chapter 45-

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Aria p.o.v.

Fear and dread is all I could feel. Beth on the other hand was shaking so badly In fear making me hold her tighter.

In walked an man who was really tall. He had the same colour hair as caden and aiden. I instantly knew this was there father. I could just tell. They looked like there father but also looked so different.

"Ahh, you are finally awake I see." The man said who i still do not know the name as.

I kept quite not even really knowing what to say to that.

"Are you not going to speak? That is very rude off you aria." He said with a creepy smile.

He walked over towards us making beth whimper. Next thing you know i feel a hard slap  smack against my cheek. I could feel the sharp sting making me wince.

"Answer me when I am speaking to you." He growled grabbed hold off my chin and squeezing it hard making me whimper and tears come to my eyes.

"What do you want from me." I gritted out.

He chuckled before letting me go and walking back towards a rotted chair.

"It's not really you I want." He said eith a chuckle.

"I want your mates dead and I want my pack back. That was my pack and your stupid mates took it away from me." He said eith a snarl.

"They won you fair and square in a challenge. That is no monger your pack. Its mine and the twins pack." I shouted st him making him charge towards me and grip me back my kneck and slam me up against the wall.

He was checking me and my feet was off the ground. I could barely even breathe.

"Stop, please let her go." Beth stood up and begged.

He dropped me making me have a coughing fit finally being able to breathe again. He charged towards her and growled.

"You dare talk to me when I never gave you permission." He raised slapping her right in the face.

A growl escaped my lips. I slowly got up while he was paying to much attention to beth. I was about to head run up to him and jump on his back but he turned around looking at me making me freeze.

He chucked looking at me up and down.

"I don't see what they see in you. There is nothing special about you just like there is nothing special about there mother." He spat in disgust before storming out the cellar.

I ran straight to beth and helped her up.

"Are you okay?" I asked worriedly.

She nodded her head but winced.

"Its fine, I'm use to it." She said sadly.

A growl escaped my lips making her jump.

"I'm sorry, I never meant to scare you but you should not be use to that." I said upset.

She smiled softly.

"Can you tell me more about my sons. What there favourite colour is and hoe you guys met and so on." She asked with hope.

I nodded my head and started to tell her everything. She loved hearing my stories. Some things she was sad about especially when I told her about how rocky it was for myself and the twins at the start but other things she laughed at. I could see in her eyes how much she misses them but I could also see how proud off them she is.

Beth (twins mom) p.o.v.

Just before aria got brought in.!

I'm sat on the dirty floor wondering about my children. Wondering how on earth everything was so perfect and then suddenly it all just changed. I'm wondering how the man I fell in love with, the father of my children became so cruel.

I know my babies have all grown up now. I dont know how long it's been since my mate luke took me (the twins father.) But what I do know from listening to the rogues conversations secretly that my twin boys have found there mate. They said her name was aria. I really hope she is nice and will take care off them.

I always hoped I would see my sons again but slowly that hope died down. I wish I could see them again even it it was one last time.

Around a week before my boys found there mate aria my mate Luke had found Aaron. They made him become there spy. Aaron never wanted to but they threatened to kill me so he did as he was told. They also threatened to kill aria.

Ever since I have tried as much as I can to listen to conversations especially when it comes to about aria and the twins. I over heard them say something about wanting to grab aria which really worried me. I hope they do not succeed.

To lost in my thoughts I jumped hearing a massive bang off my cellar door opening. I started shaking in fear thinking it was time for my beating. However I was surprised when he threw a young girl on the floor.

"Clean her up. I do not want all that blood on the floor." Luke growled out before storming away and slamming the cellar door in the process.

I was surprised but also relieved that I did not get a beat in. I rushed over to the young girl to make sure she is Alrught. She is really beautiful and I wondered what had she done for them to bring her in like that.

Normally they all like to sleep with the beautiful girls but yet they bring this one to the cellar and treat her so poorly.

That was until she woke up and realised I was her mates mother. Aria is my sons mate and she is so nice. As weak as I have become i will do what I can do to protect her. Even though she seems stubborn.

Seeing aria has given me more hope that I will see my sons. Seeing aria made me realise if we are in this together at least one off us if not both will make it out.

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