Chapter 50

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This was about to be the fastest fuck he'd ever done in his life, but he was going to make sure she was sitting on a high for the rest of the day. He was going to make sure Alex would remember him between her thighs for however long she was gone for.

Swiftly and slowly he pushed the tip of his cock inside her and her body did the rest, sucking him in deep and tightening around him. She gasp moaned when he filled her to the hilt and gave her cervix a kiss.

"Fuck, i love your tight body" he rasped.

Her hands came up to frame his face and he leaned in to kiss while snapping his hips. Alex gripped his biceps and her moans were muffled by his mouth. The way in which he moved and possessed her body had her writhing beneath him like a snake, chasing the high that was clawing its way up from her toes. 

Her fingers dug into his flesh and her nails clawed down his back. The pain mixed with pleasure as it coiled and built in her lower abdomen like a dam about to burst. And when he hit her g-spot she exploded into the ether in a flurry of chaotic star dust.

"That's my good girl, my good—fucking—girl," he growled.

Deep praises and sexy groans caressed her ears while he met his high, then he slowed his rhythm, prolonging their wave of pleasure a little longer. They gazed at each other as their bodies began to come down from the intensity, hearts beating calmly against each others chests.

Waking up in the morning, Alex did not expect to be taken on a trip to the cosmos by her boyfriend but she didn't object the idea. He'd claimed it was a send off present so who was she to deny that, especially when it left her feeling so damn good and filled with enough energy to rival the sun itself.

She was beaming.

Now, Alex stood out on the field with Bucky and Tony waiting for when the Wakanda jet would arrive. Tony hugged her, taking the moment to whisper against her ear. 

"You come home safe okay."

Alex nodded in agreement, though, she did scoff at the insinuation she was never safe.

"I'm always coming back safe and sound Tones." That statement wasn't exactly true because one way or another she's seen the medical wing too many times already. 

"I'm gonna miss you," she added.

"yeah, gonna miss you too honey bunny." Tony pulled back, rubbing the sides of her arms before clearing his throat. He was never one to be too sentimental and lovey for long. If you were lucky to catch glimpses of it, then you were considered blessed.

"I'll have to keep frosty in line now," he said, glancing at Bucky who was finding the trees in the distance more interesting than brother and sister hugging.

Alex narrowed her gaze at her sly brother and slapped his chest for good measure. He groaned and rubbed his pectorals. 

"What was that for?"

"Next time will be your head," She threatened, her lip tugging upwards at the corner. 

Tony chuckled lowly and with one more supportive squeeze to her arm, he walked back to the compounds entrance, leaving Alex alone with Bucky. The super soldier closed the distance so fast it took her by surprise when he lifted her up for a few seconds and spun her around.

"I'm gonna miss you angel." he said, setting her back on her feet but her arms stayed on his shoulders.

"I know...i'm gonna miss you too wolfie."

Even tho she wasn't going stupidly far away and it was to a place he knew, the fact remained that they would be parted from each other again, and neither knew how long for.

"You better not forget me while i'm away," She warned. There was a teasing tone to her voice and Bucky shook his head then looked away for a second. When he met her gaze again, there was a playful glint in his eye.

"Maybe i'll see if Romanoff wants to keep your side of the bed warm while your gone,"

Alex slapped his chest mid sentence and he chuckled.

She rolled her eyes with a huff. "That's if Steve wants to share,"

Bucky shrugged. "Nothings official between them yet, doll. She's fair game,"

The shock filled expression that showed on Alex's face made him scrunch his nose up. Bucky immediately took hold of her shoulders, his hands slid up her neck to her cheeks where he framed her face and stared into her eyes.

"Alexandra, i belong to you, and only you. There is no one i want to be with, but you. I am prepared to wait another 100 years for you if i have to. No one else could ever compare, and i would never forget you." He kissed her deeply and she felt the love down to her soul. When he took hold of her hands and kissed every single finger, she smiled. However, it faded just as fast when a thought popped into her mind. One she didn't like.

She exhaled. "Please be careful...i don't want you to get hurt okay,"

Bucky reassured her. "I promise i'll be careful." There was no bypassing the reasoning behind her statement. He was staying back to help find out all the new things they'd uncovered, things that would ultimately lead back to the possibility of someone raising up Hydra again.

"Besides, you made pigeon promise to look after me, remember, how could i not be careful?"

Alex chuckled lightly. It had been a sneaky move last night, but she felt better in knowing Sam promised he'd do his best to keep Bucky in check. She didn't need to ask Steve because that was already a given between the two super soldiers.

"Yeah well, i only asked cause i know you both love each other." Alex teased.

Bucky shook his head. "You're lucky i love you."

She hummed. "I know, though, that fact alone allows me to get away with heaps of shit." A giggle followed her words and he couldn't help but fall more in love with her. Alex knew this would be a good test in their relationship, being apart from each other. They'd both come a long way from where they used to be.

Realising she'd zoned out for a moment, Bucky tucked hair behind her ear and looked at her glazed eyes. He caressed the side of her face in hopes to bring her back to the present.

"Come back to me," he pleaded.

Alex blinked hearing his words, and her brows furrowed every so softly.

"Where did you go?" he asked, wishing sometimes that he could follow her.

Alex smiled gently. "Back to when you showed me the galaxy this morning," she said, a white lie. The last thing she wanted was for him to worry about her. 

Trailing a finger along his cheekbone she curved a strand or two of hair behind his ear. As they kissed he poured all the love he felt for her and took hold of her hand, entwining their fingers together. Their bodies pressed close savouring the feel of each other, and the memories from their steamy moment earlier.

Alex palmed his ass while his tongue danced with hers and she hoped it wouldn't be a long trip, because the thought of being parted from him for too long brought a dull ache to her chest. He held her even tighter, almost as if he too could feel that dull ache. The scent of fresh pine from the surrounding trees wafted along the breeze and mixed with the amber woodsy scent that he wore. It stole her senses and turned her into a pining teenager.

Alex laughed. "Oh god damn, you smell so good!" His laughter filled her heart with butterflies.

"You too doll, you too," Cupping the sides of her face, he tilted it upwards. 

"I love you Alexandra Stark, so you better come back to me."

"Oh don't worry, Sergeant, i'll be back," She said. "I love you too much to leave you, Bucky Barnes."

He smiled, pressing a kiss to her forehead. When he pulled back, she pushed up on tip toes to place a kiss on the side of his cheek.

"I'll see you soon." She promised, then disappeared into the jet.

Fire and Ice - (Bucky Barnes x OC) 18+Where stories live. Discover now