chapter 19- alpha kane pack

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Aria p.o.v.

I woke up feeling arms wrapped tightly around me at both sides. I felt as my whole body stiffened and feeling confused until I remembered me asking the twins to stay making me relax a little.

That was the best sleep I have ever had. I felt so content and safe. I could feel the sparks from where the twins are touching me. They have me wrapped around them protectively as though someone could come and snatch me any second. I guess I understand there worries though seeming as there father Is after me.

"Good morning love." I heard a husky, deep voice say next to me making me jump.

"Good morning caden" I said softly.

I heard a groan from the other side and turned my head in time to see aiden start to open his eyes.

As soon as he seen me a smile blossomed on his face.

"Good morning baby." Aiden said making me blush at his new nickname.

"Good morning aiden." I said softly with a smile.

"How was your sleep." I heard caden ask making me turn my hear to him.

"It was really good actually. Not slept that good since I was a baby."  I said eith a bright smile.

He chuckled and nodded his head in agreement.

"I'm glad my love." He said before pecking my forhead and standing up as did aiden.

I did the same and stood up. I could really use a shower. I cleared my throat to get there attention as it looked as though they were mindlinking eachother. There heads snapped to me and there eyes softened.

"I'm going to get in a shower." I said softly.

They nodded before speaking.

"Us to, your fathers pack should be here in an hour and we will b having a meeting more or less straight away." Caden said making me nod my head in understanding.

In other words he will see me there.

"Alright, I will see you then." I said softly.

They nodded and was about to walk to the door. They seemed to hesitate on something before they both came charging back up to me. They stood right infront off me making me tilt my head up.

I could see as caden stared into my eyes before looking at my lips. He closed his eyes and I tried to hide the disappointment as he just kissed my forhead. I smiled softly at him.

Aiden was next and was the same as caden with being hesistant before just kissing my forhead. However he was more cheeky and kissed my cheek, close to my lips making me smile more.

"See you soon." They both said before walking out.

"See you." I whispered as they walked out even though they could near hear me.

I smiled to myself before finally getting ready for the day. I miss my dad to be honest and I can not wait to see him.

I jumped into the shower and started thinking about what we are going to say to my father and alpha kane. I know for a fact they will help especially MY father but I'm worried how my father will react knowing someone will be after me.

I sighed and got out the shower realising I have already been in there for 40 minutes. I got changed and did my hair ready for the meeting.

Just then skylar barged into my room making me scream in horror not even releasing i had left my bedroom door unlocked.

"Did you have to scream so loud aria." Skylar said rubbing her ears.

I glared at her.

"Did you have to barge into my room Skylar." I said.

We both looked at eachother before bursting out laughing.

"So what did you barge into my room for anyways." I asked once our laughter calmed down.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot.  Our pack is here." She said excitedly.

My eyes lit up knowing my fathers here. In case you have not already guessed I'm a daddy's girl. I smile came to my face before it dropped remembering why they are here.

Skylar smiled softly at me trying to reassure me it will be okay. She only knows a little but not much at all. She doesn't even know I'm in any danger.

I smiled back at her and quickly put my shoes on before we walked out the door.

We headed to the twins office and on the way there I could instantly smell my mom and dad. I could not wait to see them but I'm nervous about what we have to tell them. My heart is pounding out my chest the more I think about it . I could feel my hands getting sweaty.

Skylar opened the door and walked in with me behind her. I instantly looked to where my mom and dad is and a smile came to there face as it did with mine.

"My little princess." I heard my father say happily opening his arms ready for me to jump in which I did gladly.

I felt as my whole body relaxed in my fathers embrace.

"I missed you so much daddy."
I said with a sniffle.

He held me tighter and kissed my forhead.

"I missed you too sweetheart. Now whats going on in your mind. I can tell something is up." My dad said just as my mom gave me a hug.

"Actually beta jason, that's what we called you here about." I heard caden say to my dad making my dad turn to him in confusion.

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