Chapter 5

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Steve was speechless, lost in his own thoughts, almost a mirror image of what Alex was. The man was trying to process the fact that his bestfriend he thought died in 1945 was actually alive this whole time as Hydra's weapon. Alex was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Tonys voice.

"Bruce, i need you to check Alex."

"What?" she looked from Bruce to Tony, shaking her head.

"No, it's not necessary. I'm fine." she said, her voice was a little strained but otherwise normal.

"That wasn't a request. You'll get checked over and then we'll talk." Tony said, giving her a look that she couldn't fight.

"Okay...but, what are you going to do with him?" She asked, sliding her gaze to the soldier's unconscious body.

"I should kill him for what he's done and caused," Tony muttered, glancing down at the soldier. He received a reply from both Alex and Steve at the same time.


They both looked at each other for a few seconds, and she watched the captains brow raise in question. Averting her gaze, Alex looked back at Tony but she could feel Steve's piercing gaze burning a hole into the side of her head.

He couldn't understand why she suddenly cared so much when the soldier had tried killing her at least twice before, and it wasn't like she knew him personally or anything...

Tony narrowed his eyes at them, looking from one to the other and wondering just what the heck was going on.

"I won't..." he said. "I'm just saying i should. We'll put him in the cell block and deal with him once we've all been checked over. I'm not going to take any risks,"

Alex nodded slowly and a relief swelled in her chest. She glanced at Bucky once more before heading off the jet and across the field into the compound. She didn't want to leave but knew that if she tried to protest more about the situation then the captain was going to want to question her, and she could already hear the questions in his mind.

Alex herself did not know the whole story yet and could only piece fragments of it together. Her mind was a broken puzzle and hour by hour it was slowly restoring itself, but she still had missing pieces. This was the first time in two years that she started to remember things.

Passing Natasha along the way, Alex shook her head as if to say, don't ask, and kept walking. The Black Widow noticed Steve carrying the Winter Soldier's body over his shoulder and her eyes widened in surprise at the turn of events. Bruce followed behind, and Sam and Tony brought up the rear.

Taking Bucky to the cell block, Steve placed him down in one of the cells. He didn't want to leave his friend in another cell but at the same time he didn't want to start a civil war.

Sitting on one of the beds in the medical lab, Alex dangled her legs off the side and couldn't help but think this ridiculous. What she needed was a few cheeseburgers, a shower and her bed. She didn't want to get checked over, she was perfectly fine. There was something about needles and sharp pointy things being poked into her that made her skin shiver.

Alex hated anything medical, just being in the room with its sterile feel sent shivers down her spine. Her reasons were valid but it was a long complicated story.
Taking a deep breath, she lowered her gaze to where
the bullet had grazed, and she ripped the sleeve a little further to check. The wound had stitched itself up and was healed, the only thing remaining was dried blood.

It was the same with the wounds on her thigh, and the stab site in her shoulder. Her vocal cords were fully back to normal and the bruises around her neck were gone, so she had no logical reason to need a 'checking over.'

Fire and Ice - (Bucky Barnes x OC) 18+Where stories live. Discover now