chapter 27- alpha damien and keaton

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The twins p.o.v.

Caden had ordered the warriors to prepare for when alpha damiens pack gets here and to tell the maids to prepare food ready and the other maids to prepare the guests bedrooms.

Right now however they just been alerted that alpha damiens pack has arrived.

Caden and aiden as well as everyone else walked towards the pack kitchen where aria and everyone else is ready to go greet alpha damiens pack at the front door. .

As they walked in the kitchen they noticed how all the girls were to bust gossiping and aria was showing off her mark to even notice that all there mates where here.

The twins smirked when noticing aria was showing her mark off to everyone. They cleared there throat to get all the girls attention making the girls head snap to them in suprise. Aria blushed when she realised that she was showing there mark in front of the twins.

The twins smiled in pride at her making her smile back.

"Alpha damiens pack is arriving. We will go greet them now" carens voice echoed in the kitchen.

Everyone nodded and stood up ready to go greet alpha damiens pack. Aria went straight to caden and aiden and kissed there cheek.

Aria, precious, skylar, cassie (skylar mum) and Isabella (aria mum) were really excited to see Keaton. You could see the excitement in there face but also sadness for why they are having to meet up.

They all headed to the packs front door and stood waiting for alpha damiens pack.aria stood  with aiden and caden while precious stood with her twin mates (xavier and xander) and with alpha kane, luna cassie, precious and her babies. Then skylar stood with  Jacob, beta jason (aria dad) and isabella (aria mom). Georgina stood with beta john (caden and aiden beta).

They could see how alpha damiens pack started to pull up in front off the pack house. One by one the pack warriors, alpha damien and keaton came out. They all headed towards the pack house where everyone was stood waiting. As soon as keaton locked eyes on them all he smiled happily to see them all.

"Good morning. I am alpha damien and this is my mate Keaton." Alpha damien said shaking caden and aidens hands.

"Thank you for coming. I am caden and this is my twin brother aiden and I'm sure you already know our mate aria." Caden said shaking alpha damiens hand back firmly.

Alpha damien nodded and looked at aria and smiled softly at her. She smiled back and gave a little wave in shyness all of a sudden.

"Hello aria. Its nice to see you again." Keston said softly with a huge smile making arias smile widen.

"Its nice to see you both again." Aria said grinning.

Caden and aiden pulled aria more to there side softly before introducing there beta.

"This is my beta john and his mate Georgina."  Caden said as alpha damien shook beta John's hand.

After all the introduction it was time to head inside. As they walked inside aiden spoke.

"This is our maid selena, herself and georgina will show you your guest bedrooms. Dinner will be ready at 12, if you are hungry. We will held a meeting at 2." Aiden said making alpha damien nod.

"Thank you." Alpha damien and keaton said at the same time making cadens and aiden nod.

Everyone parted ways as alpha damiens and keaton headed upstairs to get settled in.

Not long after it was dinner time and everyone was really excited to be able to speak to keaton properly.

Caden and aiden sat next to aria and kissed her forhead and cheek.

"How are you feeling baby?" Aiden asked softly.

"Hungry." Aria said eith a giggle making the twins chuckle.

"I bet." Caden said just as alpha damiens and keaton walked in making arias smile widen.

The twins frowned wondering how keaton manages to make her smile like that when they want to be the ones to make her smile like that. Aria clearly noticing it kissed both there lips making a smile come to there faces. There were two seats in front off aria so alpha damien and keaton took them with keaton sitting directly infront off aria.

Keaton looked at aria and smiled happily at seeing her. Everyone got into chit chats with eachother, you could feel the excitement in the air.

The twins kept staring at aria with nothing but admiration. Aria feeling eyes on her looked at the twins and smiled softly with nothing but love in her eyes. Isabella (aria mom) noticing this sneakly took a picture off how they all stared at eachother.

All of a sudden the twins heard as alpha damien grunted under his breathe about his mate keaton giving everyone more attention then he is giving him making caden and aiden snicker but agreed with him but about aria.

This however sparked up a conversation between caden, aiden and alpha damien. They surprisingly started to really get on and cassie (keaton mom) and Isabella (aria mom) took notice of that and smiled while yet again taking another picture.

After everyone ate and the chit chats started to slow down it was finally time for the meeting.

Caden stood up before speaking.

"Everyone who is required to be in the meeting room as soon as you are finished please head there. I will see you all in there in about 10 minutes." Caden said sternly.

"Yes alphas." Was heard all around the table.

Alpha kane and alpha damien also said the same to there pack making there pack agree.

Caden, aiden and aria stood up ready to head to the meeting room together. They were the first ones in there.

"I'm nervous." Aria blurted out.

The twine looekd at her and there eyes softened.

"It will be okay baby." Aiden said softly.

Before anyone could say anything else everyone started coming I to the room group by group. Finally everyone was in the room and it was time to start the meeting. 

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