chapter 37- traitor

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Aria p.o.v.

We headed to the library quietly. Not one off us speaking. We just got to the library when all of a sudden caden growled making me jump. I looked at him confused as did aiden. I could sense most off us were hear but none off us where in the library but all outside the library.

"Someone scent is here, I recognise the scent. " caden whispered angrily.

"Who's is it?" I whispered back.

"I can't remember but I know I know the scent." He said with a fire in his eyes.

"I agree. But the scent is fading." Aiden said sniffing the air.

"The scent. It's the one that followed the girls. It's the same person." Alpha kane said with a growl.

We all looked at eachother.

"Alpha aiden said the scent us fading. That means he is not there now right?" Precious said.

Aiden nodded but frowned seeming confused.

"Its fading but like he never left." He said confused.

I tilted my head just as confused.

Slowly we all headed inside but could see no one in the library. We headed to the door finally showing everyone that has yet to see the door where it us.

Just as caden was about to press the button I shouted  "wait" making everyone freeze and look at me.

"Aidem, you said it seems he never left right." I said sneakily.

Aiden nodded confused.

"Wh- what if he is in there?" I asked sneakily pointing to the secret door.

Everyone tensed at my question. All of a sudden caden smirked.

"I hope he is. That way we find the traitor." Caden growled out.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"But caden if he senses us all coming he might escape. What if there is another way down there that he can get out." I am said.

He frowned and a small growl escaped his lips.

"Aria is right. We do not know where this leads. " alpha damien said.

"There is only one way to find out." Alpha kane said pointing back towards the secret door.

"If he escapes he wont be back anyways, he will know we will have his scent now, all of us. There may not even be another way to escape so we either have him there and then or we find him at one point. Either way we will get him at one point." Aiden said.

We nodded agreeing with him.

"Then lets get this over with." I said softly.

Caden pressed the button making the secret door open again. We all stepped a little closer to the door and for the first time I noticed steps.

"I will go first then the rest will follow, girls I want you behind us all." Caden said sternly making everyone nod.

Alpha kane and caden and aiden and alpha damien all went to the front with the warriors while we stayed close but not to close. I could sense the persons smell getting stronger and sense his presence making it known he is in fact down here. This made me excited knowing we will find the mole but nervous not knowing how this is going to plan out.

Our feet echoed down the steps even though we tried to be quite making me wince. I could not see anything that was going on at the front as all the warriors and alphas were much to big and in the way for me to see anything.

All of a sudden loud growls escaped the warriors,alphas and my twin mates lips that shook the whole ground. I heard a whimper from someone I did not know.

Precious and Skylar grabbed my hands so we could all comfort eachother and protect eachother as like I said we was yet to know what was going on.

I could heard growls and snarls and a few smacks as someone flesh got hit. I could instantly smell blood making me freeze.

"How dare you betray us." I heard caden and aidens wolf say loudly and angrily making it known they have taken over.

I quickly let go off the girls hands and ran straight towards the twins not wanting them to kill the mole yet. I do not want there anger getting the best off them. I quickly ran past the warriors who's eyes all widened and tried to grab me.

"Luna wait." I heard as they shouted but I ignored them and ran tmstrushht into the twins arms. I had yet to even have chance to look who the mole is and around wherever we are.

A growl escaped the twins wolves lips.

"Protect mate" the wolves said with a snarl looking behind me again. They grabbed me and pulled me behind them as if to protect me against the injured mole.

Finally I peeked through the gap and gasped at who it was. The twins went to attack him again before I shouted.

"Stop." Making the twins snap there head to me.

"Baby go to the girls." Cadens wolf demanded making me frown.

"We can not kill him yet my love. We need answers first." I said walking over to cadens wolf and kissing his lips to help cal him down.

He kissed my back and I felt as he relaxed alittle. I then walked over to aiden and did the same thing and noticed how he slowly relaxed. They both grabbed me pulling me to them and slowly there wolves gave caden and aiden there control back.

"Why?" I heard beta john ask with his voice cracking a little.

I looked over to the mole who had tears in his eyes.

"I- I had no choice john. Please alpha aiden and caden you have to believe me. John please you know me. You know I would have a reason to do this." I heard the mole say.

"What reason would ever be good enough for this." I heard beta john shout in anger.

"You betrayed us." Beta john said more quietly in disbelief.

"He said he would kill you and -" the mole got cut off again.

"That's still not good enough. Your my brother you know full well you could have come to me or to the alphas. We would have helped you." Beta John roared.

That's right. Beta johns brother aaron was the traitor. I had only met him twice while being here as he always seemed busy and now I know why.

Beta john and Georgina talked about him a lot. They really loved and cared about him so I'm really suprised he did this. He seemed really nice and I could see he loves them both so much. Something does not seem right. There had to be a reason.

"Your not the only one he threatened john. If I did not do as he says then he would have killed our alphas mother and our future luna aria. I could not let that happen." Aaron shouted with tears running down his face.

Everyone gasped in shock. A roar off anger escaped the twins lips as they held me tighter.

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