chapter 14- infirmary

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3rd person p.o.v. of the twins.

Caden was in wolf form running around to help calm himself down once seeing the letter. The run helped calm him a little but not much. He still had so much anger built up on him he felt he needed to kill to maybe help calm him down.

Aiden was still in the office. He had just sent his beta john to order more guards to be on the watch out on aria. All he kept doing was staring at the letter. The anger he felt was worse then anyone could ever imagine.

Just then a loud siren appeared. His head shot up from the letter in even more anger realising his pack is under attack. 

He Sprinted right out the office and straight to the outside.

"Get everyone to the basement now." He ordered one off the warriors as he was sprinting past them.

"Yes alpha." He faintly heard as he was running towards the fights.

As soon as he opened the door to the outside world he instantly felt the cold air hit him. Straight away he could smell the blood, anger and fear in the air.

He looked and noticed his pack members fighting off the rogue. He noticed one off his warriors having 4 against that one warriors and so he charged in wolf form killing them to help the warrior.

"Thank you alpha." The wolf warrior panted out.

I nodded my wolf head and went ahead to help everyone else. I kept looking for aria but could not see her anywhere.

Just then caden appeared next to me.

"Where is aria. I can barely smell her scent due to all the blood." Caden growled out in frustration.

"I don't know. I have not seen her." I said in worry.

Just as aiden said that they heard a yelp in pain. They turned around and straight away they noticed how aria had around 6 wolves going in to her. They noticed instantly how her eyes had slowly began to close making there heart drop.

A loud angry growl escaped aiden and caden making everyone freeze. They both charged towards the rogues and instantly they went in for the kill to angry at them.

They ripped all the rogues throats out instantly. They turned to the last one who whimpered trying to move back. As they was about to kill him there beta john stepped in the way making them snarl in anger at him.

"Keep him alive alphas. We could use him for information then you can kill him painfully." Beta john said in mindlink.

We snarled at the rogue before agreeing.

He will get a very painful death soon though. They thought to themselves.

They snapped there heads to aria who layed there unconscious. They could hear she still was alive due to the heartbeat but it was weak. They quickly shifted back into there human clothee while jacob and john quickly threw them some shorts.

They rushed towards arias unconscious body and a growl escaped both there lips with how badly injured she looks.

Jacob stepped forward towards his sister with tears In his eyes. A growl left the twins throat not wanting anyone near her.

Just then the pack doctor walked towards them and went to help her out yet again causing a growl of warning to escape the twins throat.

"Alphas, I need to check her out. I need to see what I need to do to make her better and in order to do that I have to come close to check her out. It will be easier doing it at the infirmary if you do not mind then please take her there were I have all the tools I may need." Doc said softky.

The twins hesistantly agreed only because they wanted aria better. Caden had aria in her arms while aiden stood on guard.

They walked in the pack infirmary where caden hesitated but put aria on the bed. They kept thinking about what they could have done to prevent it.

For the next few hours everyone sat in the waiting room desperate to hear any news and hoping for it to be good news.

Just then the pack doc walked in.

"Alphas" she said bowing her head to them making then bid in acknowledgement.

"Is she ok?" Both alphas asked at the same time.

"She will be okay. She has a broken rib that will heal within a weeks time. She will have a scar near her shoulder as we had to stitch it. She lost a lot off blood which is what lead her to loose consciousness. It seems to me that she may have had a flashback or something as she kept shouting not again when she would wake up for a couple off seconds." Doc said softly.

They felt relieved knowing she will be okay but they were angry at themselves for not being there in time.

"She sometimes gets flashbacks from when she was attacked by six rogues around a year ago. With her being attacked by six again it probably brought her back to that time." They heard her brother jacob say while his voice cracked.

We all stayed in silence after that trying to collect all our thoughts.

Just then beta john walked in.

"Alphas. The rogue is now awake and is willing to co-operate. He said he wants to make a deal." Beta john said making the twins growl.

"Inform us when she awakes." The twins said at the same time making everyone nod.

Of the twins went to go and see what the disgusting rogue wants and why they attacked. One thing they new for sure was that they was not wanting this rogue to stay alive and he will nit be alive for long. As soon as they find out the information they need to know they will kill him slowly.

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