chapter 50- 2 years later

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Aria p.o.v.

2 year later!!

It's been 2 year since the twins got myself and beth back. Everything is finally going well. The first few months were really hard. The twins were super protective and never let myself or beth out there sight and I dont blame them. I never minded it though and neither did beth.

Everything has finally settled down and myself and the twins are doing amazing. We were really worried about beth at first though. The guilt kicked in of her killing her own mate and I will forever be grateful for her helping me.

Myself and beth became really close. Closer then I could have ever wished for and imagined.

For the first month it was really hard for beth. It was even hard for alpha James. They struggled with the mate bond at first but now they are so much more happier then I could ever have imagined.

She really enjoys cooking so she helps with the pack maids a lot.however she is at alpha james pack mainly now.  She also put weight on and she looks so healthy and good. She has become really confident in herself and the twins say they can feel there old mom is back. She will never be the same women she once was but everything she has been through has made her stronger.

Now However myself and the twins have been trying for a baby for a whole year. I'm getting worried that I can not carry children. It has started to get me down and I have cried about it a lot.

The twins have been really supportive and have said when it's time it will happen and if it never happens there are other options. Which I guess is true.

Recently every morning I have been being sick but I am not getting more hopes up as this happened a few months ago then 3 days later I came on my period. Turned out I had been food poisoned by accident when we went out for a meal.

"Just take a test aria." Beh said softly pulling me out my thoughts.

"I'm scared beth. What if it's the results I dont want." I said sobbing.

I have noticed I am more emotional but again it could be the time of the month.

"Then there will be more options. I really think your pregnant this time aria." Georgina said softly.

Myself, beth and Georgina are in my bedroom. Beth brought some pregnancy tests over for me to take but now I am refusing to take them as I'm to scared.

"We are here, no matter the results." Beth said taking her hand in mine.

I smiled softly and nodded.

I grabbed the tests and walked into the bathroom. I kept the bathroom door open so they can walk straight in when I'm done.

I peed on the stick and quickly washed my hands and set the test on the side. Georgina and beth walked in and I looked at them.

Georgina has a 1 year old little girl and is pregnant with her first little boy. She has 2 weeks left.

"I'm scared. Beth when the results are ready, can- can you look please." I asked.

"Of course." She said softly.

I smiled in thanks and just then the timer went off. The results are ready.

My hands shook nervously waiting for Beth to tell me the answer.

She picked the test up and a gasp left her lips. Tears flooded her eyes and she squealed loudly.

"Aria your pregnant. Your carrying my grandchild." She shouted happily.

I fell to the floor and sobbed in happiness. Once I looked back up only then did I notice Georgina was filming my reaction.

We screamed and cried in happiness and all jumped up and down. Before we knew it the bathroom door barged open and in walked the twins and beta John looking panicked.

"What happened?" They all shouted panting a little.

I started laughing and jumped into the twins arms.

"We are havingbaby!" I said sobbing.

The twins tensed a second before they relaxed and started shouting in happiness. We all celebrated in happiness.

Not long after we found out we was having a lite girl. The happiness we felt I had never felt before. We really can not wait until our baby girl is here.

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