Chapter 51

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The jet soared over large expanses of hills and grassy fields. Animals were running in freedom, people were horse riding and cheering on as the jet zoomed by overhead. Just when it looked like the pilot was about to crash into a mountain, the shield allowed them access and they were met with beautiful oceanic views, more grassy terrain and sky-high buildings with many apartments. On ground there were many houses and the architecture was like nothing else in this world.

Sky rails travelled back and forth carrying passengers from one side of the place to another, every square inch of Wakanda was powered and made with vibranium. The material was laced into the earth itself.

The trees swayed in the wind and the water rippled from the jet flying so close to it as it dipped and rose before coming to a stop on a platform outside the palace building. Alex unstrapped herself and stood with bag in hand, slinging it over her shoulder and walking off the aircraft.

The familiar clean air graced her presence and she smiled when her gaze met Shuri, Ayo and the king himself. A line of Dora milaje women stood to his left with spears in hand, they nodded in acknowledgement and she could have sworn there were subtle smiles on their faces—especially Okoye. If this was the greeting every time she arrived here then she'd gladly visit more often. It was nice to be welcomed so warmly.

Shuri was the first to break the silence, running over to meet Alex half way. Excitement oozed out of her in every step she took.


To say her spirit was not refreshing would've been a lie, the young female always had a positive mindset no matter what. Alex chuckled lightly while embracing her in a friendly hug before both of them walked back towards the king.

"Your highness," Alex greeted and he waved it off with a smile.

"Welcome back to Wakanda, Alexandra."

Alex smiled and glanced between the king and his sister. 

"Not that i'll ever complain about being back here but mind if i ask why i'm back?"

T'Challa nodded and turned to walk, gesturing with his hand to follow as he began to speak.

"Come with us, there is much to discuss."

Ayo followed while Shuri nudged Alex's arm and wiggled her brows as they began to walk side by side at a leisurely pace.

"A lot has happened since you've last been here," Shuri said. 

Alex arched a brow in wonder. "Yeah? like what?"

The princess smiled wide and practically walked on her toes with excitement. 

"Something exciting!!" She exclaimed.

"What could possibly be that exciting and urgent?" Alex asked, though, she was glad it wasn't anything on the bad scale because the whole flight there she'd been overthinking.

"You will see," Shuri had a look on her face like a girl who just won the worlds biggest prize draw.

" i'm definitely curious." Alex muttered.

Shuri giggled then looked at her. "You look very well Alexandra, it is a pleasure seeing you this way."

Alex thanked her respectively, getting compliments was nice for a change. The princess glanced ahead at her brother who was in discussion with Ayo about something.

"And how is James?" She asked.

Alex smiled at the name. "He's doing really well actually, sometimes i think maybe even better than me." She couldn't help the small blush that appeared on her cheeks in memory of what transpired between them at the start of her day. To her dismay the princess noticed and couldn't help but chuckle. Then her eyes widened as her mouth fell agape when she realised something.

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