chapter 24- date/ mark

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Aria p.o.v.

My mom opened my bedroom door to my mates. As my mates walked in my breathing hitched. They looked so handsome. They were both in blue Jean's and aiden in a black top while caden was in a white top. There muscles stood out proudly bulging through there tops. They look so handsome as usual.

A growl of approval escaped there lips as there eyes set on me. I blushed at the look they was giving me.

"You look beautiful." They both said huskily making me blush more.

"Thank you. You both look handsome." I said shyly.

There smile widened at my shyness.

"Shall we get going." Caden asked softly.

I nodded my head in yes and smiled softly. They both walked over to me and kissed my cheeks.

Caden and aiden held my hand as I went down the stairs not wanting to fall after saying goodbye to everyone.

We headed out the pack house door and straight for the car. A driver was sat in the drivers seat as myself, caden and aiden got in the back. I was sat in the middle as caden and aiden went at each side off me.

We talked about a few things while on our way to wherever we were going as they refused to tell me until we get there.

Before we knew it we was pulling up to a forest area. As scary as it sounds it was actually quite beautiful. I could sense we were still in there pack lands and it only took us 20 minutes to get here.

The twins helped me get out the car.

"Wow" I said looking around.

The grass was so nice and green and you could tell this pace gets looked after properly. There were flowers of all different types fir example Rose's, daisies and more.

The twins smiled at my reaction and took my hand.

"Let's keep walking this way baby." Caden said softly.

I nodded as we carried on walking further. The more further down we got the more beautiful this place got. More and more flowers were around. However what I noticed next made me gasp in shock.

Up ahead there were fairy lights on an arch kind of thing, flowers around with the fairy lights as well and a blanket full of picnic stuff.

"It's beautiful." I said softly with a wide smile.

"You like it?" Aiden asked nervously as caden also stood nervously.

"Like it? No I love it" I squealed happily.

I could see how  much my answer made them relax. My eyes softened even more knowing they really are trying.

For the next few hours we ate and laughed and got to know eachother more. If I'm honest it really felt so natural and normal. The more things I'm learning about them the more I can feel myself falling for them more.

I dont think they even realise that I have already forgiven them. I wont tell them yet because I don't want them to think if they always do something wrong i will always forgive them easily so i will still keep them on there toes a little but I'm not going to go overboard with it.

They have such a cold facade on but yet when you talk to them properly you can see a whole different side to them. I side I really am beginning to love.

"Are you okay love?" I snapped out my thoughts hearing caden ask.

"Sorry I got lost in my own thoughts." I said with a giggle.

The twins looked at me unsure. The evening had been really nice don't get me wrong but I could sense something has been in both there minds. I noticed a few times tonight how they were fighting with there wolves. I'm not sure if in right but I think I have a feeling why.

"I have really enjoyed it tonight." I said in all honesty looking right at them to show them how much  I mean it.

We have talked, ate and laughed and we even let out wolves out so they can spend a bit of time together.

Cadens wolf is fully black with white paws while aidens wolf is black and grey and mine is white and grey wolf with a black tail. It sounds weird i know but they are all really beautiful.  Our wolves had ran around for a short while but the twins has to take back over as the twins wolves started getting more well they wanted to mark me there and then.

I'm not sure why but it hurt a little when the twins didnt let them mark me but at the same time I'm glad they never as we have not yet talked about it. I would not mind being marked by them but its still something we need to talk about.

"We are glad baby. We have had fun too." I heard the twins reply.

I smiled softly at them. It's time to head back now and as much as I dont want this day to end I know we have to head back. Alpha damien and keaton pack is coming tomorrow do we have to be ready for them.

Being around caden and aiden today actually made me forget what was going on around us. I felt guilty for forgetting but it also felt so nice to not be so stressed for once.

"Before we go, we erm.. we would like to talk to you about something really important. " caden said softly.

I turned around and looked at him. I could see how nervous they both started getting which started making me nervous. I looked at them nervously but also a little concerned.

"Is everything alright?" I asked clearing my throat.

"Yes well erm.." aiden started before csden finished for him.

"We want to mark you. I mean we want your permission to mark you or at least like when do you think you will be ready for us to mark you? Look I'm not going to lie aria but we are finding it harder and harder to not mark you. Especially with the danger going on right now it's really hard." Caden rambled on while I stared wide eyes at them both especially at caden as I have never known him to ramble.

Caden and aiden looked at me with wide eyes when I replied.

"Mark me" I whispered.

"Wh-what?" They both asked at the same time.

I looked at them  in the eyes feeling more confident.

"I said mark me then. I feel ready to be marked by you  but I will be marking you as well. I'm not letting no filthy animal try put there filthy paws all over you as well. We are going to mark eachother at one point anyways and the thought off our Mark's on eachother it just it feels right." I said.

They looked at me shocked before a smile came to there face they walked over to me and caden slammed his lips on mine. Next minute I was twirled around as aiden slammed his lips on mine. Both there kisses felt amazing. I felt as caden started kissing down my neck on one side as aiden started doing the same on the other side.

I felt at there canines started to come out and before I knew it my moans turned into a scream as they both sank there canines down at the same time marking me as theres.

I could feel the pain turn into pleasure making me moan again. I felt a little dizzy and I swayed into caden as they both took there canines out. My eyes started to close as caden picked me up into his arms. I felt as they both nuzzled into me before darkness took over.

The last thing I heard was them both say.

"Sleep baby, we will be here when you wake up." They said softly kissing my forhead.

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