylar walking towards us.

"Hows the training going ?" Skylar said to us all making me sigh in relief at the change of subject.

"Aria said we are doing really well but some off us have more training to go." One off the females replied.

Skylar smiled softly at them.

"She is right about both." Skylar said before turning to me and smiling. She knew she helped me get out of the awkward conversation I nearly had to have with them before. However I know I need to make my decision very soon.

Just as we was all about to pack our stuff up ready to leave the training grounds a loud siren was heard.

All our eyes widened in horror knowing that means we are being under ATTACK.

"Everyone get as many people to the basement as quick and carefully as you can. go and help the orphanage with the children as quick as you can. Make sure all children are in the basement. We leave noone behind. " I shouted to them all.

"But Luna-" one shouted clearly wanted to help fight. I didn't even care at this point she called me luna.

"If you want to help then you do as I say. You are not ready for the fighting bit yet. You have to remember you are not a full warrior yet until your training is done properly and the alphas say. You want to help then help by getting everyone too safety. " I said in my luna voice I did not know I even had.

"Yes Luna" they said before quickly running to help anyone they can to safety.

Seconds later I noticed so many rogues run onto  the pack grounds near us. A snarl ripped through my throat when I noticed a rogue going straight for one of the female warriors that has a child with her.

A roar escaped my lips as I ran straight for the rogue while changing into my wolf form. I charged in front of the female and the baby and snarled at the rogue.

He snarled back at me with drool dripping down his lips. The female and baby took this as there chance to escape while the rogue was distracted by me. They ran and as soon as they did myself and the rogue started to fight.

He charged right at me while I dodged him. I turned around and quickly bit into his back oaw making him whimper loudly from the pain. He went to attack me again but I quickly ran to him and ripped his throat out with my teeth.

Before I could even drop his dead wolf body I felt a bite on my side making me yelp and whimper at the same time. I turned around and noticed how pack members were all fighting with other rogues.

I looked around me and noticed I was surrounded by 6 rogues making me whimper with it giving me flashbacks from when I was all alone and surrounded by 6 rogues having to fight them on my own.

"We can do this." I heard my wolf say.

I took a deep breathe and nodded in agreement.

I snarled and growled at the rogues in warning making them all growl back. Instead of one by one attacking me they all attacked me at the same time making me growl in fear and anger.

I instantly bit one off the rogues paw as nit one but two bit into my sides. I yelped in pain and another one headed to bite near my throat. I layed on the floor struggling to keep conscious as they all attacked me.

"Skylar, jacob" I croaked out in mindlink.

"Aria" I heard them both yell in worry.

"Where are you" I heard jacob yell in my head.

My eyes slowly began to close just as I noticed two wolves rip through every wolf that attacked me. I noticed straight away it was my twin mates and a smile left my lips at the thought of them saving me before my eyes fully closed and I drifted off into the dark world not knowing if I will survive or not. 

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