chapter 29- the library!

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Aria p.o.v.

So here we are stood in the library that none was allowed to use. Looking around I noticed a lot of cobwebs and dust making me shiver in displeasure. I hate spiders! They creep me out.

"Are you okay?" Aiden asks noticing my discomfort.

"Yeah, I just hate spiders." I said shakily.

He looked at me and nodded in understanding.

"We can get the cleaners to come and clean all of this if you would like-" caden started saying but I cut him off.

"No- no I will be fine." I said. We need to do this now. We don't have time to clean everything up and then look around. We dont want anyone touching anything either we need it left the way it is so it will be better to look.

They looked unsure but nodded.

"Well erm actually maybe we could like get a hoover and then if we see a spider we could hoover it up ourselves? And maybe we could get rid off most the cobwebs while we are at it." I said because in all honesty my fear of spiders is to big. If we get rid off the ones we can see I might feel abit better. There are more cobwebs then spiders though so its not that bad.

Caden chuckled and I could see he was mindlinking someone. Not long after someone came with some cleaning stuff making me sigh in relief.

The boys started hoovering all the cobwebs and spiders. I did attempt to help but as soon as I was close to one it ended up in me screeching in horror and running into aidens arms.

Half an hour later and the cobwebs that you could clearly see and the spiders were all gone thankfully. Now it was time to start properly seeing if we can find anything.

We started looking on the bookshelves but didnt really come across much. It was mainly old books on all different stuff but mainly werewolves stuff.

I looked on this whole shelf and all there was I'd stuff about witches, werewolves, Angel's, demons, vampires and so much more stuff about our world. I was shocked how much there are books about it.

"I never realised we even has this many books about us." I said after a while off silence as we were to busy looking through anything.

I looked up to see caden who had a book in his hand looking at me with a raised eyebrow and looking confused. As did aiden however he just had an ornament in his hand. A very old one at that.

"Books about us? What do you mean?" Caden asked.

"Well I knew there was a couple about us but all these books are so in detail. There is a shelf for witches a shelf for werewolves and hybrid and so on. Look on this shelf for werewolves there is a book abouts mates." I said softly walking towards them and handing them the book.

"I read the first chapter and it actually goes into detail about how we find our mates and what happens when we do and how we all feel. On one of the pages it even says about humans and having a mate." I said softly turning to the page it says about being mates with a human.

Caden and aiden both looked shocked.

"I never realised there were even books about us with this detail. Didn't we all fear that humans would find our books and find out about us." Aiden said.

"Exactly." I said softly.

"It makes you think what else does he have. Or what else has he kept a secret and what else will we find." Caden said.

I nodded in agreement taking the book from them and placing it back on the shelf. I sighed and carried on looking.

"When all of this is over I really want to read all these books. They actually look interesting." I said softly looking at all the books.

"You like reading?" Aiden asked..

I looked at him and nodded.

"I love reading." I said excitedly.

I really do love reading booke. I feel you can learn so much from a book. I love reading in my spare time. I always read in my spare time but recently I have not been reading.

"You can read all these books whenever you want baby. As soon as this is over you can read all of them if that's what keeps you happy." Caden said walking over to me and kissing my lips.

A smile appeared on my face.

"Really?" I asked excited.

"Really!" They both replied with  chuckle.

A huge smile came across my face making my eyes sparkle with excitement. I can not wait to read all these books. I think I will learn alot about them and our world. A lot more then I would have thought.

We kept looking around silently but again did not really find much. I sighed and headed over to his desk. There I'd a desk in the corner and I could tell that there father came over to this desk a lot.

I noticed a picture of a women and a man. The man looked similar to the twins but had blonde hair while the twins have brown hair. The women however had blonde hair. I stared at her for a while longer before it clicked. This must be there mother. I have never seen a picture of her before.

"Is this your mother." I asked softly.

The twins head snapped to me instantly. They walked over and as soon as they noticed the picture a small smile came to there face.

"Yeah." Aiden whispered while caden just stared at the picture.

"She is beautiful." I whispered softly.

The twins nodded. I looked at the picture a little longer and frowned. Something didn't seem right. I looked around the desk a little and my frown deepened.

"Did you guys hoover over here? " I asked confused as I do not recall them hoovering over here.

The twins looked at me confused from the change off subject.

"No" they both replied making me frown more.

"Then why is it so clean? There is no dust or nothing." I said shivering having a bad feeling.

I noticed how the twins tensed and a growl left there lips.

"We either have a traitor or someone has been able to access this library." Caden growled put angrily.

Aria And Her Twin Alpha MatesOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara