chapter 30- telling the beta

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Twins p.o.v

A growl escaped the twins lips as they realised someone has been accessing the library. It could be anyone from inside our pack.

A snarl escaped both caden and aidens lips. Aria clung to the twins to help calm them both down so we can think about the next steps properly.

"We need to think about this properly. Maybe we should bring a few others in here to help us." Aria said softly.

Caden shook his head in disagreement.

"No, if we have a traitor it could end up being anyone in our pack and maybe even one that we end up bringing in here to help us look for more clues." Caden gritted out.

Aria nodded in understanding.

"Then we bring the people we trust more then anyone. Who do you trust more then anyone?" Aria asked softly.

"John." They both replied at the same time.

Aria nodded her head.

"Then we bring beta john and Gabriella?" Aria asked softly.

The twins nodded in agreement and kissed arias lips.

"I'm starving" aria said after her stomach rumbled.

The twins chuckled and decided to mindlink the maids to bring them there food to the library so they can still eat and find more clues.

While he was at it he mindlinked beta john and told him that beta john and Gabriella is to come to the library and no one is to know.

Not long after beta john as well as gabriella and the maids came. The maids left the food for us and headed straight out while gabriella and beta john looked at the library in shock.

"I never even knew we had a library here." Gabriella said in shock.

"That is because no one was allowed in the library when cadens and aidens father was alpha." Beta john replied to his mate.

Gabriella looked more shocked at the news.

"Why?" She asked confused.

"That's what we are all here to figure out. What you see, hear and we tell you right now stays between us until we figure everything out." Caden said in his alpha voice making them both nod in agreement.

Caden sat on what his father would always sit on (the chair at the office bit off the library.). Aria climbed onto his knee making caden relax a little.

"We decided to have a look in the library to see if we could find any reason as to why our father started acting different. We wanted to see if there were any things that he were hiding and if it was in the library.

We never found much stuff. Mainly books that we did not even know we had which goes into detail about mates and werewolves and even witches and vampires and more stuff. Anyways just before that aria here is scared off spiders. Caden said making aria blush.

We decided to hoover up all the spiders and cobwebs that was noticeable so that she felt more comfortable so we did. After a while off looking aria went and sat down at the office table and not long after she realised it was very clean. There were no cobwebs or spiders and not even any dust. She asked if we had always cleaned here as she did not remember us cleaning there we said no and that was when we realised we must have a mole. It makes sense how he started knowing stuff before a lot off even our pack memeber or the people outside our pack. What my question is though is why are they using the office?" Caden told them everything.

It was silent for a while as everyone tried ri digest the information.

"Well I did not expect that but it makes sense. So you think he could have left something here? Any clues of anything like that." John asked.

"We are not sure but that's why we want us all to look. Even if it's something small we think may help us then we need to find whatever it is." Aiden said.

"Yeah  makes sense. So were should we start looking.?" John asked looking round at the library.

"Well actually I was hoping me and gabriella could look together." Aria said. She started moving ready to stand up but smackdown her leg underneath the table making her Yelp and wince at the same time.

Everyone snapped there heads to her in worry when all off a sudden a loud rusky sound happened behind them.

They all turned around to see what the noise was when they noticed the book shelves to the library opening up. Looking further you could see a lot off steps making aria shiver.

Everyone looked as the book shelf or what they thought was a book shelf opened up as a door into a secret room.

"Wh-what did you do?" Georgina asked in shock still staring at the book shelf/ door.

"I- I don't know I just smacked my leg under the table as I was about to stand up." Aria stuttered our in disbelief.

The twins and beta john stared in shock as well at the door. Aiden moved away and looked under the table where aria smacked her leg.

"There Is a small button. She must have knocked it when she went to stand up." Aiden said to caden.

"Well, should we see where this leads to?" Beta john asked still stood in shock.

"Maybe we should tell alpha kane and alpha damien. We can trust them I know we can. That way whatever is down there we can still all look and know we are safe if there is more off us." Aria said.

"I agree with aria. We do not know what is down there. We are best going wih everyone else." Caden said as aiden nodded in agreement. 

"We shall head back up to bed now and we will have a meeting with them in the morning. We will tell them then and then have a look." Qiden said.

"Yes alpha." Beta john and Georgina said.

After that we all headed to bed. Aria wanted to keep one off the books with her to read which we allowed. How could they say no to her anyways.?

The twins did some alpha business and aria started reading some off the books. Books that they never knew they would be glad she read.

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