chapter 18- our father

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The twins p.o.v.

Aiden and aiden are both sat in there office doing some paper work. Both have barely slept since the incident with aria in fact they have both barely slept since the even met aria.

Aria is constantly on there mind making them barely be able to sleep. They want her by there sides at all times including there wolves.

It's been a few hours since aria has left the pack infirmary and the twins have yet to hear anything else about her. They even sent guards down to go check on her but then was told that aria was sleeping.

Aiden sighed before rubbing his face with his hands.

"Do you think maybe we should go and speak to her.?" Aiden asked caden.

Caden looked st aiden and sighed.

"I think she will speak to us in her own time-" caden said but was cut off by a knock at the door. Instantly we could smell our mate aria making our wolves relax and run around happily In our heads.

"Come in." Aiden and caden shouted at the same time.

The door opened and in walked aria. Surprised that she was alone but happy she was even here aiden stood up.

"Hey" aiden said scratching the back off his head nervously.

Sensing his nerves clearly caden spoke.

"How are you feeling." Caden asked.

"Hey, erm I'm feeling okay?" Aria replied but it came out more as  a question then a statement.

Aiden pulled out a chair for aria who smiled in thanks at him. She sat down on the chair and played with the bottom of her dress nervously.

"I am guessing you have come here for proper answers?" Caden stated.

Aria squeezed the bottom of her chair nervously before nodding her head in yes.

"Words love." Caden said sternly making me shiver.

"Y-yes." Aria stuttered.

Both the twins nodded and sighed before getting comfortable in there own chairs.

"Our father was not exactly the nicest man. In fact our father was cruel but most certainly to females, including our mother." Caden began to tell aria.

"From when our mother first ever started go tell us about mates he put in our head that mates are bad and a weakness. That all females are weak and the only thing they are useful for is carrying our pups. We eventually started to believe him.

He abused our mother both physically and emotionally but mainly emotionally. He sometimes hit myself and caden when we were younger but as we got older he would just emotionally abuse us but still sometimes hit our mother. We off course got protective off our mother and tried to defend her as much as we could." Aiden said finishing off what caden was saying.

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